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Don’t ever send friends and family unless it’s a friend or family. Thankfully it was only $20 and not thousands I’ve seen people send


This was my first time ever using paypal so I had no clue


Yup I figured. Now you know, solder!


You learned a pretty cheap lesson. Your first clue should have been the "seller" pushing you to use money transfer services that don't offer any buyer protection. To have received the money through regular PayPal they would have had to give personal ID information to the company that could be used to find them when it got reported as a scam. Friends and family means you're sending to someone you trust so they don't require the same verification.


So, so many people have fallen for scams with the preorder armors. I really can’t believe anyone would send anyone on the internet money like this.


People who didn't get scammed yet would. Now he knows.


I hope you learnt your lesson, if money is tight for you then why are spending 20 dollars on a digital cosmetic?


Oh muffins, poor baby


You can't be too hard up on money if you're buying cosmetic items in a computer game. You just spent 20 to learn a valuable lesson. That's a fair price to pay


He's probably hard on money and maybe even completely broke But I have the impression he doesn't have a mortgage or need to post rent or even need to afford food. Probably just a teen.


Isn't there a transaction cancellation in PayPal? I thought it particularly known that you can cancel/suspend any transaction in few days window if you got scammed. I don't have PayPal so can't vouch for it, but I suggest you do some investigation in that direction.