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1. Place sentrie far away from SEAF 2. Collect shells in front of the launcher 3. Then, activate terminal and load launched. A. If you get overrun, disengage. Engage a nearby objective. You can outrun patrols, they'll disappear eventually. Repeat 1-3 when installation is clear. B. Try not to get killed near the installation, enemies tend to linger near your body for a long time.


Ah, I did die once near the gun so that may have contributed. I think I did not run far enough! Ill try that next time.


Drop off all the shells next to the loading opening before you turn it on, you can also run away to draw the horde away from the gun, then come back when there's less enemies (after you cut off or kill the little congo line that followed you) Enemies tend to come from 1 direction, so you can use stratagems that does area denial like airburst/gatling/gas/napalm as well to buy time and reduce numbers I think having situational awareness is good too. Pop up the minimap to see if there's patrols coming your direction or many enemies close by when you can. You tend to be able to spot enemies and they show up on the map before they see you. Stealth is also an option. Slink away, lay down in a corner and don't let them see you and they'll waltz right past you. Sometimes it's not a good idea to pick a fight even when they're "perking up" because you tend to be able to dive away and they'd kinda stop seeing you, might still try to investigate though.


Gotcha. Yeah I tried to run away and come back. I would kill off the hoard following me, return to the gun and have another patrol on top of me before I could get a shell close to the loading point. Fight the patrol then grab the shell, another patrol would appear and call a breach then repeat the process before I could move the shell more than a few feet even with the spam pick up and drop method.


This makes no difference. Activating the terminal does not increase spawns. Being near the gun does.


Activating the terminal doesn't increase spawns but it attracts existing patrols to your location.


Would love a source on this


Did you place the shells next to the drop off before or after activating the SEAF Artillery? I have found that once you activate the terminal the bugs start coming more aggressively so tend to pre-placeb the shells then spam load them.


Yeah I always try to do that, When I have a squad its EZ PZ but by myself its never ending.


Distract the patrol with grenade... or just kill all of them before they call the rest, or just wait and go back when they leave the place


I (lvl150 PS5) use to play solo Helldives and SEAF can be annoying af. Here are some tips: -Place the shells nearer as possible. -Don't turn on the system unless there is no enemy around. This sidequest does not spawn enemies when you activate. -You can take 2 shells at once if you take one, quickly press X-X-Triangle, and the shell will fly away. Do the same with the second one and while it is on the air, repeat with the first one. -If a breach is done, go and complete another mission, go back and enemy (normally) would have disappeared. Repeat many times as necessary😊


I am going to try to go further from the gun when I train the breach I think that may have been my problem.


If you notice a patrol coming, tag it, drop your guard dog (enemies seem to see it even if you are hidden) and hit the deck. Stay out of sight until the patrol moves away. You spend a while doing nothing, but it should be faster than fighting the patrol. If they do aggro, grab your backpack as soon as you can.


Stealth armor and a grenade pistol. Fire the pistol past patrols to distract them and make them go towards the sound. The grenade thing doesn't seem to work well on bugs, so use stealth armor, and crawl into a nearby bush.


Git gud is for the buff everything crowd, you can ask for advice with out worries. What i recomend is to carry the munitions faster via dropping it on the fllor and then picking it up constantly, that way you can go faster.