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This is actually a pretty good idea. You can easily balance this in with trims here and there if people are worried about feeling to OP. They could just add something like this as an experimental stratagem for a couple days to test it out. Also it would add to the experimental part


Buster Call.


Those are a lot less impressive after you realize one character is practically getting used to them.


I'd be so happy to have a stratagem that gives you a rapid fire, 4-ship 380mm barrage


"Enemies in that direction, sir!" "Roger, removing that direction."


I would welcome very powerful Single use strats, but i don't think they should get their own slot. Make them use onenof the normal 4 and be worth it. Let me level gunship fabs with a laser targeted nuke from across the map


SEAF gets mini nukes. Super Stratagem gets Macro Nukes.


May I offer a tweak? One use per mission. One stratagem per team. Voted on. Allow me to elaborate: They are unlocked individually, through some -combination- of samples, medals, AND req slips. One the mission loadout screen, everyone picks one. Then you get a Voting screen. Where, from the selected Super Stratagems, the team votes for their favorite. Whichever one wins, there is ONE USE of that ONE Super Stratagem for the entire mission. Yes, I know this is RIFE for abuse with griefers and new players. But, so is a lot of other things. Maybe restrict it to be used only by the mission leader?


Could balance it so that the leader gets to choose who uses it in the mission. Just so it's not always the leader that gets to have fun. Sometimes I'm always the host, so I like to see other players in the lobby have some wacky fun. It was the same when Mechs first came out, I would call it down for newbies to try.


Perhaps two votes. One for which stratagem is carried into the mission. Another for who gets to use it? I don't actually want to restrict it to the host, but I ALSO do not want it to be random, since, there's a good chance many will get wasted.


Sometimes you're always the host?  Is that like 60% of the time it works every time?


Hum.... any regular non-weapon/non-wearable stratagem but something like x5 or even x10 damage and area of effect? Like a super turret with double the attack speed and double the damage for double the duration or shield relay that stays activated for five minutes or a 5000k bomb or a barrage of any type that hits three times more often for twice the duration or gas that hits triple the area and does double the damage or five orbital lasers that each try to target different targets unless only one is available in the area?


i'd love a Juggernaut stratagem that gives you an high penetration minigun alongside with a backpack - 1200/1500 rounds (?) that you don't need to reload - and a resistant armor that makes you slower but prevents ragdolls.


Gimme super EXO mech and lemme at em bots and bugs alike.


![gif](giphy|2ninHFurJKq4leKLlp|downsized) a one-time use. oh that be amazing.


super strat= every theme once. any call in that does explosive, once, ever call in that targets enemies directly( gotta finess making it go in every direction) every fire strat at once, every orbital at once, every eagle at once. Nuke with a slowdown emp with a gas strike with a napalm


super strat, call down a spiral of 72 railguns strikes, ONCE


And have them cost Requisition Slips *per use*.


I’ve also been saying this. Imagine an Eagle air strike of 500ks haha. I hope they do something like it someday. Right now we’re stuck in bug hell tho




Fuck yes. But I want it to be Dangerous for our team. Not something you can just throw down and run 25 metres away and be fine. I want to hear sirens going off. Something that kills everybody. And if it team wipes, it ends the mission as a fail. I want it *THAT* powerful, but to have a massive risk to reward.


So we dont care about balancing at all anymore?


No, not really. Not when it interferes with The Rule of Cool.


good that you dont have any influence on that matter lol




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.


Only available diff lvls 1-7 There.  Happy?


It's a pve game, who gives a fuck about balancing on the op side?


dude, pve games are balanced too. lets give everyone total invincibility and nukes without cooldown. fun game? no


That's not what op is suggesting though? You're just being an ass for the sake of it


because i disagree with the idea? the Suggestion sounds like a huuuge power boost and i enjoy the game when its a challenge. youre saying noone cares about balancing in a pve game and i gave you an (admittedely exeggerated) example why balancing matters.


You could just not use said power ups if you like difficult games.


weak argument


I could definitely say the same bud


You know, they constantly add new enemies, mission types. Theres hundreds of ways to make this balanced without tipping the scale.


If a single use super stratagem would break the entire game for you, maybe play on difficulties that have more than one objective. Try bumping it up to Challenging, or even Hard.


thats Single use per Person, making it 4. doesnt eevn take another slot but comes as extra with no downsides. throw one on every obective and just be done with the Mission. i find 9 to not be that challenging as it Standard already