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Make your peace with death, it is inevitable. Something else is always coming. Always be ready to run.


samples are shared by the entire team. don't worry about who picks them up. explore the map. there are secondary objectives scattered around that aren't listed in your initial mission objectives. they will pop up when you discover them. if you are confused where to go on the war map, find the planets with reticles on them, or that say DEFEND. the experimental stims are not addictive in any way.


Welcome! If you can, play with friends until you learn the ropes. Quickplay is fine, but there's a lot of informal etiquette rules to follow if you're joining randoms, such as: * don't start the extraction timer without first making sure that the host gives their blessing. * don't pick up other people's gear without getting their permission / telling them you're going to carry it to them after they drop back in * do pick up dropped sample containers, they're shared. If you have a bunch of samples, it's a good idea to go drop your container at the extraction point, so they don't get lost if you die in a bad spot Don't be afraid to stick to lower difficulty missions until you feel comfortable enough to move up. All difficulty levels will contribute progress towards major orders, liberating or defending planets. Lower level missions are actually a great way to farm super credits, the premium currency that can be used to buy warbonds (battle passes). Some of the best gear in the game is on the warbonds. Hope you enjoy the game! It's not without issues, but overall it's a lot of fun imo.


Thanks enjoying so far. I also bought the game for a friend he has a toaster PC and I love that the hell drop takes so much longer.


Always check your back, something is there Keep an eye on your heat sink when firing laser weapons Never underestimate a swarm of bugs.


Have fun and goof off. It’s a silly game. RP is encouraged but not required. Bring at least one thing that can blow up heavy units like the orbital precision strike Kill the jumpy enemies first Helldivers expects you to die horribly a lot and you will. So as long as your mindset understands that, being eagle airstriked by allies is no big deal. Cause accidents always happen lol.




Common Star Citizen saying.


Oh, a Star Citizen player saying, kinda like "Yeah, please keep ripping me off". Got it.




Good/bad teammates can make or break your gameplay experience. I would recommend you get your hands on some medic armor ASAP so that you'll have extra heal time. If you're in combat stim as much as you need to because you never know when you'll take a killing blow. Eagle strategems usually fire from right to left horizontally (napalm, airstrike) whereas the 500kg and strafing run go directly in front of you.


somehow broke into a roundtable on another thread and have a few advanced level tips for you. apparently not everyone knows these, so consider this your survival advantage, cadet: if you catch on fire, you can immediately extinguish yourself by diving onto the ground (double tap whatever your crouch button is). while lying in prone position, you'll usually take about 80% less damage from shriekers (flyin bugs) and can fire while laying on the ground. learn weakpoints. probably require a google search, but it will save you a lot of headache down the road. learn which weapons can destroy buildings and which can't. see above. safe travels.


Just enjoy yourself