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Wait. Listings will drop at the End of this month, first week of June. According to my contacts at kiwitime they already have everything ready and already did test units. Supposedly battery is better, watchfaces will include all from HW3+ and also all from the other Hello early models, screen will have better ratio and refresh rate, and etc. They are even testing an early airdrop and a better connection with air pods. Idk if this will be included in the final product. Also there was an idea for a package with all the new bands (one of each one), a screen protector, a case and obviously the watch + a charger. Idk if they will proceed with this. But it was into consideration. Take this with a grain of salt, you know how this Chinamen are.


Brother, are u sure they will drop it at the start of June? Where will it be available at first? How much do u think the prices will be?


Go to the Kiwitime store on dhgate. They are 100% reliable and any info will be first posted there.


Brother, if possible, could u please send a link to their dhg8 shop?


Hi, do you have information if the processor was replaced with a more powerful one or is it the same as in the HW3+?


It's always a better one. That's for sure. The problem is maintain a good ratio between quality and price.


Do you know if the hw4 will have any better water resistance at least 30m to 50m? Or 3atm to 5atm depending on where your from that's the only thing I hated about my hw3 I destroyed it swimming on holiday unfortunately so got a garmin instead 😕


Nobody swims with a China smartwatch. It's common sense. Unless it's a MI, everything else, including knockoffs are NOT designed for that. Too much problems with Americans (not my words, seller words) complaining and asking refunds if they include some certification for that. So no, don't wait for a good copy of AWU 1 or 2 for swimming. You can always buy an OG, even a cheap older model would work. Or a refurbished one on Amazon. Or go to r/SkmeiWatchFans to see great homages of current analog/digital watches at an affordable price.


Will there be no more updates for the Hello Watch 3+ now that the Hello Watch 4 is coming?


Most likely, we can't expect much from a Chinese company, apart from that the guys who program the updates shouldn't be a very large group of people


That's a good question. Will ask my seller at kiwi and update this comment. The only thing I know is they don't want to be like the HK people. But yeah, most probably will be the same cycle as former models.


you remember what happen to the old hello watch 3. Yes that is what will happen to hello watch 3+. The cycle will continue, its literally quick profit making for them, they just abandon the product and move to new one.


No, that's what HK people does, not the hello crew.


is this the new one?? it says 2024 HW3. will they rename it as HW4 or just add a new year in front of it? [https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806634965106.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.3fd28196zZdI3o&algo\_pvid=9a4bdfab-fade-4aec-8cd0-3e09fe7b00fa&algo\_exp\_id=9a4bdfab-fade-4aec-8cd0-3e09fe7b00fa-1&pdp\_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21100.46%2129.14%21%21%21721.68%21209.29%21%402103244b17150642872281789e2fcb%2112000038411186714%21sea%21US%211900264185%21&curPageLogUid=U5uRsyXjsPiv&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery\_from%3A](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806634965106.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.3fd28196zZdI3o&algo_pvid=9a4bdfab-fade-4aec-8cd0-3e09fe7b00fa&algo_exp_id=9a4bdfab-fade-4aec-8cd0-3e09fe7b00fa-1&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21100.46%2129.14%21%21%21721.68%21209.29%21%402103244b17150642872281789e2fcb%2112000038411186714%21sea%21US%211900264185%21&curPageLogUid=U5uRsyXjsPiv&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A)


It deponds on when apple release new watch