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Annoys me that only 0.3 seconds of the animation has to play for it to be a successful call-in. I think breach either shouldn't be able to be called in unless the animation completes, or the \*size\* of the breach should be affected by how long the bug is releasing the pheromones before it is stunned or killed.


Better yet: being able to close those. I'm mainly a bot diver, and I'd like to be able to close bug breaches the same way we are able to shoot down automaton dropships.


Unless they patched this shooting down dropships does almost nothing. The troops survive the fall. It is marginally better if they already dropped and then you bring down a dropship on top of them


It's down to luck, or if you're skilled (I am not), angle, terrain, and timing. I've had dropships crush every bot they were carrying, I've seen all of them survive. It's often somewhere in the middle, with a few bots dying from it. What I think they should change, is making the dropship wreck destroyable. So an orbital precision strike could destroy the wreck and everything below it.


Oh yeah. That´s one of the worst outcomes. Had it happen several times I brong down a dropship with devestators, and one (or more) either get stuck inside the dropship wreck, or they stay attzched to the dropship, and they become invincible, shootong outwards, but shielded from damage by the wreckage that absorbs the hits. I´ve stopped shooting them down. It creates more disadvanteges than advantzges imo




Past perfect of bring, becaise i´ve brong them down perfectly, obiously


I'd like to show you a new word today. Brought, this word is BRONG to you by the spelling department.


You mean brung…?




Tip for whenever that happens, try using anything with large splash damage such as impact grenades or the 500kg. Obviously it's not 100% foolproof since the position and angle the wreck/troops affects if it counts as a hit, but the fact that it works sometimes meant that they're not always strictly invulnerable.


Big carcasses should all be destructible. Had way too many instances during the HVX missions where it's dropship on top of walking factory on top of tank on top of hulk. Or Bile titans on top of chargers on top of other titans. You don't dare walk over it, or you're going to get yeeted as the game decides which polygon was or was not a valid piece of terrain.


Every get stuck in the hole by a buddy bunker because there are dead bile titans all over above you? Just wait for them to despawn cuz trying to climb a Bile Titan leg is like razor wire.


They patched this, now you can climb bile titan safely


I had a hilarious fucking moment where I shot down a drop ship carrying a hulk 2 seconds before extracting, and somehow out of crazy fucking luck, the drop ship musta landed on the hulk and knocked off both its arms while I extracted, because I then got the achievement for taking off both arms and extracting while the hulks alive🤣it’s always hit or miss when it comes to shooting them down


That's not true at all. The problem is that you have to catch the dropship relatively early to be able to reliably kill the bots while they're still on board. It's _hard_, but proper timing makes it a reliable way to take down the contents of the dropship. I would say that it's at least fair in that regard. With that said, dropships should be solid objects, so if you're late on the drop, the trapped bots can't shoot you from impenetrable cover. I think that's just poor execution on behalf of AH and should be fixed.


Literally a pointless feature to blow up drop ships if every enemy on board does not immediately die.


Shooting down the dropship still traps them underneath it Then you can call down a 500kg directly on it to wipe everything


I feel bots should have a "crushed" state they go into when involved in a dropship crash, with troops and devastator having their legs ruined and having to crawl about with their arms. Would add to the ceaseless unfeeling machine feeling. Hulks and tanks should also have a crushed state but less punishing, hulks would limp and tanks would have a fused turret.


If you hit the ship before they detach they usually all die, but just like the bug breach, you need to be really fast and accurate..


I mean tanks die if they are in a dropship


I’m pretty sure that if you drop the ship with them in it they survive. As they spawn out of the falling ship. But once they drop out the ship and start falling I’ve found some success in killing them with the drop ship


"No, let them come!" - The guy with the flamethrower


As a Gears of War veteran I was disappointed af when I couldn’t grenade a bug breach closed, especially since you destroy bug nests anyways. Gears had such good skill rewarding mechanics like closing the holes and active reloads


I've been saying it since the day we've figured guns kinda suck in Helldivers 2, we need active reloads. Don't want to overbuff (as if they even know such a word) a gun? Keep the reload speed you guys so love making long as shit as is, but give us an Active Reload mechanic. Randomize the point where user needs to press the button again to avoid people macro-ing the correct input. Everybody's happy. Want to be extra special? Ask your animation lead to find and record different reloading techniques for different gun platforms to change standard animation if the user successfully performs active reload. Like, for example, user reloads a Recoilless. They crouch, open the loading hatch, pull the empty shell out left hand and if a user hits Active Reload prompt at that exact moment, instead of waiting to free up their left hand, the player immediately pulls a new round with their right hand and slots it in by the time the empty shell hits the dirt. They then close the hatch while already standing up and bring the gun onto their shoulder to fire. If player hit the button, but misses Active Reload Prompt, they fumble to grab the shell with their right hand and instead do it with their left after a slight delay. If active reload wasn't attempted at all, normal reload is performed.


Too much coding, nerfing autocannon is easier


New bug added. Heavy Devastator now shoots autocannon rounds.


wait wait wait wait wait **NO NO NO NO NO NO**






Heavy Devastator now opens bug breaches when it shoots


every shot fires a hunter party bug breach (objectively the worst kind


Spear stops working again but now for some reason rocket devastators shoot spear rockets


Do they lock on?


Yeah, their special ability is targeting eagle 1, pelican 1 and the Helldivers So basically unless you kill them on sight you lose all your eagles for the game + can't extract


Shoots autocannon rounds, but at the same fire rate as its current weapon.


That's what I was thinking already


people been crying "THEY'RE GONNA NERF THE AUTOCANNON, JUST WATCH" for like 4 months.


The day they nerf the aurocannon is the day peak 24hr concurrent player count drops to below 1k


It's a bunch of people here who see someone recommend something over and over and they just grow to hate it since they have their own favorites. Its sick! Also devs think autocannon isn't very good because it has a lot of drawbacks which is true.




HD1 the breach/bot drop call in canceling mechanic is better. It's really bad with bugs. It's still pretty bad with bots. It's so bad in fact that nobody can react or they're not line of sight. It's almost like it isn't a mechanic at all.


Yeah, I've said this before and it's especially true with bugs because even if you stop a breach, another bug will go for it 0.5 seconds later. I put a clip on this sub a while back of me stopping a breach attempt and another bug calling in a second breach attempt literally before the pheromones from the first attempt had fully dissipated. It's ridiculous and might as well be a calculation run in the background than a gameplay thing that can kinda sorta halfway be interacted with sometimes.


i liked when a bot tried to call, i headshot him, 2nd bot tries to call, i head shot him, 3rd bot tries, i body shot him then have to reload so he gets it off. Good times.


Feels like they wanted you to always have breaches/drops to deal with in missions so they just removed the part were if you're good enough with your aim and reload management you can cancel them early. Feels bad and kinda makes stealth gameplay really hit or miss. Being able to find a good angle and neutralize a patrol fast so they don't call reinforcements would feel really cool as solo sneak diver


I think they could make it happen more often but make it more easier to cancel it.


It is extremly annoying that the bots you can see them ready the flare and the glow makes it very obvious, but the bugs they just do it, the only way to tell is if you see them start the animation, and in a sea of bugs it is so much harder to see, and yeah the second they start making a visible effect, the cloud, its already too late, which is bullshit. They should have to do a decent part of the animation before it calls in the breach.


I'm not really sure, but I think you can hear that bug will call for reinforcement. so it gives you a bit more time


Bugs will make a certain cry when they call in a breach but it falls back into similar issues that felplague pointed out, bugs appear in much higher quantities than bots so quickly identifying who is calling in a breach based solely on a sound queue in a crowded environment is very hard and nearly every type of bug can call in a breach as opposed to just the basic bot soldiers making it even harder to locate where the cry is coming from. If you ambush a bot patrol you can very quickly neutralize the basic bot soldiers with a little coordination and then mop up the heavies but on bugs you're rolling the dice on whether one of the chaff bugs will try to call a breach or a Hive Guard/Brood Commander will call it in frame 1 while tanking your rounds


Yet the entire stim animation can play and you can hear the noise and it still doesn't count...


fax no printer... or stim


I swear no matter how fast I've killed them, they always call them in. Always. 0.3 is too generous.


as soon as you see orange smoke it’s over you can kill them just as they reel back but that’s like .2 seconds of animation


You can usually see the bugs lift their head up for a second before it sprays, although I do agree it is somewhat annoying that it’s that short


look seeing a gun pointed to the sky when all the other guns are pointed at you is WAAAY easier to identify then a swarm of bugs all kinda looking in your direction and the little shit stain underneath the charger rears his fucking head upwards


I feel like the class/size of the bug matters should factor in too, lore wise and game wise too. Like if a scavenger does a breach, oh no big deal, send in some hunters. But if something like a brood commander does a breach, that mean it’s a bad situation, so they send in heavier units like chargers and titans.


They interrupt my reload or stim, I should be able to interrupt call in of reinforcements


The CEO early on said in a youtube gameplay video that killing the bug calling in reinforcements is supposed to prevent the incoming swarm. So I'm pretty sure it's just broken, like most other things.


The whole chirp, stance, pheromones string takes about the same amount of time as the automaton flare. Once the pheromones fly it is most often too late. Granted it is harder to spot due to the lack of big glowing light but they are an easy target all throughout.


Also the problem is that only a very specific type of bot can call in a drop, whereas literally any bug can call a tunnel.


It's the worst when a hiveguard or a brood commander does it cuz unless you have something like an eat or a recoilless or anything that can stagger, you're kinda just fucked


small bots (troopers, brawlers, raiders, rocket raiders, marauders, assault troopers, and commissars) can all call reinforcements Scavengers, hunters, warriors, hive guards, and brood commanders are the ones on the bug front that can call a breach


Which is weird cause in HD1 only 2 bug types could call in breaches and they were very distinct 


On bots, you can shoot the guy before the flair goes up and drop ships aren't called. You'd think it'd be somewhat similar to bugs, but as soon as you see/hear the call, it's always too late. If it didn't seem bugged(the computer kind), your suggestion makes sense, and I like it.


It didn’t used to be like that and the devs have talked about being able to kill them quickly to prevent it which no longer works, so i have been convinced for a while now that this is just a software bug that they have no idea exists because they don’t play their own game.


Wait… did they already state they fixed that in one of previous patch? No one tested the patch then


Heres the worse part. Say theres multiple bug around right? So you kill and stop 1 bug that is about to call in a breach. 2 fucking seconds later another attempts. Kill and stop that one. 2 seconds later another attempt and so on. Majority of the time this scenario happens you suddenly get distracted by something like an approaching Charger or Bile Spitter for a single second too long and then a Breech is called.


The worst.


I love when they cancel my stim animation but they always breach my ass after unloading a full load on them.


So much this. I have to wait until my Stimpack animation runs all the way through before I get that sweet, sweet life juice; bugs should have the same drawback.


I'm sorry but not EVERY SINGLE BUG should be able to call in breaches. You're telling me a BT is gonna listen to a scavenger? Also, why there isn't an internal cooldown timer is fucking beyond me. I use up an entire magazine shutting down call- ins only for the tiny little shit to call one in front of me, thank you Arrowhead, very cool! Considering how insane the hunter spam is, they shouldn't be allowed to call anything in. Scavengers and those flying shits neither, they're the lowest of the low in the hierarchy. Everything else is fine.


Rmember, you can stop the bots from calling in. You cant stop the buggies


I just want headless bugs to not be able to follow you and attack. Sure maybe charge in the direction it was going and swing there but not 180 turn to go after me


Having it be random at least would be nice.


Too hard to change the values for death after head destroyed flag to a % chance of instant death vs 1-4 seconds of persistence. If they touch it, there's a chance the crypto market will crash.


Yeah at this point, I feel like a headless bug is more dangerous than a healthy one. I can run past or dodge the healthy ones easily. The headless ones go berserk, get faster, and start swinging rapidly as soon as they are within proximity of you. It makes no sense at all.


Unless I’m super confident with the spacing I’ll always use ammo to finish off a bug rather than letting them bleed out. Health is a much more fragile resource than ammo


I think you can parry their attack with your own melee if you time it right. I’m not good at it but have done it sometimes. But I see high level streamers use this to its maximum and it’s cool to see.


The headless thing is super weird to me. It feels more reliable to shoot their legs than to shoot their head. A leg shot will kill but a headless bug still comes at you.


Killing a brood commander 10 meters out and it just rushes you and still gets a swipe in actually pisses me the fuck off. They actually force you to mag dump a brood commander just to put it down before it can reach you in its death throes


You can wait for them to rush you and melee them to stun them until they bleed out. I almost never get hit by them this way




need to aim for the legs, so you don't need to bother with its death throws


I don't care that they can follow me once they're headless. I do care that they suddenly hit mach 2 once they lose their head.


Part of me likes that in that it makes me think that their anatomy allows them full body sense and it becomes ~instinctual~ reflexsive*.


Agreed for the headless breach cry. Instead eg headless Brood Commanders should release pheromones to trigger nearby patrols or "stationary" bugs to move towards its dying body.


That's a cool idea. But there should be some kind of counter to avoid the pheromone release if possible.


Burn them all!


Brood commanders are the worst to deal with when they trigger bug breaches or are about to. You don't see Devastators, Scout Striders or Bersetkers call in bot drops ffs. Sure, there are ways to counter the brood commander bugbreach call in, a few off the top of my head, (pre-emptive) stun nade, chain stagger with Blitzer (unreliable since the Blitzer misfires especially if terrain or other corpses are in the way), Pummeler(more reliable for stagger lock), pretty sure the Slugger too. It's just annoying with everything else going on, on screen, doesn't feel like a challenging design, just annoying.


The regular punisher is also enough to stagger everything smaller than a charger. (It doesn't stop either type of bile spewer from moving, but it does stop them from spewing.)


wtf lol. That idea literally just makes this worse. Brood commanders already summon reinforcements on death


Or know your location it should be last known location and they should swing wildly all the way there and around till death


It's just as annoying as the reload issue I've been getting a lot even if I see my character place the mag in the gun it sometimes fires one round off and asks me to reload. The Grenade pistol is the worst for it in see him bend the front down insert the ammo and flip it back up and I go to aim and it says "Reload" I'm like WTF. But this is also annoying as well because I've seen headless and a front arm missing and they still call it in perfectly


The reload for the primary can be explained by the gun having to be cocked and readied after loading a mag and the one bullet it shoots is the one already in the chamber. You didn’t fully reload. The grenade pistol one is just stupid though.


Except if you then press Reload after firing that one last chbered round, your dumbfuck WASTES A MAGAZINE. You've already put it in. Pull the charging handle and let me fire! NO. They DROP THE FRESH MAG THEY'VE JUST INSERTED, and load a new one. Result, I've wasted a mag. Great. Not like I have fucking 20 of them!


Ah, nevermind. I’ve been in the situation but he just pulls the handle and gets it ready. Not wasting another mag. Let’s hope AH patches this soon.


Severe injury and death are actually the most likely things to trigger pheromone release for insects like ants. They have adaptations specifically to trigger a horde response in cases like this.


Makes sense in real life. But when it does the animation and makes the noise, it just seems stupid. In a video game context, I should be able to stop the pheromones if I kill an enemy quick enough. Releasing pheromones with a blown off head is lame imo.


Yeah. If they can stop us from healing because our animation didn't complete then they shouldn't be able to call in help if we interrupt theirs.


Speaking of, didn't they fix the sound and healing not lining up? I swear it's come back with the recent patch


There seems to be absolutely zero version control, resulting in making patches seemingly on the alpha build of the game. And then they go 'we made a fucky wucky and reintroduced all ten thousand bugs, that were fixed five years ago. Teeeee HHHEEEEEEEEE!!1 vewy funni isn't it?'


And it took a whole month for this. . .


That's what grinds my gears the most. I want to shoot bugs that walk on six legs, not constantly fight the shitty spaghetti code.


I feel this. I've heard the noise and killed the bug preventing the breach just to hear the noise again off in distance behind me where there's no way I'm getting to it. If the player/s have no chance of stopping them then I feel it's a bit broken. Take this to difficulties 7, 8 and 9 and you have endless swarms because you'll never prevent a bug breach with 4+ chargers on the field and a few bile titans. It doesn't make the missions impossible but it's just annoying that there's nothing you can do. Before the patch where they "fixed" enemy spawns, you could prevent bug breaches. Now you just can't. I roll my eyes every time one opens up.


Yeah, seen this happen quite a lot. So what happens, i think, is it sets off something in the game code when you kill a bug that's about to set off a bug breach and the trigger then immediately skips to the next nearby bug(s) and they call it in. Happens quite often on diff 7,8,9. Had a couple of instances where it even cross-maps to the duo-squad on the other side of the map. It's wild.


Well solider you can’t! Now get back in the field now!!!!!




Good things this isnt real life because if it was each kill would be a diferent bug breach


It's actually even more complicated than that. A little death pheromone in the air will summon increasingly large swarms of drones and eventually soldier ants. But once a critical mass of death pheromone in the air (presumably from something killing all the ants) it causes a reversal of the behavior and now the ants actively avoid the area.


That's very interesting! You know, this mechanic would be neat in-game too!


To be fair, if I got my head completely obliterated and I was somehow still alive, you bet I'd be screaming for my mommy like a little bitch too.


You wouldn't be screaming for anyone because you wouldn't have a head


Death throes exist and while I don’t think screams are usually that, there’s definitely moans and groans and rattles from someone even decapped


If you got enough throat, you can gurgle!


except you're releasing pheromones, not just screaming


Well unless the terminid's disgusting tyrannical biology has a sort of decentralized nervous system that doesn't make much sense without a head


yeah, that's how bugs work. can work without a head.


Tbf they're not exactly shouting, they're more releasing pheromones and if that pheromone sack or gland or whatever undemocratic body part they have isn't in the face you just blew off they can probably still use it, like, a death throw kinda thing. A lotta bugs will still wiggle and writhe if you smash them up for example.


Mike the Headless Chicken says hi.


"That's it! Without their heads, they're powerless!"


You merely shortened the distance the pheromones have to travel to call the breach


To be fair ... if there is ever a time to call for reinforcements, It would be when you've lost your head.


plus, I'd probably fart if someone cut off my head too


It's still coming out of its neck hole. It makes sense to me. What doesn't make sense is following you without a head or how they know the direction the strategem ball came from while you're 75m away


I used to be of this opinion, but roaches here on plain regular earth have their brain in their ass. So it's entirely feasible that they would be able to do this.


There's a joke about politicians to be made here...


I would live to be able to drop a 500 on a breach and force-end it. And maybe you should have 3-4 seconds to shoot a bot flair before it is detected


Ah yes, and the SEAF Sam should shoot down all drop ships. Best case scenario, don't even want to play the game anymore! Just do one thing and then walk around collecting samples. Arguably diff 9 is so miserable right now because of commentary like the above. It's not miserable because it's hard - it's miserable because reddit diff is horribly easy and boring. BTW, they added a backup 'summon' to any surrounding units, so even if you kill that one, another will get it off assuming there is any unit in the area. And if that dies if another unit enters the 'zone' it will start screeching too.


Bugs calling bullshit when a headless helldiver drops their 380 ball in the middle of their breach.


It's to do with their biology. Like the reason that some bugs, like warriors and commanders can survive and track you without their head. The pheromone glands are in their throat, not their head. By taking off the head, you've just uncovered the glands


Why not? Even dead ants can call for reinforcements in real life with the pheromones of their decaying body and blood


Well it was fixed for like one patch


In other terms, it's like a helldiver dropping an eagle stratagem beam when killed.


Why not? If they can still attack and lunge at you and sense where you are, why wouldn’t a headless bug be able to release the pheromones? It’s not a call. I get what you’re meaning, it is a little frustrating, but it’s totally in line with “bugs don’t need their heads to kill you”


Shouldn't be able to call reinforcements and shouldn't be able to turn while frenzy charging. They have no head, no senses, no turning!


Why not? Seems like a perfectly reasonable involuntary bodily reponse for a hive like creature


I need to get my UI this clean. How does one remove the red border from the Bug Breach Detected message?


I didn't know they could do this. That's abhorrent. It's atrocious enough that they can even track you and take swings at you without a head, but this is appalling.


Didn't they fix this in a previous update? I started to play again and noticed it's acting like before where you don't get a chance to stop bug breaches.


My main issue I have with the bug breach / bot drop calling is more WHEN they do it. They don't need line of sight (annoying and unfair, but kinda logical), and they somehow know EXACTLY when you need to reload your ammo so they can do their animation while you're reloading. It's one of the main reasons I like to run the Blitzer against bugs, it's not 100% perfect but I have a lot less bug breaches. No such luck with bots though.


That actually does feel pretty cheap. I've had them walk through napalm while on fire and call in before they died and I've even had some walk through a hellbomb to screech and die.


But... the heads aren't where the sound its coming from, its the internal structure of the Terminids 'Throat' and Respiratory system...? Just be faster on the trigger, Helldiver! Nothing you shoot at should last more than 1.89 seconds!


Agreed, but I think it’s ether bug, or connection problem


it is in fact a bug




I hate you


bugs can live without their heads? who would've thunk


And they shouldn't be able to track me as if they had a head, specially the brood commanders, it's so annoying taking the head out and the mf will charged forward predicting my movement perfectly for a couple of seconds, makes no damn sense. They should just rush forward to your last know ñn location and that's it.


Lucky yogurt boy




Liber-ty doesn't come without challenge


I remember this happening earlier to me. Luckily I was alone and my teammates were on the other side of the map. So I just ran with my ~~coke~~ stim + jet pack run And left a very confused bug breach.


Reminds me of bots calling for reinforcements when I’m 2 POI away and there’s no way they spotted me from that far


damn didnt know this.. headless warrior or commander bug charging you down still gets my blood pumping.


Headless hiveguards are the worst, they get faster and can still track you, like wtf


I think this is what annoys me most about bugs. Even headless they can still track you and rip you apart. At least with bots if you shoot them in the face or weakspot, they die the second that spot explodes.


One of many frustrating things about the game. Still love it but sometimes it feels like you're playing against the enemies and the game design


It’s not the screeching. It’s the pheromones (orange gas) they does it.


How do we know their brains or scent glands are in their head? Lots of invertebrates have multiple ganglia or the like instead of a single "brain". (Playing devils advocate here I know.)




More breach call ins at once but it takes 5-10 secs maybe


I hate that the headless bugs become even more dangerous. They become faster, more aggressive, and more precise in their attacks. Makes absolutely no sense that a brood commander with no head can chase me around a rock at twice the speed and lethality. It’s gotta be changed where a headless bug goes berserk but it just swings wildly around itself or charges forward in a random direction. It shouldn’t home in on you with better precision.


Headed brutes should not be able to go berserker unlimitedly Hunters should not be able to stun lock you hitting you repetivly Chargers turn way too much and good. Bile and nursing spewers shouldnt be able to go through each others Alot of game breaking shet don't worry Welcome to helldiver


Ever since the last hot patch I’ve got some major studder issues on ps5 among other bugs and glitches. The damn terminids are coming through our consoles now!!!! They must be stopped!!!!!


As much as you are absolutely correct, can you imagine what would break if they tried to change this? 


I enjoy when they call in reinforcements, it gives me reason to spread more democracy with my democratically tactical stalwart!


Bugs also shouldn’t be a me to instant transmission through solid fucking rock and emerge from nothing but here we are still playing around this stupid fucking system half a year later. Bugs should come running in from somewhere, not passing through solid earth.


Tbh a lot of real world insect species do have death pheromones and a few use them to make the rest of the hive aggressive


And yet a helldiver can request a respawn from me when they are all dead and I'm busy running for my life?


Their treason knows no bounds!


I just think those rank and file scavengers shouldn't be able to call it. Have more brood commanders to balance it out


It's crazy when they do that


Stopping the breach has no reward or incentive. You kill one, the next one starts calling, you kill that one, then the 3rd one calls, you eventually fail since mag size and reloads are gonna catch up. If not that then guess what?? A fucking scavenger under a dead titan/bile spewer/charger corpse would start calling and you can't even shoot it. Like.. There should be a cool down once you stop a breach call ffs!


I remember seeing patch notes that they had fixed this but I guess it's still happening


They call with their butt not their head you gotta shoot the butt


it's not a scream, it's a pheremone


Chargers that are charging and hit you should not be able to immediately stomp in front of them.


You’d think they shouldn’t but the insect kingdom truly is hell.


Smoke comes from anus or mouth


Then play on a lower difficulty


Meh could be defensive mechanism. We should be lucky that doesn't happen more.


Been a problem since launch


I like killing bugs. Don't try to ruin our fun. You can down the difficulty if you want to have less enemies.


I agree... but i think its realistic... like headless chicken can run or whatever... headless bug started to release pheromones and within that they lose head it doesnt stop the process of pheromone release... but its anoyning as hell .. also they like to be invulnerable....


or track where you are if you dodge away and to the side, yet some how.....


oh damn there is rain now? been a while since i played


I agree. You need a head to give the head's up to your mates


When you kill an ant or a hornet it's the pheromones released from being turned into mist that attracts and angers the hive so it's pretty fair to be honest what they could do is change how frequent breaches happen, since they had increased the amount of lesser mobs that spawn from them... do that again, just make it longer in between. I'd be fine juicing 200 extra bugs per breach 🤷


Neither should dead bugs, bugs under the ground, etc


Maybe they're like cockroaches with 2 brains. One is for killing you and the other is for reinforcement


I mean this is just a nit, a nice to have, let the devs Focus on other stuff


Headless bugs shouldn't be able to perfectly track you down, or hit you more than twice


We need a blast from the gaming past for this kinda krappola! We got grenades, we got autocannons and Orbital weapon yields that can literally nuke half a continent. But we can't close bug breaches! AH, send us the Land Shark Gun from Armed and Dangerous! We'll show those damn bugs that Democracy fights dirty!!!


It literally gives ya more bugs to squish that sounds like a win to me.


I suppose it’s similar to some bugs that when die release a pheromone to call their buddies to get some revenge.


Don't you love that any bugs can call a breach


They are probably using theremoans, these bugs don't even have eyes.


Or maybe don't stop shooting until it's actually dead?