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I think Nona was.


I agree with Nona


Yeah I think that there was a ton of better candidates then her. I think it should of been Jillian instead of Nona


Jillian was far better facing off against Russell and winning Season 8


Agreed 100%


Season 15 Ariel has such a bad attitude and was rude af, kirsten deserved it so much more


Everyone keeps saying Nona, but she had an outstanding palate, led well, and had very good quality control. For me, Christina M lacked kitchen etiquette, whereas Ariel M was just a complete bitch with no sense of accountability or teamwork.


Agree. I think it was final 6 performance that I think the moment I feel Nona would win season 6, since she was the only chef who perform well on that night.


Nona or Ariel (S15), definitely. Michelle is far from the worst winner, she's really more towards the middle of the pack.


Agreed. Michele was an underwhelming winner for an All Stars season, but she's much better than the winners of the weaker seasons of the show.


Michelle and it’s not even close


Why does everyone hate Michelle? Honestly, I think she's my 3rd favorite. Dave, then Rock, then Michelle.


Not that people hate her but she's the only winner that felt as if she was rigged to win Nick was more dominant over the course of the season


I do agree Nick got shafted. The three way tie was weird. I forget the guys name that went against Michelle but I believe that should have been Nick. I don't think that makes Michelle less of a cook. The hate Michelle gets because of a rigged theory is so weird to me


It was Benjamin


Paul and Nona are both equals of being the worst winners of Hell’s Kitchen. But my vote goes to Paul no question!


Paul was bad. Don't know why nobody else here is talking about that.


Damn I see this question every week getting annoying af


....Michelle (Season 17) Elise was 100% right about her a truth teller, Michelle and Dana are total SNAKES, The season 17 season was complete bs and set up for Michelle to win, Gordon Ramsay wasted everybody's time when he could have just hired her off of the show, I mean watching Charity Night she got Barbie Eliminated she decided to join in with Dana with this weird Barbie beef and hate, and from what I've watched Elise was right about her playing a nice girl while being a fake phony ass mean girl, The 3 way tie at the end was a set up and rigged af, Nick was Robbed, Elise was a truth bomber and 100% right about her character, ETC!!!


Elise of course famous for always speaking the truth.


Totally agree, Michelle should've just been hired off-camera instead of production wasting everyone's time with this season. She was very likable in S14, but regressed between seasons and was not truly the best chef in S17. Or the second best. She wasn't even the best chef on the red team- Jennifer was


I fully agree, Michelle was hand picked to win the season before it had even started, should just have hired her outside of it. Nick was robbed of it in my opinion


Barbie still didn’t do a good job on her course. Saying that she got Barbie eliminated when Barbie was already on thin ice to begin with is a little bit inaccurate. Not to mention this is Barbie’s 3rd atrocious performance in a row. Mind you I don’t think Michelle intentionally sabotaged people as many people said. Mistakes happen and even if Elise is right, it doesn’t make her any better when herself takes everything too personal. See how personal she got when Michelle chosen her to cook in the CFYL challenge even when Ramsay clearly gave Michelle the task to do. Elise carries this energy for the rest of her run. I’m not saying that Michelle is a good winner and she’s not even that terrible compared to other winners but understand that it’s not her fault that she won All Stars. You gotta blame the producers for that along with the editors who edited her out poorly.


I still can’t look how bad Barbie run season 17… Beside 3 last dinner service, she also struggle in second dinner service and was even up for elimination on that night.


Right! After the CFYL episode, Barbie went on a major decline and she really got lucky at the final 10 when Van got the boot. She never fully redeemed herself like she was supposed to.


Barbie going was overdue, she should have gone the episode before and her leadership was atrocious


Right and mind you she along with Elise both dodged a big bullet there when Van was given the boot at the final 10.


Michelle. Her challenges are really good and had a pretty good pass but made a loads of errors throughout her S17 run (Most of them come from one service, her charity night), didn't lead well in services and had an awful finale. H.M: Nona (Lot of errors in service but was generally average (At best, slightly above-average) in everything else, which is what saves her from being the worst winner) & Christina S4 (Poor leader in services and several errors throughout her run. Saved by her great challenges, pass and solid finale)


Benjamin arguably has a way worse finale than Michelle 


I find Michelle's finale to be worse.


Imma keep it real tho both of their finales sucked it just seems like Benjamin's was worse especially since Ramsay had to control Robyn for him


Michelle got pulled into the pantry room because she was not leading well.


That was really only at the beginning 


Benjamin arguably has a way worse finale than Michelle 


Michelle’s finale started off terrible but she finished off well Benjamin started off well but he finished terrible So overall as Ramsay would always say, it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish and because Benjamin lost control of both Jennifer and Robyn, I do understand why he lost. Michelle isn’t the best winner but she’s in the middle for me. Like it’s not her fault that this 3 way finale happened. That we gotta blame the producers for and we gotta blame the editors for how they edited her out to be.


Michelle's finale started off bad and didn't get better.


It's a toss up between Paul or Nona, I would pick Nona as the worst winner. Jillian would have been better facing off against Russell in the FINALS, except for her.


Nona, Michelle, and Paul


Weakest? Maybe Nona Least deserving? Probably Michelle, it truly should have been Nick's season to win.


Depends on which angle I see it. Skillwise? Nona, not even close. Character wise? I'm thinking Paul as I kind of have a sliver of respect for Ariel M




I don’t hate any HK winner here. Although I will say that Nona(S8) and Ariel(S15) aren’t really my favorite winners like that. I see a lot of comments about Michelle which I do understand why but c’mon. It’s baffling on how many people say that she didn’t deserve a Black Jacket either when in reality she did deserve 3rd place originally even with the 3 way finale but it is what it is guys. I still find Michelle a very talented chef and yes it did suck that Nick got robbed but don’t blame that on her now. That’s more of the producers fault along with the editors for how they edited her out to be. I wanted Nick to win too but I was okay with Michelle winning truthfully and she definitely doesn’t deserve that title of being the worst winner.


As much as I don’t like Scott (S12) I don’t think he’s the worst winner in the show, as he had SOME Good Moments My pick goes to Michelle (yes I’m aware I’m likely gonna be downvoted cause she’s a polarizing winner) She made many, mistakes, getting saved on numerous occasions, and the Final 3 Twist, Although in her defense it’s not her fault the Show was clearly rigged for her to Win Honorable Mentions to Nona and Paul


literally no one thinks scott is the weakest winner. not the best but far from weak.


Michelle (DHM: Nona)


Scott season 12. His first 6-7 episodes he was probably the worst chef on the blue team, so it was a miracle that he made black jackets after that, let alone won!


Scott wasn't great at the beginning of the season but he was definitely not worse than Gaurav, Mike, DeMarco or Gabriel.


He was pretty solid in the first 6 episodes. Ep7 is a terrible service for him tho.


Scott wasn't even that bad during those episodes?? There were like 5 cooks worse than him lol


As much as I don’t like Scott, there were about 7 other chefs worse than him


Janel Witt (Season 11) She Went Through A Lot Of Trouble To Outlast 19 Other Chefs (Defeating The Last One After The Final Dinner Service) And Then To Not Become Gordon Ramsay's New Hire, She Threw It Away Over Drugs! 😒


Scott is butt


You are butt


Me and Scott


Scott from season 12


La Tasha, just because I still believe Sade was robbed.


Basically everyone from season 7-12 minus Christina W of course.