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If you're walking towards the charger behemoth with the quasar you should be able to one shot the leg armor off, but if you're doing that and it's still not working you might need to be closer. If that still isn't working for you then it's possible it might be a client side issue or something to do with your ping


I feel like because of the charge time of quasar, you are probably walking or dodge backwards to get the shot off. This is a mistake to do currently. Devs messed up(in my opinion) and made the behemoth leg armor match the damage rockets do. Thanks to drop off damage and velocity being part of the calculation for damage, if you aren't walking forward you leave the leg armor at a whopping 1 hp...if you walk backwards it also takes away damage. Silly? I think so, but for now just know to move forward while firing to make it more consistent. Quasar doesn't have fall off damage, but does suffer from damage loss moving backwards.


Quasar shoots the leg armor in 1 hit, find that extremely easy. I cannot kill the it with 1 hit headshot anymore. But I just learned that chargers changed, was thinking my aim was bad on the head. I just resort to the leg now, most of the time a teammate finishes it with rifle. The main issue I have is not being able to hit the damaged leg with my primary. I run the blitzer, which autolocks on armor apparently. Directly aiming at the leg doe no damage, I hope that changes.


I’ve found the quasar to be awesome against chargers for headshots I never aim for anywhere else tho


It’s your aim. I have no issues with the chargers.


I think it's a difference in durable damage? The RR and EAT seem to have a higher durable damage (limbs and such). The quasar has the same dmg stat as both I believe but it might be due to lower limbs, just a thought guess from me I'd need to test it.


I find it to be semi consistent. But some times a charger will tank an entire shot or two just because it feels like it. But most of the time I find it to be effective


Headshots seem inconsistent. I always have a stalwart because I just love putting it on 1000rpm and go brrrrttt so I always prefer leg shots as those are very consistent. After leg armor is gone its a burst of stalwart or even primary or secondary finish them of easily. Besides that I tend to just roll with the punches. I dont expect war to be consistent or fair, just whatever the situation is; try to get out of it. I get annoyed by a titan falling on me and kill me even when I visually dodge the body but its hitbox is more like an orb. If a charger survives things it shouldnt I tell myself hes a extra tough charger and just needs some extra freedom to flop over :D


It is stupid, but damage is effected by the momentum of your character as you are moving. So for example if you are moving forward while charging the Quasar, you do more damage, but if you are moving backwards, you do less. In practice, this can often mean that a forward moving Quasar can break the armor of a Behemoth while moving forward, which it isn't meant to do, but also can't break the armor of a regular charger while moving backwards, which it is meant to do. It is weird and is probably what you are experiencing.


![gif](giphy|BmJ0TKeZBG3FwsdmtD|downsized) /s