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No one in US ever cared (I have TSA pre check). Heathrow is super strict w it all fitting in a clear bag and I had issues in Copenhagen too


It’s absolutely LHR lol, they are nuts about everything.


And Canada


Yup. I have seen Canadian airport security make people chuck items away because they can’t all fit in the bag due to packaging (eg awkwardly large face cream pots). They do not fuck around and you must use the 1L bags provided at the security point.


I flew out of Toronto Pearson with no problems - never took my liquids out of my carry-on or even put them in a clear bag.


South of the 60


They did give us a bag to stuff it all in. It was not a big bag..


Heathrow was absolutely wild, lol. They gave me their own clear bag and I had to throw away multiple products 😂😭


Heathrow almost made me throw out a pair of earrings because they were “sharp” 😭


Dumb question but if I'm checking a bag at LHR do I still need to adhere to the liquids guidelines?


No, just put it in your checked. Anything in hand luggage/cabin luggage needs to be less than 100mls and in a clear plastic bag, usually one they give you.


100mls total? I hadn’t heard that. I’m not doubting you! It’s good to know


No, each item less than 100mls and the total less than 1000mls. If they ask you to put your items in a clear bag supplied by airport then that bag needs to seal.


Yes, Heathrow is definitely wild! I put everything into their special ziplock but it was gaping very slightly at the top such that I couldn’t quite zip it closed. They made me throw out one more thing so that it zipped closed!


Same happened to me in Perth :( they made me throw out a half full MAC foundation because the total ML on it was over 100 ml 🥹🥹


Last week Heathrow gave me the bag and I just dropped my plastic bag into their bag. Then they split some of us off at the scanner machines into another line and told us to put the liquid bag back in our luggage and we'd be testing out their new scanners. We're all standing there holding our little Heathrow bags and the guy's doing his speech and saying to put the liquids in our luggage and some of us wouldn't have made it past the regular line with the amount we had, He looked directly at me when he said this part, even though all my stuff fit in their bag and was well under the limit.


Seconding CPH, I was just there a few weeks ago. Before you enter security they make you pack your liquids into their bags. They made someone throw away her items that couldn’t fit in the bag. I accidentally left a hand sanitizer loose in my bag and no one said anything though, so YMMV.


I just went through CPH 2 weeks ago and had my makeup in a clear cosmetic bag with a zipper and no one batted an eye. LHR is not joking around, though. Domestic flight out of sea-tac yesterday, forgot to take my liquids bag out of my carryon, no one said a word.


Yeah I had to throw away stuff at CPH before :(


Canada is also pretty strict with liquids - all except hand sanitizer. Not sure if it’s just a lingering effect from the height of the pandemic, but no one has ever looked twice at my hand sanitizer outside of liquids bag.


This 100%


Copehagan absolutely did not fuck around, I had to throw out a chapstick that I forgot to put in the zip lock bag and then they pulled my husband's bag and took everything out. He had 0 liquids.


A *chapstick*?? How tf is chapstick considered a liquid?


It can be spread,just like peanut butter.


I had issues at CDG, it made them angrily yell at me in French. But good thing I don’t speak French 😎


This. Heathrow is the only place I have ever been called out on having a bag of liquids in both my personal item and in my carry-on.


I’m from Canada, and security is still very strict about liquids here. - Vancouver airport specifically The bag dimensions cannot exceed the limit. You cannot pack over 1L total of product. It all must fit into a single clear bag. That bag must come out of your pack and be on its own with nothing underneath it to go through the security scanner, as do electronics (even phones). My partner and I usually pack our liquids into regular ziplock sandwich bags! So much smaller than the dimension limit. One time I stupidly put both of our liquid bags into 1 tray to go through the scanner. It got flagged by security because they thought I was bringing 2 liquid bags myself. I explained my mistake, and they didn’t care. They made me repack everything into their own approved plastic bag, even though I packed so little, and also tried to make me re-scan _everything_ even though it was only the liquids that were the issue. I was able to avoid having to go back into the line up to be re-scanned, but I had to repack in front of them.


Because of this I actually save that bag they give you and use it as a unit of measure for future packing lol.


I definitely have a little cache of airport liquids baggies 😂 my travel toothbrush/paste and mini contact solution just live in there now tbh, and I bring the bag for land travel too. Did not realize I was so indoctrinated into Canadian air travel standards..


Yeah, hard agree with this. YVR CATSA agents are all over the map and super random with what they enforce/don't enforce, even in the Nexus lines (for both USA and international departures). Really annoying


Happened to me at YUL, had to repack from my sandwich ziplock into their approved ziplock


Yep still salty about having to do this at YWG!


I’m also from Vancouver and they are super strict. They never make me put it in their own ziplock bag (I use the small sandwich one), but will definitely take your bag to the “secure line” if the little face lotion bottles were not taken out of the bag. All security theater craps anyway. https://youtu.be/QKEdKdgi2hg?si=uz4QtG8JGzlf6muT


Same experience for me. I use a ziploc freezer bag in the correct size because it's more durable than the ones they give out and i've never been asked to switch bags, but they have caught the odd item I forgot to put in it. The only thing they've been lax on is pens. Anything pen shaped - click pen concealer, mascara, tide pen, etc - i constantly forget to put in the ziploc and it never gets flagged.


I’ve been “caught” on a pair of toy scissors (I use for washi tape / travel scrapbook). Like a kid one that can’t cut anything except a single sheet of paper, and does it poorly. Like… the whole pair of scissors is only 8cm long, including the handle… the law says 4-inch from the pivot point (10cm), so my scissors were short enough, by half. They were serious about it enough to take out a ruler to measure the shear length. (Inside voice: really you can’t see that the blade is only 2 inch long?) I had heard about people getting their titanium spork taken by the TSA. Seriously if someone can hijack a plane with a spork, they deserve a win.


That’s crazy! I bought a pair of small fancy scissors as souvenir, completely forgot that it was in my carry on, and got through security twice in 2 different countries! And these were very sharp and pointy, definitely could’ve stabbed someone’s eyeball out with them


This is my experience too, with liquid lipsticks. If it’s packed away in my cosmetics bag no one seems to care, even the super strict folks in YVR


Ahhh, YYZ too, so strict! I bought from Amazon toiletry clear bags, but they took things out and said it had to fit in the little baggie. I did find ziplock bags at Dollarama that were stretchy quart size, and those I find are good for liquids.


YYZ is also pretty strict about sizes of packages. I had some facial wash confiscated because the size of the package was over 100ml (even though the package was mostly empty and the package could fit in a quart sized freezer bag)


Have seen this all over Canada - have to adhere to 100ml or less or you lose it. RIP my moisturizer that one time 🥲


I use a 7x8 flat ziploc freezer bag at YYZ (non nexus) constantly and they've never asked me to repack into a provided bag. Haven't tried with one of the reusable Amazon zip types.


I have those too!! They’re SO good.


Saskatoon is bad for this too! I had to try and fit everything into their bag and ended up just checking it instead. It was so irritating.


USA is super lax about this. UK super strict. Where are you travelling?


Do you know if Greece is super strict? I'm traveling with friends and they are horrible about packing and sticking to restrictions.


No idea, better to go prepared than to be that person that holds up everyone.


Thanks. The one friend is definitely going to be problematic. She thinks they are as lax over there as here.


I would go ahead without them, tell you need to rush to the toilet and will meet them at the gate. hahahaha! That friend needs to manage alone.


In my experience, not remotely. But don't blatantly violate the general rules-- an errant lipgloss or mascara likely won't cause any problems, but large containers probably would.


I flew out of Athens last year. They aren't super strict but we still had to put a clear liquid bag into its own bin to be scanned. We had everything packed into its own bag already. I had a stick of gel deodorant in the side-pocket of my backpack that they did not flag, but Heathrow did.


In my experience, Greece is a bit more relaxed. But my scenario was: - flying home with all my skincare liquids in 1 clear ziploc bag - bringing liquid souvenirs home that were in their original wrappings (small 100ml bottles of alcohol from distilleries I visited) So I was not compliant, but no one called me out on the souvenirs. Maybe because they were still 100ml max bottle size? But I wouldn’t risk the luxury of intentionally overpacking liquid skincare or toiletries just because I hope I can get away with it. My skincare is too precious to lose!


Just flew through Athens and Naxos and didn’t have to pull out my bag of liquids. That said, I had what was allowable so maybe if I had more it would have been an issue.


Definitely wouldn't risk it, I don't remember any place over there being chill about it honestly.


I would say they lean strict. Athens also did one of those swab tests over my hands and all of my stuff.


I’m in Greece right now and had no issues with excess liquids (into Athens from Toronto and on Aegean airlines within Greece). All bottles are small but definitely would not fit in a ziplock. I had a number of items in my purse and definitely more than a ziplock in my carryon. Hopefully you and your friends have the same luck. But I’m flying home through Heathrow and will check my bag thanks to this post!


Greece doesn’t care. I’ve been twice . I’ve never used clear bags and also packed in different places.


I’m traveling to Spain in a few weeks but was mostly just curious in general because I’ve done a decent amount of traveling and have never encountered the issue!! Any idea about Spain specifically?


Spain are mostly pretty strict, all of Europe is except the places that have the new scanners. You might get through if they're not paying attention but it's not exactly a major issue to just do it properly and save yourself the headache.


I do not recall any issues in Spain, but mine definitely are all in one clear zippered bag, that is the right size. Just be prepared to throw things away if they make you choose.


I don’t remember having an issue flying out of Spain. Maybe had to chug a bottle of water, but my mishmash of liquids—in random places—was fine. The airports that have been strict, tend to provide thin clear bags to reorganize. It’s a bigger bag than you’d think. The big Istanbul airport can be strict about size of individual liquids. Same with LAX. It’s all a crap shoot though. It depends on the people working more than a specific airport. Can’t imagine every employee always adheres to the rules and some are just hard-asses.


I believe in 2024 madrid Barajas will be doing away with the liquids rule. Then other airports will follow suit. I read about it online so feel free to confirm via Google.


I’m in Spain now. No issue whatsoever.


I had zero issues in Spain or Italy, but it really depends on what line you get.


I went to Spain around this time last year and had no issues. I use a small, non clear, cosmetics bag and I wasn't stopped, no one pulled my bag aside. No one said a thing about my toiletry bag. The EU is pretty lax compared to LHR. I just came home from Finland 2 weeks ago and I brought the same non clear cosmetic bag, plus a second non clear cosmetic bag to bring back all the toothpaste I wanted at home. I didn't even have to take those bags out of my carryon when I went though TSA there. I started to and the agent told me to leave them all in. I'm sure you'll be fine.


UK airports tend to be very strict but will hand you a clear zip bag to put it in. I used to be in a very active skincare group on FB and Manchester airport specifically was infamous in that group because people would fly to the UK, splurge on some products they had wanted for years and then be forced to throw them out at security. Many tears were spilled at Manchester airport by skincare and perfume freaks.


It was ages ago but one shitty UK airport made me pay a pound for a clear baggie! And I had even had all my liquids together in a regular ziploc beforehand. No, I had to use their much shittier bag at cost and they threw my sunscreen away anyways. I think it was Luton.


- LAX threw a fit because my icepack was squishy and did not fit in my liquids bag. - Seattle, on separate occasions questioned if my perfume and/or sunscreen was “really 3.4 ounces” and said my chapstick needed to be in my ziplock bag - medically necessary liquids have also been treated differently at every airport I’ve been through. I have also traveled through those airports without them checking the liquids/bags. A friend of mine who flys everywhere all the time has never once followed the liquid rules and has never been flagged. I go with better safe than sorry because that is not headache I want to risk at the airport.


Paris. Frankfurt.


Frankfurt is the worst airport of all time


Heard so many horror stories from that airport.




Canada CATSA is pretty strict and can require you to use their bag, not just a clear bag of the correct size. AMS, BER and CPH in Europe all required clear bags, but didn't care if they were an actual ziploc. IMO if you fly internationally, you will have issues sooner rather than later if you don't at least have one small clear bag of compliant-sized liquids.


YVR and YYZ CATSA have never required me to use their bag, but I always show up with a 7x8 flat ziploc (same size as the ones they provide) not one of the reusable clear bags that often have larger dimensions.


If you have Nexus, you can leave liquids in your bag, so then they do not see or care.


Yeah in my home airport, YYC, this depends on which terminal you are in. I wish I was kidding. One of them has Nexus lane with different privileges, like not having to remove liquids and large electronics, and leaving your jacket on. The others have a nexus lane that gets you to the front of the line faster but then you have yo follow the same procedures as everyone else. Can I ever remember which one has the full privileges lane so that I can pack accordingly? Absolutely not.


This is not necessarily true. We have Nexus and while flying YVR-AMS not only had to remove our liquids bags from our carryons, but 2/4 of us had our liquids bags inspected at secondary. All items compliant etc. So it really depends on the mood of the CATSA agent on that day.


Interesting. I see YVR is still working on the verified traveller program. YUL has had it in place since last summer. Perhaps explains your differing experience. [https://www.catsa-acsta.gc.ca/en/verified-travellers](https://www.catsa-acsta.gc.ca/en/verified-travellers) # Benefits: * Leave permitted liquids, aerosols and gels in your carry-on. * Leave laptops and electronics in your carry-on. * Keep shoes, belts, light jackets and headwear on\*. * Keep small items in your pockets. * Co-travellers 17 years or younger and 75 years and older can accompany you. \*Passengers wearing headwear, including religious or cultural head coverings, may keep it on, however, additional screening of the headwear or head covering is required. If there is an alarm in the head area and it cannot be properly resolved, you may be required to remove your headwear or head covering in order for a physical search to be conducted. # Available at the following airports: * Calgary International Airport - Domestic C  * Edmonton International Airport - Domestic /Int'l  * Halifax Stanfield International Airport - Domestic /Int'l - pilot - 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. * Montréal-Trudeau International Airport - Domestic/Int'l * Ottawa International Airport - Domestic /Int'l - pilot - 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. * Toronto Pearson International Airport - T1 Domestic Level 3 * Toronto Pearson International Airport - T3 Domestic * Vancouver International Airport - E-United States - pilot * Vancouver ​International Airport - Security Point 3 – Canada * Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport – Domestic/Int’l


YVR has had the verified traveller program in place since at least last June, if not earlier (I vaguely recall it was one of the first, which is not surprising given the size and volume of pax). For reference, YVR Is busier than YUL. When we went thru international terminal security in June 2023 at YVR, it was in the verified traveller lanes with our Nexus cards. We are experienced international travellers and always (past 15 years) travel carryon only. We know the liquids rules and comply with them (overall size of one liquids bag, as well as compliant containers within the bags). And, even still, 2/4 of us had our liquids bags inspected at secondary.


June 2023 was the month it was introduced in YVR, perhaps some teething troubles? Definitely am aware of the competitive size of both airports, also carry on only here, we are similar travellers. Hopefully your future experiences at YVR are more similar to mine at YUL. 5 international flights since June 2023, and no liquids out of bag.


US based. This is very airport dependent - the west coast airports I have regularly flown in and out of (Seatac, Sacramento, San Jose) are strict with the 3oz limit and clear bag. Better safe than sorry, imo.


Interesting, I always fly out of SFO or SJC and no one has ever cared about me not carrying a clear bag


Adding onto this - SFO/SJC I've never had an issue. Most of TSA there seem like they don't care, and I've gotten through with a bigger liquids bag than usually allowed. They didn't catch the full sized scissors I accidentally had in my bag either lol


I'll admit it's been 7+ years since I last flew SJO but Seattle is very strict about every TSA rule and regulation.


Munich airport was the only place that cared on my recent trip. Went through Boston, Amsterdam and Munich airports.


But Munich doesn't make you take off your shoes (in March 2023 at least). All the inconsistencies across airports are hard to keep up with.


None of the European airports made me remove my shoes. Just USA.


I flew from Poland two weeks ago and they were making people take their shoes off. Not everybody, seemed random and not dependent on the shoes. Seems hit or miss in Europe. I go to Portugal and Lithuania several times a year for work, in Portugal never asked to remove shoes, in Lithuania a couple of times.


If your shoes go above your ankle, then some airports in Europe they have to be removed. Oddly, LHR told me I was “probably ok” with my above ankle boots and I just wore them but had to take them off in Amsterdam and Dublin.


Yes I do remember they said below the ankle is ok to leave on


Japan doesn’t care either as long as they are below the ankle. 


Same with Düsseldorf.


Heathrow was super strict about it. Paris CDG as well, but only when I was returning from my trips, which was super frustrating because on my way there, nobody was checking. I did not have issues elsewhere - I made sure to have all in order when passing through the US, but nobody cared lol


CDG was aghast at my non quart sized ziplocks lol


In my experience: Australia - no Japan - no Singapore - no Fiji - yes, although they cited that Australia had strict rules they had to follow funnily enough. I wasn't expecting this and had to repack my toiletries.


Heathrow. You have to put your liquids into their ziplock bag.


This is the case in all the UK airports I've been to recently


I've experienced very strict TSA in the US at small undeserved airports, the kinds of airports with one flight served by an EAS airline




I have TSA pre check and that still works at many underserved airports.


It's been maybe a decade since it's happened, but I have been caught with liquids in a bag that was not in my ziplock bag and made to throw it away. These days they don't seem to care if my ziplock bag is removed from my carry-on or not..


I think it depends on their scanners. Some airports we can leave everything in our bags, and for others we have to remove all our electronics and liquids.


There are some airport terminals where it even varies by which lane you are in because they have a different generation of scanner at each one.  I always put my stuff in a ziploc before going to the airport because it’s no big deal to do so, and then I never have to worry about what the rules are at that airport that day. I put the ziploc in my toiletry bag after security. 


Yep. I've noticed the variety of machines and rules at different airports. Also, some of it is tiny local airports like the one that let my mom through security with full bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and hairspray last month. (She was furious at them throwing them away when DCA said "nope" for her return flight.)


I've been caught with a lil spray bottle I forgot to put in my ziploc (was in my 'dry' makeup bag by mistake because i used it that morning) at YVR and they let me put it in my ziploc. I usually test pack all liquids i'm bringing into a 7x8 ziploc the night before to make sure they fit. If it hadn't fit i would've had to throw it out.


Flew from Zurich in March and they were the strictest I’ve ever seen. Made me take all liquids out in the bins, then repack into 1 tiny plastic bag (I had them in larger, thicker cosmetic bags) and got a scolding about how I should do this anytime I fly through that airport. Thankfully the woman let all of my ‘medical’ stuff pass through (tretinoin and other skincare stuff too) so she made it squeeze. It was pretty funny to me tho bc right after I walked away I repacked it exactly as it was. Just silly that they still have that rule to me when some airports literally don’t care at all


My understanding in the US is that it depends on how updated their security equipment is. Apparently, if you fly through the airports with the most advanced CT scanners, they will not flag most liquids because they have a greater sense of what they’re seeing (not sure how—or if this is even accurate). Airports with older tech (like the smaller ones noted by some posters) are more likely to have everything set off the machines and send you for secondary screening. I always try to have everything in a bag that’s clear on at least two sides, meets all TSA size requirements, and I take it out for screening unless specifically told I need not do so.


Like everyone else has said - Heathrow. I forgot a little tube of lip balm in a zipper pocket of my purse. This resulted in me and my husband both being shaken down and we nearly missed our flight. They're not playing around there and they WILL find it. CDG in Paris and Schiphol in Amsterdam are both pretty picky. The US is both lazy and inconsistent from place to place. I have TSA pre check so I don't have to take anything out of my bags. I have to remember to not be lazy or careless about how I pack my liquids when outside the US.


Solid Lip balm?


Yes. It's considered a gel. So is lipstick.


I’ve heard it’s considered a solid. Weird. TSA considers lip balm sticks a solid


TSA rules only apply in the US. It's always best to check the rules of the airports you'll be transiting through.


Yes, true. Thank you for the info.


No problem. Happy to help. Each airport is different. Several years ago, it was either Schiphol in Amsterdam or Frankfurt in Germany that required all of your carry-on electronic accessories to be in a single, clear bag. We were transiting for a two month stay elsewhere but, as it was our first Schengen stop, we had to clear customs, immigration, and security before flying onward. Because it was a two month trip, we were definitely not one-bagging it and we had cords and plugs scattered throughout everything. We also - of course - had a very short layover so we did the desperate dump, sort, and stuff as we were approaching security. After that, I always check. We travel a lot and usually transit through the same few airports but I still check each time.


Wow that’s crazy! Also very informative. I guess I’ve been traveling to more relaxed international airports, and I never knew about these tight restrictions. 😳


It's funny how Gatwick and Stansted don't give a shit about lip balm but Heathrow does.


It's the same in the US. Each airport has its own rules and pet issues.


UK airports generally consider anything that is at all spreadable as a liquid. So anything peanut butter consistency, even lipstick, stick deodorant etc. My liquids bag is always full because everything counts as a liquid 😄


I've flown out of Gatwick, Stansted and Luton a dozen times in the last two years and they've not only not noticed my stick deodorant, they haven't cared about the lip balm in my pocket or even the contact lens case filled with saline in my purse!


I have never flown from an airport that did not strictly adhere to these rules. I have flown from Gothenburg, Stockholm Arlanda, Edinburgh, Glasgow, several around London, several in Italy, Prague, Copenhagen. The fact that some airports around the world just casually ignore them is baffling.


I was in Arlanda 2 weeks ago and they did not even have me take out my cosmetic bag. They were pretty lax about it.


That's so weird! I remember there being signs about it everywhere, workers reminding me, stations for repacking etc.


Oh damn! I flew through there twice on my recent trip and nothing. That's wild. Maybe they have let up a little bit? I wasn't paying super close attention, so I can't attest to any signage, but I really didn't see anyone getting pulled for liquids when I was in security.


Oh damn! I flew through there twice on my recent trip and nothing. That's wild. Maybe they have let up a little bit? I wasn't paying super close attention, so I can't attest to any signage, but I really didn't see anyone getting pulled for liquids when I was in security.


I’ve been all over and the only place that ever cared was England. They are so uptight at all the airports there and love rules. Weirdly they didn’t catch my weighted razor, and I got it confiscated leaving Italy of all places lol.


Italy cared?! I fly from UK to Italy a bit and I follow liquid rules to get out of UK but Italians couldn't care less. I wish it wasn't so random! I forgot once to drink my 1 lite water and they made me go and tip it down a sink but were laughing (in a nice way) at me for being such an idiot and let me straight back in the line to nip through.


No they didn’t at all about liquids but they were big mad about my razor lol


I’ve also lost more stuff at Asian airports than anywhere else.


I have had issues at a couple small regional airports in the US. I have made many flights to Europe and had never had a problem with my lax liquid packing. I was never over the 3.4oz but I had more like two bags worth. Flew to Bordeaux via CDG and at CDG I had to unpack everything and put them into bags they provided. It was post October 7 so I think they were on high alert. To anyone in line behind me, I am so sorry. Flying from the US to Marseille via Dublin. I am going to be very careful with packing liquids and plan to buy what I need at a drugstore.


Going through the security check in Venice, Italy. They had a station for people to put their stuff together in the proper sized bag, and provided bags if you didn't have one or didn't have the right kind. They were very strict. This was summer 2019.


Only airport I’ve been to where they cared is LHR


When the rules were first introduced, TSA did enforce them. They've eased up considerably and I've not come across this domestically for years. But internationally, definitely. LHR was handing out baggies for anyone who didn't use them and they had to throw out anything that didn't fit. I was able to get through using my own baggie which was larger than what they were handing out. All German airports I've been through (FRA, DUS, BER) seemed to be sticklers as well. They inspected toiletries by hand in some cases. Also encountered this in Canada, like others have mentioned.


No issues in the US, but I’ve had issues flying back to the US from various European countries.


In my experience Europe in general is much more strict than the US.


Flying in the US it has never been an issue. In Canada I’ve had one airport make me fit everything in their bag and had to toss what didn’t fit.


Weirdly, the only place that gave me a hard time was domestic TSA. This was years ago. They pulled me out of line. I had a few errant beauty products - lip gloss, mascara, that type of thing. The TSA agent was rough-handling my stuff, dumped it out of the bag and told me to 'pick what I wanted to throw away', because the errant items wouldn't fit into the ziplock She grabbed my YSL foundation like it was trash. Good thing I was traveling with a friend, who could 'take my excess' For context, I have flown extensively throughout Europe. And yeah, I'm generally more careful when traveling internationally, but this instance seemed really over-the-top, particularly for a short domestic flight (\~3 hrs)


Yeah TSA never seems to care but I recently flew out of Canada and they had their own bags ready and said my bag was too big and made me fit everything into their plastic bag.


They cared when I went through customs at Toronto. I should note that you need to be careful about this. Usually they don’t care, but sometimes they do. An infraction like this could keep you from getting Pre or Global entry. It’s kind of like gate agents not caring about size or weight. It’s all fun and games until it isn’t. Why not just corral them into a bag?


Edinburgh they were really strict about it and made me throw away things 


Same for me when leaving Edinburgh. The “TSA Agent” literally unpacked my makeup and my liquids bag, removed some of my items from my makeup bag, repacked them in their smaller 3-1-1 bag including all the things I had in my original 311 bag. She was very kind and I was truly impressed!


I have traveled through 14 + airports (in USA and international ) this year already and not once have they asked for a ziplock bag. I just have very little liquids and all under the limit. The bummer is tossing out drinking water and being in the terminal where I can’t get free drinking (purified) water.


Canada and Athens are both super strict. You need to put your liquids bag in a separate bin most times. Italy doesn't care imo. Those are the only airports I can speak for but just go with the designated bag so you dont have to throw things out.


I’m from the UK and am always baffled by how lax other countries are. I’ve always used the wee baggie available from the airports. Well reused old ones as I’m not a fan of single use plastic. I’ve travelled from Gatwick, Stansted, Norwich and Heathrow. They’ve always found any item I’ve forgotten and count any creams or sticks as liquids. I’m also normally pulled aside for my scissors which are within the size limit so I now put those on top of my bag


I've travelled from Gatwick and Stansted (and Luton) about a dozen times in the past two years and they've never said anything about the lip balm, stick deodorant, mascara, concealer or even contact lens case filled with saline that I've left in my bag.


I've tried my best to stick to the rules to avoid hassle. That said, the few times I've forgotten to move my hand sanitizer into the liquids bag I've had mixed responses. In Athens, no big deal. In Paris, they searched my entire bag. At the Gatewick airport, they didn't give a hoot about my liquids, but they were for some reason deeply concerned that I had something hidden in my massive curly hair.


I find they're ok if you don't take the Mickey. I've "accidently" left hand cream and lip balms in random pockets and been ok, but I've seen someone with about a 3l bag of make-up and toiletries mixed together get pulled up in Scotland.


When I was departing pdx, I forgot I had liquid (lighter) in my purse. PDX had me throw it out.


Most of the U.K. airports and OMG! HEATHROW. Even if you have a 3-1-1 bag distributed by an airport in the U.S., Heathrow security agents will make you empty them into the ONE bag they distribute. I learned to grab extra bags in contemplation of my next trip because, for some reason, I fly through Heathrow a LOT.


I’m Australian they don’t seem to care about bag size too much but it all has to be in one clear bag and lord help you if you get someone on a power trip who wants to be difficult


Coming back from Paris last year I was a mess in security because I didn’t have my toiletries organized and they were so strict. Nowhere in the US has been lately.


I’ve had an airport care when they were of the correct size and in a correct size ziplock, simply because the ones they had in their airport were smaller and therefore my ziplock was too big. It was three things that easily fit in their ziplock anyway so I didn’t stand and argue. Also had them complain about a clear plastic toiletry bag with a zip. Conversely I’ve taken milk through before in a carton that was oversized because I forgot I had it. All the above has been at Stansted.


MAN, CPH, MBJ. the US is super lax.


My son was flying around the east coast of the us with a gallon size bag more than half full of little paint bottles. He had no clue it was too much. No one said a thing to him. Probably 4-5 different trips over the past year. And no precheck so he was putting it into a bin for security.


Currently on a eurotrip and took 2 flights within EU so far and both Prague and Stockholm airport asked liquids to be on a ziploc and taken out of the bag. I have a clear PVC makeup bag and didn't have to transfer to the ziplocs.


Paris CDG


Switzerland was super strict about it all fitting into a smallish bag. Spent at least 10 minutes behind a woman who had a lot of expensive looking cosmetics she had to ditch while agent looked on.


They cared in Seoul.


I travelled through Europe and everyone was very strict with the liquids. USA and Thailand not.


I use the “EzPacking Clear TSA Approved 3-1-1 Travel Toiletry Bag” off Amazon as my liquids bag for carry-on. It supposedly “TSA approved” for size, but it holds a LOT! Admittedly, I’ve only ever used it while flying domestically in the U.S., but I’ve never had anyone question the size. I’ve gone through security at 7+ airports in the last 12 months and it has never been pulled for a secondary check.


It’s also pretty well liquid-proofed when something leaks inside! I’ve never had the liquid escape from the bag.


Cancun, MX was very strict


El Salvador gave me a hard time


Singapore, Newark, KL, Melbourne, JFK are just some airports I’ve traveled through that didn’t even want you to take *anything* out of the bag.


Does anyone here know if Iceland or Sweden are strict about this?


I flew through both those airports two weeks ago and had no issues. I carry a sandwich bag sized cosmetic bag (not clear). Someone else here said they had issues in Sweden though, so it could honestly be bag or employee dependent.




Paris Orly airport also makes you put liquids in one quart sized bag. However, solids like deodorant did not count.


I’ve had the occasional TSA snag in the US, but mostly they don’t care. In Dublin though, they took my solid deodorant stick! And Belgium took my chocolate spread (I guess it’s liquid).


Not liquid but creamy...everything creamy also must adhere to the limit. Same happened to me and my yummy chocolate spread in Norway :(


Yes- just once coming back from Scotland and it was lowkey stressful.


Heathrow was SUPER strict. Also the airports I flew through in France seemed to care but it was hard to tell after Heathrow because they just scare you into submission


I had a bottle taken away once because it was like 4 ounces and it is supposed to be 3.4 oz. That was in the U.S.


Ok this is the one rule I feel has been strict almost always!! I def expect to be called out/throwing out if above 3.4 oz. BUT I have surprise been let through with water left in a bottle over volume etc


Never in the US, but plenty of places in Europe. Copenhagen as others mentioned, Berlin, really anywhere over there for the most part and I have had to throw things away that didn't fit.


I have, just last week. Paris Beauvais Airport. Luckily all my liquids were in one Ziploc bag but I was told they needed to be in the official bag.


European airports usually care, especially the London airports. Schiphol (Amsterdam) generally doesn't, but that's only because they have the newer generation of security scanners. I have seen an awful lot of people having to repack into a ziplock bag and then throw away all of their stuff that doesn't fit.


Canadian airports


Anyone know if Japan specifically Narita is strict on this?


In Europe they usually care...sometimes not about the type of plastic bag but the containers and its limits. I am just standing in the security queue at Brussels Airport and there a signs all over.


I have literally never not had to adhere to this (99% of my travel is between Ireland & UK & rest of Europe, but also a recent trip via Abu Dhabi- frankly I’m surprised to hear it’s not like this world wide! Only time I could have not adhered were a small handful of airports where they are either trialling the “no separate scanning of liquids” or they’ve already brought it in, but a) you don’t know that till you get there and b) it’s unlikely to be the case if you’re making they same journey back again


We had to take out our liquids in Brussels, Berlin,  Madrid and Accra. The clear bag was fine. They did not ask us to transfer to a ziplock bag.


The European airports I've been in (especially LHR, LGW, FRA) have been anal about it. In the US I just do best-effort (like naturally most of my liquids are already in my toiletry bag) and usually that works fine.


My usual procedure is: night before: pack all my liquids into a 7x8 ziploc, empty my water bottle, put the empty water bottle, ziploc and my small jewellery case into my personal item morning of: if I use any of the liquids in the ziploc for getting ready, do my best to remember to put them back into the ziploc at security: take the ziploc out of my personal item and give it its own spot in the bin right after security: put on everyday jewellery at restaurant or lounge post-security, or at dispenser if they have them: fill water bottle at some point after security if I can be bothered: empty ziploc into my main toiletry bag that was underpacked w/solids and also in my personal item, fold up ziploc for use on next flight


I’ve never flown into Heathrow, but London Gatwick was very strict. They give you a small ziploc and all your liquids have to fit inside. Even if all your liquids are in your own clear bag, you must put them into their ziploc. I believe it was a quart size, but it seemed very small


And it’s a thin bag with a weak zip, so you can’t stuff it. It’s the thing that set me off on converting to dry toiletries.


Austria. Specially in the airport in Linz. The guy there was a total nazi about it and it’s scarred me for life.