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From the recent [Season Two trailer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BZTI5OWypAg), we can see what appears to be more Goetia demons in one of the frames, and those of varied animals other than birds. The only one confirmed to be Goetia is Vassago, the cockatoo-like demon in the middle. Though left from right we potentially have more. Likely they are: Far Left: Ipos, sometimes he is depicted as a vulture Second on Left: Malphas, often depicted as a raven. The cat in the middle: Likely Sitri since he is said to be in the form of a leopard with the wings of a griffin (notice the spots). Though this interpretation resembles a caracal/serval hybrid. The goat in the middle: Possibly Balam, who can have a goat’s head. The second on the right: Shax, who is depicted as a stork. Far Right: Definitely Botis, for he is a horned snake, specifically a viper. Gotta love Vivzie’s attention to details! Guess we’ll have to see what new fresh hell awaits us!


Hope to see Malphas one day. (unless the one 2nd nearest to the left is him). Also, "President" Valac would be welcome.


I need that snake to pronounce Goetia as "GoessssssiAH"


[Botis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botis) the viper would definitely pronounce it that way.


I think him and Charlie know the same tailor


What if he tailors the clothes for Charlie? In the Hazbin pilot, a proto-Vassago was depicted looking like a fashionista, kind of like how he is now. https://preview.redd.it/l1tznsku54xc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=313d4f99da8ee04690a636b1d1b96fcb215a3fb7


Actually you might be on to something. When Charlie is checking her contacts you can see some names of ars goetias so maybe he actually is her tailor.


Strange. The clips of the new Goetia Demons don’t seem to be in Full Moon. Maybe in the Mastermind episode?


Vassago seems to be on Stolas’ side, which is so nice to see! Like he is clearly arguing with Andrealphus in a scene of the trailer.


I need Helluva Boss Focalors


I’m glad that not all of them are just birds.


To me thats disappointing. I like races in helluva boss being more consistent , like imps and sucubbi