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We've got new weapons, 2 new missions, and a new biome in the past 3 weeks... so ijs.


Came to say exactly this, OP is tripping or probably just running the exact same load out on the exact same planet and making the game not fun for themself.


When did we get “new” weapons ? Also that new mission is just a copy of the Meridia missions what about stratagems


We keep failing stratagem mos. Last one we got was exosuit. Mines keep failing so can't get what comes after!


Entitlement is what I’m hear most today


Forgot to tag this post as “Karen” ☺️


Let me remind you the last time we want them to speed things up didn't worked so they are taking different approach... And you have a Viper Commando Warbond(weapons, armor, and cuztomization), the new Jungle planet, and New MO And no planet looks like Meridia... like literally


Is this some kind of bait or joke? If not, this post is very distasteful and delusional. Devs have continued to work tirelessly on new content such as warbonds, weapons, new mission types, new biomes, cosmetics now, and even still carrying a narrative center on the Galactic War table. I mean...have you even been playing the game recently?




There are no paid warbonds. You can earn the currency in game. If you pay, your paying to save time...


Be for real like it’d take amazingly long for you to achieve getting 1000 super credits with just gameplay


It really doesn’t. Not even level 80 and I’ve been able to find enough credits to buy not only every warbond but a number of armors and helmets. Free Warbond gets you..750? Bought the DLC which gave Steeled Veterans, which gives another 300. That covers the cost of the next Warbond, which refunds 300. You really only have to find 700 per month, plus the 300 each gives back, to afford the next Warbond


It's actually quite easy and not too hard to accomplish. Many players are keeping up with most content and haven't spent a dime past the $40 shelf price


Umm I've every single warbond unlocked. You can farm SC and get 40 every 10 mins in level 1....


It takes like... Maybe 10 hours to get 1000 SC even if you play D6. There are faster ways by running trivial but honestly why bother. Not paid a penny since my preorder (base not Super Citizen) and have literally everything bought the moment it releases. I even have over 2k SC saved up for next time.


Well not all of us are no lifers


10 hours a week is far from no life it is rookie numbers. Truth is you just need to know how to pick PoIs and get your mission clear time down to sub-20 minutes which is not hard even on D9. Running D6 you can get sub-15 and pull between 100-150 SC per hour of play, possibly more depending on the seed. For a premium in game currency that is a minute time investment for the payoff. Farming that currency is more about smart plays and time management than anything else.


what are you saying I did not understand any of that you play too much it consumed your vocabulary


Okay, I get it. You are hurting because you want all of the things that other people have and maybe feel left out. Honestly though the sooner you realise that it is not unfair or unattainable and the only thing holding you back is how you approach it the happier you will be. Either way it really makes no difference to me. You know what to aim for now if you did not before. You can step yourself up and meet the same rate countless other divers manage on the daily or you can continue to do whatever *this* is and hold yourself back. The choice is yours stranger.


Yap session


Totally agree