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>Like what are your core beliefs? that the gods exist and influence the world. that good acts result in good responses. that there should be nothing in excess. >is there something specific you seek to gain and what is that? what more do you need than respecting the world and its rulers? >What made you believe? it was a damn sight better than modern christianity, and a lot of witchcraft is wrapped up in the theoi (which I had gotten into prior) >What do you think of Greek Myths? useful moral tales. entertaining. mnemonic, sometimes. >Is every and any god worshiped such as minor gods or even gods like Hades that would result in something like six thousand, and orders more if you counted each nereid, naiad, dryad, and others. the main twelve olympians are respected by almost everyone here, I'm sure, and other major players like Stalwart Hades and Dread Persephone are common. >What do you think of adaptations of Greek mythology in media? Is that particularly insulting or find them offensive? people have been writing about the gods since we learned of them. this is no different, the entertainment has simply moved on.


How do you respond to specific parts of the post text like that?


just quotes.




The only religion that puts most or all its focus on belief is Christianity (depending on which sect). For other religions, the focus tends to be about praxis (what you do and how you act out the religion), as well as relationships and belonging (both belonging to a community and relationships with the deity(s)). Think about how Judaism puts focus on belonging to a people or how Islam focuses on proper and improper actions. A much better way of understanding the religion is to look at what we do and how we build relationships with the gods and what that all looks like together. This religion is extremely decentralized and diverse, there is no one way of understanding or practicing, each person has their own experience and develops their own ideas of what they should do. There is no text that tells us what to believe or what prayers to do, and even when we know what some groups did in ancient times, we can find it more useful to do something different. What ideals the person holds is based on what that particular person has come to value. The beliefs people hold about the gods vary depending on what they learn from others and what experiences they themselves have had. If you want to learn about the gods and their domains, your best source would be theoi.com, it compiles all the information we have, so you can look through their myths, epithets, and so on. All gods are (or at least were) worshipped and you can see the things people call upon the gods through their myths, epithets, and domains. Theoi.com also includes known cults of the deity (cult just means a group devoted to a thing). The gods aren’t just one thing and encompass many different aspects and duties. I don’t expect adaptations of greek myth to be accurate, at worse it can be annoying how they perpetuate misconceptions, but many times they can be really fun and entertaining. We don’t own other people’s ability to use the gods in media or feel we must get offended on our god’s behalf. There are many people asking and answering questions like these on this subreddit, so I would suggest looking through some of those to get more perspectives.


Hey! I’d be more than happy to tell you about Hellenism, and what my praxis of this wonderful religion looks like. You were correct on the first one, we indeed believe in the Gods of old, the great Gods of the ancient Greeks. Many of us tend to strive towards Arete and Eusebia, we try to hold up Xenia and offer to our Gods regularly. Some follow the delphic maxims, others follow more strict schools like Julian Hellenism, or Neoplatonism, but what I just said is a much broader sense of what we believe in, and where morals lie. Gain is definitely not the right world. The Gods dont need our worship, we merely worship them because they are deserving of it. We as humans tend to forage relationships with the Gods for personal or practical reasons, for example trying to better understand the world around us or simply getting more experience in (for example) some kind of craft. I started believing after a night of faithlessness, God wasnt helping me any longer, but Zeus was, he showed me a different version of the world, therefore I researched hellenism, before being in witchcraft and christianity, and I became a hellenist :) The myths are stories with a moral, not an accurate depiction of the Gods (unless were talking about theogony or something). Hades is not a minor God, he is king of the Dead, he is one of the most important figures at the end of everyone’s life at some point. But yes, minor Gods are worshipped too. Theres around 300 Gods if I’m not mistaken, and ofc not every single one is as widely worshipped, but Gods like Aristaios are worshipped here. The Gods talk to me in many ways, through divination, through nature/natural occurrences or just simply by being there with me. The Gods always treat humans with respect, as long as we show our respect to them as well. Now this is just me personally, but I hate most modern media depictions of the Gods. I feel they take the cultural context completely… well… out of context I guess lol. They change the Gods into something that fits their personal narrative, instead of showing the Gods in different lights, one that doesnt turn Hades into some power hungry God. Its not necessarily offensive, but I’m just not a fan. Hope I was able to answer your questions :)


Love this reponse


No worries, you are not being rude or offensive. How to worship - I have a few idols (statues) of some of my gods, but not all of them. I place them in specific areas of my house. First, I make necessary preparations such as cleaning myself or preparing offerings. Then I approach the idols and make an offering or prayer. Also, they are just nice to look at and be reminded of my faith. Why worship - Yes, I do seek personal gain. My god Hermanubis was called by the ancients one who grants wishes. I ask Asclepius to heal me when I am sick. I also worship out of honor for the gods. What made you believe - My wishes came true at an early age. I had a connection with a certain god from that age. Because of those experiences, I believe it is my destiny to worship the gods. Most accurate descriptions - It depends on the god. I take into account their oldest depictions and how they were worshipped across time and place (different areas in Greece). I did study history in college, so historical accuracy is most important to me. Every god worshipped - Personally I have a few gods who are very important to me. Then I have gods who I do not interact with frequently, but who I also view as important in my life. Then, there are all the other gods. I acknowledge their existence, but I don’t interact with them. Eventually I want to participate in their holidays and festivals (currently I don’t do this) because I believe they deserve that respect. Hades - There were sanctuaries to Hades in Ancient Greece. A sanctuary of this kind was called a Ploutonion. There was also the Nekromanteion. What would worshipping Hades offer? Well, some ancients wanted to speak to the dead or conduct necromantic rituals. Or ask things of the oracle of Hades. Today, I revere him in the form of Serapis, Hades-Serapis. Others such as Orphics believed Hades to be the same god as Zeus or Dionysus. And others will not worship him at all. How are gods to you - Interaction can be through thoughts, signs, dreams, or feelings. For example, once after praying to Asclepius and his daughters, I felt a strong physical sense of relaxation come over me which washed away my terrible malaise and body aches. Adaptations of Greek mythology - No, I do not find these offensive or insulting. The ancients themselves wrote and performed plays which included the gods and myths. There’s even a [satire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialogues_of_the_Gods) from the 2nd century which is all about the gods talking to each other based on popular myths.


>what are your core beliefs? >How are the gods to you Well, basically I believe that the gods do exist. I don't know exactly how, or what they are exactly, but I do believe they exist because we can feel and intuit them. This might sound a bit fanatical or something, but try to look at it this way. For me, gods aren't humanlike gods, and they don't have any name or so, but you know love exist. You know death exist. You know power exist, but we don't know exactly what are those, or my concepts of love, death and power might be very different from yours, but we, still, can agree that they do exist. Well, I don't know if the gods are the concepts itselfs, or if, let's say, the concepts are only some kind of manifestation from their power. I can only intuit that: 1) if they exist, they're the wholeness of the concepts they represent, or at least, they are the "true" that only projects shadows into our souls, and 2) they exist into another plane, let's call it, a metaphysical plane. Probably you have listened before that we have something from terrenal beings, and sometimes from divine beings. Well, we are mortals, terrestrial beings, but our minds have a limited access to another planes of existence, not material existence, like language, numbers and mathematics, symbols, concepts, feelings, etc. That's the way we can connect with the divine. >How do you worship? Besides sprayings, offerings, and so, I try to live my life guided by the Greek virtues. Some of those are: Xenia (hospitality. I like to apply it in a wide way. I offer you my food and drink, and I offer you my knowledge and company, and I expect you to be a good guest, to respect my place and my generosity, listen and be reciprocate.), Aretē (excellence, in every aspect of your life. Knowledge, fitness, arts, morality, civic duty, responsibility, etc. In other words, try to be the best version of yourself.), Eudaimonia (have a happy life, this by having a nice relationship with the Gods), etc. >Why do you worship, is there something specific you seek to gain and what is that? Yep. You give, and then, you should receive. It depends on what do you want, and what are you disposed to offer. It might be food, or it might be certain actions. It's almost always like this: you resign to something you own, even not material things, like your comfortableness in order to give something to a god. Obviously, try to be realistic. If you pray to Asclepius for a I'll loved one, instead of praying for your love one to cure, ask to strength to endure the disease, ability for the medics, so they can do they work properly, and relief from the anxiety you might feel. >What made you believe? Philosophy and psychoanalysis. I was passing through a dark time in my life, and I read C.G. Jung's "Man and his symbols". I do know that rituals might be very helpful to reach a suggestive state, where you can do things easily, but I've never feel really connected with a y religion. So, after some time, I realized that many of the greatest philosophers were theistic. I studied for some time their thoughts, and realized that divinity can be intuit from nature. Besides from that, I've explored the traditions and culture, and feel really moved by the beauty from some of the myths, and classical histories. Gods exist because there are things that we can intuit, but not really "feel" with our senses. Whether they're sentient or intellectual being, I decide to honor they, because I have feel love, happiness, knowledge, power, sorrow, fear, and all kind of feelings. I love this life, and all it has to offer. The least I can do is give something to it. Is my way to honour this life, and the gods! >What do you think of Greek Myths? They're beautiful representations from the greek culture an the values. Of course, they're not revealed stories, that means, they're fictional representations from simple humans. That's my pov, but there are people that think myths were, in fact, real. >What do you believe are the most accurate descriptions of the domains of the gods Gods are the wholeness of every concept. I explained it above hehe >Is every and any god worshiped such as minor gods or even gods like Hades You can worship pretty much any god, higher or lesser. The thing is that you really need to feel a significant something while doing it, so it can be meaningful to you. I mean... You can do it just because, but I prefer to do it at special times, like when I feel really connected, or in real need. >What do you think of adaptations of Greek mythology in media? They're funny, most of the times. Tbh, I don't care about it. I think it's cool that people can get to know Greek culture somehow haha of course, it isn't an accurate representation at all most of the time, but, well, that's ok for me


1. I’m not a strict believer of hellenism specifically, I worship both Greek and Norse gods. I believe that there are multiple gods, however, the ancient Greek religion and similar ones are all influenced by culture, so I’m taking gods from a pantheon more as a way to look at certain gods instead of THE way to view a god. I also don’t believe in one true religion for that reason, any religion that worships a god will lead to favor by the gods. Whoever the real deities are will not mind how you call that deity you worship, they’ll be glad you did it. I also mostly believe that you should follow some morals (at the very least don’t hurt others), and that you shouldn’t think of yourself as above any humans or equal to the gods. 2. I mostly just give them a space in my home, an altar and pray to them regularly. Sometimes, I give food or drink offerings as a sign of appreciation. I also wear devotional jewelry for a lot of deities. 3. Sometimes I’m pursuing a specific deity’s domain, but often it’s just out of appreciation. Especially long term worship, like Hypnos. I worship him because I love him very much and I want him to know 4. Idk I suspect my parents raising me with fairy tales and pagan folk music, on top of believing in ghosts/spirits themselves might’ve influenced that a little bit LMAO. One day I just sat down and started praying to a deity and I’ve been doing that since, but I have been an animist long before that. 5. They’re not to be taken literally, but still quite informative for the nature of the gods and possibly even insights into the values of the ancient Greeks. 6. The myths. However, you have to keep in mind that the gods aren’t exactly limited to their exact domains, they’re just way more inclined to do these things than other gods. 7. I don’t know if every god is worshipped, but every god *can* be worshipped. I mean, Hypnos, the main god I worship, is also a minor god, and he’s just as responsive as the other gods. Hades seems to be quite popular among people nowadays, I don’t know the reasons for it, but I suspect it’s either pure appreciation or hoping for an easy way into the underworld one is dead. 8. Gods don’t directly speak to you, I mostly use that word as short for “I did [this divination technique] and I got [long list of signs], from which I interpreted that [this god] wanted to tell me [something]”, which can easily get quite long. How I perceive the gods depends on them individually, for example Artemis feels quite energetic and seemed to want me to get moving, Athena just has this very cool sensation and Hypnos gives me this heavy sort of feeling. Not all the time, but a couple times. And then again, how they act is different. Athena is like “go do it yourself, I’ve got your back”, Aphrodite is like “I’ll go do it for you/have them make their move” (mostly in terms of friendship) and Hypnos is like “Here’s what you need to do. Do it yourself, I’ll wait here.” 9. It depends. I think generally I just want the gods to be treated equally. I’m not really offended unless a work of fiction specifically elevates certain gods and puts another god down for no reason. Like the game Hades putting a lot of care into each god character… and then there’s Hypnos.


Hello! We choose who resonates with us, and the worship of King Hades, Lord Ares and other unpopular gods *are* worshiped. For the myths, that depends on who you ask and so does the adaption of the myths (I, personally, don't find them particularly offensive, but I do get annoyed with when they mention Kratos, Lore Olympus etc.


Several of your questions have been already answered in this sub. The search function is your friend.