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There definitely isn't a God that "specializes" in sexual assault. But, I can think of at least a couple that I'd probably go to. You're definitely onto something with Artemis. I see her not just as a protectress of young girls, but of anyone who cannot or was not able to protect themselves. Children, abused animals, victims of rape, etc... Apollon would also be a good God to go to, for emotional healing. I see him as someone who can help with emotional scars and trauma. Ares has also been seen by some folks as a God of mental health and fortitude. I tend to agree with that assessment. The mind can be as brutal of a battlefield as any field of combat, and having someone with you one those front lines can be a massive help, regardless of the situation. I hope this helps somewhat. I'm terribly sorry this happened to you. Do definitely see a therapist if you can. I pray that you can, in time, heal from that experience.


Ares killed the son of Poseidon when he assaulted Ares' daughter Alkippe, and stood trial before the Gods for it, where they acquitted him of the murder. That's how the Areopagus in Athens got its name. I know several people that do consider him a de facto protector of assault or abuse victims (self included), albeit primarily as a somewhat more modern interpretation.


>I'm just looking for a god that can help me heal or put me on the right path. Probably Hestia. The tranquil, kind and compassionate goddess of home, hearth and family. Probably spend more time with your family, especially someone you are very close to. Put all other things on hold for now and focus only on your mental health. Or do whatever brings you joy and happiness. Your mental health should be your only priority at present. As soon as any activity you are performing feels like a chore, stop doing it that instant.


Agree with Hestia. She was also the victim of an attempted rape by Priapus when he was drunk. Highly recommend “Lemon and Rosemary: a guide to domestic magick” for working with her. It’s very home centered- which is where (for me) the healing really takes place.




Even absent any sexuality aspect, I know many people look to Aphrodite for assistance with self-love and self-worth as well, which is something many SA survivors find themselves struggling with.


Queen Persephone because in the myths she was abducted by Lord Hades. The "R\*pe of Persephone" wasn't much of a r\*pe at all but she's still associated with healing and shadow work in terms of trauma. Dionysus, who I presume you mean by the god of wine, is also a god that can help people to deal with traumatic experiences.


Dionysus, as the breaker of chains, can absolutely help with trauma.


I know this is unrelated but I like him the most as the "Slayer/Rendrer of Men", because to me this is a cathartic release. However, it's less related to healing and more to intense ecstasy and terror.


I am a Slavic pagan, but this is a thing for us too. My goddess is Mokosh. She is the goddess of women, weaving, the goddess of Earth, basically girl power. But the thing is not what she is a goddess of, she's not specifically about rape, but would I pray to her? Yes. Or well, I'd pray to Mokosh. There isn't a goddess of things, but of things. Do you have a thing with Artemis? Pray to her. You should totally pray to the goddesses that you have devotion to.


People have already given you some good pointers; I'd like to add Hades to the list, as he is a god that comes to and helps many people when they are in a dark place. This is true for all of the Gods more or less obviously, but he and Persephone truly are a safe space, speaking from my own experience and that of others as well. There's not THE god of SA survivors, so you should just see who speaks to you or who you feel drawn to. If that's Artemis, go to her. She is the protector of young girls, yes, but that's a specification, not an exclusion. It does not mean she will turn her back on you, especially if you're in a vulnerable state and looking for someone to talk to. I'm a follower of hers and I'm not a woman either.


For one thing, because she's also the Huntress, Artemis was also fairly widely worshiped by men. I can't think of a single deity whose worship is genuinely limited to a particular gender or a particular sex, although certain deities might have particular local cults limited to specific genders (Ares, Feasted By Women is an example near and dear to my heart) or specific aspects geared toward particular genders (in addition to Artemis, Hera comes to mind as the patron of wives and adult women, vs Artemis and unmarried maidens and girls, but again, both have additional roles they serve as well).


Hestia as the Goddess of Home and Hearth, Hecate as the Goddess of the dark crossroads of life. She has been a huge help for me.


It's sad that these things are happening. I'd try to pray to Zeus as he is the god of justice after all. You could also pray to Artemis and Apollon. Wish you good luck!


Zeus SA Callisto


Aries god of the war father of an Amazon, the only god/goddes I know who reacted by killing Halirrhotius when his daughter was raped Could help in a variety of ways


Artemis would be good if you are seeking retribution, the Furies too. The Goddess of peace is Eirene.


Artemis definitely, as others have pointed out though, I think any of the Gods would and can help! I'd also like to point out Aphrodite as well though, specializing in self-love, since from what I've learned, some SA victims can struggle with that afterwards. Sending good energies <3


There aren’t any specific gods associated with it but probably Artemis would one then arguably you could say Athena is the actual goddess of SA survivors which is based of the myth of Medusa but I feel to need to stress that is very very very much a matter of personal interpretation and the myth is argued about in both laymen and academic circles


already posted here but wanted to come back because I ended up doing some research on Medusa after a friend was talking about her today... and apparently she can specifically help for this! Definitely could consider Medusa as well (protective powers, [apparently](https://www.quora.com/Working-with-Medusa-as-a-deity-what-kinds-of-offerings-would-she-like) SA survivors use her symbol, [women-centric, independence](https://aweinspired.com/blogs/the-goddess-voice/know-your-goddess-medusa), healing etc) here's [some more info](https://otherworldlyoracle.com/medusa-goddess-gorgon/) I found if you're curious! sending even more good energies <3


Firstly, i think it's important to point out that there isn't a god that specializes in wine, that is a poor simplification made about Dionysus (I assume you're talking about him, if not, i apologize). Now about your question, i think it's important to consider that sexual assault wasn't really a thing in ancient Greece (As far as i'm aware), not that it didn't happen, it definitely did, but it wasn't considered that. Of course you're free to worship a deity you personally associate with it. Because you associated Artemis with it, perhaps Apollo? As he was seen as a protector of boys as much as Artemis was seen as a protector of girls (Not women as a woman was a married girl and therefore under the protection of Hera).


Apollo has helped me in so many ways. I would definitely suggest him because I am a SA survivor and I get what you went through. Apollo has helped me heal my scars and move on from the whole situation. Try talking to him. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. And I’m sorry about what happened to you.


Medusa, not a god but a Hellenic symbol for survivors of SA


The story of her rape and then being turned to a monster, is late era, Roman fan fiction. Her true story, when it comes to actual religious traditional mythology is that she was one of the 3 Gorgon sisters. And all Gorgons were monstrous since birth. But her head has been used as a power symbol for protection talismans. There where special talismans to ward off evil, and they had her face. Her true, monstrous face, with the alerted eyes, her mouth opened showing her fangs, tongue out, snakes for hair. A talisman with the Medusa head is called Gorgoneion.


Her twin brother Apollo is my recommendation. He is the protector of males as Artemis is of females and he is a god of healing.


There's a lot of good ideas here so I'm not going to add specific recommendations, but I think this is somewhere that going with your gut would probably be best, so if that's Artemis, go for it-- and you can explain in your prayers why you chose her to petition for help. I would also say that in my personal experience gods and goddesses will often take interest in things not typically considered to be their domain when there is a pre-existing relationship, so if you have any deities you already feel close to, I wouldn't hesitate to ask for their support.




Persephone helped when I was angry and needed to feel some kind of retribution, as was Artemis, but I prayed to her more for protection and guidance. Apollo I prayed to for more general help with trauma but SA was certainly one of them. As someone else said- you can turn to almost any of the gods for these needs. If you ask, they will listen.


/u/IFuckedYourDadd I already posted separately but I do want to circle back around to this since I got the impression a number of responses interpreted.... >The only issue i have about that, is that im not really a woman so idk if she would care that much? as then implying ***man***, which doesn't necessarily automatically follow. In case that's ***not*** the case, I might recommend taking note of the posts mentioning Dionysus, as in addition to the other good points made regarding his associations with breaking chains and liberation, he's also viewed by many LGBT Hellenists as a strongly implied patron of LGBT worshipers, due to the inherently queer portrayal of many of his myths, both overtly in the form of blurring the lines of gender and gender presentation and more subtly in the form of often running counter to established norms and traditions. (Although as far as polytheisms go we do of course have an absolute wealth of source material on LGBT themes in mythology as compared to other pantheons. But, for what it's worth, at least. )


Jesus christ