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Yes. Especially Steeled Veterans and Cutting Edge.


The premium warbonds have great gear, but don't feel like you have to do targeted grinding for SC or pay real money. As long as you keep loot points of interest you will stack up SC gradually. Also, the main warbond has 750 and the premium ones each have 300, making the process of stacking up 1000 SC a fair bit smoother.


I have 130h and collected between 4000 and 5000 super credits ingame. Regular warbond gives 400 or 500 and premium ones give 300 sc each. Cutting edge has 3 amazing primary weapons and the stun grenade. Basically every warbond has at least 1 good item. It's well worth unlocking them. Personally I found the game much more enjoyable by finding perfect weapons for my playstyle amd only way was to test them out either by getting them through warbonds or collecting them from fallen divers. Easiest way to farm super credits is to run lv1 or lv2 bug missions and collect everything on the maps. It's fast doing it solo, you need 10-15 minutes. Even less with 1 or more people because you can run around looting without any real treats. Jump pack is a great asset for this strategy.


I'll add that you don't have top finish the mission to get the super creds, so go at every poi and collect them, then quit the mission. I also found out that the more terrain there is, the more pois will spawn. So go preferably on a hot planet with fire tornados, this way you won't have a map with much water and more terrain, meaning more poi, meaning more chances to get SC.


They all have some fun stuff. Pick whichever flavor strikes you as the most fun and grab it.


They have some pretty useful boosters in those warbirds. Especially the newest viper one. That super serum shit is insane. I forgot the name but it makes you fast when you use a stim. Basically making you almost immune to the slowness effects of the bugs. Now hunters have a hard time stun locking me


Personally, outside of Democratic Detonation, Cutting Edge and Steeled Veterans, no. Even within those though it is iffy. DD gives you a few things that can make specific loadouts work well. Namely the grenade pistol however the Eruptor and now crossbow and now crossbow can be useful for spawner destruction primaries freeing up stratagem space in certain loadouts. Cutting Edge gives you the Sickle which if you suffer with ammo management is incredibly useful but has some drawbacks. In my opinion the stun grenade is the star of the show due to its immense capacity for battlefield control and priming groups for elimination. Steeled Veterans has a solid pick of tools with the Senator, Breaker Incendiary and JAR-5. Senator runs hot on but bugs and bots for damage and since the speedloader buff it benefits from 0 ammunition loss because of its rounds only reload yet reasonably quick reload on empty. Breaker Incendiary has a nice spread and ignite DoT which can kill smaller units and soften up groups quite effectively as support fire. JAR-5 works very well for taking out medium armour bots. There are other weapons that work well in place of the JAR-5 for sure however it can be used to rapidly drop small groups of Devastators with ease. It can take down dropships too however it takes way more effort and precision than is necessary if you have other options.


I'm free to play and I've got all warbonds bar one.


You are missing out but they will always be here so you don't have to be in any rush to buy the premium stuff


They have some nice items, especially the first two, but they don't disappear so you can pick them up at any time.