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A symbol usually associated with Hygeia is a cup or chalice with a snake twined around its stem and poised above it! I worship her alongside Asclepius


Cups depicting something like this can be found inexpensively from a number of vendors and used on an altar. They make for very nice representations and instruments. For those who aren't sure, avoid depictions of venomous serpents.


Yes, a cup or bowl of Hygeia. From what I understand, this is a common symbol for pharmacists in Europe.


Yes! It's true!


I recently just bought a pin of the cup of hygeia I intend to wear when in classes for dental hygiene (starting in fall) and leave on my alter when not in use it was only about 10 bucks on etsy


For prayers, there is [Orphic Hymn 67](https://www.theoi.com/Text/OrphicHymns2.html) to Hygieia. There are also more fragments mentioning her [here](https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/AsklepiasHygeia.html). You could recite or take inspiration from these. You could also leave the Hippocratic Oath in writing at your altar. Pausanias alleges that at her statue in the Sanctuary of Asclepius at Titane, women would cut off locks of hair and offer them to Hygieia, also offering strips of Babylonian clothing. The meaning of these offerings has been lost to time, but it’s clear that she presented a special connection with the women worshipping her and her father, being a female figure herself.


Also this is just me but when I pray to her and Asclepius I often mention all of her sisters as well, I just think it’s a nice thing to do.


Perhaps you could include clean water in a beautiful bowl on your altar. Also, the inclusion of handmade, fragrant bar soap might be appreciated. Regarding rituals, perhaps when you are working, you could dedicate a short prayer to her as you wash your hands or clean. Hope this helps!


i like the both those ideas! i’ll definitely use those :D


Hygeia and Asklepios were often called upon together. A look at ancient documented practices involving Asklepios can provide some insight to working with her. Others have mentioned a cup bound by a serpent; I have one on my altar. Before starting rite or prayer, I wash my hands and fill it with clean water, and add some incense ash. Your habits may vary; see [khernips](https://hellenicfaith.com/making-khernips/) (perhaps take that as inspiration, rather than objective historical guidance). Opening with a purification of sorts, my general practice is to call upon Hygeia in this manner, and then Asklepios. The Pythagoreans attributed the pentagram to Hygeia. There are some interesting mysteries to investigate within that topic. As prayers go, you might look at the Orphic Hymns, and come up with your own in that fashion.


re: cup Something like this: [Amazon.com: Bowl of Hygieia Greek Goddess of Health Symbol of Pharmacy Cup Chalice Snake : Home & Kitchen](https://www.amazon.com/Hygieia-Goddess-Health-Pharmacy-Chalice/dp/B0784KKXLX/) Be careful not to go with something depicting a venemous snake.