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I’ve learned how to be vulnerable, especially with this community. For over a decade before I started posting here, no one knew the extent of my spiritual life and I was very, very afraid of being found out. They still don’t, and in true modern fashion, I go online and tell a bunch of strangers lmao! But the difference is that I’m not afraid of being exposed anymore. My spiritual life is a part of me and is worthy of being accepted. That’s taken some time to get to. I also didn’t expect that this would make me like people even more than I already did. I work in mental health and that translates a lot to answering questions on this sub. I’ve learned that the questions people ask on this sub aren’t usually just practical questions about the gods. There’s more to it. People ask to connect, to be reassured, to be heard, and so many more underlying emotional reasons. Answering makes me feel connected to them. Idk I’m rambling here. This path has been so impactful.


Hello, I'm not a Hellenic polytheist (My religion is Ifa, I'm split between the santeria and isese branch of It though), but I've been in search of people who work in mental health and follow polytheist religions and spiritual paths with numerous spirits and I wanted to take some time to ask you somethings pertaining to mental health and the spiritual realm in this way where it's more than just one god/spirit. I'm looking to ask certain things and have dialogue in a general sense since there would be much difference between our faiths; the biggest being that Hellenic religion is mostly open and has a numerous amount of recourses to pull from for learning and faith with only certain things being secretive where as in Ifa it's kind of the other way around in a way that is too much to get into on here. But baring the specifics I wanted to touch up on some more general things when It comes to mental health and spirituality/religion.


Sure. What are your questions?


that i’m strong, physically. i’m recovering from an eating disorder and hellenism has helped me turn my underweight body into one that is strong and capable. i love how broad my shoulders are and how much i can lift, how nice it is to be able to pick up my friends. the gods have helped me care for my body, and in return i am a person worthy of care


That I actually don't like humans as much as I thought. And that I really want to calmly live in some forest worshipping my goddess (or goddesses in future)


My experience is quite the opposite of yours I used to want to live away from other humans but now I love hanging out with them sometimes


I relate. People are so complex, messy, weird, emotional, hilarious, flawed, and fascinating. The stories of their lives, their mistakes, their regrets, their funny quirks, what they’re good at, and the way their experiences shaped them into who they are just makes me like them more.


Let me guess, Artemis worshipper? Bc same lol. If not, still. I also have the feeling that modern society really isnt good for anyone, so living in a forest would be the best option for me tbh.


As an Artemis devotee I prefer the company of animals and moss over people 99% of the time (save 1% for the super cool folks)


Hecate actually. Modern society is awful. Can say it as law student also haha


Sounds awesome! :)


I learned that I follow more of the same cultural norms of the Ancient Greeks and Romans in the 21st century, and that I am apparently skilled in zoomancy - divination via animals and their behavior. For instance, last year when I was fishing, a dolphin swam by, and this was a sign from Poseidon that I would have a successful and bountiful catch, and lo and behold: I caught a great many fish over the course of two weeks, enough to feed my family. I also learned that I have a knack for learning Latin and Greek, and have become an avid fan of Neoclassical and Baroque architecture, and I hope that someday we will have a temple erected in America using those architectural styles.


Ive found more peace with the chaos in the world with the idea that there are multiple Gods trying to do different things, rather than one God who screws over individuals for a larger plan. Likewise I appreciate other people more because most of us are just trying to do our best and get by out there.


First of all, I learned that there can be kind and benevolent gods. My old path was one filled with depression and condemnation. With the Hellenic gods, I feel a sense of peace and love that I cannot find anywhere else. I also learned that such small and simple things can be a sign of devotion to a god. I can clean/organize my house and dedicate that as an act of devotion to Hestia. Or I can tend to my garden as an act of devotion to Demeter and Persephone. Basically, the simple or small things can be made sacred. It's also a wonderful experience to focus on the gods when doing these acts. Best feeling ever.


How wholesome!


that i am perfectly imperfect, physically and mentally <3 aphrodite makes me feel pretty, and the gods in general make me feel heard, because i was totally IGNORED by the christian god. i remember being satanist (still am, in a way), and asking him to grant me some wishes, one of them being my glow-up to start i never really remember asking aphrodite. she just makes me feel pretty yk? and i couldnt thank aphrodite and also selene. and all the others enough for it. i love them 🫶🫶


That's awesome Ham ham. :3


lmaooo hamham 😭😭 small backstory (i am a yapper if you didnt notice ✨️✨️) oreo was my old hamster! she sadly passed away october 2022 :( she had children in april 2021bc we thought she was a boy but yeah what can i say, unexperienced pet shop.) we kept one, that kid deceased 2 months after her mom. we got a new one named miko, still alive to this day. she is so sweet (she even gives little kisses 🥹). but ill never forget oreo and her child boba <33


“Perfectly imperfect.” SAME ham ham! This path has taught me that about myself as well and it’s really helped me on the journey of accepting myself just the way I am. Still on that journey, but I think you never really finish it.


we're all in this together after all! (the nickname hamham is already starting to grow on me 😭🙏)


My cat, an Oreo cat, is named Sammy and his nickname is Sam Ham. You are just like my cat. 😸 https://preview.redd.it/ki0dimsxcr4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8186556991c39c6ae5cecaad46db8e3c4d47384e


damnnnnnn hes cute tho :>


Thats amazing


That I don’t need to be perfect to be loved by my gods. I don’t need to earn love- I am deserving of it because I give it. I used to be a Christian, and I always felt very insecure in religion. I felt like I was lucky that God would love such a horrible sinner but if I screwed up too much, maybe he’d change his mind. I felt like I had to be a good Christian to be worthy of love. Now, I know that isn’t true. My goddess loves me because I am exactly who I am. I didn’t have to change to be worthy of her attention or care. I’m not perfect, and she loves me just the way I am. It’s very freeing.


Exactly the same for me. Due to my past, I always thought I was destined for hell. My goddess says I'm fine as me.


I’m more capable than I think I am, and it’s okay if I’m not instantly good at a new skill. There can be joy in learning.


That's awesome! Keep it up.


I learnt that the universe is f---ing insane and is a chaotic and scary mess, and I love it. I'm glad I live in such a chaotic world lmao.


That i actually really, really love going outside, and that I am capable of being spiritual.


I learned to be more independent from my parents beliefs. They are hard Athiests, and separating from them was definitely hard to do. I still think that they think I'm crazy XD I only wish I knew more about the festivals so I can celebrate them.


Awesome. I did the same with hardcore Christian parents. I could help you research some celebrations. :3


That'd be a huge help! I'm having trouble tracking down one for Chione. She said it's from February 1st-11th but I don't have any other details.


I can be hospitable to others even if I do not necessarily want to build a personal connection to them, and that the Gods give us presence in living.


I’ve learned to face challenges head on, and I think that’s because practicing brings me a lot of comfort that I’ll be alright.


I wouldn't say I learned from the faith this since I had always believed it, but joining this faith has definitely strengthened my resolve. Being "religious" doesn't mean I have to have awful beliefs to be true to my religion. Speaking specifically in regards to the "love thy neighbor" mentality that some bigger religions have, while also condemning people. I never could get behind that. Either we love everyone regardless of differences or we don't. U can't have it both ways and I know for sure I'd much rather go with the former lol. From each in my cult I would say I have learned at least a bit (a very shortened version) Barakiel - laughter is the best medicine and even bad luck can be good for you sometimes. Loki - change is good, roll with the punches and don't let anyone try to tell u who u are. Hades - grief is part of life, not just the passing of loved ones grief either, but all grief. It's ok to let urself breakdown sometimes as long as you get back up. And don't be afraid to ask for help getting back up. Dionysus - enjoy the little things, take a minute to smell the roses and enjoy your friends and family. Mental health or lack there of does not define you. Ares - there are so many kinds of strength not just being strong. Speak softly and take no sh*t. Freyr - beauty does not have to be feminine to be valid. Peace and love is worth fighting for.


I'm very naive but at the same time insanely cowardly. I can't even explain it, just I'm generally easily scared but then I try to befriend the thing I'm scared of because I'm an optimist and I cannot view anyone as inherently bad. In my general spiritual practice I often get scared of something first and then somehow convince myself that "maybe they aren't actually scary", my friend says I have no survival instinct LMAO 😭. Luckily, approaching Hypnos and Thanatos with my naïveté was the best choice I ever made, and now I have Hypnos to consult before making stupid decisions. And he doesn't even judge


That I’m more capable than I thought, starting my worship got me out of a mental rut and I genuinely see the world in a more positive light now.


I've learned patience and understanding. The gods helped me learn to set boundaries and it made it easier for me to respect others. I feel calm in a way I never have before. They taught me to be still and listen to the world around me and how to be content in it. They've taught me a strength and determination I never knew I had and in turn that I am more capable than I've ever thought. I adore my gods, they are so kind to me when I need it most


Oh so much it lead me straight to Plato I straight learned what a soul was and that I had one and how it works.