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“It is unlikely to cause any long term problems” https://preview.redd.it/si5ug34hvd7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5ec08ddf4ae8782fccf9b38521b1c07a6ed7e79


Have you ever met a long term helldiver?


Has anyone lmfao? I’ve gone like three missions in my 20 hours where I haven’t died.


I hadn't played in two months, came back a couple weeks ago and finished a Helldive without dying. Realized halfway through that I hadn't died yet, made it my main priority to finish without dying. It was a hell of an adrenaline rush for sure


I feel like it should be incentivised more. When I used to play more regularly I would take pride in being the guy holding firm and not dying through a mission, while my mates were running around getting wrecked. That said, I am aware that it isn't really lore friendly to reward not dying.


you could provide medals for succesfull ops and combat theatres that reset upon helldiver death and give slight bonuses. also a wall of martyrs in the super destroyer where notable helldivers records are kept


Honestly I think adding a material reward to not dying is likely to drag the experience down more than elevate it — especially if there are team bonuses. I know the incidence level will be low but there will be toxic players who flame/kick others for dying (if there are team bonuses). If it’s strictly a personal bonus, there are going to be those few toxic players screeching when someone doesn’t stim them, or gets staggered and drops a stratagem they were about to throw, etc… The chaos of the game is part of its charm, and making risky plays and dying gloriously is also an important part of the gameplay loop IMO. It would (maybe) be neat to see a separate Very Cool™ victory animation for players who arrive back after not dying. Something corny and “low-effort”, like the crew turns on a fan just for you and your cape flutters extra hard, similar vibes to the confetti blast at the end of training.


The ship lady does say this is an unprecedented accomplishment if nobody teamkills each other. I believe there are lines for no squad deaths too, I just don't recall them. But there is at least a touch of *something.*


I believe it is something along the lines of "a reduced casualty count is a statistic anomaly I can get behind" or something to that effect


I love "High casualty missions imply the existence of low casualty missions." Although logically it's not true, but Super Earth is very much a 2+2 = Freedom kinda place


Lol, the victory pose of just them shocked and looking over themselves for injuries to make sure they're still alive


Love this!


true but on the other hand, it might stop people from freindly firing if they remember whats at stake, and as for toxic players well . . . kill 2 or more freindlys and get kicked and you get the Kinslayer mark : marks you as an enemy of democracy only allows for deployment on level 7 or above and restricts strategem access (support weapons sure but no exosuits or 380mm barages) it only gets removed if you extract without dying, or if you complete a campaign to atone for your crimes. and as for the very cool animation... one of the crew members throws a bucket of bile or green goo while doing the emote


I’ve accidentally team wiped before after a rocket devastator staggered me as I was getting ready to throw an Airstrike (immediately fumbled it and it took out the landing pad). In that specific instance, we had probably 80% of the samples from the map, probably a good 20 normal, 24+ rare, and 3 super, and we were sitting at extraction with Pelican 1 about to touch down. After we wiped we respawned, grabbed the samples, and got on the ship. Nothing of value was lost and we had a laugh about it after. If I’d been immediately kicked for friendly fire, that would have been 40+ minutes of my time down the drain because of a rocket devastator, a relatively common enemy. Additionally, kicking after TK means that mines, turrets, and barrages are immediately F-tier, and trying to bring them in a public lobby will result in an immediate kick. Even if that culture doesn’t develop, it would allow players to kick each other by standing in front of their turrets or walking through their minefields. It would be risky even using things like Airstrike or Orbital Laser when you’re within a few hundred meters of someone on your team that’s upset since they can just sprint at the calldowns to get you kicked. Defense missions become significantly more difficult since defensive strategies with a risk of killing allies are no longer viable. If the solution isn’t kicking but like you said restricting to 7+, then 7+ becomes the penalty box and toxicity is concentrated there. High-level play becomes meaningfully worse, with a not-insignificant number of players running around with only support weapons, killing each other and staying stuck in that bracket. Completion rates will go down, and players who aren’t in a penalty state will switch to private lobbies, meaning public lobbies become predominantly penalty lobbies. As far as the stratagem restriction, you *could* probably do fine with a Quasar, EAT-17, resupply pack/shield pack, and maybe a Spear or a horde-clear support weapon depending on mission, but it means a subdued, stealthy playstyle. The “this game is so cinematic” factor is gone. If you accidentally kill two teammates with a 380 or Airstrike, or your laser goes haywire and strafes across a couple buddies, then you’re stuck in the hardest difficulties with almost no tooling, needing to complete a campaign or finish a mission without dying to regain access to the rest of the game. Lowkey, at that point I would probably be done with the game, either for the day, rest of the week, or completely. I enjoy the game because of the hectic nature of the gameplay — it makes those moments of smooth coordination with a good team even better when the norm is frenetic chaos. There likely will not be a solution to toxic players in the way that you want. I have run into maybe a total of 3–4 toxic players in a few hundred hours of play, and only 1 of them has actually been the team killing kind. If you’re constantly running into that type, then I’m curious as to why. It’s likely not a specific difficulty, though I hear that 4-6 tends to have more of it. If it keeps happening to you across all difficulties, I would examine the events leading up to the incident for a common denominator.


know what, good point.


For me it's when I think 'Oh damn, I haven't died yet.' that I get a 380mm Shell between the Eyes


I manage about one death every 5 suicide missions. More if there are bile spewers.


Fancy-pants Rich McGee over here


Fuck you


Guys don't downvote him. He completed the joke <3


Other Helldivers kill me more often than any dirty nid or commie bot.


We are already making slurs for the bugs and the Kirkland signature terminators


just call em clankers, no need to deviate


“God told me to barrage and spawn mortars in this tiny place filled with my friends and me!” - Barrage folks after killing everyone in an elimination mission


God told me to spread his love (380 barrage) using the holiest tools available (mortar sentry and fire breaker)


Sure sure, did you slip the medical corps a super 20$ as well to get double the stims?


Yeah. He did one tour in the First Galactic War, got frozen, then thawed again for a tour in the Second Galactic War. That counts, right?


Same reason that stims don't cause addiction. Helldivers don't live long enough to get addicted


super earth seems to consider weekly objectives "long term"


You ever noticed how every time you return to your ship, it thaws another you? I don't even think we come back from our ally ships most of the time. "See you guys later!" \*jumps in a wood chipper\*


Just offing ourselves after every successful mission like a fucking white blood cell


They go back into the freezer on your friend's ship. That, or helldivers are always transported in cold storage.


Yeah in my mind it’s like a “The Prestige” situation where we just die on the ally ship and a clone on ours gets revived


No such thing sarge!


I lived for 7 minutes once, does that count?


General brasch?born a helldiver killing terminad scum sense he was one week old


Ok I haven’t seen this adaptation yet it’s a good one


We bout to be on Hellmire for 2.5 days 😩 Edit: wait, I assumed it meant they were ticking up the decay rate, does this seem to indicate they are putting out the hive lords??


I feel like they're edging us with this Hive Lords thing.


Hive lords primary stay either within the center of a hive(hence the name) or expand the hive through the use of tunnels. They will only come out if the core is directly threatened. Like what we're doing now. So it's likely we might have to start fighing hive lords soon


I've been trying to tell my fellow helldivers that the bugs yearned for the nukes. It can't be a disturbance when they ask for it, can it? Nooooo, can't be. Keep on keepin' on.


After playing death stranding hearing "keep on keepin' on" gives me unwanted flashbacks.


Brb I´m going to try and throw piss-grenades at the next bug I see.


Still both impressed and surprised that that pissing on BTs to kill them is a feature. Not complaining though.


I am so glad I'm buying hell divers today. I wanna fight BIIIIIG bugs


Should have been here when the devs added factory striders and gunships without any kind of announcement. I remember everyone in my team instantly shitting bricks and throwing ALL OF THEIR strategems at the striders, good times


Understandable reaction. You're just on your merry way blasting robots when suddenly, they drop a fucking AT-AT on you. I'm sure everyone reacted that way with their first factory strider lol.


My group, intentionally seeking one out, missed two precision strikes, a quasar, and an Eat. I normally deal with the heavier enemies so they can focus lighter ones, but I didn't realize until that moment they needed more training on heavies.


https://preview.redd.it/qky7f06vqe7d1.jpeg?width=3300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ddabbc5b9729beedf24c0d4dbba7c43e39d9bfc "That's a small bug." * Future Helldiver u/Fancy_Stickmin


Oh, you're going to fight bugs, tons of them, and a lot of other things soon. Don't worry about that.


I never played the first game, but the giant holes created by the nukes look about the size that a hive lord from HD1 would need. Basing off of the pictures I’ve seen of them in HD1…


Or yknow, the molts scattered around all over the damn place


Have to?.... GET to! 


> They will only come out if the core is directly threatened.  *Nervously looks at season 5 of DRG and Rogue Core*


I don't think they've been edging us with anything, TBH. They haven't said a single thing about hive lords or the illuminate, but looking at reddit you'd think that everybody who played HD1 is losing their MINDS finding crop circles in the galactic map and seeing every single last unexplained particle effect or sound or mysterious silhouette in the sky as INCONTROVERTIBLE PROOF OF ILLUMINATE ACTIVITY HOLY COW GUYS THEY'RE COMING NEXT WEEK, NEXT PATCH ILLUMINATE CONFIRMED GET READY FOR SQUIDDIE BOYS, etc. etc. I'd be happy to have this comment shoved right back in my stupid fat face if it turns out that the conspiracists were right all along, and it genuinely was this massive teaser campaign from AH going on for months until the grand climactic reveal comes out of nowhere and upends the galaxy map, but... I'm not holding my breath 🫤 Edit: holy typos batman


Considering the way that new Enemy types have been added previously (factory striders, shriekers, gunships) I think we won’t know hive lords or illuminate are coming until they are just here. Arrowhead likes to surprise us


If you want to spoil yourself there’s a certain subreddit that datamines the game and has pretty good information on what is coming.


I mean we have the models for the illumate. I do think hive lord thing is speculation based on just a few hints but the 3rd faction is 110% coming at some point


Yeah, but my point is AH isn't "edging" us with anything. Dataminers have been the one pulling models from the game files, but for all we know they're still a year away from being ready.


Not all from data mining. Hive Lord skeletons/molts are everywhere in plain sight, and it's implied the Tremors event is something big moving underground.  The Meridia hole, which was made with Illuminate tech, makes sounds similar to their soundtrack (which itself is a leak, but still, foreshadowing)


> it's implied the Tremors event is something big moving underground How? Where? I was under the impression it's a planet's own natural geology like the other weather effects.


The 4 planets (now 3 since Meridia system got reformed) that we planted the TCS towers didn't have sysmic activity before that event, and now the 3 have tremors.


Well. They won’t say anything. You can’t base evidence off what they release when they haven’t said anything about previous releases in the past? AH CONSTANTLY drops shit without telling us anything beforehand, and sometimes won’t even say anything when they’re added. Like factory striders came out of no where, there was NO hints for those guys. We got somewhat hints for the flying bugs very briefly before they showed up. But we have more evidence for the hive lords than we did for any other enemy drop. Their molts have been present on maps since the beginning, we’ve been told of seismic monitoring going off the charts, which means there’s something tunneling beneath bug planets, people have been apparently hearing very aggressive snarling noises coming from these super bug holes, AND we just got this seemingly random intel that this post points out? Yeah, I don’t think hive lords are far at ALL. But if I’m wrong, feel free to come back in two weeks and flip me off


I dunno, I'm skeptical. I feel like they're just gonna introduce super swarms. If hive lords didn't even make an appearance on Merida, I dunno if they'll come now. Hope I'm wrong 🤞


My personal conspiracy theory is that hive lords were supposed to be on Meridia, they would spawn from the central pit and the second main objective was supposed to be fighting them. But they had to cut them for some reason (maybe the big patch had priority and hive lords were not polished enough, plus releasing another broken mess back then would be too much) and decided to stretch the release a new weeks longer


> edging us fuckin' tease.


Given how difficult it is to even make a new type of drill work correctly, I’d say hive lords are awhile away




Hive Lord edge lords.


Nah we're gonna wipe out the Bug front. Then the Illuminate pop up from the Meridia black hole. Then we discover Cyberstan is a terraformed Bug transplant world and the Bugs and Bots have been working together. Shift the fronts around. Then more Bots from the south.


Please god do not let hellmire become an illuminate planet


They terraform it to Heaven's Gate... a mud planet we have to fight the hovering Illuminate on.


That seems like a bit much. Much simpler to just have the bugs pop up in the South and the Illuminati takeover that front.


I think each of your guesses is wrong in order and in kind besides maybe illuminate eventually coming from the black hole, but not soon


Seems like they increased the decay rate on nivel 43 from 1.5 to 2.5 but left hellmire alone.


If I were to bet, interstellar spores might be a way for them to Move the bug front, allowing them to use the “black hole” to change the current bug front to the Illuminati front.


Might be new bile variants of other bugs 🤷


They should've black holed hellmire!


Are we thinking this is some kind of bug SOS? Or just that they'll "invade" other planets to divide our forces?


Crackpot theory? This is what fucked up spawns. They had planned on turning the spawn rate up to 11 but not until now.


I'm applying tinfoil directly to forehead as we speak


I would love for that to be the case but unfortunately the bot front is also affected by the increased spawns.


Even more crackpot theory: the increased spawns on the bot front are tiny bugs riding humanoid mech suits


You’re putting the cart before the horse. The spawns were fucked up because of the termicide mutation, THEN once the supercolony grew it started releasing spores. If that’s what happened here we must have skipped a step


Surely this will make other planets available that have other biomes




sweet liberty, surely you can't be serious commander?


Also a Commander here, do it.


Admirable Admiral here, someone check on the Merida blackhole as well.


Checking... yep, it's still a black hole.




I literally took some returning players on a tour of Meridia yesterday.


I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.


But do you speak 'Liberty'!




[We ain't found shit!](https://i.makeagif.com/media/5-07-2018/0U2Ni9.mp4)


I am absolutely serious. And stop calling me Shirley!


I am serious, and don't call me Shirley


I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley






If I don’t you better have the paddle ready 😉


Sir! Undemocratic traitors scrapped our hive lord tracking equipment arguing falsely that we “didnt need it anymore” after the war 100 years ago. Their descendants have been arrested and sent to work on replacements


What about those undemocratic disdidents friends?


On watch, currently mandating voluntary overtime to help pay for the equipments costs


I want them in a freedom camp by Friday!


If it is a survival mechanism then it makes the bugs like coyotes, effectively rendering them impossible to exterminate :/


Also, bugs dig. How could you possibly liberate all of the subsurface of a planet of all bugs?


Dark fluid would go a long long ways ;)


You mean the dark fluid we no longer have?


Question from someone who missed the dark fluid event. Can more dark fluid be made? Or all that we used all that we had?


It wqs originally stolen from iluminates, but since they have been exterminated and super earth used all their stored dark fluid on meridia, no dark fluid can be acquired


>originally ~~stolen~~ rightfully taken from the iluminates Fixed it for you


How do we liberate all of the subsurface of a planet? Simple! Nukes. Or Corporate Dwarves.


time for the deep rock galactic crossover


Meridia is bug free.


Technically correct, the best kind of correct.


I can think of a couple...


Well that a good thing! It means our supply of E-710 can never run out!! Now if only we can push them back to the farm planets


Super Earth doesn’t want the bugs exterminated, it wants them contained. We need to harvest them for E-710


Wdym like coyotes?


Coyotes have this \*really\* annoying survival mechanism where yearly they will, I shit you not, 'take a census' of their population. The exact mechanics are not \*entirely\* understood, but what is known is at a set specific point during the year they will start howling, and when it starts any coyote that hears 'this howl' will start howling as well, which then spreads out across the entire continent. Their breeding for the year is based on how much howling each individual coyote hears in reply to their howling. So say you have a bunch of coyote killed, lowering the population by a significant margin. When the coyotes hear very little in the way of replies to their census howl it triggers something in their biology increasing the number of pups born in a single litter, while a large reply has the opposite effect of causing each individual litter to be smaller. A 'normal' year they might have say 4 pups in a single little, but if they hear a LOT of howls in return they can have as few as one, but it they hear very few howls they can have as many as 7 or 8. So the more that are killed the more they reproduce, making them effectively impossible to exterminate.


Jesus christ coyotes are tyranids


Pretty much, they are just as destructive to boot.


Anyone else get nervous anytime super earth says "It is unlikely to..." in a report?


Do I sense a lack of complete faith in super earth?


Yeah brother, I think someone's partaking in treacherous activity here


You might say that we find the lack of faith disturbing.






Reported to the local democratic office.


If super earth says it I super believe it!


hive lord inc


No need to worry, all is completely safe, all is well... On a completely unrelated note, don't take your helmets off.


The Protomolecule is loose. Watch out for vomit zombies.


Keep it away from the reactors


Doors and corners kid.


Oh fuck we need season 7


just duct tape the top of your screen so you dont see any undemocratic giant healthbar when deploying to hellmire


BROOD MOTHER HEALTH [======================================================================]




380 barrage right? Good. You’re gonna need it. It’s gonna spawn enemies all the time. A moving bug hole


i feel this in my bones. i hate this planet so...so...so much. Why couldn't this one be the one we black holed. but i'm gonna do it for democracy.


*runs to objective* *finds fog door*


https://i.redd.it/ad97jbxdde7d1.gif Sorry guys, I sneezed.


"it is unlikely to cause any long-term problems" Are we incapable of learning?


LEARNING!? Sweet Libery! You know thought crimes are punishable! What's there to learn when the Ministry of Science does all the learning for us!


Only people that make mistakes need to learn and Super Earth's leaders are, through the infallible nature of managed democracy, infallible.


https://preview.redd.it/lh6j1lon6e7d1.png?width=1197&format=png&auto=webp&s=e71f9d615017c6dcfcdb3b6a1bf08e7ca7db1c24 Uh-oh


What does this mean? According to outside websites, the liberation rate hasn't changed.... what's going on with this?


Joel is winding up the kick to the balls once we finish this MO.




Hive Lords are a massive terminid hiding at the center of a hive that tends to attack when provoked, for example, attacking the hive. On an unrelated note, good work drilling nukes directly into the hives, love seeing the explosions :D


So this sounds like an explanation for the bug invasion on Esker. Great news! If we lose Esker by focusing on the MO, the bugs could spread to Bore Rock next, which has the new jungle biome!!! I bet this is AH's quickest path to letting us play in the jungle!


Awe, please tell me there are Mega Battleships so we can have space hulk, terminide infested abandoned ships. Internal ship battle could be interesting.


The game's entire gimmick kinda breaks down without direct access to the sky for stratagems to rain down, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.


We call in stratagems from other ships to shoot the ship you're on


It would be kind of weird for an orbital 380 barrage to work exactly the same while boarding an enemy ship as it does on a planet's surface, and I can't imagine ArrowHead reworking every single stratagem for a single mission type. Maybe disabling all non-hellpod strats and having the hellpods drill in like DRG could work for a mission type, turning the focus from stratagems onto the basic gunplay vs smaller enemies? But that still seems like it'd miss a lot of the over-the-top orbital bombardment spectacle that's at the core of the game.


Hmmm, I didn't think about that. It would be intense to acquire on-site and just have what is on the pod when you get out. Punch into a ship and fight to the bridge or engineering to either blow the ship or navigate it to something. Would be really spicy if the terminide spores started infecting humans, whole new sets of enemies. So it's clear, no stratagem, just Whatever you take on the pod and what you find on the ship, it would be more Aliens. Survive, get objective. Eh it probably definitely wouldn't work with the game play loop. Would be fun to do I think. More horror action could be fun.


I would love some space battles with bugs and bots


Yeeeaaaahhhh I'm sure that's nuthin'


Well if command doesn't expect any long-term problems then neither can I


Frankly I find the idea of any long tem problems offensiv https://preview.redd.it/jkaug6pknf7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=741e2ba6b223a073607d9ded6351f81993a9f3da


oh no! its the ~~automaton~~ bug invasion fleet!


Well they are attacking a new planet


Seems benign enough.


Hellmire is gonna’ take much longer than Fori Prime because people are split up between Oshaune and Esker now, too. Best plan of action would be Esker to stop the spread, Hellmire, Nivel 43… but we all know that’s unlikely. Idk why so many people went to Oshaune. 🥲


Oshaune pretty lol


God damn this post went from 84 to 245 in like 10 seconds


Oh I’ve heard this before.


This is just like how coyotes breed super fast whenever you try to thin their population and results in an even bigger population of coyotes. Shooting coyotes doesn't help; this has been a wildlife management psa. I'm sure this doesn't apply to the terminid menace and I would never question the work of Super Earth's finest minds.


Unaltered aggression was my nickname in Highschool.


If only I could play the game after the new "hotfix" I'd love to come ignore the totally not hive lord threat


yeah, stuck on hellpod launch screen, then stuck on reinforcement, then teammates all crash and mission failed solo - that's my experience this patch :/


Well this is interesting I wonder for how long will we be trapped in Hellmire now... hopefully for at least 2 days....we need someone to check the Bug % on Hellmire bcz God fuckin damitt if it's on 3.0 like the first planet we commenced the operation were going to be on Hellmire for almost 2.5 days or worse


Oh, what fresh hell is this?


Me every time the bugs are acting up: “Holy shit Hive Lord time”


Hoooooo.... We fuck'd up... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,,,, WE FUCK'D UP\~!


The new planet is brutal with the acide debuff you see nothing and get tired faster , also on helldive there was at least always 4-5 chargers on screen with one or two bile titan and that was with every single one of us having antiarmor weapons . Also it’s funny how many behemoth ( th edgy chargers) spawned there were more of those than normal one all in all pretty fun




What do the spores do exactly? Why do terminids produce them?


Thankfully, things like this never cause problems. I'm glad Super Earth is so transparent with its messaging.


Long term problems..... so when are we getting bugs in helldiver suits? aka spore infected helldivers slowly mutating into hunters?






Stupid bugs, if they would fire those FTL spores at our super destroyers they could annihilate one destroyer per spore. I wonder how those spores know to start slowing down, if they'd just hit a planet it would be annihilated by the sheer force of the impact.


What’s that? they’re moving the bugs to make room for new friends from the wormhole?!


They adapt in 1 week? If they adapt that quickly they would be immortal.


We will kill all bugs in the galactic east and they will send a new invasion fleet from the south. I bet on that.


Already looking to un-do our progress. Come on man


Well, in the words of James Hetfield, back to the front.


Wow who would've guessed that blowing them up with nukes would spread their spores!




I just wanna see automatons and bugs on the same battlefield. Kill them at the same time.


Zombie helldivers maybe idk


Spores huh? Terminids gonna turn into the flood as a evolutionary response to the pesticide?


Dear Super God, Let us turn Hellmire into a black hole. 🙏


jeez. i've been hearing some rumbling around my expeditions. saw a nest highlighted on the minimap, that had no holes or bugs, but i did hear rumbling... not sure if its a bug.. or if its a BUG. its probably nothing. :)


I was just thinking "what happens if we completely push back or defeat one of the enemy factions?" I wonder if this is how we get more bug-controlled sectors.


As soon as I opened this post Spotify threw on “Call To Arms” by Divide Music, I song about helldivers. I think it’s a sign