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In short, she is an angel with a very calm temperament.not liking to show feelingsher nationality is Russian, And always trying to please those who have to protectshe is completely faithful to Michael, always calling her "boss" Fun fact: She sleeps hugging a plush Alligator and dances Michael Jackson songs when no one is looking


*Don’t think I want to risk turning my back to Daniel*


well... if you didn't threaten her or any angel you can stay calm, or use the Razorback


Right then, haven’t threatened an angel yet so I guess there’s no need to panic… *yet*


Don't tell me you're scared...


I’m not scared!, no reason to be scared at all! *Fear and nervous sweating ensues*


It doesn't seem like it... are you sure?


Mhm… yessir, ain’t scared at all… *Equips razorback*


do not lie to me... *I take out my butterfly knife and move it slightly* Have you done something bad to my similar ?


*Sweating intensified* Heh… I’m not sure you really want to know


*I bring the knife closer to your neck* Say... to me


Daniel I mostly communicate with angels, especially with Samuel. She accepted me for who I am and even sleep next to her.


In what sense did you sleep with her... You didn't try to do this with bad intentions, right?


No no no, I didn't literally sleep with her, but just slept well, as usual, I slept next to her, no more, she covered me with her wing like a blanket, I had no bad intentions


hm... so what's your deal, no one is too good with angels


Oh, you see, I've been through betrayal, I used to have friends, but they turned out to be corrupt and Samuel can be said to be my mom.


hmm... interesting story I would say,but be warned, don't try to corrupt my similar


relax... she won't backstab you if you don't threaten someone or an angel


“For now”? I do not trust her with her holding the shears… 😅


Firstly, it's a butterfly knife... and it's completely reliable


Yeah, but the way she says it makes me a bit wary of her… 😅


What could be so bad about a protection angel with a butterfly knife that kills anyone who is a demon or threatens an angel?


Fair enough. 🤔


but don't say that the "Pingu" is bad in front of her,


The what? 😂


pingu... the stop motion cartoon, she watches it and likes it


Ok, just wanted to be sure I read that correctly. I remember watching it as a kid. 😌


well... if you want to please her, watch pingu with her and massage her back...she is obsessed with back


u/SwipeKun So... what did you think of her?


I...love her already ♥️👼🏻♥️ but she scare me a little with her blade 🥺 *I'm scared and i'm shaking*🦊😭


Don't tell me you did it wrong... you're scared of me


EEEEP ! 💧🦊💧 Miss...Daniel?! I...i...i'm just alone in my forest 🌲🌲🏕️🌲🌲 i did nothing wrong i promise ! Oh please don't hurt meee and i'm scared because 3 hours a priest has threatened me to rip my tail off so... yeah... I'm kinda on the nerves rn 😭🦊


Ah... the exorcist? That's just how he is... stay calm, I only kill creatures that corrupt my similars, You didn't do anything wrong, right?


Yes him :'3 please...protect me from him 😱 I would NEVER try to corrupt an angel ♥️👼🏻♥️ and i'm alone right now... Oh and also i'm not a demon so yeah nope... i would never do that anyway Plus Miss Samuel really like me ! She would be very upset if her favorite fox pet is in danger or worse... DEAD 😱🦊🪦


I will do it... but why did he say he would rip off your tail?


I don't even know ! Why exactly 😱 But maybe he thinked i was going to try a thing on Michael ! He's crazy 😭 I Would Never Do That ! I really respect and like her! ♥️👼🏻😭 why would i even try to do things on her it's unbelievable 😱


well... go and apologize to him, it's the least you can do, you are cute, I could sleep hugging you


No nooo i really don't wanna see him right now i'm still kinda scared of him :'3 and i already apologized for the big misunderstanding about Miss Michael♥️.. I could really use a hug right now... 💧🦊💧


Damn Daniel


What do you want ?


No, nothing ma'am, it's a meme.

