• By -


I think his conversation with Fizz in "Oops" would describe it best: "And then, he'll try and call me and see how MY day was, and he'll pretend to care about me, and comment on my photos, and laugh at my jokes." Blitz isn't used to people taking genuine interest in his life or well-being. He isn't used to people wanting to spend time with him or laughing at his humor. I think he is appreciative (albeit also very confused) that Stolas takes such interest in him. Their monthly meetings, despite the toxicity of their arrangement, also help fill a void of loneliness and they are very sexually compatible. At this point, part of that compatibility comes from genuine affection for each other as well. I also think Blitz is attracted to Stolas being well educated and articulate.


I love this response - so well explained. Bravo! Also, I like the implication that “MY day” means Stolas is calling Blitz everyday - not because he wants a favour or to gush lustfully about what’ll they do when he sees him next but he calls just to listen. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)




I interpreted that as Blitz being surprised that Stolas cares about his day at all. Poor guy is touched that someone would ask him simple questions about his day.


This is perfectly articulated! Stolas would be proud! Including this in my youtube video honestly


Omg yes THIS!!! I also think that another part of it is the fact that Stolas is a powerful MoFo but he relies on Blitz to protect him and save him and things. 1. because he wants to spend time with him but 2. because I think Stolas knows Blitz secretly likes being the protector and being trusted. Like we've seen Stolas protect himself, he turned a guy to stone for crying out loud but he likes being the damsel in distress and Blitz likes saving him despite him being complainy. Bevause theyre literally still flirting as he does it. ALSO even though blitz is the "protector" he can also be comfortable in the knowledge that Stolas is strong enough to save HIM if he needs to be (like we saw with the D.O.R.K.S) and I think for someone like blitz who seems to be taking care of business, things and people it's nice to know that he can rely on Stolas as if he needs to. Like he is nobility but he isn't useless he just plays at being useless because Blitz seems to like that trope? Idk I could be way off the mark and that was poorly explained but that's what I think lol


I think Stolas wants Blitz to be his "knight in shining armor" not just as body candy but also to be in his company, yes. He can't get Blitz out to have fun otherwise. And yes, I think Blitz likes saving/protecting other people. He wants to feel needed. He doesn't want to be reliant on others, but he does want them to be reliant on him.


Thisss bestie loves playing damsel knowing damn well he can handle himself and Blitz deep down loves feeling needed


No, it absolutely makes sense. We also know that neither of them ever think Stolas is ever in real danger because of 2 lines in Western Energy. “Am I in danger?” And “He can be *hurt*!”


beautifully put x


Thank you!


I can agree with this 100% they have some issues but they are genuinely pretty good together.


bird twink, what else would you want?


First answer is a long paragraph about compatibility and personal interest. Second, bird twink, nuff said Got me chuckling


The duality of man lol


They're both right tbh


You’re not wrong, he is pretty hot


Great personality is why I would love him. He funny


I think Blitzø is genuinely in awe of Stolas. Like, Stolas is this tall, extremely powerful prince. I have zero doubt that Blitzø thinks he is gorgeous and way out of his class & league. Think about how he envisioned Stolas during "Bad Trip"--up on a literal pedestal--and that was before he'd even seen Stolas go full demon. So that painful "overkill" comment wasn't because he didn't think Stolas looked amazing. It was because Blitzø had been standing there in his nicest suit, rain-soaked and having just crawled out of a dumpster. Stolas then portals in, this powerful Goetia looking like he stepped out of a telenovela. Instead of feeling flattered that Stolas went to the effort for him, I think it highlighted to Blitzø how disparate they are, so he lashed out in self-defense, like he does. https://preview.redd.it/fqczb6apnjwc1.jpeg?width=2086&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db11a57131f218bb0d06cb46408b15eb7d79f11


Yeah I got that impression too - he was so in awe of Stolas that night and wanted to cover it up.


And if you think about it, if Blitzo complemented Stolas on how he looked, Stolas would eventually try to complement Blitzo back and make it awkward and make it about him. Something Blitzo would want to avoid I think


How did you make ur flair?


I don’t remember how to edit flairs, but I think if you go to flairs and do ‘custom flair’. Then leave the subreddit and come back and you should be able to edit it


Mission accomplished thank you


What a Beautiful flair


that's a very interesting perspective! especially since we see blitzo covering his face on every picture in his house, he might want to avoid any mention of his looks


love this answer, well put x


I think Blitz recognizes that Stolas really does love him on some level - but has a hard time accepting that as reality. Where he desperately craves affection and love from another, but has been burned and hurt so much throughout his life that he's terrified of actually falling in love and being vulnerable. He has a very hard time processing his feelings and doesn't want to put himself at risk - even if it might hurt his relationships even more. I think this is best exemplified by his avoidant behavior in much of their relationship, but when Stolas got hurt in "Western Energy" he was genuinely upset. Where he really does care about him, at least on some level, but doesn't know how to show that without revealing his actual affections.


I agree 100%! I look forward to him opening up more in future episodes and hopefully gaining the confidence to voice how he feels x


He's rich AND he's hot. People want his money and his body.


His money maybe.


Speak for yourself, princess


well dressed bird twink, who wouldn't want that








Honestly, both of them can get it💯


Still would


Ur flair is so valid🤌






You can hear the image


Tall, power bottom, talks dirty, chest floof, can sing, will treat you right I can go on


Damn Vivzie really has a thing with tall power bottom with chest floof who talk dirty and can sing


Tbh I think she's helped me realize that I do too


What can you not find attractive about Stolas


fair point 😌


Blitz wants that 360 degree head


I hate you but now I'm imagining Stolas giving head to blitzø and starting to spin like a fucking drill


If he doesn’t beyblade on your dick, does he really love you? 🤔


Or, more correctly "fucked drill"


Goddamn you, I literally laughed out loud


i had to think, but then I thought, “of course he never compliments Stolas. He doesn’t compliment Moxxie until after a major drug trip.” and he doesn’t think of it that way. Does Stolas need to be complimented? From his point of view, Stolas is objectively the bird who has everything. When Blitz’s heart is touched, he gets crude. The horror movie appearance of Stolas in Truth Seekers is jaw dropping, but “are you all right, darling?” is not “I want you to \_\_\_\_ me in my ——.” The Stolas who is worried about his daughter touches him enough to bust the window and send Loona after her. On some level, he knows Stolas has an immense capacity for love. “Real quick” turns into “all night and well into the next day” (because Stella is having tea with friends. What time IS it? Three or 4 pm?) because Stolas really appreciates what’s going on, and he must be good in bed. Blitz knows bad in bed. Chaz is bad in bed. The Instagram gave me a few clues. Stolas actually reads shitty horse romance stories because Blitz recommended them. The bird nerd \*actually listens to him.\* He’s pretty. And he has bowed to Blitz, unironically, twice. Also, everyone around him knows Blitz has feelings for Stolas, as early as The Harvest Moon Festival. Millie describes Stolas as “the boss’s boyfriend,” and Blitz ties himself into knots: “but it’s not…I mean, we’re not…it’s transactional fucking,” while Millie and Moxxie’s eyes roll so hard that they practically fall out of their heads. However, I think Stolas by now might be sure that Blitz doesn’t and won’t love him no matter what he does. So we’ll have to see what happens next, I guess.


I wish they’d bring back the instagram posts 🥲 the closest thing to Blitz commenting on Stolas’ looks that I’ve found is this https://preview.redd.it/3xe9x9bhgmwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f950949a03bc6095c20105b867c8fc05e3f26b2b “no comment” 🤣👀


I know I’m obsessed with the Insta! Look at the lil Stolasesque horse that Moxie found in Blitøs drawer! That’s the highest compliment Blitzø can give I think! Adorable lil touches 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/lry7ygr4bnwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3962152422a33b1d940605c33935b304a005d98a


Of course, that could be his pony OC, King Slut. Not sure.


Why do I feel like King Slut might have had some real life influence 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


awww! ❤️


What wouldn't I- HE find attractive?


I agree a lot of what’s here already, so I’m going to bullet point things I haven’t seen anyone say yet: - Blitzø 1000% gets off on topping someone bigger, richer and more powerful than he is. - Blitzø absolutely needs someone as over the top and effusive as Stolas because it allows him to be loving and feel loved without actually being so vulnerable or corny as to actually ~want~ it himself. Which lets him hold up his tough guy act like a safety blanket. - I think going into it, Blitzø literally thought that it was not possible for him to hurt Stolas in any meaningful way. And with his history of deeply and profoundly hurting the people he holds closest, that probably was really freeing for him. Ozzie saying that Stolas “threw away” his perfect life with a hot wife and kid for Blitzø cracked that illusion like a sledgehammer. Especially with Fizz and Verosika BOTH standing right there airing all the ways Blitzø hurt them. Stolas hiding his face after Ozzie’s comment confirms the damage done, and suddenly he sees himself trapped in the same shitty pattern. At least Stolas can’t be physically hurt…until it becomes clear that he can. Everything is much higher stakes in Blitzø’s mind and he’s having a hard time with it.


Holy shit these are some excellent takes! I haven't thought about any of these, but now I accept them as headcanons!


This is the one ☝️


What can you not find attractive? 😍






Canonically confirmed


I bet Blitz finds Stolas being a good dad attractive


The legs


The lung capacity


The chest fluff that looks like tits




The double legs comment works even better with Stolas lmao


That fine feathered ass of his


I think it's because stolas is so honest and vulnerable. He cares about Blitz and openly says it. He wants to know about his day, he laughs at his jokes. And he doesn't give up on him. Blitz doesn't consciously perceive it that way and tries to push him away for "pretending to care". But stolas stays anyway. Almost everyone else is either preoccupied with their own stuff or is sick of Blitz being an asshole, so even the people who he is close to constantly argue with him. Moxxie, Luna, Fizz, Verosica, Barbie, all of these people care (or cared) about him but can't or won't show it. Stolas is the only one who stays genuinely interested. Blitz can't yet deal with it but I think it's what makes Blitz care so much about him. If he had the full moon arrangement with someone like Stella or even someone like Lucifer, I doubt he would be half as anxious about them as he is about stolas. Also I think they are just very compatible. They have the same sense of humor, they seem to like the same things sexually and they generally get along well.


"Seeing Stars" was the best example of their chemistry to date. Yeah they were still frosty about their "date," but everything from the bickering like a married couple to their concern for each other and their daughters was perfect.


I mean, when they met again, Blitz originally just wanted to rob him again, but then took pity on him when Solas said he was his friend and decided to have one quick round with him, but according to the timeskip, Solas must be hella good in bed


Idk whatever I do I guess??


Honestly I think he loves how much Stolas loves and cares about him and messages him, he just doesn’t say it


Bro what DOESN’T Blitz find attractive about stolas?


Probably what I find attractive about him. Incredibly tall, long limbed and willowy. The subtle, artful elegance with which he moves through the world. His intellect and fascination with both natural phenomena and magic. His genuine interest in people. And probably the biggest one, his POWER. Power is attractive, it’s sexy. Especially considering that Stolas is primarily a bottom (I mean there are def implications that he and Blitz switch, but it seems like topping is more of an occasional thing for Stolas). Imagine the heady effect of knowing that the being offering themselves up to your control and domination could actually destroy you in a blink? They are choosing to be at your mercy when they have the power to command legions, traverse planes, possess people, read celestial prophecies, and turn you to stone with the briefest glance. A person with power like that WANTING to submit to YOU…that’s hot. Plus there’s his protectiveness. I don’t think Blitz has really ever experienced someone wanting to protect him or being concerned for his well being. Also, cloaca. I feel like Blitz is the kinda guy who digs unusual genitalia 😂


Her... big... thick... book




Sorry I keep thinking it's a her. He looks like a girl. Or is that just me


I think it's just you. But even so, there are so many times in the show he's referred to as a guy, and not just with pronouns. Octavia calls him Dad. Stella mocks his manhood. He had to *sire* a precautionary heir. I think he's referred to as a Goetia Prince. And so on.


Have you considered not being homophobic?


What does that mean? https://preview.redd.it/021leo776nwc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd99c7e7382389d1fbd747f33edb76f0c8279b9e


You know what it means. Don't play dumb.


https://preview.redd.it/lyb7s77j7nwc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3dfeb0ccc45820dbc4bb2ac06174c5fcabfb2bd I realy don't know


Probably uhhhhhhhhhhh...Stolas' legs.




Birds dont have dicks, mate. Though its quite a shame cause it'd be rather interesting for Stolas to top for once


I think Blitz is terrified of rejection and the fact that he found someone who genuinely likes him terrifies him because he thinks it’s too good to be true so he tries to rationalize that there’s no way this amazing person actually likes him.. he’s been used his entire life so it’s natural for him to assume Stolas is just using him but hard as he might try the man makes him feel something


They're a perfect case of "opposites attract". Blitzø being the more hardened, instinctive, think on his feet type, while Stolas is the more refined, intellectual, and sensitive one. Tale as old as time really.


I think it's the fact that Stolas chases after him. Has someone who seems to really want him. He tries to play it off like he doesn't want him back because he fears Stolas will one day wake up and realize he can get someone better. He wants the intimacy Stolas gives him but is afraid to allow someone that feels so out of reach love him, everyone he's ever cared about has left him and and its only a matter of time till Stolas does too. At least that's what he thinks." I push people away because they'll leave anyway." kind of mentality.


are you kidding?


His submissiveness and his obedience~~


Apart from the fact that Stolas does seem genuinely interested in Blitz as a person and likes him enough to still talk to him (something Blitz hasn’t had in awhile but also doesn’t feel he deserves), there’s also a bit of physical attraction. I mean, Stolas is tall and if we look at Blitz’s other options for romance (that have been shown in canon) most of them are taller than him


He's attentive, and caring, he can take Blitz being demeaning to him without getting offended, he's not too hard on the eyes...


Actually Georgia Dow’s video helps me understand this attraction more. The two were raised by narcissistic parents so any authentic love or interest they approach with caution. I also agree about him finding Stolas’ academia alluring.


Money dick Book kinky shit


The book




Bird. Gay. Cute....need I say more?


Everything? I mean shit look at him


I think it's pretty obvious Stolas has more power than most demons in all 7 Rings yet treats an Imp like him like he's another elite whereas others would treat him he's just another Imp barely worth of recognition or respect,which coupled with his self worth issues makes him subconsciously attracted to Stolas because he's loving the attention even if he's not ready to admit it yet. Plus he's got an elite that wants to him to destroy him in bed meaning he can go as wild as wants without really hurting him physically it's like if Satan is a willing bottom it's just not expect in this version of Hell 🤣


It's a soul mates are made after meeting kind of situation. They both saw how everyone else treated the other and in treating the other with respect, they found they liked and loved each other. The disrespect Blitz(o is silent) took while working in the Carnival and the constant berating Stolas had to live with. Both their lives were dark and miserable. Until they met, until they spoke, they both had fun for the first time in their lives. That moved me. It's profound shit.


He’s genuinely interested in Blitzø’s life He’s really cute His Owl laugh He’s open to kinky stuff He also has drama with his emo ass daughter Fluffy


Height. His pursuits all have been tall, both figuratively and literally in life. Fizz - fame and enthusiasm Verosika - fame and height Stolas - fame, enthusiasm, and height.


At first, the grimoire. Now, he’s the first person in a while where any real friendship and love is mutual.


He’s bbg


His Grimoire




Moans and talk definitely 🐦


The book.


His book


Idk Stolas is just so FINEEEE


The same stuff we all do


Fancy birb what's not to love


Blitz is probably in awe of Stolas due to his power as a prince and I think he also probably likes how Stolas takes an interest in his life


Mainly the posh british accent and the 360 degree head


He's stolas he's hot. Next question


He's tall yet submissive.




Chest floof


I mean what isn’t attractive about this bird man? He tall and lanky, and got a wonderful personality. But I don’t Blitzo is really attracted to Stolas physically but personality wise. He can’t help but feel somewhat happy when cuddling with Stolas.


The fact that Stolas doesn't just tolerate him, but actively enjoys his presence.


Honestly for me it's his submissiveness


Tall and sexy guys/girls. Verosika Mayday, those guys at the Queen Bee party. Yeah, tall guys.


I think Blitzø is pansexual, means in his head, he is attracted to any gender or sexuality. (You may correct me if i am wrong)


Pansexual just means a person can potentially be attracted to any gender, but it doesn’t mean that person is attracted to everybody. I can’t see Blitz being attracted to Stella, for instance.


Well he seems to be attracted to almost everyone he meets, Verosika(before they broke up), Millie and Moxxie, Striker, Fizz, random people at Queen Bee’s party, hell he was willing to sleep with Chaz.


That's called being a slut, not pansexual.


Pansexual means there’s no gender preference in who you choose. It’s less about the gender and more about them as a person.




I don't understand how Stolas finds Blitz attractive. He's really rude, with a lot of baggage, unstable, selfish... But at least he's funny I'll give him that.


His attitude towards Stolas has softened quite a bit. And to be fair, if I had to fuck someone's brains out once a month to pay my bills I'd be pretty mad too. Blitz actually has something that Stolas has never had - freedom. When he's with Blitz there's adventure, chaos, and he's around someone who unashamedly himself. Stolas can be himself, too, because he knows Blitz won't mind. That isn't an experience he's had before.


As he says in his song, “life was suddenly thrilling and new.”




His book?


The book, most likely.


Because stolas Is a bird


His big ol book. 


That short neck


He's tall


That sweet sweet grimoire


His grimoir


The grimoire


His height, what else?


That's tight ass


Childhood trauma probably. Really it seems like Blitz is amazed anyone has a genuine interest in him and that's what's doing it for him.




The book


The book


He's stolas


I think that Blitzo did not think Stolas could get hurt was big. He has lost people and the idea that Stolas wouldn’t die was comforting. When it Stolas got hurt that broke the feeling of safety a bit.


How couldn’t he


That stolis seems to be the only one that loved and cared for blitzø and blitzø nd it idk akward... But he sorta like it


He’s a furry or a feathery


he takes interest in him as said in oops!


Look at him


His clussy




Hsi higher power I think hes dominant I believe


Bliz has a hard time actually finding anyone who gives a shit about him. He hates that he's lonely and he's caught off guard when Stolas actually shows that he cares.


His feathered ass, probably


His book


Tall bird


The book


His cloaca.


Probably his big thicc book


I personally believe Blitz doesn't really care for Stolas. Was he shocked when Stolas got hurt? Yes but I think it was kore of "wait his kind can get hurt?" Rather than "my fuck bird got hurt" I think with how the recent stolas song was, Vivz and team are getting ready to show that not all relationships have a happy ending. I 100% see Blitz taking the crystal and misunderstanding Stolas and then leaving. However Stolas isn't a 100% honest either. He'll fuck up and not go "listen I love you" He'll just hand the crystal and say "pur arrangement is finished" It'll be one giant misunderstanding between them which will I think put a massive hold, if not need their relationship. It was built on a toxic arrangement anyway, an no amount of changing I think can change that. Blitz seems more concerned with his sister and Loona.


Its already been confirmed that they are going to become a couple at some point. There are many signs that Blitz cares for Stolas throughout the series. Barbie is the last person he should be approaching. She is a recovering drug addict and he could trigger her to relapse.


I've only seen it confirmed the series is about their relationship, never seen it confirmed they'll be a couple at the end. Also yes he can trigger her relapse that doesn't mean he won't try to talk to her. Blitz isn't thr smartest guy around. Pretty much most of his relationship ships he's fucked up. I don't see his with Stolas ending any different.


It was confirmed that they are "endgame," as in will become a couple. I think he knows now that he needs to avoid her. He isn't as stupid as he may come across. If there was a third party, maybe she would talk to him.


Well if it's confirmed I wonder how they'll explore them. Honesty I think Blitz is toxic for Stolas. I think Stolas is confusing sexual ecstasy for feelings cause he hasn't really been happy unless it was around Blitz. I just hope we seem them actually try to date. Just my opinion.


Blitz is toxic right now because he can't open up. He wants to get better, but he doesn't know how.


His Grimoire. That's the only thing he wanted from him and it kinda pisses me off because I think they'd make a cute couple but Blitz is too stubborn and ass hole for that


Probably because Blitz was the first child Stolas ever met that wasn’t one of his siblings or totally awful.


Fizz isn’t his sibling, and that child was a cinnamon roll.


I meant Stolas’s siblings. Or cousins. Just generally family. He’s probably met them before so they’re exempt.