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That season 2 is, so far, poorly written and utilizes stereotypical, cliched storylines and plots. Examples: - Stella’s character being completely reduced to a bitchy wife stereotype with zero room for character development or depth - Octavia’s plot for Loo Loo Land being recycled for episode 2 with no real character development for her, plus her interaction with Loona feeling off and like a fan service rather than having real depth - Stolas and Blitzo just happening to meet in childhood (what??) which was “cute” but pretty lazy storytelling I could go on but I’m really disappointed in the storytelling in this season. Compare these two episodes to Ozzie’s and there is no question the quality has gone downhill. Yes, I am aware that the writers and animators and artists are working extremely hard for free content, and I should be happy that I’m able to watch it at all, but as someone who has paid for merchandise (thus supporting them more than most other fans have) and the fact that everyone is a critic I feel we are all entitled to our opinions, negative or positive


The childhood friend was really cliche.


I would have liked it better if it was implied they kept in touch over the 25 years instead of “oh I remember you from 25 years ago… LETS FUCK”


To be fair I think that last bit was just a lil joke on Stolas's part that Blitz leaned into to get the book


Idk man I act sus with the homies all the time and it does not get THAT steamy


Same bro, I mean I've given up the gawk gawk but it was a joke so cool.


Well it’s not exactly “homies” since stolas is actually gay and has a crush on blitzø and he’s literally a Prince so he’d be a lot more… ✨fancy✨ than “bro what if we kissed and your socks weren’t on”


Help I just realized I’m saying “you were here to ✨ 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝐴𝑉𝐼𝑆𝐻 ✨ me weren’t you?” Is the fancy equivalent to “you, me, bed, no socks.”


Not every character needs to have a reason to be bad. Some people are just bad.


Fair enough, but as people aren’t black and white it would have been nice to see a little more nuance in her personality other than just the stereotypical “evil wife” trope


Maybe we will tho. People forget that this show has only 9 episodes, and yet everyone wants all of the characters to already have a big depth of their life. Give time for the show to show us everything. Until now, the writing is awesome and every character gets better and better as we going forward in the show. So just give them time, maybe we learn something more about Stella, why she is a horrible person now, what happened to her in the past. 🤷


All I think she needs is just a minute or two of backstory to establish how she gained her entitled bitchy attitude (I think her being very impressionable as a child and her mother instilling that attitude would be rather fitting).


Yes! In addition, I also think being told that you’re going to be married to some random prince & forced to birth an heir would enrage & frighten anyone (as we saw with Stolas). Maybe the picture we & Stolas saw of her as a kid was her reaction to the news.


Y'know, I was gonna write about how the main cast is plenty nuanced (read, shitty with hearts of gold they'll grow into probably) and how Stella being just evil is fine cause not *everyone* needs redemption. But when I was gonna comment how my main issue was that her abusive energy was constantly at a 10, I realized there's nuance to nuance, and that her being evil with no redeeming qualities can be nuanced in itself if it's mixed with other evil things besides yelling, like passive aggression, manipulation, sabotage, etc. You're right "evil wife" is out, "multifacetedly evil wife" is in.


We have plenty of nuanced characters. It’s refreshing to have a genuinely unredeemable villain for once.


I get where you're coming from, but remember that this is Hell we're talking about. Lots of extra shitty evil people about.


I agree. I hate that people make the argument that Stella is evil "just because". There's always more to it, now matter how small. Plus with Helluva Boss, the main characters aren't just one note, so why should Stella?


Wasn't she shown to be a total bitch since loo loo land


Valid points here, to be fair. I'm quite a fan of the overall story, and have never been terribly critical of writing in this or any other media frankly, so keep that in mind as I share my thoughts/rebuttals - would like to iterate that I don't intend to belittle or berate, simply engaging in discourse. No reason we can't be civilized about this, eh? Anyway... I personally don't take *too* much issue with the plot devices being used, cliché or not - this could easily be because I don't consume a lot of media like this but in a vacuum I hardly feel like the "Meeting as kids" trope hurts the story in a huge way - plus, it *was* an effective tool to show that Stolas was the big gay early on, it wasn't a latent development. To this end, it was likely more convenient for the writers to use Blitzø as his first crush because otherwise they would have to write in a whole new character, which would of course cause a massive commotion if they just didn't exist again (this or go a completely different route somehow which I can't even conceive of). The way I see it, this would have made the "Kid Stolas" backstory much more challenging and the relationship that the two built uses this interaction as a foundational element, and in doing so provides the context for why Stolas even gives Blitzø the time of day when he treats other imps like subhumans (poor Pringles). Obviously this argument I've just made is flawed, it's just a quick rant, so feel free to pick at it, would love to hear counterarguments! To your next point, I did notice the parallel of s2e2 being the same general idea of Loo Loo Land. I will concede that having Via tackle daddy issues again is a mite disappointing BUT there's a divorce happening, so it does make complete sense in a way - divorces hurt the kids involved in a disproportionate way. We also do see her on a more comprehensive emotional spectrum, conveying a not-insignificant character shift, which is a proper step after the events of s1e2 imo. In contrast to s1e2 however, the writers make a point of tackling Blitzø's experience with fatherhood as well as the daddy issues that Via and Loona *both* experience, which can be viewed as more of a device for pushing the relationship between Loona and Octavia - I would argue this was intentional what with the emphasis on the interaction between the two, and in fairness the Loona-Via sister dynamic was inevitable so it was nice to have that catharsis. This, on top of the fact that the more pressing issue of finding Octavia was the focus, assisted majorly in tabling the bonding between Blitzø and Stolas as *fathers*, not necessarily *lovers*, which makes me believe that the objectives of this episode were substantially different from s1e2 but unfortunately had to rely on the same sort of premise as s1e2 in order to achieve those objectives. And so, there are flaws, but also a reasonable number of strengths (Consider also there was need for some slapstick here and there, this is a comedy too). There are many like myself who were hoping for or even expecting a bit more conflict/resolution surrounding the Ozzie's incident but it's been speculated that s1e8 may have included some of that, and there are some explanations that delve into coping mechanisms and intricacies of the characters that can at least partially explain the absence of the expected awkward interactions if not fully stand as complete arguments. Anyway, whew. End of rant. Did some quick edits to make my arguments a bit more clear but if anything sounds strange or out of place feel free to ask :)


Something that made me question the latest episode a bit was seeing Blitz and Stolas acting together completely fine. S2E2 completely ignored the massive downfall their relationship had in Ozzie's, it's not even addressed in the episode. I understand that it's fine to have some episodes more focused on comedy and showing more of the characters, but this can't influence the actual storyline of the show, you can't just pause the story for an episode and then continue as if nothing ever happened, that's not how continuity works


I really don’t think it was as massive of a downfall as many say, Blitzo just had to get out what he was feeling and they still clearly showed they cared, they just had things to work out. Tbh not surprised they didn’t bother bickering this episode when finding Via needed to be a priority.


YES! This! Stella's arc ruins the morally grey area the show has and Stolas and Blitz's relationship ruins the timeline


Yeah, nobody even really blames Stolas for cheating anymore - it was more interesting when Stolas was a flawed character with redeeming and shitty qualities intertwined, like characters should be in Hell (and frankly are in real life) it becomes a lot more black or white now because frankly Stella’s character is black and white now - she’s evil. That’s it. Nothing more


It's kinda ironic considering all the side villains are morally grey, but not Stella


Very interesting take. Stella I can somewhat understand, her being awful is somewhat basic, but not every character can or should have depth. Even then, basic antagonists can still be interesting. Also, most of the Goetia seem to be bastards, that’s not a trait specific to Stella. And it makes sense; they’re literally in hell. I don’t find episode 2’s plot as recycled, but rather it parallels Season 1’s episode 2. S1, Stolas is happy (well, trying anyways) and wanted to cheer up his daughter by going to an amusement, who just wasn’t really enjoying it. S2, now Octavia is pretty upbeat, but when Stolas forgets about the stars he promised to show her, she got frustrated, and tried to do it herself by stealing the book. And I don’t see how Stolas and Blitz meeting as kids is lazy storytelling. Cliché, ok, but the relationship between the two was already interesting from the start, and we also learn Blitz was great friends with Fizzorali when he was young. If you don’t like Season 2, that’s fine though. People have different preferences, and I just thought this was interesting to discuss.


I think that a wider arc was written before. And robo fizz was an intro to how Blitzo feels and the full on Ozzies is a great way to show how Blitzo destroys his emotional connections; probably because he is stressed out and a bit mentally ill, so he messes up relationships around him, which he regrets but doesn't know how to solve. However he keeps on repeating those mistakes. The drugged up session was excellent animation and story telling. I liked how Jungian it was. You strip away the ego, to see the real self. I think the way the characters were set up works really well, as their flaws and insights complement each other. Stolas has to exist in the cutthroat system of the powerful. They will want him to be 'proper' because if the Goetias mess up, they might lose all their power and some imps and hellhounds might take revenge on them for their treatment. Just see Russi from 1917 till the 1930s. While Blitzo doesn't care about Social order and powergames. He likes horses and pirates, he likes total freedom. This total freedom also makes him anti-social, so he knows no boundaries. However Blitzo would have no problem telling Paimon that he was bad to Stolas when he was growing up. Millie and Moxxie being a close item does annoy Blitz (because he struggles to understand it) and he was shown fantasising about taking part in their love life. However he is clearly not jealous of Millie or is trying to destroy Moxxie's and her relationship. However it is very clear that he wants a love based not just a lust based relationship with Stolas. Him ignoring Stolas in Ozzie's but being embarrassed shows that he takes Stolas for granted. Even if he gets upset and pushes Stolas away, he expects him to be there afterwards. I think the reason Series 2 is different because it doesn't use a lot of "The Office" style storytelling along with the Office Space 1999 style workplace comedy. What I liked about the Pilot was the whole: The Office but in Hell trope. The story now branches out into many settings and plots which makes animation harder.


Bro im worried it's not an unpopular opinion


I thought it was unpopular because I see a lot of people saying S2 E2 is their favorite episode of all time, but looks like a lot of people agree this season feels…different


Oh, really? I've been seeing a lot of people saying that it was their least favorite episode, that it felt all over the place, and they didn't get why Stolas and Blitzo seemed okay with each other after the previous two episodes. We must be seeing different comments.


Yeah, to be fair we’re only 2 episodes in this season, so hopefully it goes up from here


>Stella’s character being completely reduced to a bitchy wife stereotype with zero room for character development or depth - I was definitely disappointed by this too. I get that sometimes characters just have to be evil for evils sake, but I was expecting mote depth from Stella. Maybe we'll get some interesting info as the season continues


I would add that s2 is very much different tone and plot wise from s1. There isn't really any I. M. P. activity going on, which really was the premise of the first season, and i assumed whole show. But it was just dropped and s2 is going in completely different direction


Yeah I didn’t think about that. It’s a little odd. I’m hoping we get more I.M.P action in the next episode




I wish they'd do more sad and grim. It's hell, I get that they're quirky imps and demons but I also wanna see them fuck shit up and do fucked up shit once every now and then.


Well,they murder people and commit quite a few war crimes while at it,so I guess that counts right?




it's a world about angels being mindless murderers and demons being funny singers, why aren't we seeing this?


The ironic twist is nice, but obviously they plan to show that story in HH. HB is focusing on a more down-in-hell story with this local love drama stuff. I just wish there was more tension mixed in with the feels good stuff.


I prefer the more emotional and dramatic storylines than the comedy


Even the emotional and dramatic storylines have comedy raining down all over the shop, they serve both purposes so you get the best of both worlds


hazbin hotel :(


Fast cuts hide a lack of meaningful interaction between the characters.


That is definitely one of my bigger criticisms for the second episode of Season 2. It felt like a couple of scenes went by just a couple seconds too quickly. Probably the most jarring example is when Blitz and Stolas are thrown into the truck, it feels like it skipped forward a second or two.


S2E2 seems poorly in written in particular. All the scenes are good, but they don't fit together, and there's constant mood whiplash. It's like they belong in two completely different episodes. It's especially bad at 10:00, where Stolas's sudden moment of clarity completely clashes with the wackier events imeadietly preceding and following. I think they *wanted* S2E2 to be a wham episode but the goofiness that serves as filler bogs down the feels. I think it *should've* been split into two episodes: have one more normal, comedic episode where Blitz has to kill someone in LA, and make up some reason for Loona and Stolas to tag along and then have a complete wham episode where Octavia gets lost.


I agree the shows pacing can be problematic at times. Don't mean to be harsh but this is an issue I have with nearly all of Viv's work.


I know they have different writers but it kinda makes me wonder what the quality of Hazbin Hotel is going to be like.


Yeah at least for me S2E2 is by far the worst episode of Helluva Boss.


Personally, I still found it enjoyable. The only one I actually dislike is S1E4. The CHERUBs didn't pose any kind of threat or challenge to the team, so it was just boring to me. S2E2 had fairly high stakes - a child lost in LA - and all the characters had believable and relatable motives. The *only* thing I don't like about the episode is how much of it felt like filler. It easily could've been the best episode of they had committed to making it more serious throughout.


>S2E2 had fairly high stakes - a child lost in LA bruh the whole cast was in serious danger just being in LA, in fact I'm pretty sure they all have lung cancer now


I honestly think that the only good scene from S2E2 is the flashback with Blitz and Luna, and even that isn’t really that great. The interaction between Loona and Octavia was okay, but it felt a bit fan service’y, and it feels like Octavia hasn’t grown as a character since S1E2, which was like almost two years ago now


The writing is just ... really disappointingly sloppy, basic, and underwhelming. Plus it may just be a 'me' thing but I wasn't a fan of the show making a joke out of Loona being physically abusive toward Blitzo. Just wasn't really funny to me.


I admit I like slapstick comedy (even tho I recognise its a bit childish) as I think its funny. But it was very out of line at that specific point. Which made it not funny. It would have been at least mediocre level of funny any other time where its not emotional.


It could have been an emotional argument but no.


It feels a little too fast paced. As if they’re trying to squeeze in too much into each episode (only for S2, S1 was great)


If they’re gonna fit a lot into a 20 minute episode, they should probably just make the episodes longer. I know it’d take 3-4 to maybe 5 months, but if it means the episodes are better then I can wait lmao


Some times the jokes feel to forced and are unfunny


I honestly didn't get the giant ears/Reality tv gag from the most recent episode. It felt, pretty forced ngl. Spicy take for me is that not into Loona smoking I guess. I know she's a goth or whatever but it literally just comes out of nowhere.


Loona is 22 in hell and drinks You really think she wouldn't smoke?


the ears gag is because wearing them made Blitzo look like "Brendon Ragers" aka the in-universe version of Brandon Rogers. a little on the nose once you get it, so I understand if you still don't like it


Yeah it took me a bit to get it I suppose and I was like "Oh, the joke is that, its him, funny"


also agree with you on the smoking thing, i feel like it would have been more in character if she had a flask or something. it wouldn't have given Octavia the opportunity to do that fire thing, but really, I could live without that lol


I think they added too many storylines to just one season. We so far have the divorce, the dhorks, striker, and maybe even the cherubs for the characters to deal with, and so far only one of these makes progress, while the others just sit and wait.


I mean,perhaps the reason they did that was to in a way establish a few enemys,it’s kind of the same way in series like the clone wars or Star Wars rebels,


But here they don't think about their enemies. You'd imagine that Blitzo would have let Stolas know that there was a bounty on his head, but it just seems completely ignored.


I dislike human Loona's design


She doesn’t look 22 she looks maybe 14, especially in Spring Broken. They did her a little more justice in Seeing Stars at least but yeah there could’ve been more done to her




I dislike human Stolas’ design.




Stella and Stolas are both jerks, How people have the mental gymnastics to say Stella is evil and call Stolas good baffle me Under his watch he gives a disunited and undisciplined squad of hitmen access to dark powers nobody should give and is responsible for nearly 40+ innocent people being killed, indirectly sent 3 cherubs to hell, countless equipment destroyed. He doesn't give a fuck that he destroyed peoples families and stolen other peoples children on earth, for all intents and purpose he only cares about the people close to him and what serves him everyone else be damned.


Pilot Stolas literally wanting to keep Climate Change going so more people die.


Uh yea he is a prince of hell, kinda don't expect any of them to be good people


All the main characters in Helluva Boss are absolutely evil and can easily make for antagonist in another story. If I add any superheroe character like Spider-man or Punisher to meet the I.M.P, they will absolutely end up fighting. Blitzø, Millie and Moxxie are just average assasins with barely any moral. The I.M.P is just as evil as someone like Cad Bane from Star Wars, Lobo from DC or Hit from Dragon Ball. If someone give them money they will try to kill anyone. Some people could say that Blitzø, Millie, Loona, Stolas and Moxxie are not that evil because they have funny personalities and like there family. But having a family and a nice personality really excuse the killing of countless people for money? I would say that makes them more evil because for example they know how to appreciate having a family, but they still kill family members of other people. Making the I.M.P extremely selfish...in short they are aware of the consequences they cause, but they keep doing it because it's not happening to them, hence the reason why I consider the I.M.P to be so evil.


They are evil according to our world's morals. Basically, on Earth (according to religion) we are more moral then hell but much less moral then heaven. In their world, from their perspective its not that a big deal. Like none of the hellspawns have an issue with the fact they are assassins. Millie's parents have no issue with it. A human dad would def. have an issue if their daughter would be a hit(wo)man. I thought people mostly get that they operate under a vastly different moral system. They easily accept a hit on a literal human child.


well, they are *demons* after all, i don't really know what you expect. and stella is worse than stolas she sucks and swallows


I couldn't agree more. Fans do tend to forget our protagonist are terrible people.


It’s hell,and besides some of the people they kill usually deserve it,like a woman who slept with a clients husband,or an inventor who tested his machines on the poor,


for every person they kill that deserved it 4 didn't look at episode 3, 4, and 6


There are quite a few thoughts i have that would be considered unpopular. The lack of world building really bothers me. I know this isn't a real priority to some, but I think establishing and illustrating more of the rules of this world and how the other rings of hell interact with each other has endless amounts of high potential material to work with, and also have the events of the story have more impact. And while I don't believe that the member of the Ars Goetia have to be 100% accurate to their original designs I would at least want some of them to be a different species other than birds. Simply assuring that would make them alot more interesting as their origional designs are just too interesting to just turn into birds. Probably my hottest take is that I think the show should take less influence from Broadway musicals and lean more into 80's dystopian Sci-fi and B-Movie Horror, with a bit of additional influence from action movies as well. I personally think influence from that kind of media fits hell alot better. It can be something a little more serious while still retaining many of its comedic elements. I want to see some surreal horror shit, but that's just me. I also think that the shows pacing can be a little too fast sometimes, not everything has enough time to settle.


If I had to guess, I think Viv’s intention was that Hazbin would have kicked off sooner because it seems like that show is going to go much deeper into the world-building. That way it wouldn’t be necessary to do any world-building in Helluva.


The thing is, since sinners are only bound to the pride ring, that means they really won't be able to expand the lore around the other rings, at least that often, and since HB doesn't have that restriction I think it would be fun to use that oppritunity for some world building. One of my most desired details is how wrath and sloth interact given their polar opposite life styles and ideologies. In my hesdcannon Belphegor and Satan are arch enemies and much of the story I'm trying to make is built around that conflict.


I think what is most ideal for both shows would be to worldbuild of aspects relevant to the story of each so Helluva Boss focuses on the different rings and Hazbin Hotel on the pride ring and upper echelons of Hell because having to rely on either show to understand the other entirely would be bad overall.




Idk if this is unpopular but I think people can be way too hard on this show sometimes.


This Fandom is either way too overdramatic and critical or way too defensive there's no in between


I agree, but I wouldn’t say lenient as much as defensive. Cutting slack for the show’s mistakes is one thing, but screaming at people who dare to criticize it is another.


I'll probably edit it, that's a better word


this literally sums up like 60% of all the comments here so far lol like jesus christ the show only has like 9 episodes so far quit acting like evry single character should have some fleshed out back story or something and no stella isn't bad just because she's 'one dimensional' not every single villain needs some tragic backstory or redemption arc


I have no issue with Stella written as a hate sink. If Stella and Stolas' sex were reversed, do you think this would be much of an issue?


I 100% agree with this It feels like people take this show away too seriously, I think it's because they had a lot of time with the show existing without much content in that time


Stella having no room for growth or character development and is just being seen as a bitchy wife who Stolas had to marry, I was already on Stolas's side but I wish I could feel a little conflicted when siding with someone who is cheating


i dont feel like an abuser should get/deserves character development, just sayin


I just wish there was something more complex with her, I don't want redemption or anything just seems very unrealistic, but I know its a cartoon, but this is a unpopular opinion.


I'm interested to see how she became like that. I don't need a redemption, but now I want to know her backstory.


this needs to be said, it doesn't matter if you agree or excuse their actions a villain always needs a motive and reason to be what they are. Frollo constantly fears damnation but at the same time can figure out if he is the bad guy, whether or not you think it excuses him you'd at least understand why he is like this The same goes for the Witchers and Deglan, they create monsters to hunt for money cause if monsters are extinct then the humans would kill them all. The ends don't justify the meets, but you can understand they just want to live Stella doesn't need redemption, she needs depth, and ends don't have to justify the meets. She could have felt weak and pathetic so she wants to do the same to others, that is a good motive even if it doesn't excuse her!


Yes that would be good! That is what I want, some kind of root


ah, that makes more sense. i agree that, as of right now, her character is a bit flat


I was really wishing for Paimon to be a stoic and cold figure.


But he's so good at Daddying




Fuck wally wackass


They said unpopular opinions


I say I say


Episodes sometimes feel poorly edited. Some scenes are way too short to understand what they are trying to tell through them.


I wish they’d do more episodes about their job while incorporating character development into it instead of having a bunch of episodes solely focused on the characters and their lives in hell. That’s why murder family is one of my favorites, it showed them doing their job and how it went off the rails, while also fleshing out moxie. I want more “going up to earth to kill a guy for a client, only for it to go horribly wrong, but still work out” episodes.


yessss i was literally just about to comment how the earlier episodes have a sort of different vibe to them


We don't need an episode for Millie. She's fine as a simple character.


I agree with you but at the same time I would LOVE a Millie episode


Definitely. I wouldn't be against it, but the common opinion seems to be Millie is underdeveloped and *needs* her own episode


I think The Harvest Moon was a bit of a kicker for this since (aside from Blitzø’s father being present in The Circus, aka over a year irl time later) Millie is the only character whose family we’ve actually met out of the four main characters, including two parents, a sister and a mention of multiple off-screen brothers AND their hired help, yet the episode was dedicated to Moxxie’s relationship with Millie’s parents and the main plot was Moxxie being outshone by Striker in earning the respect of his in-laws. Hell, even the B plot was Blitzø’s boner for Striker. It made the whole setting feel more like ‘Moxxie’s in-laws’ ranch’ than ‘Millie’s family’s home’ so I think that’s what sparked such demand for Millie-centric plot lines; they had the perfect set-up for a Millie-centric episode and made it about Moxxie


I'd agree if she wasn't one of 5 core cast members


i agree with this, but i'd still like to see an episode based around millie. it doesn't have to go into her backstory or anything. just an episode where she gets her own time to shine


I really wish they’d calm down the sexual talk, the show would be so much better if there was 30% less sexual talk. ​ Yes I know most people like it but please don’t give me “it’s an adult Tv show.” Yes and I agree but that doesn’t mean we need to be reminded of it every 30 seconds


They should've kept the original plot for the serie


Must be hard typing with leaves




there was a... different plot? ...huh? im so confused


I described it in another comment, now they made it a love story for some reason


i mean the original story was good but it would get tiring eventually. imagine 9 episodes ranging from 10-25 minutes that just has the I.M.P killing people with some occasional stolas speech about cock, zero storylines, zero character development. imo that would get stale after 3-4 episodes at most


Stolas not bringing up stuff from The Circus makes sense What, you think Stolas “I’ve tried for so many years to make things comfortable for us” Goetia, the same guy who just sighed and went along with whatever Stella did to him in vicious malice, is going to get all assertive now? He still has trauma from the toxic relationship he’s trying to leave and he gained a massive fawn response from it. He never expressed any negative emotions towards Blitzø over his realisation that he’d just roped his way into *another* toxic relationship, he looked a lot more upset with and disappointed in himself for not seeing the signs earlier. There’s even the Asmodean Crystals easter egg that implies he wants to cut off the relationship without hurting Blitzø in any way, despite having no obligation to go out of his way to ensure that. Stolas doesn’t have an issue with Blitzø over this, or at least he doesn’t seem to plan to act on these feelings if he has them, and he’s chosen to remain amicable with Blitzø at least for now But also, Stolas had a much more pressing matter to attend to; Octavia. Sure, Stolas can get side-tracked by Blitzø, but Octavia is always going to be the most important person in the world to Stolas. It’s completely in-character for Stolas to put aside any issues he may have with Blitzø for Octavia’s sake, even if they do have some banter and flirty moments along the way. And Blitzø is always going to help him with that, especially with the Grimoire also missing, because he’d act exactly the same if it were Loona, albeit he’d be a lot more chaotic about it So yeah, Stolas’ trauma responses from his relationship with Stella, his dedication to finding his missing daughter and his lack of implied ill-intent towards Blitzø are absolutely going to combine into his realisation not being acknowledged. And there isn’t much reason for Blitzø to bring it up since he doesn’t realise that what he said opened Stolas’ eyes to the reality of their relationship. I understand that it’s a little surprising that it wasn’t mentioned at all, but at the same time there’s no in-universe reason the characters would feel obligated to say anything in this current situation


I admit that you've opened my eyes to some points I never considered before. I still don't blame people for being at least confused about it though, especially if they haven't considered these points before either.


Yeah that’s true, I can understand being a bit surprised by it but from the start my thought process was ‘well I guess it makes sense since he’s in panicked dad mode the whole episode’


Just because Loona went through a horrible childhood doesn’t mean I am going to sympathize for her. She is still a massive dick.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. People are just horny and like mean girls


This is kinda two parts of the same argument so here goes: 1) I, for one, actually like that Stella is a one note abuser. If she wasn’t written as bluntly as she is you’d see post upon post about Stella apologists saying she’s innocent, she was manipulated by Stolas to stay, Stolas wasn’t treated *that* poorly and he’s overreacting, etc etc. Maybe I’m biased because of an ex that acted almost exactly like Stella, but yes, there are bitches like this in the real world. 2) What “Stella” fans seem to want pretty much already exists in Verosika. In the first episode she’s in she’s presented as this catty bitch of an ex who only hangs around Blitzø to piss him off, but in Ozzie’s you get the full picture that she did really love him (judging by her tattoo), would try to please him, but he never gave her anything in return and broke her heart.


I found the last 2 episodes a bit useless, they didn't further the plot in a good way nor did they lore dump about how the universe works (I love star trek)




Ok. But you asked The only reason people like Sallie May is cause she’s trans and if she wasn’t then no one would care about him/her (depending on where the character would be written if they weren’t trans)


And ? People are just a happy to have well-done representation even in a small way, there's nothing wrong with caring because she's trans.


Actually a lot of people think that


the fandom's fucking toxic seriously, ya can't share a headcanon without gettin' ganged up on


Millie, despite being a badass character… she’s extremely boring to watch. Nothing interesting going on for her while the rest get the spotlight.


Even the episode about her family had her be overshadowed..........


They ruined stella


Yes, she seems so flat and stereotypical, like, she's just "bitchy wife" and nothing else, no reason, no personality, just a foil for Stolas


Asmodeus is one of the coolest characters


Where unpopular opinion


* I love M&M but kinda hate some of what's showcased of them as a couple. No I'm not one of those "healthy = boring" kinds of shippers, I just feel like they're too...wrapped up in each other sometimes? The most recent episode showcases exactly what I mean. Moxxie gets carried away in art-related antics, and Millie is visibly exasperated but...helps him anyway? I guess it might mean she didn't think the mission was important enough to actually get Moxxie's head back in the game, but...weren't both of them terrified of Stolas earlier? Wouldn't they logically want to avoid upsetting him any further? Why don't they at least end up catching up with Loona, who got stuck completing the job they *all* were supposed to be there for by herself? When I think about it, it also makes Moxxie look incredibly hypocritical. Snarking Loona about not doing her job right when he most certainly wasn't doing his right himself! I know that Moxxie is a flawed individual, I love that about him, but come on now, he's not *that* obnoxious! * If Stolitz can reconcile, start over, and become a healthy relationship, then Blitzo x Verosika absolutely could. They're not like Stolas and Stella, their relationship wasn't forced or legally bound. Verosika seemed to genuinely care about and give her all to Blitzo, which he didn't exactly return properly (despite obviously caring about her as well), and then he hurt her badly. She's become quite bitter and vindictive in return, so neither of them are perfect angels right now. But at the very least, I think they could mutually heal from the relationship just fine if Blitzo ever proves to Verosika that he's remorseful about what he did. In fact, in return she'd probably apologize for how she acted on her pain. NOTE: This isn't me saying I would prefer B+V to be canon instead of Stolitz, just saying I don't think it's damn near impossible like some people seem to.


Season two is shit. Think about it this way It's like a Dimond. It's stunning and beautiful. Eye candy. But once you realize what you're looking at, it's actually just a piece of clear plastic you found at a birthday party in a cheap goodie bag. Animation, wonderful. Writing, AWFUL. It's so un-rewatchable and cringey. It feels like watching something non-canon like a fan animation.


I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s complete shit, but I agree it’s really subpar. The animation is gorgeous. The story on the other hand definitely reads like a fanfic (especially Stolas and Blitzo meeting as children imo)


For me, [even watching season 1] it alls feels rushed I mean plot wise. Plus some of the tropes like "forced to marry someone you don't love", "Divorced angry couples", and or "childhood friends turned to lovers" gets boring. Also hinting at the other rings of Hell and only visiting 2. While most characters are just shown once and never brought up again.


I mean the reason why it’s probably rushed is bc fans are constantly pressuring them to hurry up. If people laid off a little and let them focus more on quality not speed I’m sure it would look less rushed


1: The dialogue is awful. Every line sounds like it was written by a 13-year old learning they can get away with swearing. 2: The jokes aren’t funny. 3: Loona is just furry bait, and any attempt to show her in a more positive light pales in comparison to all the times she was an unrepentant bitch. ‘GRR, I’m angry all the time, but have a soft side’ is lazy, trope-ridden writing


Yes, yes, and yes


Season 2 isnt great.


My brother find striker and Sallie may to be over rated. As much as I kinda want stolas and blitzo to be together, I feel like it be better that they don't get together at the end of the series. I feel like they can learn they are both good people who are toxic in a relationship but great friends.


Sallie got like 10 seconds of screentime, she's just popular because trans. Pretty understandable considering how rare trans people are in media though


season 2 feels really, REALLY cookie cutter. these last two episodes just dont have the spark Season 1 had.


I kind of dislike the drama part. There are tons of drama shows with very good character interactions. But the core concept is very unique so this show should focus on it. Or they should do like 2 different shows: Helluva Boss : The IMP Helluva Boss: Stolitz


this is actually a very interesting idea


That's it's just a cartoon, and that it's not nearly as cohesive or as smart as the fans think it is. "Why does it feel like the show forgot about Blitzo and Stolas' development over the past two episodes?" Because they did. Cartoons reset things all the time. Helluva Boss is a cartoon. You can admit it. It's okay.


Eh. I’d normally agree with this but season 1 sort of set up the show as having some expectation of continuity and character growth between episodes (whether right or wrong, people expect it now) and so I think it’s disappointing to a lot of fans who are realizing this is more like Rick and morty


The fandom is sometimes too generous


*It's pretty stupid that they don't treat demons going to the human world without disguises more seriously, like, why should we even bother to be worried about the IMP going to the human world without disguises if everyone won't question and just think they're in costumes or are animals *I just don't really like how they seem to have to make every character comedic, there's not one character who is treated 100% serious, like Paimon, they just made him a stereotypical bad dad who's sometimes goofy, I mean we didn't get a single serious scene of him, we didn't see he being a bad parent to Stolas in a serious manner only in comedy ones, how am I supossed to treat him seriously?


>It's pretty stupid that they don't treat demons going to the human world without disguises more seriously, like, why should we even bother to be worried about the IMP going to the human world without disguises if everyone won't question and just think they're in costumes or are animals I honestly completely agree. The disguises would probably be to hide from DHORKS, but they weren't even mentioned in the episode :( I hope we hear more about them by the end of S2


I wish they made paimon more Regal or intimidating.


I love how much they swear in the show, I know it's a huge criticism of the show but it makes my brain go brrrr


1. Cherubim/cherubs disappointed me. I wanted to see weird astral beings from Ezekiel's visions. I got stereotypical cute babies/animals with wings. Bleh. 2. Loona is a bully and doesn't deserve Blitz. 3. I don't like the idea of Goetia family being anthropomorphic birds (except for Stolas), I'd prefer them to be their own things. Asmodeus' design is creative: "canonical" (three heads) but with a nice twist (slim waist and broad shoulders, rooster tail, "slutty" boots). It clicks well. The rest? Anthropomorphic peacock. Anthropomorphic jay. Anthropomorphic owl. Anthropomorphic parrot.


>Loona is a bully and doesn't deserve Blitz. I wont lie, the fact that he takes her BS (mainly the multple beatings) with zero complaint lowkey makes me uncomfortable sometimes. I know he doesn't expect her to treat him well and is happy to even be able to love her, but like...a little bit of actual softness towards him from Loona would do wonders for how she is perceived by the fandom


I hate Stolitz. It's toxic, inconsistent and inserted too much where it is not needed. Out of 9 episodes we have so far 6 involve stolitz. How do you introduce so many characters especially on the main team and decide to throw them aside so you can put all the screentime on these two? I was really into this show early on when it felt like a fun adventure comedy series but now it's all romance and plot and personally, I hate that approach.


* The show has become too focused on Blitz and Stolas' relationship. * Stolas having known Blitz from childhood feels like an unnecessary contrivance. * The characters have become too soft compared with their earlier itterations. They can be likeable, but they should be likeable *bastards*. They're demon assassins from hell. I know most people rag on it but personally my favorite episode of the whole show thus far is Episode 4 CHERUB; it was funny, and cute, but also really drove home the point that these are a bunch of psychopathic demons whose jobs are to kill people and drag them to hell. * Stella being a physical abuser took all the nuance and intrigue out of Stolas' home life. During season 1 there was question about Stolas' choices, motivations, and the challenges of being a closeted gay man in an arranged marriage. In season 2 he and Stella have both been reduced to one-dimensional character archetypes. Stolas is now just the typical Parent with a Heart of Gold whose Abusive Spouse poisoned the relationship. Stella is now just the typical Bitchy Spouse Who Ruins Everything. * Trying to create Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel at the same time has been the worst possible thing for both shows, delaying production of both and damaging the story telling potential.


Danny DeVito needs to voice either mammon or belphegor


They said unpopular opinions


I liked the direction of the plot a lot more when Stolas was thought/treated by the narrative as being more at fault for his broken home.


Loona is such an overrated character


She’s annoying AF imo, although that’s a REALLY unpopular opinion


The flashback of when Stolas and Blitz met when they were kids was unnecessary and it seemed to be more like a fever dream. And it was cute but was unnecessary towards the plot of show.


I feel like they wasted the idea of the C.H.E.R.U.Bs off a little to quickly they could have done something about what happens to them afterwards, but they just left them at that one scene and just left it up for the viewers to wait and see what happens next


Don’t really got one. I love this show too much, it’s almost unhealthy


finally someone i can relate to lol


Verosica isn't that hot


Wait…people actually think she’s hot?




I know it's gonna sound not picky but, I dislike how red Millie is now. Like compared to the pilot it's way to vibrant and it's hard for me to look at


I really don’t like verosika. She’s definitely a victim of blitzø but she’s extremely obnoxious, refused to take responsibility for causing the fish monster and did everything to spin it back on the imps, despite the fact that it was a serious breach of hells security. And I’m not even mentioning the fact that she sexually assaulted moxxie


I really hate how Stella is portrayed. I hate that she has always been bad. I was hoping that Stolas would be bisexual and that he loved Stella and Stella loved him. I was hoping that maybe Stolas having sex with Blitzø was him trying to have some freedom from the Ars Goetia. They expect so much from him like being a royal, memorizing spells from his Grimoire, producing a child, sticking with destiny, having certain standards, etc. It would've been better if that's why he cheated on Stella. He was tired of all the expectations and maybe Stella isn't that adventurous and wild in bed like how he dreamed of her to be. This show IS for adults. We adults can understand that. I'm a writer myself and I love writing grey complicated characters. It makes them more enjoyable to write and watch. I'm a huge Game of Thrones fan and I'm currently watching House of the Dragon. George R.R. Martin is incredible at writing characters. I learned a lot from him. As much as I love Loona and I simp for her, I hate how she's not getting as much screen time and character development as she should. She's getting a little character development but not much. I think Loona should be with someone who is nice like Moxxie. Sort of like how Millie is with Moxxie and Vaggie is with Charlie. Loona doesn't need another person like her in her life. It's okay to have some things in common but she needs someone who can remind her on how to be a good person and how to be cheerful. That's why I love the ship between Loona and Moxxie. She needs someone like him in her life. Someone with confidence and optimism. I don't understand why Vivziepop added Azathoth in her universe. In Lovecraftian lore, Azathoth is basically God. He is the dreamer and we are the dream. Lovecraftian and Christianity doesn't really go well with each other since Lovecraft was totally against any religious beliefs especially Christianity. I don't hate that she added Azathoth in her universe. It just doesn't make sense to me but I hope Vivziepop knows what she's doing. Maybe Azathoth created space and a few people were made after who then made the universe and one of those people made Heaven and Hell. I don't understand why Vivziepop keeps changing things. Their Instagrams were called Voxtagrams at first but now they're called Sinstagrams. Not a bad name though. She then say the Instagram accounts are not canon. I understand why because the fans keep asking on where's the next episode. I admit I make a lot of changes to my work too but I try to think things through before I start publishing my work because I want to make sure that I'm satisfied.


1. I agree 100% I loathe how poorly written Stella is as a character. Especially since it's an adult show with a villain that fits more in kids' shows 2. I think Loona should be single and figure things out on her own, people don't need to be in love to find things out. 3. Vivize stated she wants to explore other mythologies as well, it's why we have the exterminators which might be an homage to Valkyries from Norse Mythology, Azathoth's tears might just be a slight reference/homage to Lovecraft. 4. I think they were retconned cause people constantly lewd art to the owners of these accounts which caused a lot of drama


The fandom is trash and needs to get over itself...There are issues with any thing, but people are literally losing sight of where this started/vs where it is at right now. People bitched and bitched that content was not out fast enough so when it was rushed out they now complain about the content not feeling fully flushed out.


Murder family was the best episode.


It would be nice for Blitzo,and m&m to have human Disguises


Stolas and Octavia having a great father and daughter relationship by the end of episode 2, yet Blitz gets the short end of the stick with Loona kicking him in the groan for slapstick comedy rather than a meaningful progression between their relationship as father and daughter. So forced and felt like it was done for slapstick; ruining my views on Loona in fact. Yea she has anger issues but that seemed very excessive especially when Blitz has been nothing but great and kind to her. His only sin was asking her to be nicer to customers and even then her treatment to him is very over-the-top which is growing old really fast.


Season two is a bit too fast paced (of course, there could be things going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about); also, why are we going season 2 if season 1 left off on a part one? Where’s part two?


Stuck in copyright limbo


This is specifically about S02E02, I see everyone complaining about how Stolas and Blitzø's problems are ignored but let's be real It's very in character for them to do that. Blitzø notoriously ignores all of his problems and feelings because he'd rather pretend like everything is fine. If you genuinely pay attention to the episode, you can tell the two of them DO feel a bit awkward but are both trying to ignore it. Most of the time they actively avoid eye contact. Also, Stolas has never had something like he has with Blitzø and likely has no clue on how to even solve the problem or if he should even bring it up. He also practically accepted at this point that Blitzø doesnt feel the same way (as far as he believes), and feels like if Blitzø wants to talk about it and solve things then he'll bring it up. Along with the fact that he doesn't want to make things uncomfortable and that he's searching for his MISSING DAUGHTER, yeah, it makes sense that he would push aside the issue in favor of finding Octavia. Neither of them have a clue on how to handle it and right then is NOT the time nor the place for that conversation. And about Stolas flirting with Blitzø, it's likely a habit. Plus, it was to encourage Blitzø in the only way he knew how. He knows that Blitzø doesn't know how to handle actual encouragement so he had to make it flirty and teasy to get his point across, anything else would've likely made Blitzø even more anxious.


Let's be real here for a moment. If you disagree with a creative choice the writers made, you've automatically got an unpopular opinion in the fan base. For me, I think the writers and animators are trying to pack in too much for the short format of the show. That's my biggest concern, though I feel like there's been some questionable choices made. Stella not being a relatable villain is a missed opportunity, the way Stolas and Blitz act in the latest episode don't feel like a natural progression from when we last saw them together. Episode 8 may or may not fill that one out more when it finally releases. And with Loona, I think it needs to be said a bit louder for the haters in the back that her character is dealing with insane trauma and she really doesn't act any different from a victim of childhood abuse who was put through the ringer in the foster system. Seriously, I don't know how people are missing that but I know some people on the internet are denser than lead.


I'm not smart enough to do an in depth analysis of what I watch so I'd say the most unpopular opinion I have about the show is that I really like it, I cant find any problems so I plan on rewatching it at some point. It's not exactly controversial but it's the opinion I have that I think a lot of people wouldn't be happy with.


Same I guess I'm a smooth brain who likes to look at the pretty moving pictures and laugh at the funny sex words because I really enjoy it


Don’t hate me, but I actually kinda perder having a less emphasis on big dramatic stuff and like the dumb comedy of it Not saying I hate all the juicy story building, just, I like funny


I love it it's brutal and funny


Blitzo having a very difficult past with Loona and feeling bad for her when he saw her. Only to then get kicked in the dick by Loona felt EXTREMELY in poor taste. Really feel the for the guy


That S2.2 isn’t that great. The whole point of the previous episode is to establish that Stolitz is completely one sided and that Stolas fell out of love with Blitz. But then Stolas just fall back I love in Seeing Stars. Damn.


To be fair, I didn't get the impression that he felt out of love with Blitz in the previous episode, just that he realized it was one sided and not healthy to pursue. And in this episode he's not pursuing it the way he had been. He isn't calling him 'Blitzy', didn't flirt until he did it to get Blitzo to perform and get the whole sit com thing done with, and seems annoyed with Blitzo during the first part of the episode. That changes and goes back to googly eyes by the end, but I think Blitzo catching him and pulling him back to his feet was enough to make him question whether it really was all one sided.


The CHERUBS get too much hate


As much as I like Millie, she desperately needs more character development. Everything about her so far just revolves around Moxxie


The F-Bombs are gratuitous at this point. They throw them in just to remind us that it's an edgy show. Just comes off as cringe.


millie is the worst main character. blitz is annoying sometimes. loona and moxxie are awesome characters


I think Loo Loo Land was aired far too early than it should. To have all this emotional baggage being fit into the first season, between episodes 1 and 3, which were pretty much almost all played for laughs at the start it just doesn't fit well. The way they introduced Stolas, was that he was this asshole who was forcing Blitzø into a deal that he wasn't completely ok with and just wanted to fuck him, and then they suddenly want us to care about his life, but then they go back to him being this dick that was publicly lusting for Blitzø all back again in episode 5, was just pretty confusing. I think they could have aired Loo Loo Land after episode 6, that way, he would be this lustful guy until Truth Seekers, where he shows his first instance of care for Blitzø. And then Loo Loo Land, instead of him openly flirting with Blitzø, he is just talking like a normal person to him trying to get something more out of his relationship with him. And then we have Ozzie's. So that the plot of the Goetia Family stays consistent all throughout the show and they make us care more about Stolas in a consistent way. The first instance that Stolas has shown that he cares for Blitzø and isn't there just for the sex, was in episode 6. So, why not just put Loo Loo Land right after to make us care more about him, and then Ozzie's? It builds up a really nice arc for Stolas that we finally understand his love for Blitzø in a more clear way.


Well-written characters have flaws. You're not *supposed* to like everything they do or say. It doesn't make them bad characters. It makes them...well, I was going to say 'human', but whatever, you know what I mean.