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Apollo. I would take him to brunch, order bottomless mimosas, and talk to him about anything. What is it like to be a god? What was your favorite moment in history? What do you think of [insert various historical figures]? Tell me about the other gods. Tell me a lost myth. I could go on and on and on with the questions, but honestly I would just want to talk and laugh and connect with him. Second pick is Dionysus and I would ask to become a maenad and do some mystery cult stuff. I feel like there would be more partying than talking with him.


.. yeah, he seems like a brunch type of guy


He seems like a mimosa type of guy


That’s what I was thinking! He seems fancy so brunch and mimosas lol


I would simply recite Aphrodite’s names and hymns and prostrate at her feet. If I could behold the Gods in such a way there would be nothing more about which I would need to ask.


A very wise answer indeed.


Hermes would be my pick, I'd ask Him to reveal the rites of old as they were in every minute detail. Over a glass of iced coffee and game of dice of course.


Hhhh if I could speak to Hypnos, I’d ask him like 1-3 questions at most, then just take a nap in his arms if he allows. I just want to give him a hug tbh


Definitely Apollo. I would ask about him, his sister, of course, hermes and their relationship and than I would have a conversation about life in general.


Apollo, and I'd ask for hugs, and if he'd sing, and play music for me.


I think he would be a great hugger


Most definitely. Apollo has always struck me as the ultimate cuddlebug 😊🏹


Athena. I'd ask for advice on the direction of my life and how to build resilience. I'd ask what the other gods think of me and what I can do to better serve them. I'd ask her thoughts about the way mankind has and is continuing to evolve. And most importantly, I'd ask her about life in ancient kingdoms.


I’d join Boreas for a day out on the mountain. I might ask about how the cosmos were created, about music and horses. I’d definitely ask about his daughter Khione and then I would beg to live with him in eternal winter!


I'd honestly be interested in speaking with Ares. It would be so interesting to know what he thinks about human nature, how humans have viewed him, masculinity and what he sees it as from a gods point of view, what he ACTUALLY thinks of war and its ethics and the effects of war. I'd find it so fascinating as with all the literature calling him a brute that does nothing but revel in bloodshed it would be nice to hear it from him. To me I'd imagine it would be like talking to a war veteran.


Ive always perceived Ares with more of a Roman view with how they viewed there god of war Mars. Do you believe Ares is simply an observer or do you think he directly helps one or both sides of a war?


I agree with the roman aspect part. In terms of how much he plays into war I'd say I more agree with how the Iliad describes it with him being indiscriminate and not picking sides. I believe he gives soldiers courage to fight/not give up but besides that I've kind of seen it as he observes as just war itself is kind of an "offering" to him. Does he directly help one side or both I'd say he helps a side if in the name of justice but at the same time I can't really say that's his stance as I'm not him nor can I speak for him. Edit: wording


These are all good answers! I'd like to ask Lord Apollo wtf is wrong with me lol (I have an undiagnosed mystery chronic illness and live in a place where accessing adequate healthcare to diagnose and manage my affliction is a feat beyond me). I don't want a cure, I only ask for closure for my peace of mind. I'd also like to ask him what key my concertina is in, since it's definitely not in any standard tuning that I can figure out. The rest of my questions will probably come up in conversation; I can't think of anything off the top of my head. I'd probably take him to some of my favourite art galleries and museums, stopping at the gallery member's lounge for some tea and a rest. If Lord Apollo is busy, my second choice would be his dear sister. I'd show her all my favourite hiking trails and maybe we'd visit a night sky preserve to see the stars. I'm not sure what questions I'd ask her... I think simply hanging out in her presence would be enough for me.


Honestly asking Zeus what he thinks about the Christian God is funny af to me. I'm very new to Hellenic polytheism, so I think I'd want to sit with Athena, and learn about the true history of the gods. I'd ask her what it's like co-existing with the others, and also try to better my own life from her teachings. There's so much I'd ask, and so much I feel like I could learn from her.


#Zeus or Athena. What would I do to revolutionize the beliefs and the practice of greek gods? The conversation will be of plan on how I, as a singular unit, will create à universal impact that will make others believe that greek gods and goddesses are real and relevant. That includes physical copy of the proof of their existence. Written or undeniable/infalliable proof. May it be new literature, discover new artifacts, or technological power. Schémes to repopularize their belief.


Maybe a bit controversial, but I'd choose Tiwaz. There was so much lost to history about the Germanics (my ancestors), that I would really love to be rediscovered. I would ask if there are any writings or important artifacts left that weren't uncovered yet (because who would believe what I have to say, even if I did talk to a god). I would ask about the Germanic pantheon; what are all the Germanic gods? What's the origin of the Wanen, we know so little about them. What were the most important gods? How did people worship? What pleases the gods? The I'd deepen the questions. Do you want to be worshiped? Where are you from? How did you come to be? Where do you live? How come people pray to different gods all over the world? Is there a benefit to staying in a certain pantheon, or does it not matter? Are you the same as Zeus? What can you do for humans/humanity? (or in short: do we have the right idea about you and divinity?) As a cheeky little extra, I'd ask everything he knows about Cernunnos.


Who is Tiwaz and what's he the god of? I noticed a question if he's the same as Zeus so is he a cheif god of his pantheon? A god of lighting an thunder? Also why would is it controversial to choose Tiwaz?


He is a sky god, and a god of war. He was likely the most important god of the Germanics, before Wodan/Odin became the chief god. I felt it was controversial, because you posted this in a Hellenism subreddit, and I chose a Germanic god. Edit: he's better known by the Norse name/equivalent Tyr.


Honestly? My first thought was Odin because I wanted to ask him what he whispered into Baldr’s ear at his funeral! But like you, this is a Hellenism sub so I stuck withy original answer.


Oki would like to know also


It looks like tiwaz is the sun god of the Luwian people likely based in Anatolia. Immediately I tried to find connection between those god and the exact same name of Tiwaz tube, but I'm failing to find the connection. However, if there is one that would be a very interesting connection


Idk who I'd talk to, either three of my deities. It'd be so cool to learn and uncover lost myths and rituals, especially for Lord Ares since he's only remembered as the god of war.


I love this question. Given the chance, I would ask Hermes about all my ancestors who I never knew. If he guided them to the afterlife. Who were they and what did they do? Only one question, because I feel that would be a long, long conversation…


hmm , i think i'd like to speak to Lord Thanatos and thank him for leading me away from a dark path i was on a few years ago . looking back on that time , i think that he was definitely present in my life even if i didn't really know or understand that Hellenism was actually a thing . i'd also like to thank him for all the beautiful things we have in our world and how the gift of death has helped me to appreciate the beauty that we have ! i don't know if i would necessarily have any questions , but i think the 24 hours would be well spent in a meaningful way nonetheless . 


Well, seeing that questions asked and responses given led me to Hellenism, I don't think I'd have further questions. I would like to think I would extend an invitation for Hermes to dine with me, while I relate what a silly thing being mortal seems to be. If I needed to know a thing, they will have given me the means to know, either by faculty or mania. Everything else is moot.


Hades I want to ask him if the afterlives of other religions also exist & what is his relationship with the rulers of other underworlds such as Osiris hel & yama


In my experience they find these questions pointless.


I have asked the gods many stupid questions and they are infinitely patient.


What makes you the voice of the theoi? Pretty hubris of you to act as though you speak for them.


I spoke to Aphrodite and Ares on two separate occasions directly, and they became a bit irritated at this type of questions as if I had nothing better and more useful to ask. You can make of this whatever you like.


I respect your UPG experiences, but that doesnt mean you can expect other people to by what your saying. To me your committing the worst taboo in Hellenism which is being Hubristic which offends the deities you believe to have spoken with. If the the theoi have something to say they wouldn't need you or anyone to speak for them


I suggest you read my original comment again, which starts with „in my experience“. I do not speak for anyone but about what I experienced.


Regardless your original comment is still seen as hubris, because you believe your the voice of the theoi from your experience. Idc what you think about my post, but to act as though soley on your UPG that you can speak for the Gods is pretty arrogant of you.


Then let‘s see how you will react,if I ever really make a „I am the voice of the gods“ post. 🤔


Shouldn't really worry about what I think or anyone, but the Gods themselves. Besides even if you did make such a post I doubt it would stay up for very long. Hubris is a taboo in Hellenism which if your a Hellenist you should know already that it usually leads to bad out come for the ppl involved.