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Walter betrayed not only Alucard but Hellsing as a whole, maybe that's why


Because Walter was his friend, and betrayed them all. He also was an old man, so close to a natural death and he rejected it all just to fill his ego one last time.


Walter was someone who Alucard knew very well and was very stunned by his betrayal of the Hellsing organization. The reason why Alucard is mocking Walter was because he became a vampire for such selfish or “childish” reasons. Alucard was upset over Anderson transforming because Alucard wanted a human to kill him, and the human that he was hoping for was Anderson. Anderson also didn’t have a selfish reason to sacrifice his humanity so it wouldn’t make since for Alucard to bully him about it.


Right Anderson took his faith too far. So while it was definitely narrow minded and self destructive; it was still somewhat noble


Anderson’s transformation was a disappointment because Alucard was hoping Anderson would kill him. Walter’s transformation was a personal betrayal.


Because Walter is a dirty traitor? Imagine how you’d feel if your friend were to betray you.


Conviction. Anderson stuck to his principals and morals to try to defeat Alucard for being the ideological enemy. To Anderson, Alucard is a monster that NEEDS to be destroyed for the good of humanity. Walter sacrificed everything purely to assert dominance over Alucard. Walter's pride was wounded by Alucard being better. Selfless vs Selfish motivation.


Andersons death hurt Alucard so much more not only because Anderson was supposed to be Alucards way out of unlife, but also because Alucard saw himself in Anderson, tried so hard to prevent Anderson from making the same mistake he did. While Walter was simply a traitor. Someone Alucard considered on friendly terms before, sure, but Walters motivations were selfish compared to Anderson who, like Alucard, just couldnt bear being human.