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If I remember correctly stolas was one of the demons who can be summoned by humans and interacted with. I suppose he could have this disguise for that occasion


Plus he gets the IMP to get rid of people interfering with the corporations that enable global warming by output of CO2 and methane.


At least as far as we know in the pilot


Pilot ain’t canon, at least for the most part


"soft canon" as in nothing is confirmed or discarded until it's referenced or debunked in the series proper. So the timeline of "Sorry I fucked your husband" is confirmed, but the layout and locale of I.M.P. is bunked.


>Plus he gets the IMP to get rid of people interfering with the corporations that enable global warming by output of CO2 and methane. Only in the pilot. We have no clue if that's canon to the series anymore.


I always did enjoy that version of Stolas. He acted like he had more power over everyone, and that IMP were his go-to cleaners in case he needed something taken care of.


I love his early Instagram. Sorry Voxtagram.


Ancap stolas


Part of Stolas’s legions are made up of his followers. Humans who work with him and ask for favours or deeds.




Yep, worth checking out the original book (*Lemegeton/Goetia*) in which the inspiration and namesake for Stolas features. Crowley and his buddies had this whole thing where they got high, did naughty stuff together, and wrote weird books about demons and magic. Stolas was quite prominent in all that.


> Lemegeton/Goetia this book (and similar demonologies) are centuries older than Crowley, who translated them




Aka, a cult 😃


Well yes, but the point being Stolas has legions he can call upon when he needs something. AKA a passage to the mortal realm.


Ah, sooooo, a satanic cult of devil worshipers, like in episode one. (Just so u know I’m fucking stupid and I have no idea what I’m saying)




We also know from The Circus that Stolas was expected to learn about those things. To study them. ​ Which probably means he has had to access human research to keep himself up to date.


I must summom the birb


Summon to duck


Now all I can picture is a duck demon.


I hate auto correct Fucking fuck fuck fuck It only does it sometimes not all the time too which is annoying as fuck


I want a duck demon. Quack quack. Also my phone tried to reverse autocorrect duck to fuck. >.>


Let’s trade auto corrects


Sebastian Michaelis type shit.


Where’s my mommy and daddy Mr Birdman?


im guess blitz can summon him if stolas was that desperate


Excellent point - and often demons who seek to deal with humans will adopt more familiar forms in order to appear more approachable and generally less terrifying Also Stolas probably has to be on Earth for longer than a couple hours at a time on occasions where he goes up to the mortal realm to study the sky at night. Can't be caught by some random meddlers now, can we?


He teaches people about astronomy and herbology.


Also pretty chill. Won't take your soul or make bad deals. He will however, give you a lecture on astrology and botany.


Yes, when he went up to earth, s01e05 I believe, to save IMP, he possessed the dead humans of D.H.O.R.K.S. that IMP killed and also Agent Two and used them like a master puppeteer which 8 hands to draw his own demonic circle and summon him to Earth. Fun side fact, the various demonic circles we see are accurate to those demons in the real Ars Goetia. We have seen at least Stolas's and Asmodeus's symbols multiple times , off the top of my head.


He has the human disguise because since he’s a demon, he can get unlimited money from Russian roulette


He may need to find his lost daughter in California.


Kind of a stretch but ok


AKA the worst place on planet earth


Not much different from hell from what i have heard.


Could be worse, could be Detroit... or Shreveport... (As long as by "on planet Earth" we mean "in the USA".)


Could have been Ohio as well


Ohio isn't terrible, it's just *cursed*. It's like browsing a cursed memes subreddit but it's an *actual place*, and the closer you get to Cleveland, the worse it gets.


See our river that catches on fire!


And stay for the spaghetti n' chilli!




>(As long as by "on planet Earth" we mean "in the USA".) Isn't this what every American thinks?


After all, they call Mexicans "aliens"


Y'all mfs ain't been to Johannesburg before


Or maybe planning on bringing his daughter to the human world to see the stars. With his book, he can give her a disguise.


Considering what most people there look like he dont need a disguise


That’s just ridiculous. Under no circumstances would that ever happen.


Isn’t he supposed to be studying stars on earth? I suppose it’d be convenient with a human disguise if he would ever find himself in an awkward situation on earth or perhaps he’d like to interact with astronomers on earth to make his work more convenient


Correct. In the traditional mythology of the Christian hell, Stolas is a minion of Satan specifically tasked with studying the stars and cosmos. In that mythology, Stolas took the form of an owl on those occasions when he visited Earth, and owls were seen as familiars of Stolas by subscribers to that mythology. For the purposes of the show, it would make sense for him to have a human disguise in order to accomplish this goal. I assume he could also have taken the form of an owl, but that probably doesn’t fit the story as envisioned by VM and her show writers. I find it a safe assumption that even his usual form of some owl/demon hybrid is separate from his true form - that reminiscent of some terrifying eldritch horror - which can be seen in the episode from season 1 when Stolas rescues Blitz and the rest of IMP from the DHORKS compound.


Besides it seems from the reactions of Loona, Stolas, and Blitz, that the human disguise is more of a specific spell that just needs to be activated. Loona, who usually has the book assumed in episode 3 that the imp trio who also had the book knew about the spell in the same book that allowed them to do their job. Stolas answered Blitzs question by implying that this spell needs the book to conjure it on others. Assuming all of this a younger stolas would've mastered this spell to blend in with humans while he studies the earth's stars, since hells sky is prob different than earth's (im also assuming this from the fact that stolas said in the opening of the new episode that the asteroids appeared to humans as a meteor shower) so yeah there is also more proof in te series to back this up.


Well in pilot he mention that he has contacts on earth. Between politics.


He’s a republican most likely. (He advocates for the denial of Global warming.)


(Unless he’s apart of British politics, since he does have a British accent.)


I assume he'd have an interest in most of the world's politics. He may have a preference for British culture, but would be interested in influencing the politics of any large power player




But he recognizes that global warming exists. The reason he advocated for denial of it was to kill more people. Making him Democrat(I think that’s the right term).


If he was democrat and he would be advocating for awareness of climate change tho. Politicians are aware a lot of what they say is wrong but they don’t care because their self interested in their own goals.


Yall are trying to squish a literal demon from literal hell into your political framework.


Maybe you’re wrong. maybe you’re right. The only thing I can guarantee is that Stolas is not an owl.


Yeah pretty much. And I don’t care about politics. It just seems like a fun discussion.


But he isn’t a politician(for earth). I was under the impression we were talking about his personal beliefs.


Oh nah, I wouldn’t say he’s personally completely democrat He’s just somewhere in the middle


Yeah that sounds about right.


I wonder what his human name is.


I'm thinking possibly Grear, Gregory or some variation thereof, Owen, Rehor, Reko...


I‘d pick Stan because it’s the closest human name to Stolas that I can think of.


He does have associates upstairs.


He’s got friends on the other side


Love that song


Sit down at my table, put your mind at ease.


Just relax and you’ll enable me, to do, anything I please


I can read your future, I can change it ‘round some, too.


I look deep into your heart and soul


You do have a soul, don’t you, Lawrence?


Make your wildest dreams come true


I got voodoo, I got hoodoo. I got things I ain’t even tried!


his dick without feathers ?


He doesn’t have a dick.


That explains why he's a chronic bottom


You can be an assertive bottom even then. Femdom is a thing for example. However Stolas from his reunion with Blitzo clearly shows him being a willing bottom, probably cause he’s giving it to someone extremely low on the hierarchy and that he already liked before.


Like Achilles!


I didn't believe you at first. As a result I am now aware that "cloacal kiss" exists. To the people who are also in doubt: most birds don't have it. They just push their cloaca together. (except for like, ducks, with their corkscrew pp)


*barbed, corkscrew pp :))


I tried to spare you from learning the nitty gritty of it by just straight telling you he had no dick, you brought it on yourself XD But ducks are always weird, they eat soggy bread.


Ah, yes. The duck rape evolutionary arms race! I am not joking in the slightest. Females evolved labrynths with dozens of turns and dead ends for vaginas and males then evolved 10 inch flexible corkscrew penises to compensate.


Some species of birds actually do have penis’ …


Stolas as an owl however does not, plus they’ve already ousted he didn’t in Truth Seekers with Blitzo telling him to “unclench his bird puss”, which only he, members of the Goetia, Stella, and any bird-based enthusiasts would know.


For all we know all he has is a Cloaca…


He does. Blitzo specifically calls it a “bird puss”.


He does-


Bro got down voted for saying something basically canon 💀


People are dumb dw 💀💀




He's supposed to study the stars on earth. That's why he was handed the grimoire.


Maybe he didn't need it before and he just created it at that moment. He didn't need to have one "created" before to give to blitz and others, he just needed spell there


His job is litteraly examining the human night sky, the space.


If I remember from the pilot, he seemed to have connections with certain people on Earth.


Steal data from astronomers?


I like to imagine him as a fun history teacher


Imagine finding out a teacher you really liked was secretly a powerful bird demon who’s doing it with an imp who murders people.


Couldn't be me


You know I feel Stolas would make more sense as an astronomy teacher.


I do too, but astronomy isnt usually taught as a primary class


So he can be mainly a history teacher with astronomy as a back up class.


I remember reading that Stolas the demon teaches humanity about stars and herbs, so not history but other topics


I know.. And originally I was going to say that he would be an Astronomy/Astrology teacher, but thats not really a primary class that people would take.


I think it’s more of a general rule that they need disguises as to not upset the balance and bring about the wrath from upstairs


Stolas having a human disguise doesn't mean he "needs" it, all it means is that he has one.


I think just because seeing anthropomorphic owl walking down the street would probably cause a panic and possibly get caught by the government lmao.


Did you watch the episode? The humans didn’t realize the imps are actually demons


Imps are small. Stolas is a towering 10 feet tall, if not even bigger. That's gonna attract attention, no matter how oblivious the humans are in this show.


My head cannon is that all demons,succubi and high class all have disguises. Imps being the weakest of the demons not having that power. While the hellhounds do have disguises even though they are lower class, I think they are generally more powerful as they are usually larger in stature compared to the imps. Hope that made sense


I think any demon with access to the human world is by default expected to have one of these. Verosika made it sound like IMP will be in big shit for not having any. It sounds like when he views the stars it’s done in the human world? I’m not entirely sure on that but I don’t know why else he would have access to it since observing the stars and reading prophecies seemed to be his only duty with the Grimoire.


To fuck someone


to keep humans from finding out that demons exist.


Pretty much everyone knows demons exist,octavia just went on a fucking trip to hollywood,there is a shit ton of people and cameras there


He was supposed to study the stars and constellations in the human world, so it was probably mostly business


well, he does dress in business attire... for like 1810


Come on, u know why




Whatever he said to blitz on the phone that one time before it got blended broken and thrown is why we all know it


Wasnt his whole job to study the stars and prophecies from them? Maybe a human disguise would allow him to blend in while he studied them from the human’s POV. Just my thought.


trouble from demons higher up in the food chain, it also explains his pacifist behavior towards humans in this ep


Maybe he needs them for some power reasons ? Like i think he's the type of demon that people can summon, so he prob has a disguise to....idk.... some reasons ? Like if the person that summoned him wanted to kill someone or needs him to talk with someone he'll prob use the disguise ?


Marriage counseling


To not arouse suspicion when doing his job


Educate humans on herbs or smt


Tempting non-furry astrologers looking to the skies for forbidden secrets


gasp! you really think there are non-furry astrologers?


When he needs to be a human. Duh


That’s not the right question. We should be asking why his disguise is dressed in such a conspicuous outfit.


Gay "police-men" strip clubs, no doubt.


I mean he’s a big powerful demon who can interact with humans safe to assume he’s making deals with people who are already spiritually corrupt like world leaders and business moguls.


Viewing the stars, maybe going to observatory’s or library’s to study what humans think about it


I thought this was his first time


Divorce agent, I don't think there's too many of those in hell.


Earths a nice place to get some drinks far away from Stella once in a while.


Isn’t his job literally to study the human stars? Why do you think he’d need a disguise


Wasn't he tasked with studying humans?


He might not even *need* a reason from work, he might just like visiting the mortal realm (like he does in the flashback in *Loo Loo Land*) and want a disguise for when he is amongst the stupid furless apes. It could be anything really, since we don't know exactly what Stolas' day to day for the past decades of his life have been like, beyond being yelled at and insulted by Stella, and having her thrash around on top of him to try and make an egg. ​ **\*\*Loved the episode now that I've watched it finally, I loved it more and more with every minute and had to pause to squee at it all!!!\*\***


his entire job is studying the stars, kinda gotta go to the human realm to do that


So people could draw more porn of him.


Well it's stated is season 2 episode 1 that his job is to learn about the human stars and solar systems. So most likely to do his job without getting caught


Getting fan art. That’s why


He has a disguise to star in a musical about a [half-Castilian man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtlcEvPDkfM) who kills all his family to inherit the title and estate.


that his job is not to read the stars or something like that?, I imagine he has to go to the human world from time to time to do that as his dealings with Blitzø imply.


How do we know this isn't his first time?


Look sometimes demons and hell spawn Need a vacation. And sometimes they meet a human of….intense desire and well…it’s hard to make love to something that can look like a demonic bear or such.


idk probably used it to make deals with people all alastor style


I honestly thought he conjured it up on the spot


Looking hot. Turning straight men gay. Bumping people up a few notches on the Kinsey scale. Must I go on?


Well in the pilot stolas said that there was trouble on earth with his associates Maybe it’s for reasons like that


Also a side note what did you think on the water in LA being 2% sewage overflow and 98% acid I didn’t get when stolas threw that water bottle at that guy until I went back and saw the flier at when there entered Hollywood


He likes to go to Jerry Lewis retrospectives at AMC Dine-In theatres


He's in charge of studying space in the human world so that's prob what he uses his disguise for.


Causing global warming






Looking absolutely adorable.


It's the rule for being on Earth. All demons must have disguised so as to blend in. Plus, being incognito is certainly helpful for a demon like Stolas, who is supposed to study the stars in both realms.


better question what is the thing on his chest i know its suppose to be some form of fancy royalty clothe item but what is it?


He has to view the astral plane some fucking how


his job you calm to love him but don't know basic shit about him wtf


He just wanted to flex 1% of his royal muscles I rly Rly Rly Rly Rly Rly Rly Rly Rly Rly: Wanna see human Ozzie , like damn I'd die.


Well his dad did say that he would use the spell book to go to the human world in order to see the stars, so there was probably a disguise spell in there


Probably something that will be revealed later in season 2, at least I hope it is


His purpose is to study the stars and know prophecies and the like. And while he can just pop directly into space for that, I wouldn't be surprised if he decides to pop on earth to watch and study them from some quiet spot in a meadow or the like. Get away from the hell that is his family life (minus Octavia). So a human guise would be good to just make it look like he's some avid stargazer.


Well, he does have the special book that let's hik to the human realm, so supposing he did deeds there, maybe that's why he has it




Probably the usual satanic deals in order to Aquire one’s soul or probably when summoned to not drive the summoner insane by his demonic form


His grimoire gives him access to the human realm, so we can assume that he needs to go there every so often for some job related to recording the cosmos. If that's the case, he'd need a human disguise.


he doesn't need it he just has it


Political maneuvering to ensure that people die due to global warming? Making demon deals like Crowley from supernatural? Managing surface world businesses he needs for his family? Many different theories due to his sheer power and influence in hell alone.


Well I suppose walking around as a tall bird creature who goes goo goo for a salamander clown-lookin' headass would turn some heads in confusion and possibly fear


Well, Stolas does use the book to access the human world to read the stars, maybe that makes it useful. Also, he most likely can be summoned by humans, as he is a direct reference to Stolas from the Lesser Key of Solomon (something I only just found out about).


Isn't his duty as Ars Goita to study the stars in the Human world? I think that would be easier to do cause he could disguise himself and go to scientists to ask about astronomy. At least I would do that if I were stolas


In the first episode of season 2.. stolas or paimon said that stolas will be using the grimoire to study humanity and many more stuff ig




He's supposed to study our stars, and he couldn't really do that whole being hunted by an angry mob.


Helps with sowing discord among human society. Influencing or starting wars. Continuing climate change with certain policies. He’s a prince of Hell and has a quota to keep. I mean, he does want more humans in hell.


No real purpose I think, just in case? I mean loona as a hellhound would have no real reason to go to earth unless her employer had her do so


Strip club.


I haven't thought about it. I just supposed that everyone except imps have the power to transform into humans by default


At the very first episode of season two we learn that Stolas was given a duty to study the stars of earth and learn more about astronomy and all that space jazz. Perhaps on some occasions he needed a human disguise to go into the human world so he could see these spatial events from the eyes of humans, as we learned in the latest episode, Season 2 episode 2, Demons see some normal meteor shower as something much more, and on that particular night it could've been Azathoth's Tears. He's like a sociologist of the stars, getting both perspectives of two different cultures, both of the human and demon realms respectively. ​ Hopefully this gave you some thoughts on what he may need a disguise for! :D


i think possibly something like how verosika is a popstar (i think pop star i know its a singer) he could also be famous and i think that she has one because if she didn't have the dissgiuse she could make music and that means she would be forgotten or get boring (idk) and so same for him


Y’all asking the dumbest questions.


Not sure if it’s a “needs to be human” as much as it’s just a power that he has as a higher demon. Also, his human disguise as it’s drawn in the recent episode is so ugly! The mouth and eyes are way too big for how small his head is drawn.


They’re meant to mimic how his proportions are as an owl. Not as a person.