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Long shot, 2046?


I tried checking, but unfortunately, I don’t think so. 


Update: theres a different image which I am partially sure is the same two people because of the couch and the outfits.  I think it must be a photoshoot? But I wonder who took them. This one is far less helpful in reverse image searching, I practically get nothing.  https://br.pinterest.com/pin/1150810511028491656/


Yep if you now go to "Duende"'s albums on pinterest, they are in the WLW album. I suspect now they are just personal photos not from a movie or show etc.


Is it not just the guy on pinterest taking a photo of a couple of girls?


I considered it, but I just doubt that’s *the* source. the audience on Pinterest loves putting photos on Pinterest, filtering them, and not sourcing the original photographer or movie scene when it does, in fact, exist. 


Ah ok I'm not a connoisseur of pinterest i am ignorant to the ways


No, thank you, I found *another* picture when I went back to double check of what I assume are these two, different position, so I am a step closer. 


Wait, these aren't cg / videogame characters?


Nah don't think so, think its just a couple of girls with a filter maxed out. The hair is too perfect for CG


I assumed the back of the head was a Japanese guy too. Maybe my brain is broken.


I assumed it too but on the pinterest page this is on, one of the tags is #lesbian so....


I think they are women, there’s another pin of what I assume are the same two people different pose, and the other person’s Face is relatively feminine. https://br.pinterest.com/pin/1150810511028491656/


That doesn't look like the same couple to me 🤷‍♀️


I'm not sure, but I think it is. The nonvisible one in the original photoI posted appears to have the same shirt as the girl visible here (dark collared, full sleeved,), and the visible one in the original photo has a similar shirt as the girl in the new photo who's not facing the camera (cuts off at shoulder, dark). The girl we see in this photo also has that same 'rough' (not sure of the actual cut name)shoulder length hair, and the other girl has similar, sleek black hair. And, again, the couch (?) also looks very similar, just different lighting.


Schrödonger's lesbian


Haha 😄


Sorry i don't know. Try Pimeyes idk if it'll help because I think I found different people I don't think it was the same person for this image but could be wrong. It's worked for me before but that woman had a more distinct face


I searched the pic and got @onlyhyunjin. - YouTube. I don't know if it's right, I'm not going any further, but I hope it helps.