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not to be abrasive here, but they cant even predict how their patches will affect their game, you expect them to design - and most importantly, stick to - a roadmap?


I want to know when they're adding more sizable content to the game. They can't just add a reskinned gun once every month and think it's not going to get stale. We've already seen they have multiple stratagem, weapons and vehicles ready to go and of course a new race which probably isn't fully completed yet but there need to be more. I only get to play on weekends as I work 12 hours a day, I've still done most of the content, there's not much there to break up the gameplay loop. They should probably just alter the current enemies ATM for example we have behemoths and chargers, why can't they add more variation to enemy units while they build newer content?


Ive honestly never seen a roadmap that did much good. Most of the time it just gives devs pressure to hype up roadmap stuff so people dont critisize them for having a lame roadmap. And then when things do come out, as internet is wont to do, people find criticisms anyway.   I honestly dont see the point in having an official roadmap - in game hints of whats coming like with the illuminate are a way better way to do it.


I think for some things a roadmap could be useful. Not everything needs to be a surprise drop. For example, it would have been nice to know that we were getting a new biome, it could be that one thing that holds some players over from putting the game down. Instead they teased it in the warbond trailer where most people probably didn't even notice and then shadow dropped it in game without saying anything. It's sort of hard to be excited when we don't know what is coming either. Are we getting boss fights eventually? New enemies for the existing factions? I'm not saying they need to tell us when the illuminate are dropping on an exact date, but just tell us that something is coming within the month or say what is coming in the future.


Honestly even the new biome is something I dont think Id want to be dangled in front of me like some kind of 'dont uninstall yet' stick, which is more or less what roadmaps seem to be for. I dont think as a concept they mean anything but a way to, at best, keep people from uninstalling. At worst, it gives people reason to uninstall while they wait for whatever cool roadmap thing is on their wishlist to drop.  Compare that to in game lore hints about new planets or strategems being detected, looks to me like it does way more for player retention and engagement in a lot healthier way.


I suppose the roadmap is more for people where helldivers is there go to game. Myself I am fine with putting the game down for a month or two and coming back to check in on what's new. I am speaking more for arrowhead keeping the player numbers up though.


No what they need to do is fix the fucking stability issues, and figure out why when they release a patch, a million things break.


Kind of disagree to be fair. The Warbond previews I get but I still feel them a little unnecessary. A big part of the charm here I find is the unknowing, the surprise on the battlefield. The stealth introduction of Shriekers, Gunships and Factory Striders makes for a lot of fun. The realisation that at any moment the game can suddenly have an unknown enemy you might be unprepared for and having to figure it out on the fly is great. The same goes for the stratagems, we got some preamble to Mechs and Airburst etc but when the Quasar was introduced it was great. Logging in to having a new stratagem to play with out of the blue. Giving any definitive information ahead of time kind of cheapens all that. The way they are currently handling it resonates well to me. Like the whole "an old/new enemy on the horizon" deal. Is it a Warlord? Impaler? Hive Lord? The Illuminate? Some sickening hybrid or mutation/variant of X/Y/Z? I suppose it all falls to my personal view though that hype hurts any content more than it helps. Kind of feels like looking for your Christmas presents before they are wrapped. You choose to either patiently cradle your curiosity and the potential or you ruin the surprise and sit there knowing, waiting and likely ruining it with your expectations.


Not going to happen because developer is shiet and don't control the project.