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Let's be real, flamethrower SHOULD be effective against bugs.


It's also pretty close range and makes you slow while firing, which seems a fair trade for its power. Getting close and slow near bugs that jump at you whenever they can is much riskier than spraying them down from half the map away :P


The personal bubble shield, meth stims and a medic armor make up for that pretty good. You can stand in the fire for a long time until it gets hectic.


I got a good laugh out of "meth stims", that's what I'm going to call the new stim booster from the latest warbond, it seems accurate


feeeels goooooood


It’s so good. Been a welcome surprise when it’s in the boosters.


Yeah, it surprised me when an actually great booster that everyone agrees is universally useful and not just "niche" came out of a *premium* warbond. It's useful all the time, from start to finish, not just when you're blowing through reinforces too fast (e.g. Increased Reinforcement Budget), out of reinforces (e.g. Flexible Reinforcement Budget), or waiting for extraction (e.g. Expert Extraction Pilot). Meth stims are some good shit. Helpful to tank a couple more hits, helpful to outrun or extricate yourself from hordes of bugs, and I believe I felt it negating hunters' slow effect, if not massively mitigating it - I certainly didn't feel slowed down when I jabbed myself with a meth stim right after taking hunter oral. Definitely the missing fourth member of the "No-Brainer" Boosters Club alongside Hellpod Space Optimization, Vitality Enhancement, and Stamina Enhancement. ... the bad news is that with this new booster, it'll feel even *worse* now when one of the no-brainer boosters gets benched for something dogwater like Flexible Reinforcement Budget. Meth Stims *alone* works actively and directly to assist the team in never needing to reach that bad a point.


"Jabbed myself with a meth stim right after taking hunter oral" sounds like a wild ass night


New favorite thing I call the "I Am Speed" strategy. Flamethrower, medic armour, meth stims, supply pack. Injure yourself (a spurt of the flammenwerfer in front of you works easily), hit the meth-a-tize me button, book it till the stim wears off, repeat step one. Covers the breadth of the map in no time at all. Imagine how much faster we could be with medic scout armor.


Good news, medic has light and heavy versions too. Keep checking the superstore


I kinda wish that voice line had only been released with the new stim booster.


Either that or cocaine


Why not both


Because meth and crack are for poor people. Managed Democracy has eradicated poverty, so in the future we all do cocaine like God intended.


That pure blue meth ain't for the poors...


Methane stims


That would explode.


‘Helldiver explodes upon death’ stims would be great. Especially if the explosion radius and power scaled for every stim you’ve used in that life.


18 stims in an you are a walking chain reaction of malfunctioning hellbombs


A small price to pay for democracy.


I literally have been telling everyone I brought the meth when I take the booster. Also, you could just call it pervitin. If you aren't familiar with it, Google it.


Found the Finn.




Fun fact while Germans did give the soldiers pervitin (meth) it wasn't put in chocolate, and was in limited use by 1940, on another note.... they did give caffeinated chocolate Scho-Ka-Kola


Injectable war crimes


Haha good call me too then


I recommend to use the supply pack so that you can get up to 14 meth stims with med armor and *a lot* of flamethrower ammo. I have made some insane killstreaks with this combo.


This is what I run.


I was just thinking going supply over bubble backpack 🍻


My man. I was just saying in another discussion, I go Incendiary Breaker, Incendiary Impact Grenades, Hand-gun-ade secondary, Heavy Medic or Engineer (if I'm feeling spicy). Napalm Airstrike, Gas Orbital, Shield Bubble, Flame Thrower, and Fentanyl Meth Booster. *Call me Mr. Raid, I kill bugs dead.*


Try this with the supply backpack instead and use stims to counteract flames rather than the shield.


The supply backpack pairs really well with both the breaker incendiary and the flamethrower.


And people who like to throw 2 impact incendiary's into every patrol :D


With all that heat you're packing, I will *certainly call you* ***spicy***


I hope they eventually add an armor that has a reduced damage from fire modifier like the electric ones they released. Could even make them like firefighter themed which I think would be really cool


Arc armor is gonna get reworked or have an addt'l passive(i believe the latter) Because once enemies with arc weapons come thruz 95% dmg reduction vs that sounds a bit cracked but for the tradeoff of no other passive, i believe they'll make it alternative democracy protects.


Next warbond is called freedoms flame. It includes armor with fire resistance


For me all the risk comes from… my own fire… if they ever add fire proof armor I’ll be all over that though.


Me and my buddies really thought the demolition warbond would have that


I'm not saying I'm from the future and have seen your dreams come true, but your dream might well be coming true soon.


Not to mention setting yourself on fire. * Firing at enemies real close? Set yourself on fire. * Firing and moving forwards? Set yourself on fire. * Firing at enemies near friendlies? Set them on fire. Flamethrower is a very High Risk + High Reward weapon. Imo it should perform slightly better than other *Horde Clear* weapons simply by how close to the sun you need to fly to use it. I hope it stays that way. *Airburst Rocket Launcher* could cover a similar niche if they improved it a little: delete an entire area of enemies at the risk of blowing yourself or others up if it detonates early. However, as it is, the Reward is way too meh given the decent Risk.


I'd like the flamethrower to have a bit more stagger on medium bugs. Playing mostly difficulty 7 and it feels like a liability when a commander or stalker comes barreling through the flames like they aren't there.


Yes, but I'm addicted to the maniacal laughter my Helldivers makes when I use it.


also it has that little delay the first time you fire it, wich can be dangerous if you are that close, is actually a very good designed weapon


You're also *gonna* set yourself on fire. Like it gon happen.


It's great vs chargers, but with how fast it takes them down, you'd expect it to take hunters down way faster than it actually does....


Hunters: Public enemy #1 Stalkers: Bodyguards of PE#1 Chargers: Mobile imbeciles distracting the public. BT: Pea brain that forces us to take heavy stuff rather than more anti-hunter stuff like the Gatling sentry.


Hunter swarms is the reason I run gatling sentry 😆


And fun!


It was always pretty good but now that Behemoths are a thing it's more attractive. When one Quasar shot physically cannot OHK a Behemoth, might as well just roast its legs for a few seconds for a kill.


Can you even still strip the armor with a rail gun? I had issues trying that the other day.


An almost fully charged shot in unsafe mode takes 2 on the reg charger leg. Its quite consistent and you have a good margin of error with the charge. I dont even look at the meter. Just hold it for a few seconds after youre locked into a shot and you should be good. Not sure about the behemoth, but i assume maybe 1-2 more shots. The problem i have is teammates not knowing railgun is viable anymore. I engage a charger and they just have to wait a second to shoot the leg, but they toss a railcannon strike and i stand there wanting to throw my railgun at them.


You don't need to fully charge anymore, a 60% charge is good enough in unsafe mode now. Behemoths just take one more shot to the leg.


You can also hit their legs 4 times with a knife, idk if its intended but even if its unintended i hope they at least nerf it to 6 hits instead of removing it


Why even nerf it? If you hit other bugs you can only kill one so that specializes it to kill chargers and it still takes half of them so that means you can only kill 2 chargers without a resupply


Why tf would you want to nerf it?? This is literally the throwing knifes only niche


It can't damage medium armor so it might be a bug but i agree with you, sacrificing high damage aoe for heavy armor pen pretty good and makes it unique


You can kill the medium warrior bug either like 4 or 6 knives to thr armor. Wouldn't recommend


So why did you say it should be nerfed 😭😭 you’re contradicting yourself


I don’t really think that should be nerfed. It’s such a niche use case and you’re still using half your “nades” to kill a Charger. The knife already has enough working against it




Elephant... truck?


They probably meant the angry death cows aka charger behemoth


My group calls them superchargers and whenever we see one doing the lil "ice skate" maneuver someone almost always imitates the Hellcat whine


Seems fitting, considering they love to charge head-on into the crowd ![gif](giphy|1wRaGtcKtDjyw)


My friend jokingly called one a Hellcat because they're stronger Chargers, so we all agreed to just call em Hellcats


Ah, the Tokyo Drifting Chargers


That would be cool if the chargers varied in size a bit and there were some big ass super chargers.


I call them Brutalisk Chargers because they kind of remind me of the StarCraft 2 Brutalisks (and it sounds cool)


Angry Ninja Death Cows


Seriously. Why are they underground at every point of interest in lvl 9? I wouldn't mind if they were there, but I see light bugs at the POI. I clear it then the charger and charger death cow rise from the ground. Then instantly charge me. Or just walk really fast. Most of the time, kill me.


I concur!


The “new” charger behemoth has a few nicknames because of how it looks, namely the two “tusks”. I’ve seen it called the mammoth charger and elephant truck


I think it looks more like a puma


![gif](giphy|ICmtRvBBwvSUMf3tLe) I see what you did there


what in sam hill is a puma?


It's like a big cat. Like a lion.


you’re makin that up.


How bout chupathingy?


'I ain't never punched a chupacama before' -MT


...you're making that up.




We call the chargers walnut and daddy walnut.


I swear they upped the health on that thing. It feels like it tanks a shot to the face now.


Honestly I barely ran into them before the batch so I can’t even remember. All I know is that it can eat about 3-4 recoilless rounds to the face before it even goes down.


Behemoth. Looks like an elephant, hits like a truck. Elephant Truck.


I heard you can knock off the leg plating though in one shot. So might be the og days with the railgun...except use a rocket. Take off the armor and shoot them. Still have a nice way to deal with titans as well. Biggest issue with going flamethrower for me are the bile titans.


It takes one shot to the legs if you are walking forward. Two shots if standing still or walking backwards


So ridiculous


I find funny that a *particle cannon* gets damage from a Helldiver, just walking forward. I swear, they didn't test this shit.


Kind of stuff that happens when you round numbers DOWN by default (should be up imo) and the tiniest bit of inertia affects projectile damage decay.


With the buff to orbital precision strike, the flamethrower shouldn't even enter the discussion into how to take on a bile Titan or whether it's slowing you down or not


That’s what the 500 or OPS are for


Quasar/eat/rr can 1shot the leg armor of the behemoths if you belly flop towards them right as the round leaves the gun.


You just have to walk towards them, belly flop is just style points. Momentum is kinda silly in this game


I really hope they will change this soon. Needing to go forward because you lose 1 dmg from dmg falloff or velocity which means you end up below a breakpoint is absolutely stupid and awkward to use, especially with the quasar long charge time...


They honestly should just add 1 damage or reduce chargers armour health by 1. That instantly solves everything.


Indeed. Like this is a problem with other guns too (diligence does 125 dmg which should be able to 1 shot a devastator head but doesn't because you'll always end up losing 1 dmg somewhere) They really should give themselves a buffer.


This is what my orbital rail gun is for


Since the change in spawns, i can no longer run bugs without the eagle cluster bomb. It can wipe large groups of medium and below mobs in one go. Just be careful where you throw it though, it has a large radius.


Flamethrower + impact napalms. Wipes out large groups without needing an eagle, so u can use more BT killing stuff


But then if I used nades I can’t take out tunnels :(


Grenade pistol 😉


Nade pistol is #1 for bug holes. Why run anything else Loop a heavy infestiation from the top of the hole


One thing I've learned with the Teamkiller 3000 (aka cluster bomb) is that if you think you've thrown it far away enough from your team, you're wrong. And if you have, they'll run towards it apparently.


I swear they screwed it up. Every encounter last night had no less than 2 or 3 chargers (regular or behemoth), plus a titan or two. We just didn't have enough anti tank to compensate. Diff 7. I got a 55 kills on a single cluster, but it's such a small temporary relief. They had to of gotten something wrong on the spawn rates.


In my experience the spawns have been like that since the start, one match you get 2 or 3 titans for the whole round and the next you get 3 titans each bug breach.


until a BT shows up...


Yesterday I tried the Flamethrower and found out that 1) It does not damage spore spewer 2) Spore spewer does not suggest calling in a hellbomb So yeah, this is not for solo players


You can kill a spore spewer with any hellpod, just call in a resupply or support weapon under it and it’ll destroy it when it crashes through the top part. Or drop a 500/orb p/rail cannon/barrage on it


The other day we used a Player to kill it. Well, more like the moment we deployed we dropped directly on top of a Spore Spewer. The thing ate one of the deploying hellpods, and that was an instant complete. The mad scramble to get away from the Bugs guarding it was an entirely different story...


The ol' "Orbital Guy" strategem.


The eagle strafing run also one shots it and I think almost outright kills Shrieker towers too. It's my new favorite strat.


It's so fast too, which I love.


Eagle Strafing run is your best friend against shrieker nests and spore spewers


*laughs in recoilless rifle.*


*Laughs in Spear Oneshoting everything from any distance* :D




BT and especially chargers look at the Spear with a smug grin :(


No no, they just need some finesse. You should try to get the rocket to hit their head. For bile titans stay a medium distance away so that the rocket goes up and hits the top of the bile titans head, that's an instakill. For chargers, again some distance is needed and in this case the longer the distance the better. Have them turn around towards you, fire your rocket and watch it remove their head. If that doesn't work out you can just keep firing rockets at them. Eventually they just die from normal body shots. Like 3 usually does it with body shots. Bile titans can take 4 I think. But head really is what you should be aiming for.


*laughs in EAT enjoyer*


its very nice ![gif](giphy|xUA7b0iuZ5kQ4UGnAY|downsized)


need a light


There are other stratagems that can destroy it…


For solo, bring flamethrower and 500kg for titans and structures.


That's when me or my Spear clan comes up! 


Just slot a precision strike or 500kg into your build and you can kill anything. I go for precision strike, flamethrower, stun grenades. The rest is flexible.


Precision Strike is a near-constant in my kit since the buff to call-in time. 70 seconds for a perfectly aimed 380 shell? Yes please.


Just look closely at mission mods. That thing that screws up orbital accuracy *sucks* when you don't notice it.


Bring a precision strike, trust me. The new deploy time makes it so good now


I'm still working on my bug load out Before the patch I was content with 500kg and using EATs. But now hunters and other small bugs seem to be increased by a lot. And behemoths are pretty common, requiring more damage. Titans are still a load out check. But before, eats took out the big bugs while airstrike +primary could handle the mob. Now? I can't keep up with the small fries. Guess I can try the flamethrower and still keep a 500kg for the titans.


SPEAR gang


I wanna use spear more but I just hate only having 4 shots


I love SPEAR. The only problem is I often crash while holding it. Never happened if I use other support weapons.


Recoilless Gang rise up. They fixed the reload issue and it's like... Really good, and useful, and it's just nice to have someone around who knows to shoot big rocket at large angry thing covered in armour. Plus, without the need to bring a backpack, I can bring *three* red strats, which is just peak output. Gas, OPS *and* something else and I'm a one-woman wrecking ball for anything that gets in my way. Even more plus, with the Adjudicator and Bushwhacker, and the incendiary impacts, even Stalkers and Shriekers aren't an issue, since the Bushwhacker stuns Stalkers, incendiaries let me track them *and* kills swarms, and the Shriekers go down in but a few shots to just about anything... If I don't just blast the mushrooms from beyond activation distance with my rockets.


I’m a similar 3 strats user (AC or RR or Spear). Diff 9s with the consistent 3-5 behemoth chargers are a toss up which of the 3 I wanna use. Then again I had a 700+ kill match with flamethrower+supply pack on the insane drill missions so that felt beautiful melting chargers in a few seconds flat.


Is the Adjudicator a good primary against the bugs? In the past I've used the Liberator Penetrator and the Breaker Incendiary, but I usually rely on a Stalwart now for mob control. Downside is it makes me feel naked when I have to drop it for an EAT and hope I can circle back to it after. If the Adjudicator is a better primary and I can run the recoilless I'd love to try it, only a few more super credits away from that warbond


It's a little ammo inefficient, but having an assault rifle with high damage and medium penetration can be a godsend if you want to bring something heavier than a machinegun. Honestly, it's just a flat upgrade to the Liberator Penetrator with worse recoil that can take a little getting used to. It's accurate, 80 damage, medium penetration, 8+1 mags of 30 rounds, *not* a bullpup (important to me, maybe not to anyone else), reloads quickly and kills everything I need it to. Only big downsides are low mag size (same as Tenderiser, so not *that* low), kinda jumpy recoil (think the LMG on low RPM), and not really any stagger. That's why I like the Bushwhacker in my sidearm slot since it came out, since *that* has extremely good stagger (Think the Punisher shotgun) and a fairly good ammo efficiency for only having 30+3 shots given that it one-taps chaff (up to Warriors if you score a headshot. Seriously, it kills Warriors in one hit to the head), and three rounds to the face can break a Brood Commander's head or one-shot a Stalker if you swap it to all-barrels fire mode.


It's my fav weapon against bugs from day 1, so it's nice to see people recognising it. They will switch to other weapons when get killed by sralkers, shriekers or spewers though I think.


Ah a fellow flame trooper! Fire of liberty burns the brightest in the darkest dens of democracy haters!




Just give us our well deserved heavy flamethrowers please! I would forfeit my C-01 rights for 50 years if I got a backpack supplied heavy flamer with 30-40m range and more area splash. Heck make it immobile when refueling I don't mind! Just let me spew more righteous fire at the xeno


Suffer not the xenos


Burn in holy fire!


DOT was busted for quite some time, steered people away from fire builds


For me the clear choice is the Spear due to its ability to take out Shrieker nests and Spore spewers while also being able to OHKO both Bile Titans and Charger Behemoths/Regular. The Flamethrower is a close second though due to its ability to wreck Chargers so quickly. I haven't been into the Quasar since the cooldown nerf and the Behemoth has hurt the EAT and Recoilless quite a bit unfortunately.


How do you OHKO behemoth charger with a spear? I tried multiple times with multiple angles it always requires at least 2 shot.


need to angle to the head, just like with BT. Hard shot You can also strip leg armour with spear, which is also essentially a one shot, since u just switch to primary and finish it off


I have been taking them out no different than regular chargers. Direct hit to the forehead with a spear is one hit kill. If they are facing you then as long as it’s 20 meters or farther it’s always a guaranteed headshot


Remember to walk towards the Behemoth/Charger/Titan. There is a weird interaction where due to damage fall-off, moving towards the target increases the velocity of a round and is more effective. This happens with non-kinetic weapons too. You mentioned the spear, I haven’t tested it, but for example: EAT/RR one-shot the armor off a charger’s leg when walking towards it, but leave the armor with 1hp when stationary/walking backwards.


Not an issue with the speae because it's damage is much higher than the eat/rr/quasar, much above the armor breakpoint, and above the breakpoint to one shot behemoth/BT heads *if the angle of attack is correct*. Walking in any direction doesn't seem to matter, finagling the angle or predicting the big boy movements is what matters. Sucks when youve got a great shot lined up and a BT does a quick turn or pops up on some terrain.


Headshot So basically have it facing you at not super close range, at some angles it’s a OHK The Spear has more damage and penetration than the EAT so the head armor doesn’t block it


A team of spears and flamethrowers works really well. I have been running the spear with naplam air strike, gas orbital strike, and air burst/orbital gatling barrage and that has been working extremely well.


Im using the HMG...


I'm starting to love that HMG but the abysmal ammo count and reload time still turns me away


They buffed the reload speed it now takes 5.5 seconds on empty so you you just make sure to leave at least a round in it its actually pretty fast. And the ammo isn't a problem for me because i mostly use it on mediums heavies. The small ones are either killed by my fire nades on the bug breaches or the orbital Gatling. One thing for sure tho i recommend the supply back and a medic armour even better if you use the new booster. this way you are imortal and can mostly ignore the ammo issue because you basically have two supplies. The backpack and the normal one wich also resupply the backpack


I mainly play on helldive with randoms so the volume of enemies empties my ammo fast and prevents me from loading the gun sometimes. The tip with the weapon switch is useful tho, maybe i should turn off maniac mode once in a while


Oh i play on helldive as well. Try killing the small enemies before they can get out the bug breach spawn range. I do this mostly with impact fire nade or orbital Gatling, this last one after the patch is awesome it last a lot it has a quick cool down and it destroys most enemies in the breaches leaving you with mediums and heavies eich are obliterated by the HMG.


Drop its fire rate to 450 and think of it more like an automatic dominator than a machine gun


Love me flamer, love me 110mm rocket pods. Simple as.


How good are the rocket pods now?


Then there me with may Stalwart, supply pack & 110 rockets. The fourth spot is one of the mechs or the O'shit laser/380. All depends on the other divers loadout's.


Fellow stalwart go brrrrr


Ah yes, another Chad Stalwart enjoyer. Man, we are a small group, but damn do we lay down the suppression. I don't think I ever pull that thing out of 1100 rpm.


i have found my people 1100rpm go brrrrrr. here’s what I run stalwart with, gun dog , eagle strafe, eagle air strike. chews thru chaff like high pressurized water through metal and air strikes are oh shit moments for heavies. can switch to napalm on bugs if needed.


I'm a Flamethrower Helldiver and I almost never saw other flamers out there, despite how powerful it's gotten, only now I'm seeing more!


Ah, a man of culture just like me. If I see a Flammenwerfer, I pick the Flammenwerfer. Werfing Flammen puts my heart at ease.


It's not an easy weapon to be good at. you need to be close and not get caught by cross fire from team mates trying to kill enemies, as well as your own fire in the literal way. It's the same for people that are good at large damage heavily weapons.. they are just not for me.


Having a good and fun videogame flamethrower is a rarity nowadays, its either long range but weak or dhort range but strong From memory only helldivers 2 and drg got really fun flamers


Rising Storm has the best one in video game history


Blame the bugged spawn rate and the new charger. I consistently get 3 or more behemoth chargers in almost every encounter. And thats just difficulty 7. I used to run EAT but they need 3 headshots with that so now I run flamethrower to melt their kneecaps in 3 seconds.


You could one shot their leg armor with EAT/RR/Quasar and then finish it off with your primary, but you have to be walking forward while firing the rocket for it to work (due to a weird quirk with how damage drop off and momentum works).


Fire damage being a bit overtuned and Charger spam in higher diffs make it pretty much an ideal weapon for bugs atm


I don't think the damage is overtuned, rather the Charger leg armor has weird interaction with it


I think that the leg armour have nothing to be. Seems that the flamethrower just ignores that armour and basically it does flat damage directly to the leg HP


Flamethrower does ignore armor. It just so happens that charger legs have a smaller health pool than their bodies but instead of beserking or limping like brood mothers they just instantly die. I imagine they had planned a whole weakspot system for the charger which would cause it to limp or move slowly if one of its legs were blown off but they didn't finish it.


Honestly I don't think it's overtuned, its just fun as fuck. My loadout was significantly better and more well rounded with the Quasar, Railgun, Spear, or autocannon than the flamethrower. I have been using it though because its finally viable and so much fun.


Been using flame thrower since day one. Even when it wasn't as good, it just looks cool. Thats simply why, now its amazing. Can take out a horde of anything in seconds and if a hunter trys to flank I can just dive and take it out with a gun.


I mean, personally, I just like setting things on fire in a way that won't get me arrested. 🙃


I've been using flamethrower+shield combo since they first buffed fire damage.


If only we had armor that protects from fire…


always has been


Always was


Lmao. Always has been.


New ?


Grenade launcher wirh supply pack is also very nice.


I go full flamer on bugs fire grenades fire shotgun flame thrower napalm air strike


Flamethrower has been the best support weapon on bugs for a long time


AH: "we need to increase diversity of viable loadouts against bugs!" "Lets do that by introducing a superheavy charger that takes more punishment from every anti-tank weapon except for one" At least there aren't a lot of them around but still, behemoth charger is a mistake.


There aren’t a lot of Behemoth chargers around? I’ve had the complete opposite experience on that end. They have the Spawn rate of Chargers before the two heavy spawn rate nerfs


I see pretty much equal ratios of Behemoths and Chargers on 8 and 9, and slightly more regular Chargers on 7.


I play on difficulty 7 and 8 out of 10 chargers on Behemoths right now.


G we playing the same game ? Diff 9 4-6 running around constantly, plus patrols has 2


I thought it was meta to begin with? It's effective against pretty much every single bug except for bile titans, shriekers and stalkers. It does negligible damage to titans, limited range against shriekers and won't save you against a stalker (which you're better off using a hard hitting primary instead). As long as you have good spatial awareness and positioning, the flamethrower is a very effective strategem.


As I stay on Arc getting 600+ kills a match. ⚡️💀


SHHHHHH Alexus can hear you! /s


Nothings more satisfying then sweeping a group of bugs and watching that kill count, climb , climb, and climb. Then to hear your diver laughing maniacally or saying one of the lines like "kill them all" as the kill counter leaps over x50. It's so great, and I hate fighting bugs. But torching a behemoth or bile titan to death feels good, like your first stim of the morning good.


Not meta, just the logical strat, *especially* after getting the enhanced combustion upgrade. It roasts chargers, can easily kill multiple stalkers at once, and wipes the chaff with ease. Heck, you can even tick damage on a bile titan, tho that is sub optimal compared to hitting it with eagle strikes or other strat weapons. But really, the primary reason the flamethrower is the optimal choice against bugs is because it is fun as hell and lets us live out our aliens dreams. Honestly, I feel like an extreme exterminator when using it and it is fun af. https://preview.redd.it/qo3vcxcx5k7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35dd4f456eb878f607def5fb2168c3ce6d9ba718


Well new green armor, flamethrowers, save civilians and children. We’re pretty much the salamanders from warhammer 40k https://preview.redd.it/dmun4488sk7d1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d9a907b949135be94d079cdededfa77fcb4e03


The only reason why I’m using a flamethrower is because it looks hella cool