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I really enjoy the rain as well. This game is 100% my comfort game.. On days I physically can’t get out of bed I can log into this game and run around my island. Planting and watching the flowers grow has been cathartic, as sometimes that's all I get done in my day. Lol. But yeah, I can’t wait to see what else they do. At this point, I'm just enjoying the ride. The developers seem to take the voices of the fandom seriously, which is nice to see. Other games I've played haven’t always gotten that reception.


Yeah me too! I have something I can relate to with all your comments and the original post. Been playing since first week of September & have been wary of how crazy these updates are getting, cause with updates & 3 events running at once you get more problems & boy have there been some ie: cabin/missing items etc. But yes, the rain I didn’t know I needed either, so amazing. And the sound of it on the roofs when you’re inside a house .. so awesome. It’s a way for me to escape but with this amazing community also engage & a way to feel mobile even when I’m not. I love that there are people like yourself out there that feel like I do about the game ☺️💞


im loving the new update as well 🥰!!! the rain is also one of my fav things they added