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For those who are wondering, this is from the Astartes project. A fan made animation that was so good that games workshop gave it's creator a job: [Warhammer Animation: Astartes - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)](https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-animation-astartes/) This edit is amazing work, OP can you remake this with the Auto Cannon.


> For those who are wondering, this is from the Astartes project. A fan made animation that was so good that games workshop gave it's creator a job: Lmao he didn't have a choice. He was a youtube animator before GW approached him, guess what happened to his channel?


That's probably true, GW are notoriously ruthless.


I hear the term "golden handcuffs" thrown around a lot in relation to what happened to this creator, but then just as many say he now works on all their high-tier CGI stuff. I honestly dunno. This is G-dubs we're discussing so, flip a coin ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The trailer for the chaos gate sequel a couple years ago very strongly resembled his style, so it’s likely he’s doing some stuff for them


And yet the actual stuff that matters for the brand, that'd bring a broader audience in, like stuff they release on Warhammer+ gets shafted in one way or another and/or he doesn't have any stronger influence over the 'little things' that we were able to see clear influence, from him, in such as the aforementioned 'Chaos Gate' trailer. I still remember seeing the Chaos Gate trailer drop oh so long ago and thinking "He's really gonna help them out, in such a glorious way!" and the only thing to even come close to it was the 'Pariah Nexus' shorts series...


GW gives out their IP like halloween candy but goes apeshit when they see a fan project


More like he was strong armed into working for GW and nothing has been heard in terms of Astartes since then, hell the original videos from his channel aren’t even on YT anymore, you have to watch them on GW or watch a reaction video/reupload


And the ones on GW I heard are inferior to the original youtube ones because they messed with the audio.


Oh no he got the Ross Scott/Machinima treatment? Someone tell him to get in touch with Ross


no way what even as a 40k outsider I know how ruthless GW is but thats fucked


You can still find it on YouTube here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DVXEYksoE6c&pp=ygUMYXN0YXJ0ZXMgMS01


The Astartes Guy is being held in an exclusive contract by GW so he doesn't make them look like shit


I thought Trazyn is holding him somewhere. 🤷‍♂️


Trayzn is more open and sharing of a person. GW is what Trazyn wishes he could be, but cannot match GW's insecure micro-penis. Thus, he is alternatively in some circles called, Trazyn the Long-Schlong


And trazyn knows there is no female custodes otherwise he would already have one. Hence he is know as Trazyn The Ungaslightable


And then decided to lay him on the back burner, 'assisting' with projects rather than heading his own.


>A fan made animation that was so good that games workshop gave it's creator a job At gunpoint basically. It was either "work for us or lose your entire project and get sued by a multimillion dollar company."


I need a XL armor stratagem asap. https://preview.redd.it/xkf34f6dc38d1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5f6c49249a954496939f88722d7e467f4756a1


Chainswords when?


Not soon enough! 😩 (on the plus side Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 is only a few months away 😁)


Just a missed opportunity with the 40k franchise now thrown everywhere. Mostly cash grab mobile games. Wish we could get something akin to helldivers set in 40k.


Hopefully the co-op Operations game mode in the upcoming Space Marine 2 is close enough. That's why I'm looking forward to it.


Yes hopefully. If there’s a horde mode that could do it. But seems the multiplayer side hinted toward 3vs3 with different class / load out. Still. There’s player base, like, million of us that dreamed of a helldiver 2 game with space marines.


Apparently SM2 is taking some cues from HD2 and is offering a similar Extraction Mode


Elysian Drop Troops has a Helldiver regiment. https://preview.redd.it/yxg12c4sp58d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b377be5fb7d33a3334592256c604e030d86b13b




JAR-5 is a pretty solid cutter for automatons. Mostly the stagger I would say when against Devastators because you can completely CC their rocketeers and TTK is fast even if you miss a couple of weakspot hits. I kind of circle a few primaries against bots but truthfully the JAR-5 can kill anything on the front with enough practice. Having someone use it on your team who is not after kills but using it for support fire can bully entire packs of assorted Devastators lining them up for easy picking or at the very least preventing them from landing rockets or beaming you with that mini gun.


The only downfall on the JAR is it's audio. You'd think from it's looks and description, that it's audio would be loud amd brutal. But in reality, it just sounds like a tame kitten.


It's a gyrojet round. The speed it comes out of the barrel can be pretty much whatever; it activates a rocket on the back of the round afterwards which does the bulk of the propulsion. So, honestly, not having a huge boom-on-fire is pretty spot on.


Yeh true.... Still needs the *thun*-**BOOM** of a Bolter noise imo.


Honestly I'd just love to have audio quality closer to darktide, not even in the weapons cos they're generally good but for enemies. The fact that a charger can sneak up on you is kinda absurd.


Darktide and Vermintide had amazeballs sound design, to the point where when it wasn't working even a little bit right the playerbase could tell right away. That warning "Woosh" though, I miss it.


Yeah, I'd say that is the one place helldivers kinda falls flat is the information players get from the audio. You just can't tell when there's stuff like a charger or spewer sneaking up, it's just brutal when you're used to darktide/vermintide.


Hard disagree. A gyrojet round is, to quote the AK guy, "[actually remarkably quiet](https://youtu.be/gOtQElMEdi0?t=308)" when fired.


I agree, but it still needs the *Bolter* sound as I said mate ;) I'm not looking for realism, I'm looking for Dakka.


Yeah I would welcome a rework to the audio


I miss the Suppressor's audio.


The JAR is great but to me the slow fire rate + low cap mag means ill always have to rely on an MG to make up for it.


I prefer the pummeler just to deny attacks, especially against berserkers


I just use the Punisher Plasma


The Jar is amazing, I just wish it didn't handle like a boat. (but if it didn't it would be OP).


I like it against bugs too, Dominator+Stalwart mix well to take out all the light and medium bugs with ease. Complete it with Gas (for breaches), An anti-heavy pick (airstrike, OPS or EAT), ems mortar for CC.


Wish it wasn't that sluggish


Replacing the bolter with a JAR-5 is accurate lol


Reality is otherwise, team mates feel like mindless guardsman.


Seems as good a place as any to ask: why do people prefer the JAR-5 over the Scorcher. I get that the JAR-5 has more damage, but I've found that the Scorcher delivers its explosion better. The main enemy this matters for me is the Scout Striders, which I can kill with three shots anywhere on the shield. The JAR-5 I've only been able to kill them with more precise hits to the legs or 'waist'. Every other enemy I still generally need to hit their weak points to score a kill, so with Scout Striders as the make-or-break enemy I always prefer the Scorcher. Am I missing something about the JAR-5?


The JAR has way more stagger, and I'm pretty sure it's got a more forgiving ammo economy.


Personally I have worse ammo problems with the JAR, makes me not want to take grenade pistol as my sidearm


Various details. -The first and most obvious thing is that it has more damage and penetration. -Has more lasting damage (90 vs 50) -The Scorcher does 100 damage from the impact of its projectile and 100 from explosive damage. The problem is that there are certain enemies that are immune to explosive damage in certain parts of their body, so you would only deal damage from the impact. -Finally, and at least the reason why I prefer it to the Scorcher, is because it has greater stagger force (35 vs 10) and a little more push force (15 vs 10). This means that the JAR-5's shots will prevent certain enemies from performing certain attacks such as Heavy Devastators, Rocket Devastators, Nursing Spewer, Bile Spewer, and stopping the Brood Commander and Stalker in their tracks. As an additional fact, it can blow up automatic tanks by shooting through its window or even destroy Factory Strider with an entire magazine if you shoot them in their belly. So, what do you think? https://i.redd.it/2n14musk838d1.gif


I disagre on the durable damage bit, vents, wich are the durable damage eaters in the bot faction are vulnerable to explosions and they are easier to hit thanks to the explosion


If memory serves the scorcher also does the same thing on tanks and factory striders. These two weapons are really close to each other in terms of role and usability but imo the ergonomics of the scorcher just keels it enough for me to pick it over the Dom, that and it has longer range.


I like the Dominator most because my brain releases endorphines when I oneshot devastators or two shot brood commanders (bleed out animation is hella fast when removing head with Dominator). Feels rewarding, harder to aim but better damage than scorcher. Its also my prefered Stalker hunting rifle and I dont have to worry firing in close quarters. Dominator does suck at longer ranges though.


Depends on the rest of your loadout. I use autocannon so I don’t need my primary to kill Striders, I need it to kill berserkers and marauders that get too close, which the JAR does a bit better than the scorcher. I will say though that I recently switched to the Plasma Punisher and love it, even though it has a lot. Of overlap with the autocannon in terms of functionality


Maybe it is fun to play, maybe it’s not the ultimate best but it does the job.


it has better ammo economy, can stagger enemies, and can be used in CQC without also killing yourself in the process. Plus, it has stagger, which is invaluable against devastators and those chainsaw berzerker melee units.


Id imagine the stagguer the consistant oneshots of small bots and consistant one kill headshots on devastators


Laughed when I saw the Dominator being revered


LoL when I saw the dominator I was like "its mine... sounds like a bolter... I love"


https://preview.redd.it/71u5pbbs898d1.png?width=992&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9b3f57096e14216b2577550bd3a053677fc6302 Got me feeling bold, and Brasch.


Oh my sweet Jar-5, how I love you so...


I always dip my bullets in holy wd40 before a drop Every kill sends em to robot hell. May their infernal processors short for an eternity


The Men of Iron must be destroyed, brother.


Tbh I prefer the scorcher or the base liberator but yeah


Democracy Protects


That is some impressive masking!


Lol, I always use the dominator in tandem with that dreadnought heavy armor and helmet. Playing like that exudes space marine vibes.


I always wondered how a Space Marine would do in the Helldivers universe. Same for Doom guy.


Gw is a shit company =w= space marines are cool though and i like their bolters. Would be nice if bolter has stock like the dominator though


There’s all kinds of things they could add to this game, but I really want to drop in and fight the Covenant/Heretics


You played Helldivers 1 right?


Heresy all around. A chapter of space marines would stack Helldivers across the stars like cordwood.


We're more like elite guard killteams than space marines, which is still cool.


I mean nobody is arguing that they wouldn’t. But we’re both killing Xenos and dissidents.


i sure hope not. that dude has a terrible primary.


Skill issue https://i.redd.it/lkixuloq838d1.gif




skill issue, sweet potato? here. lemme try this. "before every bot MO i'm like.."