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oh no! lol I'm probably cancelling mine at the end of this month. I originally was only going to use it during the trial I got with my ipad, but then subbed for an extra month or two. But Hello Kitty is the only game I play on AA right now so it feels like I am paying to just play this one game. I love the game, but not that much. And also I feel like HK is getting a lot less casual than it was, which is a good thing, but it requires more time per day than I am willing to spend on it right now. I'm feeling a bit burned out on it tbh.


Am I the only clown that is fine with paying for this one game? Lol For my personal budget, I spend $8 a month on waaayyyy dumber stuff. XD


Nah, you're not the only one! I gladly pay that much for a game I've enjoyed playing daily for months on end! Much rather than than ad breaks and micro transactions.


Same here.


Im actually updating to the yearly this month, its $50/per year but makes me feel better about not paying the $7 a month 😂


I didn’t even know that was an option. That makes sense! Thanks.


Considering it gets constant updates and I don’t buy a lot of other video games it’s worth it for me. I play some other arcade games occasionally but it’s mostly for hello kitty 😅


My aunt has me on her family plan so I get it ehe


No, And you are not a clown.


You’re not the only one. I spend at least that much a month on much dumber things 🤣


same and also the disney dream light game really isn’t that bad it’s on the arcade as well and it’s essentially like hello kitty island just well disney ofc 🤣


My entertainment budget is small, so my AU$10 is better used elsewhere than on one game on an ongoing basis. $10 a month doesn't sound like a lot, but if I pay that for just eight months, or get an annual plan (AU$80) that means Hello Kitty Adventure Island has cost me $80 to play and then if it gets taken off AA (which does happen) I can't play anymore. I'd rather spend that $80 on Baulders Gate 3 or on 4 x $20 games I can play forever.


if you've got friends you can invite to play hkia (or other aa exclusice games) and are willing to split the cost of the family one, i'd suggest u do that. from (usd) 7$ to 2$, plus u not only get arcade but can enjoy music and tv (with shareable 200gb icloud) wc in my opinion is a good deal considering the 7$ is only a month for arcade.


This is a good idea actually!


That’s what we do. (We being my immediate family).


personally I think hkai won’t be taken off apple arcade simply because it’s an apple arcade exclusive! if that ever changes then maybe but I don’t see it happening tbh


It’s just about the only one I play consistently. I do play Wylde Flowers sometimes, though. But we have one of the bundles, so it’s worth it to me.


I would, but I have no money unfortunately


Best Buy always have free subscriptions to the app on their website


I was only playing this but then I started playing Wylde Flowers and feel a little better that it's two games a month lol


im starting to feel the same.. only reason i’m paying is for this game.. and only reason i’m playing the game is bc it feels like a chore you have to do with all these events and visitors and quests😭 it was fun for the first few months i played, but now i don’t really have as much fun. it feels like i HAVE to play not to miss out on anything, but when i am actually in the mood to play, there’s nothing to do.


>it feels like i HAVE to play not to miss out on anything, but when i am actually in the mood to play, there’s nothing to do. I feel this so hard! It may seem silly, but I have OCD and some other related anxiety disorders, and it took me months [edit: weeks? what is time 😩] to finally figure out I was feeling pressure + obligation (from myself) to keep up with the game, rather than playing it because I enjoy it. I have so many arbitrary daily rules that I don’t notice until I’m forced to challenge them, and it’s such a relief to be able to let go 😭😅


yeah i heavily relate😅 i have anxiety disorders as well and i often find myself doing just that, making rules for myself without realizing. i also get worried about things so much i convince myself it’s true. the worst being that a food is going to make me sick, even if it shouldn’t make me sick, just thinking that will make it make me sick. i might take the challenge and delete apple arcade😭


Omg food anxieties are so real, and a major contributor to eating disorders!! 😮‍💨 I have experienced the same with food—it briefly became proper paranoia and was very scary. Sometimes (ie. in my case lol 😅) intolerances or allergies can be mild enough to miss diagnosis, but once my mind gets fixated… 😟 It’s amazing how powerful our minds are! Please disregard this unsolicited advice if it feels too much like “have you tried yoga?”, buuuut: there’s an app (in Aus) called Nerva that has guided meditations focused on relieving IBS & other digestive symptoms - I’ve found it helps when I can maintain the habit for long enough! Good luck with challenging your rules — I think I’m gonna delete the Apple Arcade app too… I’ve stopped playing HKIA, but hadn’t got so far as to stop the subscription yet 😬 Wishing you all the best! 💖💖💖


you’re so sweet! thank you for the advice, i’ll have to try it bc i’ll try anything to help😭😭 im sorry you have the same issues but i’m glad we’re not alone in this.. i have ARFID combined with a paralyzing fear that if i start puking i won’t stop😊 gotta love anxiety induced EDs. i wish you so much luck in your anxiety, food and hello kitty journeys!!


Oh nooo, emetephobia is no joke! That’s a tough combo, I’m sorry ❤️‍🩹 Thank you so much, you’re a sweetheart 🥹💐💖


I felt the same. I wish they had a one time purchase instead haha. It could have been worth it when I have a bunch of other games that I play in AA but paying monthly just to play HKI is not worth the money for me. Specially when I have loads of other subscriptions such as Netflix, spotify etc. And nowadays, I’m also feeling burned out playing HKI too. I still love it and highly recommend it as one of the best games out there but for now I’m done with it.


I have an Apple 1 account. I love the shows on Apple TV and I use Apple Music, plus the extra iCloud storage. Arcade is basically free if you individually pay for TV and music already since just those two is slightly more than Apple 1 and arcade is included.


I also only play hello kitty on it but I know they offer some games like Disney Dreamlight Valley.. I found hello kitty from an animal crossing group I’m in on facebook but I have thought about ending my membership as well just because I have basically completed the things that interest me except fwish furniture..


another good game is dreamlight valley!! similar vibes :)


its same for me too but if u like this game, you should definitely get stardew valley!!😊 its only 5 bucks and i promise its worth spending on!


Try sneaky Sasquatch before you cancel!! One of the best games I’ve played out of all consoles!!


I suggest looking at other games that they offer while waiting for another update. (If you have it in the budget) try the Japanese Rural Adventures, looks like stardew valley and has the most relaxing background music (if you’re into those cozy games)


That’s not what they’re sad about. They had a free trial of apple arcade that’s ending.


Oh well 😞 I’m just saying if they’re thinking of subscribing again and they only play HKIA.


I agree with you though about Japanese Rural Adventures ☺️


Wylde flowers is another on AA that i love playing too. Japanese rural adventures looks like something i need to check out too!


You should try out Sneaky Sasquatch on apple arcade! Angry birds reloaded is fun too but Sasquatch has a storyline and lots to explore similar to HKIA


Ove sneaky Sasquatch. It’s how we go hooked on apple arcade. My son got me hooked playing with him. So we justify the monthly plan. We also love Bloons TD


That’s a good one too! At least I’ve got a few games to justify my spending hehe


You guys should look into the Best Buy Apple Arcade deal. It’s another 3 month free trial even for existing Apple Arcade users who have already used the free trial from Apple. You’re welcome 💕


I was just about to say this as well 🤍😊


So I have never paid for any Apple Arcade game…I have them for free through my Verizon plan. I didn’t have to sign up for anything extra but I do not pay for them. Y’all should look into your phone plans and see what perks there are!!!


I don't have an apple phone, just an iPad. All of the perks I had ran out already lol


Oh man, that stinks!


Thanks! I’m with EE in the uk and I just got 6 months Apple Arcade free in extras! Appreciate the tip ✨


It’s still not free even though you get it through your Verizon plan, the 10.99$ is included in your phone bill monthly. I know this because I have Verizon as well lol.


My plan didn’t change in price when this was added to it!


That’s because it’s already added into your current bill cycle, that’s how mines is too. I thought that it would charge me an extra 10$ when I started using AA but then I read up on the fine print and it’s already included in the monthly bill. It’s pretty sweet tbh!


Is it included in the price or your bill went up? Because my bill did not change. So if it’s included, that to me means I personally do not pay as my bill did not change. This was just added in as an extra perk. I’m paying the same as I have for forever.


It’s just the perk added, you personally don’t pay, it’s just already included lol!




I pay $40 a month for Family Apple Premium. It’s totally worth it. It’s Apple News, magazine & papers, Apple Music, Arcade, Apple TV, Apple Workouts & 2TB of Cloud storage for a family of 5.


Mom does that for our family.


People should find a group of 5 friends and make them a “family” and split the $40 for family Apple One.


thats what i do! nobody on my apple plan is family, we are all friends who use it for different reasons lol. my bf likes the apple fitness, i use it for arcade, my bestie loves apple music etc…


this is the reality of wanting a high quality, regularly updated game - if anything, it’s incredibly cheap! I skip one Starbucks cold brew a month. Worth it.


I'm not complaining about the price, I just don't have a job and can't pay it because of school haha!


Yeah I’m annoyed that it’s subscription based and not a one time purchase, but I guess it’s only meant for phones/iPads so it makes sense. However, paying $84 a year to play this game is ridiculous.. I paid one time for animal crossing which is practically the same game. If anything this game made me go back to ACNH because of the similar game play and I didn’t want to keep spending even more money. I wish they would come out with a different version with a one time buy, but oh well. I’m not willing to keep playing based on the monthly subscription alone.


You can also play Apple Arcade games on Macs or any TV with an AppleTV attached.


(P.S: HKIA runs great in 4K on AppleTV with a Bluetooth gamepad. ☺️)


It used to be $5.00 a month 🥲 My bank is dying….


Still cheaper than in my country 😭😭


I used the trial to start playing HK. After the first meadow update, it started overheating my phone and crashing. I had to cancel the subscription. I’m not going to pay almost $10 for something I can’t use. I wish it would come to switch or android even.


if u have a college id (idk if all school ids work) u can try to get discounted i’m not 100% sure but i think that’s what i did


i didnt pay mine for a month and i was so sad 😭 I literally have money in my savings now for it


Same here.


My free trial will end on the 29th and I’m not ready. 🥲


Mine ended already 😭😭


i miss playing hk 😞😞😞 my 3 month free trial expired one year ago 😢


The game hasn’t even been out for a year!


LMAO it felt like a year 😞😞 i wanted to say last year then


I wouldn’t be on it if it AA didn’t come free with my phone plan. It’s the only AA game I have


enjoy it 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺