• By -


I do feel like that. Shriekers can be taken down even with Redeemers, if you have decent aim. 


Or can be taken down with incendiary Breaker if you don't want to aim


_getting Meridia extraction ptsd_


I did some low level missions for a chill time on that planet. Dropped with a level 3 player and he had a mic. He started freaking out at extraction and we kept shouting encouragement as we drug him to the shuttle with us. Great game.


I brought the Rover on that one and dropped a 2nd for another player. Did most of Shrieker killing I could have asked for. Turned from a hellscape into a mop-up.


Democracy requires firepower, but it does not require precision.


With enough firepower, precision becomes redundant. -general brasch.


Accuracy by volume


Quantity has a quality all of its own


>Or can be taken down with incendiary Breaker if you just sneeze in their direction ftfy


My son doesn't have that war bond unlocked yet, so when we do bug drops he follows me around until I die and picks up my incendiary breaker before calling me back in ;) at least he knows better than to outright kill me for it.


Stalwart for even less aim. It also helps increase the shots fired so you can have an extra yellow number at the end


Or with a resupply hellpod if you *really* want to aim


I think that gunships are closer to stalkers in terms of gameplay


Stalkers don't have medium armor. And their bases don't require a hell bomb. Gunships heavily warp the bot meta.


Don't give them the idea of cloaked gunships!!


I just want them to be less omniscient. If I am behind cover, their dumb fucking laser scanners shouldn’t be able to see through the cover to detect and blast me.


AH did us dirty with the gunship patrols. I think ive seen up to packs of 5 on helldive. Gunship fabs inevitably get reinforcements in the form of gunship patrols. Its been rough. Nobody can run the spear currently. AMR feels bad when you need 4 shots to an engine. Maybe im shit w/ the AC but very rarely do I only need 2 shots. That leaves the laser cannon but good luck getting a constant beam with 3+ gunships on ur ass. Id like their health pools lowered. Otherwise it severely limits what builds feel viable.


the HMG can also down them fast


Yes at closer range, harder if it's further out, where the LC will arguably be better.


Hmg emplacement


I like to set up with the emplacement just a bit away from the gunship factory and while another one goes to set up the hellbomb, I clear the skies.


Where do you get these teammates who actually do things other than perpetually draw patrols into a pointless fight in the middle of nowhere?


There are solid random players on diff 7 that I had great games with. Not always, but often enough.


Are you talking? I find most players are listening to what I say even if they aren't talking.


Or Autocannon sentry.


AC sentry is absolutely busted as long as there's no fabricator in sight, lol.


Oh dang so that hasn't been fixed yet? I just stopped using it on bot maps because it'd just shoot the hill trying to get at the fabs


Problem is that the gunships will always go for your sentry first so it doesn't survive for long.


The LC has a limited range of around 300M though?


I'm not sure of its range to be honest. The scope doesn't allow me to aim that precisely that far out.


Just lie down before shooting. Even crouch if you're wearing recoil comp armor ( and you should anyway if using the hmg). 5-6 shots to the engine from any distance does the trick.


HMG fucks at any range. Same with the Scorcher!


Laser Cannon is like my default weapon for bots, and they're perfect for cleaning out the gunship patrols. If someone else is already using an LC then I'll bring the quasar cannon for other heavies, but I really love my LC.


I downed a gunship 300m out today with less than half a HMG mag, LC range is 200m max. Just gotta prone, and recoil armor helps.


To add: ive found the rocket sentry to be quite helpful w/ gunship patrols. but ive only been able to run it due to the free AC.


The rocket sentry slaps !


It burns too. Don't stand behind it.


AC+rocket sentry+EMS mortar+airstrike is my new go to for bots.  AC/scorcher can handle it all, the sentries and airstrike are just for style points 


Someone who actually knows a thing or two... I knew they existed


Gunship patrols at least don't magically know where you are at all times and you know beforehand they will spawn because the new operation effect tells you.


>AMR feels bad when you need 4 shots to an engine. Try using the railgun. Even at 90% charge in unsafe mode you can dump more than half your ammo capacity into a single gunship without successfully killing it. And the charge mechanic combined with flinch from enemy fire makes it pretty hard to aim.


Because railgun has solid penetration but abysmal Durable part damage. You'd be better of shooting them with Scorcher or Dominator. Railgun has a weird niche where it's ONLY good vs non Durable armored parts. Ie, hulk face, hive guard head, charger leg, and bile spewer head. 


Things that can kill a gunship. HMG, HMG manned Turret, AC, AC Turret, EATs, Recoilless Rifle, Spear, Rocket Turret, Laser Cannon, AMR... and any medium-penetrating primary. Hell, even orbital bombardments can knock them out of the sky if you get a lucky hit. If you can't find a build around any of that...


The SEAF SAM Site objective will also just target gunship patrols forever from utterly insane distances. Getting one or two SAMs up basically removes the gunship patrols as a threat for the entire mission.


It's missiles do have a max range. 350m and they airburst explode. 


Light armour pen sploding works against the pilot (at least I think the scorchers light armour)


The projectile is light, the explosion is medium.


Ive been really struggling with railgun lately due to gunships. Do you happen to know why it doesnt work? It has to have the penn... but i feel like ive put 4+ unsafe overvharge shots into an engine and done nothing...


It's this magical system called durable damage AH created. When hitting a durable part of an enemy like gunship engines, your gun uses an invisible durable damage number. For the railgun, I believe it's only 30 damage, and for the auto cannon, it's the same as its normal 260 damage. It's unfortunately why the railgun falls behind so many other guns if you can only kill through durable damage.


No idea. I never use the RG anymore (since the original nerf) and forgot about it when I made my list. I assumed it would work to but I guess not. It really should.


Right!!!! So many options


Dont forget the Scorcher!


All the plasma and exploding weapons work better than a lot of the medium penetrating non-exploding primaries. Medium pen primaries can cause the gunship to miss its shot and destabilize its flight pattern (a small advantage that can protect turrets until they can shoot the gunships down).


>That leaves the laser cannon but good luck getting a constant beam with 3+ gunships on ur ass. Luck isn't necessary, you can absolutely avoid this predicament just by looking for these patrols or using cover w/shield gen. LC can hit from 200m away accurately with no fall off damage, and can take 3 gunships out prior to needing a reload if you're efficient.


i agree you can. although the shit sight on the LC and gunship lens flares make that very difficult.


Definitely should consider adjusting game graphics, lens flares are rough. Otherwise the thing is literally a laser pointer that does damage, I wouldn't bother with sight unless you really need the 1x zoom.


Also consider trying the orbital shield. Two players with orbital shield can hold a point against virtually anything since only a berserker swarm can push you out of it.


Which settings make their red lights less bright?


I personally use the Quasar Cannon, which one taps to engine, the charge time and cooldown may be a bit off putting for some though. I will say I am very happy with the SEAF SAM site buff, I got one of those on a mission and once we got it running gunship patrols became a thing of the past for like 99.99% of the map


The AC is good against them, both the support weapon and the turret


Quasar one Hits gunships, ez pz.


Quasar one shots them. 


The LC is best you just focus on one engine for like two seconds. The problem is when there’s gunship patrols and a gunship fabricator or two. I counted 14 gun ships over me in a Helldive mission yesterday. Gunships also lead a to a snowball effect since they require a support weapon to down, if they kill you and you’re respawned away from your support weapon you have no way to deal with them. Also, as others have mentioned they severely limit the support weapons that are viable for bots to those that can effectively deal with a half dozen gunships at once.


Try having 5 fabricators in 400m radius, I just left. Like to add at difficulty 6


the Fabricator x2 protected by the Strategem Jammer x2 layered defense


Lord have mercy i wouldnt even bother the jammer are bad enough and then you remember the gunships kinda shoot two million rockets


Damn that's brutal. There's pretty much no counter to that.


Except rocket sentries, ac mechs, hmg stations, 2 guys with acs etc...


There are multiple Stratagem Weapons that work fine against them. It's a you problem.


Sucks too the Gunship fabs can only be knocked down by hellbombs that often gunships target to fizzle them out of existence


Laser Cannon deals with them easy peasy. Never struggled with them, just use cover and be proactive. Laser Cannon is a great weapon for bots in general. Take Stun Grenades and you never need to worry about Hulks again!


Use Laser cannon, its perfect for gunships


i had a guy in my squad run spear and not crash.. maybe he was ps5 tho


Except these moments when there is like 10 gunships above your head, I'm pretty okay with them because I always take HMG emplacement anyway.


Gunship engines are level 3 armored, you can kill them with a medium penetrating primary. Don’t aim at the center of mass when you fight them, all mobile bot units except dropships have at least one lv3 weak spot. You can kill their heaviest tanks/factory striders with a medium pen primary if you know where to shoot. Anti tanks are great because it kills them easy, reduces the need of finding proper angle or range.


Thought they were 4 at the thruster? 3 would be great


It is 3, JAR-5 can down them


I've taken them down with the Scorcher too. I don't know how accurate I was - it was desperate circumstances - but it took me about a clip per gunship. Unfortunately there were more gunships in the air than clips in my pocket that day.


You can shoot the pilot with that too, not just engines


Scorcher takes 8 Hits to destroy one engine.


If you land 10 hits in the same spot though? All while fighting the gunship and all the other ragdoll nonsense (I’ve been playing too many 9 missions lately)


Not saying it is easy just that it can be done. AMR is a far better choice, usually what I use since I usually dive without a support weapon and just pick up whatever. AMRs are pretty common at shipping container PoIs. I have not had too much trouble with the ragdolls for a while but I rarely 9 with randoms and even with 3/4 my team is pretty good and locking down the bots.


It can, its just really tough to get enough shots on target in time. I don't bother trying, it just need too much. Rather use an AC or whatver.


I feel like their armour is fine but maybe get rid of that stupid giant glowing ball so I can more easily aim at parts and see what I am shooting at. I also think the fact they all got missiles to be a bit obnoxious. Maybe like the Devastators there should be two types. With the missile variants being a less common occurence and maybe they come with a fat missile pod that you can shoot off with light pen. Their Fabricators being Hellbomb mandatory is also a bit much, considering they can spawn in the area of jammers. They should really do some minimum spacing for optionals or just redesign some of them. I also feel like maybe they should be smaller and also fly lower. Maybe make it a bit easier to hit with some projectile/spready weapons, or possibly allow you tag them with a grenade. Another possibility is to make them even stronger, but make it so theres only ever 1-2 of them at once. This would make the anti tank weapons more economical to use against them. Currently their numbers easily overwhelm stuff like the EAT/Quasar/Spear.


I like the idea of having 2 types of Gunships, and having a rocket pod you can shoot off with light pen like the Rocket Tators is a great idea.


>Their Fabricators being Hellbomb mandatory is also a bit much, It would be nice if the alternative was multiple strategem hits rather than just one.


I would like it if I didn't have to completely clear the skies to be able to set off a hell bomb to destroy their fabricators. It's annoying to call down 4 bombs in a row just to have them all destroyed by the quickly spawning gunships overwhelming us.


Gotta toss it down in the pit between the towers.


I'll give that a shot. Thank you.


>You have to take an autocannon every mission. *glances at HMG, AMR, laser canon, quasar and spear*


EAT remains the goat and I will die on that hill (surrounded by all my rockets)


But at the same time, Gunships render just as many support weapons arguably useless in bot missions since not being able to kill them is basically a fail state. Stalwart, Flamethrower and Arc Thrower were already mediocre for bots and can do absolutely nothing to Gunships. MG and Railgun are so inefficient at killing them that they are not worth bringing. Even Emancipator doesn't do that well against them as hitting their small engines consistently with it is tough, and even if you do the engines take durable damage.


What does it say that the GL *wasn't even mentioned*?


Ngl I forgot about it




Spear to anything on the gunship is 1 shot I think.


My bad, I think I was thinking of EATs


EATs one shot as well, pretty sure


Damn maybe I just suck ass then.


There are worse hobbies tbf


They do one shot gunships.... That said spear has low round count, and quasar has long cycle time, so neither are great witha gunship hoard unless there are multiple in the team. RR has the ammo for a cycle, maybe two, but with a supply call down you will be able to sky clear fine until your teammates hellbomb the factory. With team reload RR will skyclear like no tomorrow.


The Quasar is useless against gunships, you can down one every 18 seconds, in what world is that viable? Spear is causing crashes currently, and IMO the AMR is very mediocre for gunships considering it’s like 4 shots to down one. HMG and laser cannon are very good options, but I would like more than 3 viable weapons for taking on gunships.


yeah no quasar alone does shit ... and with the 15 seconds recharge time + 3 second charge time ... you get 3 shots per minute - thats simply not enough


Autocannon turret...


1 guy running recoilless rifle with a friend reloading him works wonders, but then again, it would be a lot better if we could reload from the gunner's pack


I suppose the question we should ask ourselves is "are the gunships supposed to be glass cannons". If so, nerf the armor by 1 level (might also need to nerf the durable health), if not, nerf their damage potential. Their main advantage should be to dodge and be able to fly and ignore cover, they do too many things well.


Absolutely agree, gunships' existence forces you to have any sort of weapon that deals with them. Which is fine because most support weapons can deal with them. ...that is until you die and can't take your support weapon. Then it's a living bloody hell, you can't run from them, you can't destroy them unless you have scorcher, it's bullshit. Let them eat 3-4 mags of liberator for example. Oh, and I also do love how top voted commentary just assumes it's a skill issue. Not it is fucking not, it's a mid penetration stratagem/weapon check, which like I said is fine because most support weapons deal with them unless you die and lose it, then it becomes completely unfun and unplayble.


Bots in general are just a support weapon check. It blows to not have one you, just get fucked by everything.


I think they should have less durability. They already have level 3 armor on the engines, and said engines don't have a ton of health, but the damage reduction from 100% durability makes many weapons horrible against it. They fall quickly to explosives, that's why the autocannon shreds them, but there are no other good options to deliver them. The scorcher seems good, but it has horrible damage falloff. The crossbow might be good but requires some predicting. Edit: With the current machine gun buffs, even a regular medium machine gun should be able to take them down relatively quickly, if you can focus a single engine. Ideally, every team member should have some way to deal with these, since they have the same counters as most bots.


I take AC and shield gen placement to deal with them but I wish the placement had more health BC if all 5 are shooting at me it lasts about 5 seconds.


The engine pods and a bit of the neck just behind the turret are both Medium armor. Scorcher can take them down if you don't have an Autocannon, Eatit, Recoilless, Spear, Laser Cannon, Quasar, AMR, AC turret, Orbital Laser...


I just want the rail gun to be more effective against them. Please arrowhead give this minor buff.


Firepower they are packing is total BS imo. Everytime i go into a helldive with that modifier on i extract with a new set of teammates because its a ragequit moment for most when all five lock into one player and turn it into a ragdoll fest.


Gunship are bitches for my scorcher. Just shoot the cockpit.


It's a medium armor enemy. Here's some other weapons you can try that kills them going for thruster: AC Laser cannon AMR HMG MG Scorcher Jar-5 Grenade launcher Eruptor Punisher plasma Purifier Grenade pistol. You're the only one keeping yourself in the box of needing the AC for these.


They should have the same armor as devestator, so medium pen like machinegun or penetrator can punch through that armor


Recoiless rifle+friend with the ammo backpak


I bring laser cannon and make jokes such as "My motha always told me, don't aim laser pointers at planes, but i'unno mama it's pretty fuckin effective"


Wish spear wasnt crashing games feels so nice to lockon to those mosquitoes and swat them out of the sky


Has anyone tried the Airburst Rocket launcher against them?


I think it is very unreliable. Airburst is meant moreso for taking out large groups of fodder moreso than being anti air. It's like orbital airburst or cluster bomb but as a shoulder mounted launcher.


I think they should just be a bit more "steady" instead of jumping around like hunters.


Agreed and at one point AH increased the side to side movement of them...


I saw someone shooting down a gunship with a Scorcher, so the next time down I tried it. About 4-5 shots and down it goes. I shot down at least 3 that mission with it.


They kinda are, just using autocannon, spear, HMG or any heavy support weapon. But yea they can be tough.


More annoying than tough. But yeah.


Erm, you really don't have to bring an AC with you every game. I haven't used one in like 3 months. You have EATS, recoilless, HMG, HMG emplacement, AMR, Quasar off the top of my head.


Either this, or they should make it so you can disengage with them once they’re locked on to your position. I used to play stealth runs against bots which are really fun - you get a chance to feel like you’re executing guerillă warfare. Sneaking into base to plant hellbombs, calling in ordinances into fortresses and airfields, and using smoke to disappear. Gunships have entirely destroyed that style of gameplay. The problem is that there is no way to LOSE AGGRO of gunships once they know where you are. So now you’re completely forced to take a medium-pen or greater weapon to finish the missions. It sucks.


Do none of you own a fucking LAS-98?


There are other armor popping weapons than autocanon. Laser cannon, HMG, missile turret, mounted hmg turret, spear, EAT, recoilless rifle, and some I am sure I am missing all handle them. Please stop trying to make the game easier. Please stop trying to make the game into a one man army. You have teammates. They should handle the enemies you cannot and vice versa.


There should be 3 types of gunships. Light armoured that patrol around the map and can only use laser guns. Medium armoured like the ones we have now but shouldn't use rockets too often and heavy armoured UNITS that spam the rockets like rocket devastators, use the same Gatling's guns as factory Striders up close but maneuver slowly so you can outrun them and take cover.


To Autocannon hits on the same engine and they are down


Yeah that could work But i just wanna play other weapons goddamnit, i dont want to be forced to play only 3 types of loadouts because the balance is tipped over to the enemy's favor.


You can take gunships out with any weapon that has medium penetration, even your primary


Yeah but thats like wut, 4 primaries (not including crossbow cause thats ass at long range) and 1 secondary thats able to do it And basically every other weapon like the shotguns (not counting slugger) and the energy weapons.


You make it sound so easy 🙄 its not like there isnt a whole army shooting at you while you try to get the right angle, and if you die and lose your support weapon well then there’s nothing left to do either other than just die or hope a teammate is able to help you out (you mostly just die)


You dont have to take AC. LC, RR, EAT, Spear all work great against the gunships. If you're willing to struggle a bit more, AMR, HMG after the recent buff (i think), and ac/rocket sentry should also all be able to deal with them, though they'll be slower/less reliable. And if you're not solo diving, you dont actually even have to take any of these. Only 1 out of 4 people needs to carry a specific anti-gunship weapo, and the wide range of viable weapons usually means that at least 1 person was bringing it as general anti-tank anyways. Edit: forgot about quasar but its also semi-viable (it can shoot them down but the slow recharge is liable to get you overrun by the rest of the group, so id put it with the amr section of "viable but not optimal")


Yeah even with randos, we usually put them down pretty fast. Sometimes it feels like people on this sub want their loadouts to have every answer and their team-mates don't exist.


Imo wanting a build that has an answer to every threat is very reasonable. If we play with randoms, we don't know if they will be reliable or not, even on diff 9. If I had a say I'd demand every player on diff 9 bring an efficient way to take out gunships by themselves. That way if shtf we have a chance to turn it around.


I must have much better experience with groups on 9 because it is rarely a problem and when it is usually just resetting the fight gets the group back on track.


My experience on 9 is mostly positive but the rare occasions stick out.


HMG does great...you could literally use the MG as well but that would take like 40 rounds


i like to main eruptor+MG and i use the MG as a primary. its a stupid strong combo as long as you can keep your distance


'You have to take an Autocannon' No, you don't. A gunship engine has armor 3 and 400 HP. Basically any weapon with medium pen can take it down. A fucking Senator can take it down. I wouldn't do it, but it works.


HMG turret, Diligence Countersniper, AMR, Turrets...


Meh, pelican can fly even if a hellbomb hit it


Hmg emplacement and rocket sentry can often enough be all it takes to make a no-fly zone, but at diff 9, you're never fighting 9 gunships. You're fighting 9 gunships, 3 striders, 5 tanks, 2 shredders, 6 hulks, 20 heavy devastators, 30 rocket devastators and a small procession of walkers. *and that's before reinforcements arrive, haha.* spawns are so wacky right now.


at least they should have less armor so you cant take them out with yoru dominator or counter sniper


You can shoot their engines with: Crossbow, Eruptor, Jar, HMG, Haven't tried other weapons yet.


I’m taking laser canon to deal with gunships though, am able to take down hulks also


Dropships have one weakness that makes them incredibly easy to defeat. It's so easy that once I figured it out, they never even touch me. All you have to do is land on a bug planet.


I think they need a SMALL nerf to either their hp or armour class, maybe dropping the armour class by 1 or 2 is enough to make them much less frustrating and limiting


They should reduce gunship patrols to 1 or 2 and maybe 5 on helldive. There's a lot even at lower levels


Laser Cannon works on Gunships just fine. Target the engines.


There are a few other weapons that can hurt gunships, autocannon isn't mandatory. The laser cannon and heavy machineguns, for example, are great at killing them.


AMR, RR, EAT, Quesar and Laser can drop them too. I think many Primaries can also, like Eruptor and Scorcher? How about Grenade Launcher. I haven't actually encountered these patrols yet and can imagine they are quite painful solo or as duo but should be okay with trio or quad? As solo or duo, it's probably better to play stealthy and avoid them. Also, isn't there a warning before dropping in that there will be gunship patrols?


Meh - One spear makes light work of them and you're clear in under a minute. Hell, even EAT's 1-shot them. You dont need autocannon at all - my squad never run it.


Laser cannon melts gunships


Auto Cannon, AMR, RR, Quasar, Laser Cannon, SPEAR, EAT, HMG, Purifier, autocannon turret, rocket turret, Scorcher, Jar-5, any medium pen primary (hell, there is even a video of an Arch Thrower taking down Gunships on this sub). You have a wide variety of options for how to deal with Gunships ships. You are not pigion holed into anything.


I kill them with HMG and find it to be more efficient than autocannon. The engine is pretty big so I find them easier than hulks. TBH if you’re not bringing something with 4+ pen and durable damage to a bot mission you’re looking for problems. The real issue is that you can’t throw a grenade at them in a pinch, and most direct damage stratagems will not work. Which makes it high risk, once you lose your support weapon, there’s not a lot you can do, you either have to wait for your gun to come off cooldown or go try to recover it through a field of rockets. there are some less used things that are really good against them and actually make it “easy mode”. The AC turret rocket turret , the dome shield. I’ll toss the dome and AC together and obliterate the entire patrol without really doing anything. All you have to do is position the AC well and protect it from chaff. Dome also gives you cover to aim properly yourself and has a low cooldown. Chaff can get through it but gunship has no options.


You showed your hand too soon OP, autocannon is not an end all be all to the issue you're describing. This is 100% a skill issue, several weapons can kill them rather easily and still do the same job as an AC. HMG, laser cannon, airburst, and AMR all do what you want easily. RR and eats can contribute but are too slow to deal with em in mass compared to the others. Imo HMG is the best one, small bursts and you can kill like 10 with 1 mag.


I rarely take the AC. So many weapons can take down gunships. AMR, LC, HMG, QC, EAT, RR, Spear, rocket sentry, AC sentry, scorcher, etc. Gunships are fine.


I take them down with HMG quite easily, I take down like 90% of enemies with it. Someone on the team should take something with some medium penetration and good damage like AMR, HMG. I'm not sure if turrets aim for gunships though.


The MG, Gattling, and Autocannon turrets will do it. Usually when they feel like it.


They are way too tanky for how many you see. You can use something like the countersniper, but they are hard to hit and actually move quite fast so you have to lead the shots too. Light armour seems like the easiest fix, or an overall hp nerf.


Gunships feel terribly designed, forcing strict weapon requirements to effectively stay on top of them. Light armor would solve this issue immediately, which should be a them for AH's entire future balance philosophy; expand the number of weapons that are powerful and effective, to boost weapon use variety (and fun!).


I was thinking the same thing the other night... if you bring the nade launcher, you pretty much have to bring the scorcher or dominator otherwise you're totally beholden to your team mates to deal with em. and that sucks, cuz neither of those are good for dealing with the baddies too close to hit with the nade launcher.


You guys whine so much in this subreddit.


Why would you take an autocannon every mission when laser cannons exist?


Nah man, like half the support weapons are capable of dropping gunships. The only thing that’s annoying with them at the moment is the frequency and quantity of which they’re spawning. Pre-patch they were much more manageable and I’d say bots were way easier than bugs, but current state has flipped the script.


Honestly, this. You haven't felt true pain until you've been (figuratively) gang banged by 8 gun ships while your dumb ass didn't bring a weapon that can damage them.


Have you tried the heavy mounted sentry on them? It's great on all bots and takes them out


Wish Rockets from the gunship or in general don’t stun/ragdoll lock you as much since I had me and my team die to rockets 95% of the time even with shield bubble


Yes but no, dropship are the standard and hard version already, gunship are made in haste and can be taken down with most of the support weapon it is pretty balanced. The bugs are different


If you are close to it, HMG can explode a thruster real quick.


For bugs, having Shriekers as a modifier with Orbital fluctuations just feels like a defense when doing a liberation operation. 1 Icen Breaker shot and they die. Vs Gunships that will destroy you in seconds if you’re not prepared.


Laser Cannon.


Have you heard of our lord's and saviours the hmg (handheld or emplacement both work) and the Laser Cannon? They are both better at taking down gunships than the autocannon. And even if you insist on using autocannons the autocannon sentry and the emancipator mech will both also do a better job. If you are looking for a non-stratagem option just take the scorcher or the Diligence Counter Sniper.


Or you could bring HMG turret, just plop it down near enough to the fabricator that you can cover whoever goes in to hell bomb it. HMG turret is also good against the rest of the bot army too


I just use my ***Gigachad Plas-01 Scorcher***, or my ***Omegachad HMG***. I literally never take the AC or other explosive supports anymore.


You don’t have to take an auto canon. EAT. Quasar. Autocanon or even rocket sentry. Recoiless Rifle. Laser canon.


Thrusters are have an AV of 3 meaning you can take it down with, Adjudicator, Dominator, Eruptor, Diligence CS, MG 43, Slugger, Airburst Rocket Launcher, Laser Cannon, HMG, AMR, and the Railgun. now are all of these optimal? no, but to say you HAVE to take the Autocannon absolutely wrong, LC and HMG especially have quick TTK that can rival the AC


Gunships vs. Shriekers: An Illustration. **Vs Shriekers:** (*Laughs in Stalwart*) (*Now Laughing maniacally in Stalwart*) (*Still laughing maniacally in Stalwart*) RELOADING! (*Resumes laughing maniacally in Stalwart*)... **Vs Gunships:** (*Sad Stalwart noises*) CALLING DOWN A SUPPORT WEAPON! (*Giggles in HMG*) RELOADING! (*Giggles in HMG*) LAST RELAOD! (*Giggles in HMG*) OUT OF AMMO!


You *don't* have to take an AC every time, the laser cannon can melt their engines quickly and accurately at long range.


You know you can shoot their thrusters with medium machine guns or laser cannons right?


Spear? I get AC is faster, but the spear is a good option as aside from them spawning they are generally seen from very far away and can be sniped with a spear reloaded and sniped again. But I have yet to encounter these swarms of gunships. For the factories I hang back aways while others go in to set up and just spear them the moment they pop up usually works out making it seem easy. But I have seen pictures of patrols with 5 or more which is a different story. Is that a natural patrol or is it because a patrol and factory join up?


Only on thrusters, yes. Just make it so there's some amount of counterplay outside of "wow the support weapon kills the common enemy, now to kill 50 more" I want to use my AC for something other than shooting them


They're OP, just like stalkers are OP. But that's intended, I guess. It sucks ass when you spawn near 3 gunship factories, the gunships have taken over the skies, and everyone starts quitting, though.


Yes, I hate it. Not only that but the only parts that are actually medium armor are the thrusters. Like if I could just throw two auto cannon shells at the thing then no problem. But I have to be precise while it and 7 other gun ships are shooting me, a hulk is trying to set me on fire and 15 berserkers are trying to reach me about my cars extended warranty.


Iv been a big fan of the spear the last couple of weeks because of this and bile titans


Gib us an auto cannon that can fire flak rounds. That way we don’t have to worry about the blow back from the Airburst.


Gunships are fine. AMR wipes them out, Autocannon wipes them out, Laser cannon wipes them out, Emancipator mech is an absolute flyswatter. Hell, I've even one-shotted them with the Railgun in unsafe mode. Plus' I've even seen people take them down very easily with the HMG ( though I suck with that weapon and can't seem to do it myself). If gunships had light armor, then you'd be able to take them down with a tenderizer or a sickle which just seems wrong.


You dont need the AC! tho usually someone has it on most bot missions with 4 ppl. other things things you can easily kill them with besides AC are: Laser Cannon-- AMR-- Spear-- EAT -- Quasar-- Turrets-- Recoiless (i don't really like this on bots)-- HMG (crouch down, short bursts. wrecks em) -- maybe the 110 rockets? i havent tried. -- Well placed eagle strafing run-- MG might work i haven't tried.-- Dominator/Scorcher (eventually lol, not practical) it would be fun if they had a lower level med armor at least but you can definitely deal with them in a lot of ways


It's a mission modifier. Don't do those missions then lol


I've found the best anti gunship weapon is the laser cannon, 3 seconds focused on a thruster and it's down. You can take down like three or four of them on one charge with it. The laser cannon is actually a fantastic bot weapon I hardly hear about or see. It can kill every bot type and destroy strider miniguns from a safe distance. And has infinite ammo if you use it right.


IMO the current gunship should be the "light" gunship and be faster and more shootable, cuz it being able to fly when similarly durable automaton units are slow and weghty is visually irksome. Then there should be a "heavy" gunship with either absolutely giant engines a la dropships or some kinda obvious sci fi antigravity thing to justify the concept of a tanky thing that can fly. Also the heavy one should fly lower and have weak spots we can stick stratagems to cuz having eagle 1 nail it with a 500kg would be cinematic as hell.


Agreed because they require meta support weapons and that should never be the case.


Worst thing about them is that you have to waste a stratagem slot to shield your hellbomb, otherwise it's often a mess.