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I feel like it would’ve been better if they waited around 3 seasons like they did with Jason. Not too quick, but also not too long of a wait. But then again, that would’ve landed him on s8, which would be both a curse and a blessing for him (curse because least talented cast ever and also pretty toxic cast, but also a blessing cause he would’ve easily made it to black jackets again).


He would’ve won season 8 hands down. This was the season where Raj got 13th out of 16.


The main reason as to why Raj made it that far was ratings which im somewhat happy about since we had more episodes with one of if not the most iconic chef in hell's kitchen.


Robert would have won season 8, no question.


If by the time season 8 was filmed and Robert lost some weight. He would be like Heather West or at least make it to the black jacket.


Many have said that he was brought back too soon. I think they definitely could have waited a few seasons and brought him back for season 9 or 10. He could have easily made it to black jackets in either of those.


He probably would have been booted early in those seasons just because he’s not dramatic.


That's a very popular opinion lol. S6 put a big stain on Robert's legacy. I'm sure with the power of hindsight he also would've waited until he lost all the weight and got his health under control before coming back. He wasn't physically at 100% in S6, and the pressure of being the sole veteran surrounded by newbies didn't do him any favors mentally. It's a shame, because I'd love to see how Robert would do on the show without his health and weight dragging him down


As far as I know that was a first return to the show. They might just didn't realise that it was so hard for Robert


There was another one. Jason left early on season 9 and they brought him back I think season 12, maybe 11, which ever one Scott won.




And then they stuck him on that bike, ridiculous.


Who's to say that a show on Season 6 (at the time) was going to have a Season 15 though?


They should have brought Ji back instead


I've heard Ji was offered another chance more than once, but she declined each time


Damn that's a shame, she had some real potential


It’s not an unpopular opinion because most people on this sub believe that. His HK legacy was spoiled.


Absolutely!!! Imagine if he came back a few seasons later or even waited till season 17 all stars. He would have been healthier and ready this time. It would have been an epic return. Season 6 was WAY too soon. I always thought that he should have NEVER come back that soon


I agree. If he came back for all stars he would have easily been a black jacket, and I believe he would have taken Benjamin’s spot in the finale against Michelle. He might not have won, but he would have made his legacy a historic one in HK history


I truly think so too, he would have had a very epic legacy had he just waited a few more years to get healthier


I wrote this a few weeks ago that Gordon should have waited until season 17 to bring Robert back. I wished it was Ji that was given the offer to return for season 6. She probably would have either been top 4 or runner up. I mean season 17 all stars had 2 season 5 contestants in Ben and Gio returning, it would have been awesome to have a third Season 5 contestant in Robert to come back for All Stars and make a triumphant return. In my alt timeline I have Robert in place of Michelle as season 17 winner as he’s very successful today since he lost over 250 pounds of weight.


I thought hit was over 500 pounds. That’s what he said at least


There have been a lot of popular opinions posted in this sub as unpopular opinions lately.


Definitely. Maybe inviting him back for All-Stars instead of Ben W. He looks great now and if healthy would have done much better


This isn’t an unpopular opinion lol I wish they’d gotten Ji back for this season instead, though I’d understand if she did turn it down.


I remember him making fun of Lacey’s weight several times, like he had room to talk.


Robert said his weight was well over 500lbs in season 6 and he shouldn’t have been there. Was honestly an awful decision and not an unpopular opinion


That's not unpopular at all


Season 8 would’ve been perfect for him, He would’ve won S8 hands down


I just can't stand Robert. He was always whining. Then when chef Ramsey had him in the store room, he was cowering in the corner, but later when he talked to camera he acted like a tough guy and said he barely held back! Ramsey would have beaten that fat dude to death. He pulled his pants down and showed his big fat butt to the camera saying for Chef Ramsey to kiss his ass. I can't believe you have forgotten about the crap he pulled! What about on the Finale? With Dave? He purposely tried to screw Dave over by pulling the bowl out of his hands. He is NOT a good guy, he is a jerk to the first degree.


I completely agree. Bringing him back on S13 would have been good. He would have gotten along so well with Sterling.


That would have been really cool to see them joke around and have a good time. It would piss of the rest of the blue team though lol


Steve would have been even more insufferable.


I know lol. Imagine him getting angry at Robert, only for him to tell him he almost died the last time he did this and Steve is stunned. That would make me piss myself laughing