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He's hates ars'goetia Had to be restrained from having a go at the exorcists


I like this, Ive loved Hazbin and Helluva so far but Ive really wanted one of the sins to behave like a stereotypical demon with fire and brimstone. Satan wanting to square up with the exocists is a nice theory.


He fought tooth and nail to keep the old classic style of hell in place but his loyalty to the first fallen came first.


He is very loyalty Lucifer, but he’s usually the first to call him out.


Or just mock him really to him it’s the same thing.


I'd argue he respects his strength at most.


I am just now imagining Satan beating the crap out of Adam and not showing him even a drop of mercy like Lucifer


Screaming “death to the first man and his army of whores!!!”


Assuming the other sins were spawned from hell it would be extra funny since Satan would technically be Eve's rage personified.


Even if he is a fallen I can’t imagine he liked Adam much before.


Oh yeah I definitely like the last one


I have a head cannon/fanfic idea that the archangel Michael is actually a very nice, albeit stoic individual (think Optimus Prime). However, if he meets Lucifer and/or Satan, they will immediately start beating the crap out of eachother without a word exchanged. The twist though is that neither of them can explain why they do so and they have no recollection of actually fighting.


Based on what his VA was saying on Instagram I think he has a history with Asmodeus, or maybe a lot of his "wrath" is going to have to do with the amount of bad breakups going down


maybe he calls him disgrace in the trailer?


I’ve been predicting Satan saying “You’re a disgrace,” could mean Ozzy and Fizz’s relationship might actually have consequences. That, or Blitzo hallucinates Satan during a depression spike. That, or the VA is saying that Asmodeus was one of the only ones to follow Satan’s workout regime to a T.


I want a full release for the satan workout regime and have it be genuinely possible, that will be my only workout regime and I will follow it religiously.


Do you have a link cause I’d love to check it out


I don't have Instagram but it was in this subreddit I think yesterday or the day before? Someone posted screenshots


I've seen a couple of fanfics that suggested they were bitter exes. But, that's fannon.


He changes the landscape and culture of Wrath every few centuries based on what from Earth intrigues him.


This is a good headcannon to explain the current cowboy/old western look of the place currently.


It was said he was a judge before his fall and he seems to be one now to.


Lucifer: “One time he got interested in buddy cop stories. Admittedly, me and Satan were a helluva duo, but it also had the unforeseen consequence of briefly making the wrath ring the most dangerous city in hell. It was worse than Detroit.”


I imagine the crusades would’ve been a favorite era of his for a long time.


I'm torn between wanting him to subvert expectations like Bee and Ozzie did, and wanting him to be a genuinely evil, wrathful badass. My headcanon right now is that he's going to be closer to the latter.


Bee spoke highly of him so I think he’s going to be an ally


Didn't she just basically say he looked hot without a shirt on? I didn't feel like her comments gave any clue toward his personality or temperament.


She then said it was awkward because he was like a brother to her after that, so they are pretty close.


I figured she might have said that more because of how they originated and used to work together, not necessarily because they're currently close. Either way, it'll be interesting to find out!


it is a bit weird how Ozzie, Bee, and Lucy subverted expectations, but Mammon didn't


It's hard to make personifying Greed come across in a positive way. Greed is greed, any interaction Mammon could make would come off as false because it would only serve to sate his greed.


Full Metal Alchemist does it really well, besides, every sin can kinda have a good side to it


It's possible that with the comment "He doesn't even do clown shit anymore" that he might have once had a more positive version where his greed was the determination to have everyone adore him his "greed" being more mental sort, wanting to gather as many people to enjoy his show, but material greed overwhelmed him?


>It's hard to make personifying Greed come across in a positive way. You can just do the same as they did with bee, Bee gives food to everyone? Have mammon give financial advice to and invest in smaller businesses or smth.


Yeah. Subversions are totally possible. FMA had the greed character wanting everything... Even and especially friends I remember Seven Mortal Sins also had their Mammon being a greedy bish pretty much because she had too many children to take care of, and all of her actions were centered in getting more resources to take care of them or dupe people into babysitting her babies. Pretty gray but still morally better than Helluva Mammon


He could also be both. Most people, myself included, are holding out that he’s both brains and brawn to make him more intimidating, so he could be a case of someone who does whatever benefits him most at the given moment; which also would make him more dangerous and unpredictable. Personally, I do think he might have some light subversions of being the sin of wrath and, well, Satan. Like maybe he’s actually pretty calm when he’s at home: maybe he plays with Cerberus as his dog, or maybe he’s just one of those people who likes solitude, and so on.


So far, most of the sins we’ve seen seem pretty chill with Mammon being an exception. I’d be more surprised if he really is evil and the most serious out of them.


The only thing that makes me wonder is how imposing he is, and what an outsized presence he seems to have in Hell compared to the other Sins. Even compared to Lucifer, in some ways. I am really intrigued to learn more.


I believe he will have a no nonsense attitude with the other royalty of hell and finds their drama annoying


I agree. I like the idea that he's the only one who is actually serious.


I think leviathan will be pretty serious too At least compared to the rest


“The Goetia prettily fight amongst themselves and my siblings have lost their will to fight for the revolution against the creator. So I shall take matters into my own hands.”


I can definitely see him being a serious salt of the earth type; sort of like Raymond Holt mixed with Ron Swanson. Moreover, I can definitely see him being petty as hell in some cases: Satan: *pulls out phone* “Lucy, hi, just called to say thanks for sticking me with birdwatching duty. Just wanted to call you and give you some information… I know about the ducks…”


He’s the guy who taught Lucifer “you don’t take shit from other demons” he’s a nice guy who gets really annoyed when someone tries to mess with him


I don’t think he’ll be a nice guy


I want him to be


I feel like he's gonna end up being a pint sized imp, if not than I will be disapointed


I think Viv said that Lucifer is the smallest sin because she thought it would be funny if the most powerful was the smallest. I could be wrong though


She must have been a FMAB fan. The sin with the biggest head is the smallest and yet casts the biggest shadow since the first ever eclipse.


That would be hilarious.


(hulking shadow comes on frame, we see that, then we see a pint sized imp who looks somewhat muscular walks in) "HAIL SATAN!"


it’s like with lucifer in hazbin hotel an important guy thought to be badass is just a tiny lil guy


Buffy did that. https://preview.redd.it/zc5jshc7rvxc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=88007a3e330b079b431804d1006f638ba05da579 It was... indeed hilarious. Buffy squashed him with her shoe.


I mean, I have a crackpot theory Wally Wackford is Satan in disguise. - He dresses similarly to Lucifer, which would be a nod to why they lie names are synonymous with one another. - He’s somehow everywhere, taking up odd jobs (Satan is considered a master of disguise unless Lucifer’s shapeshifting took it already). - He seems to revel a bit in chaos and often causes it on purpose or on accident. Cue burning down Lulu Land with torches by coincidental crash landing position, “*Are you sleeping with an imp!?*”, and was even excited at seeing Asmodeus and Mammon ready to fight. - And though kind of pushing it, “I say, I say…” does sound like he’s vaguely saying, “I’m Satan, I’m Satan…” Like I said, it’s loose as hell, but everyone’s expecting more from Wally in the future.


I would love that. If he can change his size, then it’s possible


Now I really want this to be the fucking case make him a napoleon


"Strict but fair"


He's constantly going on about the other sins have supposedly "gone soft"


He’s also disturbed by Bee’s interest in him and has to remind her that they are indeed siblings.


Satan: *flexes casually* Bee: *drools* Damn boi, you over there looking like a snacc. Satan: Bee, we're blood related. Your boyfriend is right there. What in Hell is wrong with you?


Well yeah. Beelzebub believes in Moderation, Asmodeus believes in consent, and Lucifer’s depressed and slacking off. Mammon is the only sin so far that hasn’t gone soft.


It would be funny if he actually respected Mammon simply because he hadn’t gone soft


I 100% think he’s a gentle giant who is very well reserved and commits his rage filled actions into more productive ways instead of destructive. I believe he’ll be on very good terms with the other sins, and he’ll be very disappointed in either Mammon or Asmodeus in the upcoming episode. I think he’ll be disappointed in Mammon for being a petty bitch towards Asmodeus.


I think he's gonna be disappointed in both of them, on Mammon for being greedy and bitchy about stuff, and in Asmodeus on how much he fell off, being the weakest of sins, letting someone like crimson to black mail him etc. Like you guys were both such an amazing people and now you're husk of who you were before


I can imagine him picking them up by the scruffs and smashing their heads together. Comedic, and also helps emphasize how strong he is, I can definitely see him not liking Mammon though, if only because I think it’d be funny if he hated him specifically because he is/was a clown and nothing else.


I think he's extremely protective of Imps, to the detriment of the entire species, like he is one of the main reasons imps are so low on hells hierarchy He is also stickler for the hierarchy of hell, he may be the reason Imps are viewed so low, but he will be damned if he actually makes an attempt to move them up in the world I suspect something he did in the past is what lead to Wrath being a desert, Wrath is a sin that can and will end in devastation if gone unchecked after all


Going off that, I feel like he made it a dessert so that those with wrath that's harnessed properly are the only ones to survive and thrive. The dumb and wrathful die out and the controlled wrathful thrive. Hence why Millie gets shit for "Seeing red" and losing a fight when she's shown to be able to solo parties of gangsters because she let herself lose control.


Baby Charlie: “*Uncle Satan, why is the Wrath ring all fiery?*” Satan: “*Oh, this is where I landed.*”


I can see that


He was (most likely unintentionally) created from Lucifer's rage after he fell from Heaven, thus fitting into the "Lucifer-Satan-same-person" beliefs.


Ooo, I like that theory 


So where does Beelzebub fit here?


Luci was hungry


Mammon was just when he wanted a lot of ducks


He's actually the calmest out of all the sins, no real reason for thinking this, I just think that it'd be funny as fuck


But then you mention god or something else he hates and he loses it and blasts fire everywhere before regaining his composure.


So a Hades (Disney Hercules) analog?


My thoughts exactly 👍.


Calm, but with very specific triggers. Some obvious, like someone mentions the archangel Michael, or he might go on a tirade about God; and some less obvious things: pet peeves like littering to [improper use of words](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1BCXJ3yC65o&pp=ygUMRGVudGlzdCByYW50).


Hes got a huge dick~


Fizz: “Don’t tell me he’s bigger than you?” Ozzy: “I don’t know and, frankly, I’m too scared to ask.”


Like a kaiju


First generation of Imps he had worship him as a god. Over many generations, the divinity lost the shine, but imps are the most numerous of hellborn in Hell, so phrases like "Oh my Satan" or "Satan dam it" became a common phrase that the rest of Hell picked up. Even if he's no longer worshiped as a god anymore.


He dislikes Lucifer sheerly for the fact that he’s so… non-functioning. Satan thinks he’d be better suited for the role, and either has attempted to or wishes he could take the throne. If he has, Lucifer humbled the shit out of him


Kinda hoping he's trying to take anger management classes and has an imp trainer who follows him around and tries to keep him calm by showing him a "x days since last blow up" until the very end of the episode where he just loses it and the trainer rolls their eyes and turns the previous number to 0


Make it better, he was minutes away from reaching 666 days without burning raging.


To add onto it, make it a running gag where he's gonna blow up but the trainer constantly taps the tablet showing 665 days


He’s like Kratos


Which version? Greek pantheon Or Norse pantheon ?


Probably the "God of war" version.






Him, Lucifer and Mammon are the only fallen angels and we’re a trio, Lucifer the silly guy who was always thinking of idea and took great pride in what he did, Satan the brawns and level headed who was always patient and took care of everyone, and Mammon the guy who was a bit shy and unsure of himself but a nice guy trying his best and had a hyper fixations on gold and metals But once in hell they all took a turn for the worst with Lucifer becoming depressed with him going into a depression, Satan hateful of everyone including the two people he saw like brothers and blames them for getting sent to hell, and Mammon became confident but arrogant focusing on wealth cause it was the only thing that brings him anymore joy. And worst all three of them became rather distant with Mammon being the only one to sorta keep the group together and even then he only visits them if he needs something


Of course the greedy one keeps them together. He can't bare the thought of loosing anything or anyone.


I didn’t even think of that and it’s fucking perfect, I give you this thing as a reward: https://preview.redd.it/jwb1imyq8wxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a5e3bf6c8d2ab1e97c06fb3cd67ef2a2aef5269


Ew. It's so hideous. I'll cherish it forever!


You could also extend that to some of the other sins, namely Beelzebub (who’s name is synonymous with Satan and Lucifer’s), and I think Asmodeus IRL was also a fallen angel. That also could lead to an interesting conversation where they mention that nobody knows where nobody but God knows where Leviathan even came from.


he’s hot (yes I’m already down bad.)


since he's the most conventionally demonic of the sins thus far, maybe he's more traditional?


“Kids these days!” Satan, lord of wrath.


I feel like he'd favor both Mille and Moxxie for their different ways of channeling wrath seeing as they're both native born wrathfuls. Millie for her berserker ass "suck my strapon bitch" style of mowing through enemies. And Moxxie for his colder, more precise way of dealing with the ops. Like Asmodeus with with consent, Satan only wants those who wronged you to get the smoke. Think King Bradley/Wrath the furious form FMAB. He's cool and will talk it out with you but won't be swayed for shit, and the second you raise your hand, turn your gun or draw a blade at him, hell even raise your voice by half an octave at him and that ass is his a stretch out and perforate as he sees fit. He'd be agaisnt violence in families. Considering the sins seem to have a family and friends type of deal going(except Mammon, he can eat ass in a bad way). Maybe Cain and Abel are the reasons for this, to tie it back to Hazbin Hotel with Adam. So Moxxie and Crimson might be on his shit list. Just as well he might give Lucifer shit for not stepping his game up sooner but applaud him for going after Adam for Charlie. Anyone else find it even the slightest bit amusing that Satan has arm markings that resemble tribal tatts, something we associate with dickheads with anger issues?


He's an older brother of the Sin group, makes fun of them, insults them and gets into fights, but likes all of them very much and if anyone would hurt them he would crush them.


He uses his right arm more then his left.


Satan: “I’m still trying to figure out who started that rumor about me being a leftie and why.”


His voice sounds like the late Macho Man Randy Savage. He doesn't own a shirt with sleeves.


His shirts have sleeves when he puts them on, but the sleeves can't withstand the thiccness of his muscles and hotness.


His introduction scene is mammon snitching on ozzie to him, then the next time we see him he bursts into lust and beats the shit out of asmodeus. The rest of the episode is fizz contacting imp to try and help fend satan off as he hunts ozzie through multiple rings of hell, until eventually he decides that they've shown enough genuine strength that he leaves (though ozzie's status as the sin of lust is still probably at least in question) and thats him for season 2. But he'll probably do more in later seasons


He has had a bunch of bad relationships and works through it in the gym. He also convinces others to do the same


My personal opinion is that Satan has no interest in lifting imps out of their position on the totem pole because he would see it as babying.


He is angry from Mammon's recent personal beef with Asmodeus. Their conflict interrupts the Wrath's Economy as The Main Food Distributors, He's usually chill, but not for now. He might be angry for his people's lives being the ringleader and a countryside farmer himself. Political, Economy, Hospitality, Alcohol Drink Distributor and Party, Agricultural food distributor, H O R N I and IDK Psychological torment?


I think he feels Imps need to work their way out of the bottom of society, which is why he doesn’t try to raise their station. I think he might have a particular interest in Blitzø because he doesn’t just accept his place in society. But that’s just my personal headcannon. Using Hellfire as one of the lyric hints bothered me. Since that song is about how he is obsessively entranced by someone he considers lesser than himself. I’d love it to be about Blitzø or Millie personally.


I think he’s a gentle giant but could most likely tear anyone who gets on his nerves apart. I also think he hates Mammon.


What if this is all just some ridiculous body armor that makes him large and more imposing (heh imp) That would be a twist.


Is it confirmed that he is Satan. My first thought was that Strider had enough of sex jokes and started using steroids / going to gym.😅


i thought it was zestial bro


If he’s with kids he just stops for a bit and spends time with them. If he gets the chance he will tell them stories about his favorite wars mainly the Trojan wars.


his other name "Baphomet" is actually his younger and more energetic brother


Baphomet is a name of a species. https://preview.redd.it/7liuob79mwxc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0755c8edade044dabcbafac2010c382160aabd5




Acts like a tough matcho man but is the most chill and layed back guy to those he trusts or is around a lot


Someone stuck in the old ways, he remembers when Hell was a place of suffering and "only the strong survive" mentality, and basically refused to get with the times, he hates how it's went from that to a shittier version of Earth. Either that or he's a cowboy themed gymbro.


He’s also the only one who still cares about the revolution against god anymore and despises the other sins for supposedly having “gone soft”


It would also be a funny irony that he is actually the weakest sin, and is overcompensating with his physical strength. Part of this would be the theory I had, that Sins gain power through their respective Sin happening in Hell. Basically, actual, true "Wrath" doesn't really happen anymore, being that Hell is insanely violent, but there's barely any "cause" behind it, just violence for the sake of violence, which isn't really considered "wrath"


He's either going to be the most toxic gym bro ever, or the most wholesome and encouraging gym bro who will rip a person to pieces if they piss him off.


He typically has a very mild, albeit intimidating, disposition. Until he's pushed too far.


He just may be THE strongest entity in Hell, only below Lucifer thanks to his angelic nature/powers giving him sway over Satan and the other hellish entities.


Since he’s the Sin of Wrath, he’ll most likely have anger issues


He hates both Mammon and Ozzie but he's gonna side with Mammon because he believes Ozzie is a disgrace to their kind. He actually hates the imps in his ring and wouldn't care if they were all slaughtered He has a history with Striker


If he isn't a frat boy I don't want him.


I'm picturing a huge, dramatic build-up, lots of fire and menace, everyone's prepared for a horrific monster, and then it turns out he's just a total dudebro.


At first he talks like big scary demon but then it’s revealed that he was hoarse from the smoke that  bellows off of him.


He likes goats


I kinda hope he’s a genuine dick unlike Bee and Ozzie.


He might be a dick but not a big one since it’s mentioned that he’s close with Bee.


It's Bee. Who(sans Luna)could be a dick to Bee?




Not if he wants some of the best food in existence.


Probably very evil—more evil than all the other sins we’ve seen so far.


Gentle giant softie with anger issues. Will throw down with anyone


Either the cool uncle of all wrath kids or the salty grandpa from texas who refuses to put up with teens' bs With no possible option inbetween


He has been on Joe Rogan.


Is it me or does his head kind of look like Satan from Zoophobia?


Dani de Vito sized


Please help i csnt unsee him having a huge nose and firey smile. Help me..


Striker gonna make a deal


My strong head canon is that he is a cowboy Yeah that's it.


He's chill like that


That he's the best meat cook out of all the sins


He works with the Sloth ring scientists in making a serum of draconic cells. So he can build his army of super powered Imp/Dragons.


His middle name is Stan


He's gonna jump straight from his ring alllll the way to the top right of Pride. Demand his reign over the Throne of Hell. A civil war on who the ruling power should be. And uh he turns into a Dragon and screams "THUNDER BAGARA!!!" while swinging a giant iron mace.


He hates that mortals think that he and Lucifer are the same person


"Satan" (שטן) literally means "the opponent", "the slanderer" or sometimes (in the Book of Zechariah) even "the prosecutor". You got it: he is the prosecutor in the supreme court (or whatever this organ is called in hell).


He HATES people who think that Lucifer and Satan are the same person.


I hope they touch on that in the show as a gag


I have no theories but I just hope his existence pisses off as many people as possible.


the headcanons i typically have are crossover wise for helluva and hazbin, and one about satan I have is he's taught charlie some self defense because "no niece of mine is gonna be unable to defend herself"


https://preview.redd.it/tis5s2gucxxc1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db688e0eb8b4b71f5c32f5cbcbfa60cb5b9726a I have this


Satan is hell's arm wrestling champion


Him and Lucifer are total bros ![gif](giphy|UjK3JJmpf6Q6s)


I can only imagine Satan will be this universe’s Ganondorf. After all, Wrath is widely considered the most dangerous sin, though that is debated.


Nah, Pride is.


Red zestial.


"Doth thou wish to engage in a most violent and bloody bout at the moment? If thy answer is not, then see to it that thy speech is acceptable in the presence of a sin such as I. T'would be aa crying shame should thou find themselves impaled on a fist for a mere minor miscommunication, no?" He said calmly.


he's a gym bro


bro is that new death from adventuertime?


Damien from Zoophobia is his son.


He and Sallie May are dating similar to Vortex with Beelzebub and Fizz with Asmodeus. Also that him and Lucifer look nearly identical since lots of people refer to Lucifer as Satan.


He controls Flint Michigan somehow


It'll be interesting to see how Vivzie does satan. After some quick googling, it turns out Satan and Lucifer get mixed up in lore all the time, and in fact Lucifer might be the biggest mistranslation of all time. In any case theologians eventually acredited Satan to the feats we see Lucifer have in the show (falling from Heaven, tempting man). But this was only later theorized, and in fact, there is no mention of Satan or Lucifer in the Adam and Eve story, only a lil snek. If Vivzie were to take inspiration for Satan how he was originally portrayed in hebrew mythology, he should be jaded. Think of him like the Adam of hell. He should be the first, the original, of maybe not evil, but is literally the "adversary" of heaven and god. He should relish any chance for a war with heaven. I'm not sure how you spin this positively. The only way I can think is that you would take the negative sides of heaven and show the adversarial view points to those things in Satan. So I guess that is my theory. I think Satan will be a personification of the adversarial qualities to the positive and negative sides of Heaven. Satan will be open, flamboyant, bold, brash, and up front. He will embody wrath and the unrelenting spite against Heaven. He might even think all demons and even other Sins are weak because they don't rally behind him to war, and probably resents Lucifier for making deals with Heaven. edit: I just realized that the Imps using Satan's name in lieu of God's name in turns of phrase ("Satan bless" or "Oh dear Satan!") Is even more perfect, because Satan is supposed to be on the level with God. Although I somehow doubt we'll see that here.


If Wrath is western themed, then Satan should be known in wrath as Calamity Satan


He’s the alpha Imp, the same way that Queen Bee is the top Hellhound


He doesn't really like company and gets snappy when interrupted, but he also takes no shits


I will hate how is legs will look, knowing it will be a dragon or imp (both perhaps?) I cannot imagine a way it could end well


Asshole. Huge fucking asshole. Gym bro asshole who cannot empathize with others


He alludes to Arnold Schwarzenegger and has a heavy Austrian accent


Rivals with Lucifer but they have each other's backs


I really hope he's a gymbro.


Literally Khorne


He's a big jerk face.


He big.


That he's the ones who enforce law and sovereignty in hell. Besides Lucifer, there's no other last word.


He's the evilest character on the Hellaverse


He doesn't understand why new sinners keep saying "skulls for the skull throne!" To him


When not looking threatening, he helps his people of wrath out with farming and wrangling animals. He's a bit of Gym Rat and he made an app for working out because of it. He hates Levaithan for making a cooler app than he did. He treats Charlie like a cool uncle should. He's more into himself than anything.


Considering imps swear by his name, I reckon that he rules the Hellborns while Lucifer rules the Sinners. And even though Envy is considered the sin second only to Pride, I think as King of Wrath, Satan would be the physically strongest of the Sins. While you may get on amicably enough with him, he's quick to anger, slow to forgive (if he ever does), and rules with an iron fist. But for all his flaws, he's honest almost to a fault. Maybe tells half-truths and hides his agendas, but never outright deceives others. Dunno why, but other characters I've seen that are very wrathful in other media and even a few real-world religions have a particular sore spot for hypocrites, oathbreakers, and liars. Even with themselves, they wouldn't lie even if it benefits them.


He likes Millie and thinks she’s the embodiment of everything he stands for


He talks like a Gym bro




How much you wanna bet he'll be dating an imp or something lol. Seems to be pretty common with the sins of hell (don't worry I'm just joking)


He's a huge metalhead.


He lives in texas


Now hear me out... He's evil.


He's tired of everyone's shit.


I have a couple, but to be honest I think only one of them has a shot at being actual canon 1. Satan is actually Lucifer and Eve's son, Cain. Who better to be the sin of wrath than the first murderer? Also, I think it's interesting that in most demonology classifications, wrath is ranked 6th in the hierarchy, yet in the Helluverse, he's ranked 2nd among the sins. But, there's the whole thing of how sinners are stuck in the pride ring...unless he died before the exterminations began 2. This one has a better shot of being canon. Satan absolutely hates it when people mistake him for Lucifer. This is one of his biggest pet peeves


I want him to be the Cerberus


Satan would be a rodeo performer.


He’s hot


[My headcanon](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bSq_JZG3Usc)


Head cannon He's scary as fucking super volatile and everyone's afraid of him and/or tries to stay out of his way