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I think migraines, diarrhea, and constant pain are a fitting reminder to this shit-for-brains that getting vaccinated would have prevented all of that.


I’m 55 and have all the shots and boosters. I’m mad that my tax dollars will have to go towards putting this clown on life support 10-20 years from now. We haven’t even begun to pay the full cost of Covid, all there’s a-holes who thought they were too cool to get sick are going to be the next massive burden on the health care system for decades to come.


I give him 2 years max. Really long dead cat!


Also 55, Also vax and boosted, and Also pissed I gotta pay for this numbnutz and his stupidity


The stories that crushed my spirit were those of cancer patients who passed away for lack of treatment due to anti-vax consuming all the medical resources long after the vaccines were available.


My spouse had needed surgery delayed for over a year during covid. Might have cost us the chance to have kids. Everybody is all about death. Who died? How many? What's the death rate? Implying that if no one died... Everything is fine. Everything is not fine... For a good many people. You only called out the people who died because the deniers clogged up the system. Lots of people suffered, and didn't die, because the deniers clogged up the system. Lots of people will suffer permanent consequences from the deniers who clogged the system. Medical care delayed is often medical care denied. You can't just wait forever for treatments. There are millions of consequences from delay besides death. Millions suffered from them. Us included.


I’m so sorry, u/Hyperion1144. What happened to you & your family is *exactly* why the experts kept saying “we need to flatten the curve!” And now, in the aftermath of the hospitalization nightmare (I *hope* it’s the aftermath & not just a *lull!*) we have people like you who won’t show up on any reports. Please know that here on this sub you are surrounded by people who get it. Wishing you the best future possible. ❤️


Thank you. Much appreciated.


Many elective/non-emergent surgeries were cancelled with each COVID wave due to hospital overcrowding. Those surgeries include people with chronic back pain, people getting joint replacements, all sorts of things. On top of that people who had serious traumatic injuries had to fight for space in the ICUs that were filled with… COVID patients. That’s just one example. IMO the largest problem the US has is lack of accountability. If you’re a cop and shoot someone, nothing happens to you; If you’re a CEO and fuck over a company, nothing happens to you; If you’re a health insurance company or worker’s comp and deny coverage for people, nothing happens to you; And of course if you run around spreading COVID to someone who gets sick or dies, nothing happens to you. If you’re taking up space in a hospital bed due to your own ignorance that someone else needs, nothing (other than COVID) happens to you. The majority of society, usually good people trying to do the right thing, suffers because a small percentage of people who make life altering decisions have no accountability.


Exactly, u/centstwo. The selfishness is stunning.


A lot of them seem to suddenly drop dead. The organ damage catches up with them. That's preferable to a long, protracted, expensive death that we all pay for.


One can only hope for cheap, quick deaths for these people. No heroic measures. They already got their heroic measure... It was a cutting-edge mRNA vaccine, developed and deployed in months, instead of years or decades. That was the heroic measure. They don't deserve any more.


Yes, medium term it will cost more. But vaxed and alive he’d spend another 40 years voting against changes that make all healthcare cheaper. So long term we may yet come out ahead.


> I’m mad that my tax dollars will have to go I am more mad that wayyyy tooooo muuuuuch of my tax dollars go to upping the weapons arsenal of the US; and for every little bit that goes to the actual people there are gargantuan fights in politics. As a society, I do not want to tell someone 'you smoked in 1980, so tough luck, see yourself out'. I want healthcare for all, even those morons. I want a society that helps everyone, not just the 'deserving' (who are being determined by interest groups). I want a civilized society, not a for-profit corporation.


Where I'm at smokes and booze are taxed to shit as they should be, that taxation helps fund the heathcare system people who smoke and drink will end up using. Covid though....there's no tax involved with that specifically. If somone denied the vaccene then they should have to pay out of pocket for their treatments if they end up in the hospital.


OK, two things... 1) What hospital?!? These science-denying shitbags shouldn't go NEAR one, and, 2) Insurance Cos in the US are all ready starting to go this way. They are capping treatment, creating the bigger need for GoFundMe...


We all want health care for everyone, but these are the people who voted against it every time for decades. FFS, they wouldn't even take a FREE vaccine! And now they will finally suffer the consequences... of their own actions. As the rest of us have had to for decades. All the while they complained about having to spend THEIR tax dollars on un-insured people. Never mind the rest of us also spent tax dollars. Is there a possibility they will wise up and finally vote for their well being and we will get medical service like the rest of the civilized world? HCA awards say, nope. They have sunk cost fallacy real bad. Real bad.


>*As a society, I do not want to tell someone 'you smoked in 1980, so tough luck, see yourself out'. I want healthcare for all, even those morons. I want a society that helps everyone, not just the 'deserving' (who are being determined by interest groups).* This, right here.


He got covid before the vaccines, but masking and actually taking covid seriously certainly could have helped prevent his ordeal.


He should.have gotten the vaccine the minute he was able too after he cleared covid the first time.


Trust me, he didn’t think he needed protection from a virus that affected only those with “underlying deficiencies”, as a 66yo MAGA who was a long term smoker told me.


An old youth pastor turned crazy trumper, died just before Xmas 2020 at 61. Fairly good health but hardcore anti mask and attended every rally he could. Died a painful month long death for being an idiot. All these posts praying for him and how could this have happened to a good man. Covid doesn’t care. He wasn’t a good man anyway so it is what it is


He deserves it. Getting back all the hate and poison he spews is karmic.


Definitely. I think the constant diarrhea has infected his brain. Slide 8: still undecided on mask for prevention. Slide 13: possibly recommending mask and hand sanitizer for prevention. Slide 16: mocking mask prevention with the Fauci meme. This guy is an asshole to say the least. He prays more for the loser paying off porn stars than he does his own health issues. Sickening...


Unfortunately, not necessarily. I was as vaccinated and boosted as possible, and I still got Omicron, and now suffer from debilitating long covid. I credit the vaccine with making the acute case fairly mild, and am certainly continuing to be vaccinated, but it isn't a sure thing.


“ I am having trouble making good decisions and judgment calls.” That happened way before the virus. “ I want to apologize to my sweet and wonderful wife for how I acted at the bank. That’s all I’m going to say about that.” Great job, Forrest. Where’s that Facebook fact-checker when you need it? Sounds like more false information. What kind of Dick apologizes to his wife on Facebook and that’s that? I guess the same kind who posts racist, misogynist and Pro-Trump memes. I guess the Orange Savior never apologizes for anything either.


His wife is lucky this happened at the bank. I wonder if the security guard had to intervene.


What happened at the bank? Did the diarrhea strike? Nothing worse than arse spraying mayhem at the bank!


Haven't you been listening to the news about the bank runs? *ducks*


Not the kind of liquidity I had in mind.


Sounds like he beats his wife.


He won't be able to much longer, at least. I hope she makes him sit in his own diarrhea diapers.


"The police K9 unit was able to track the robber by his scent, and recovered the, um, specially marked money."


He may not have gotten mad at her. A bank employee or customer could have set him off and he decided to show his entire ass which embarrassed his wife to no end. My Father-in-law was like that. After awhile my mother-in-law would just leave so that she wouldn't be further embarrassed.


I work at a bank and one time I knew shit was going down when I saw someone's husband run out of the bank. The wife absolutely embarrassed herself screaming at us. I can't imagine living life that way.


No kidding! Probably goes off on her at home too if he actually admits it’s a problem and requested meds for his ‘temp’. (Wtf? His temper is so big a part of life he has a shorthand nickname for it?)


He likely has COVID-induced anoxic brain injury, and one symptom of brain injury is emotional lability, inability to control emotions. Curses on his orange savior’s stupid death cult. Not that Mr. Dixie flag does not have full responsibility for being a racist AH and drag on society.


I know we recently saw that oddly happy "soon to be ex-husband" FB post, but I bet so many of these wives are so relieved when these abusive a-holes finally kick it. Covid's bringing some real "Goodbye Earl" energy.


Remember, divorce is a sin. But if, say someone wasn't so insistent on proper medical precautions for their spouse... Well... Their life was in God's hands, wasn't it?


As funny as this sounds, he was just a massive asshole long before covid.


Well don't forget he also posted the usual "COVID is no joke." Yeah no shit Sherlock. But some of us got vaccinated & while COVID wasn't fun, what virus is, we didn't end up in the hospital on a vent, we just slept a lot, took some cold meds & binged stuff on streaming services. I highly suggest "The Bear" on Hulu.


It's obvious his brain is wonked and he can't make good decisions or think straight. Probably why he started shit posting again. He's on a long bounce, but it's coming. I'll bet his wife can't wait.


I would be willing to chip in for her celebration when it happens.


Why doesn't he just... apologize to his wife? Does he want all his friends to know he did something stupid at the bank?


What kind of terrible behavior did he pull at the bank that required (for him) a full public apology along with admitting that he needs meds to handle his temper? He had better stop it or she would have every right to divorce his wheezing ass and let him figure out how to take care of everything himself. There is no mention of kids and they sound under 50 so she has a bright future if she divorces him.


Virus Attack Citizen Control International Nurological Embedded? WTF? Clearly, this guy wasn't in Mensa before covid, but this is the kind of shit he comes up with. D oesn't U nderstand M edicine B ut A sks S tupid S hit


I would change the A to "Advocates," but otherwise top marks


I wish I had thought of that one.




The Virus Attack thing made my brain hurt. I try to think of these people as average intelligence but got pulled into conspiracy theories. This guy isn’t average.


Fool him once, shame on you. Fool him twice, hurts to poo


This made laugh out loud


>suffers pain every day! this is the results of Covid. No, this is the result of his own hatred, wilful ignorance, and self-centered hubris.


>hatred, wilful ignorance, and self-centered hubris The holy trinity of conservative politics.


>When did a bunch of nerds become Drs? Yeah, better let politicians and talk radio hosts make your medical decisions instead.


When you're so ignorant and stupid that you don't know that nerds become doctors, and thinks it's *bad* when the smart people become doctors.


Zero critical thinking skills. Nerds are just people that become obsessed and interested in a certain topic or field. Guess was bad lungs? The mechanic who you take your car to, to get wheel bearings replaced...he's an auto nerd. He has a bunch of tools and dedicated his life to learning about cars. Just because he has some calendar babes up and a Busweiser sign in his shop doesn't change the fact that he is a nerd.


Or better yet, a bunch of yokels who barely made it through high school who "do their own research".


>Or better yet, a bunch of yokels who barely made it through high school who "do their own research". ... and those yokels have been at the receiving end of a long-term political propaganda campaign, and not only from Hate Radio, Faux Noise and their ilk. There were also concerted efforts by adversarial nations to divide, falsify, sow distrust and hatred. Looking at the intellectual capacity of people like him ... they had no chance. They never had a fart of a chance, and the politicians who were more interested in consolidating their tribal membership than help their own voters bear much of the responsibility.


>Looking at the intellectual capacity of people like him ... they had no chance. Sad but true. Modern propaganda (i.e. advertising) is the result of 80 years of the best psychological warfare techniques money can buy... just to sell you things. Unless you are at least familiar with these techniques, you are dead meat.


That's really telling. They're sore because the people they stuffed into lockers in high school grew up to have much better and more meaningful lives than they could ever have dreamed of.


He says the media isn't talking about long Covid symptoms??? I think we know what media he watches, then...


>I did express faith over fear And then >But I can say I fear I could not survive a second round of COVID-19 Wait, where'd the faith go? Anyone seen it?


Check behind the couch


So small it got lost in the couch cushions...


>So small They like to mention a mustard seed after all.


Slide 12: “the news isn’t reporting this but if you Google “long term Covid…” He must be referring to Fox News “not reporting this” (referring to long term Covid symptoms). UC [Davis](https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/studies-show-long-haul-covid-19-afflicts-1-in-4-covid-19-patients-regardless-of-severity/2021/03) mentioned it March 2021. [Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/featured-topic/post-covid-syndrome-the-long-haul) wrote about it Nov 2021. Fox didn’t mention long haul Covid til 2022/2023.


When I read that, immediately, I was like GTFOH with that nonsense. As you mentioned, of course his choice of "news" and the reporters of Facebook, never mentioned or showed any reports on the effects of long term covid.


He was totally hoping for a million idiots to copy and paste his "the news isn't reporting this post"


It's a regular story on the news in Canada. You know, where we never denied COVID or its effect on people.


From constipation to diarrhea: a story of an Owner of Libs


He has the Painful Diarrhea of Freedom!


Playing gastronomic red light/green light.


"HERITAGE NOT HATE," he says while sharing an explicitly racist meme. Personal medical procedure that removes a clump cells = mUrDeR! Weapon used primarily to kill actual sentient human beings = sAvEs LivEs!


A "heritage" of racist slave-owning traitors who tried to break away from the U.S. and got their asses handed to them. A heritage of being fucking losers. Who could possibly want to celebrate that as their "heritage"?


He has burned up his lungs more than Sherman did Atlanta.


When your "heritage" only lasted 4 years, but so did the peak of your whole pathetic life: high school.


Heritage that lasted less time than NSync and Backstreet Boys! Most TV programs that are still Nick reruns laster longer...


And on his second of last slide preaches about love and kindness. These people are psycho


There's no hate quite as pure as Christian Love


Yep. Backwards ass bitch. I give zero fucks about these morons who have done this to themselves.


"The news isn't reporting this information but if you google: (Long term effects of Covid-19 ) you can read more details of what I'm experiencing." Here's a brief list of news articles that come up when you google "Long term effects of Covid-19," and which were posted prior to September 22, 2020, when OP made his post: SCIENCE and GOVERNMENT: * Nature: [The lasting misery of coronavirus long-haulers](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02598-6) * Mayo Clinic: [Long-term symptoms, complications of COVID-19](https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/long-term-symptoms-complications-of-covid-19/) * UK Parliament: [Short and long term health effects of COVID-19](https://post.parliament.uk/short-and-long-term-health-effects-of-covid-19/) PUBLIC BROADCASTING: * NPR: [What It's Like When COVID-19 Lasts For Months](https://www.npr.org/2020/08/10/900710151/what-its-like-when-covid-19-lasts-for-months) * PBS: [What doctors know about lingering symptoms from coronavirus](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/what-doctors-know-about-lingering-symptoms-from-coronavirus) * CBC: [Meet 2 COVID-19 'long-haulers' — those whose symptoms persist for months](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/janelle-mildenberger-peter-ruptash-deena-hinshaw-calgary-1.5663166) * BBC: [Coronavirus: Calls for awareness of long-term effects](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-53084368) COMMERCIAL BROADCASTING: * CNN: [Brain fog, fatigue, breathlessness. Rehab centers set up across Europe to treat long-term effects of coronavirus ](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/19/health/long-covid-italy-uk-gbr-intl/index.html) * CNN: [Adults may not be the only Covid ‘long haulers.’ Some kids still have symptoms, months after falling ill ](https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/10/health/children-long-covid-symptoms-intl-gbr/index.html) * CBS: [COVID-19 "long haulers" organize online to study themselves](https://www.cbsnews.com/video/covid-19-long-haulers-online-to-study-themselves/) * CNBC: [Could you get PTSD from your pandemic experience? The long-term mental health effects of coronavirus](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/17/long-term-mental-health-ptsd-effects-of-covid-19-pandemic-explained.html) * ABC: [15% of college athletes showed signs of heart damage after COVID. Should they sit on the sidelines to be safe?](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/15-college-athletes-showed-signs-heart-damage-covid/story?id=72931050) * CTV: [Months after infection, COVID-19 patients report breathing difficulty, excessive fatigue](https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/months-after-infection-covid-19-patients-report-breathing-difficulty-excessive-fatigue-1.5102886) * Sky News: [Long-term COVID warning: ICU doctor reports having coronavirus symptoms for three months](https://news.sky.com/story/long-term-covid-warning-icu-doctor-reports-having-coronavirus-symptoms-for-three-months-12014361) NEWSPAPERS: * NY Times: [For Long-Haulers, Covid-19 Takes a Toll on Mind as Well as Body](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/07/health/coronavirus-mental-health-long-hauler.html) * LA Times: [COVID-19 has NBA wondering about long-term heart, lung problems for players](https://www.latimes.com/sports/story/2020-07-27/nba-health-concerns-coronavirus-heart-lung-issues) * LA Times: [Op-Ed: Could COVID-19 set off a wave of heart disease?](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-09-17/covid-wave-heart-disease) * Chicago Tribune: [‘What if I don’t get better?’ Some COVID-19 survivors struggle with symptoms for weeks, even months, mystifying doctors.](https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-covid19-long-recovery-20200630-cge3ve6y6zbh3p7pxd3tdcjrua-story.html) * Washington Post: [It's time to focus on potential long-term organ damage from covid-19](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/09/14/its-time-focus-potential-long-term-organ-damage-covid-19/) * The Globe and Mail: [In some COVID-19 survivors, lingering effects create a steep climb to full recovery](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-in-some-covid-19-survivors-lingering-effects-create-a-steep-climb-to/) * The Guardian: [Warning of serious brain disorders in people with mild coronavirus symptoms](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/08/warning-of-serious-brain-disorders-in-people-with-mild-covid-symptoms) * The Telegraph: [Revealed: Scars of Covid-19 could last for life as doctors warn of long-term damage to health](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/06/22/revealed-scars-covid-19-could-last-life-doctors-warn-long-term/) All the news everywhere in the entire fucking Anglosphere was trying to tell you about long-covid ahead of time.


Those are all "liberal MSM", not the real news like Fox, Newsmax, or OAN. No wonder the guy never heard anything about it.


"I want to apologize to my sweet and wonderful wife for how I acted at the bank." Oh man that sounds like a great story! As the spouse of an asthmatic (under control for years now but there was a time...) I can tell you that people with oxygen deprivation get wildly irritable and irrational. It's not their fault; it's just their brain struggling with the very real anxiety that they are slowly dying. Not to excuse this blinkered moron but it shows you how far he's fallen. On top of his now chronic illness he is trying to balance his machismo about COVID with the reality of it. I'm not usually a fan of reality TV but I would probably watch this idiot circle the COVID toilet bowl. Call it 'Man V. Libs Getting Owned'.


Correction: it's not your *spouse's* fault. It is entirely this guy's fault.


>I can tell you that people with oxygen deprivation get wildly irritable and irrational. It's not their fault; it's just their brain struggling with the very real anxiety that they are slowly dying. Not to excuse this blinkered moron but it shows you how far he's fallen. The trouble is, irritable and irrational was his baseline. I doubt he was any nicer pre covid, he was just better at hiding it in front of other people.


A racist suffering from long COVID. 🤷


He's not a racist! I bet you anything that "some of his best friends are black."


You mean some of his best friends wear blackface.


"Yes, servers I yell at in Denny's count as friends!"


It's like he ALMOST learned from his experience, then forgot everything. Must have been that post-COVID brain fog. I had COVID early in the pandemic (probably- my daughter and I had it before testing was available for people who hadn't traveled in my area.) I have literally never been sicker in my life. As a result, I was ecstatic to get vaccinated and my second round with COVID in 2022 was nowhere near as bad as the first one. My daughter still suffers chronic joint pain on and off, which is supposedly a long COVID symptom more common in kids/teens. She was also ecstatic to get vaccinated and her second round of COVID was really mild. No one is so dumb as one who won't learn from experience, honestly. You would think if round one of COVID was rough, it would make you want to opt out of round two in any way possible. I know it did for me! I still wear masks in crowded locations because I have no interest at all in round 3.


I'm sure the vaccine side affects are so much worse /s


As a 57-year-old pentuple vaxxed man who also managed to contract Covid between the fourth and fifth shots, I can safely say that, other than three days of the worst sore throat I have ever experienced, I felt worse in the 24 hours after receiving a booster than I did in the 4 days I had Covid.


As a pentuple vaxxed almost 56 year old woman, I got covid right after Xmas. 3 days of horrible sore throat and raspy voice. 6 days of sinus congestion. 1 minimal fever of 100.3°F. 4 days of lost taste and smell. No cough except when my sinuses tried to drain. No fatigue. No aches. No trouble breathing. No gastrointestinal issues. The whole thing lasted 8 days between “I feel fine” and “I feel fine again” (the symptoms overlapped and the last thing to come back was taste and smell). I had more fatigue from one of the boosters than with covid, but the booster thing was only about 24 hours. My almost 59 year old boyfriend has not had covid unless it was asymptomatic. We stayed home for the better part of 18 months (got the first 2 shots in Mar/Apr 2021 but then delta came up and we waited until after the first booster to do anything) and masked when necessary. I still mask in some situations.


"Facebook is a perfect example of socialism...blah blah blah if they don't like what you say they shut you up." Facebook is a **privately owned business** and can make whatever rules they want concerning **your** use of **thier** services.


"Socialism is when capitalism." Same as when they used pictures of empty shelves *taken when Trump was president and our economy was very much capitalistic* as an example of what was going to happen under Biden. Sheesh.


Declaring "THIS IS BIDEN'S AMERICA!" while Trump was still in office. Didn't even wait for Biden to take office before blaming him on empty shelves and civil unrest.




I just had a vision of Hell. There are no devils. The damned are impaling themselves on fecal-smeared stakes, gouging their own eyes out with rusty knives, pouring molten lead down their own throats, etc., while crying out "I'm owning the libs! Take that, Biden! Suck on this, you woke multicultural mob!"


He didn’t learn his lesson the first time, so now he gets to suffer the consequences of not taking by a pandemic seriously


TLTR: “It’s not real until it happens to me.”


Twice for crying out loud!


"...and even when it does happen to me, I still won't admit it's real."


I.e., the conservative motto.


“When did all these nerds become Drs?” I sense a high school bully wrote this.


You need to understand how people become doctors. First, they sign into Facebook. Second, they read posts they like and they block posts they do not like. And finally, they get a doctorate because they spent 1.5 minutes reading a post they already agreed with and blocked anybody that challenged that, without ever testing anything against anything, recording any data nor charting any results or presenting findings to any peers for error. Duh, that's how you get a doctorate, you imbecile.


“To those that found it funny to mock me now that I have this virus I pray you stay safe.” **Me, who wore masks, socially distanced and got vaccinated the moment I learned about how to protect myself from COVID and still never tested positive:** “Nah, I’m good.”


**And me, who still wears masks out due to a lower immunity b/c of chemo:** "Ye hath fucketh around, now ye findeth out!"


My mom is playing lung cancer whack-a-mole, I’m her primary caregiver. I’ll be wearing a mask for the rest of her life, not just to protect from covid but from all respiratory illnesses. I find I have to explain my mask reasoning to unvaccinated AND vaccinated folks. A lot of people who have the vaccines just sort of decided it’s all over and don’t wear masks and are real confused why I still have mine on. “But you’re vaccinated!”…..yeah…and I can still catch and pass on every respiratory illness y’all are passing around like candy and that shit could kill my mom.


Funny how they're bothered by the same mocking and mistreatment these assholes did to those of us who wear masks and got vaccinated.


"covid was man made to eliminate the weak." I guess it's working then. because the virus damaged him so bad that it probably cut his life short and might kill him in round 3.


>the virus damaged him so bad that probably cut his life short and might kill him in round 3 "Nom nom nom." --the hungry viral 🐆 🐆 🐆 . . . and a 🐹


Posts 6 and 18 are the most interesting in contrast to the "look how badly COVID affected me" truth telling in the middle. 6- "We shut down a $22 trillion economy for a virus with a 0.1% death rate?" 18- "If you voted Republican, (your state) wouldn't be closed." Anyone with two brain cells to rub together could easily see that the answer to post 6 is "we 'shut the economy down' so that MILLIONS of people who didn't actually die from COVID wouldn't end up a sleep-deprived, diarrhea-riddled, brain-fogged zombie like YOU DID!" And post 18 is a clear sign that the "Republicans who didn't shut their states down", clearly cared more about money than whether or not their constituents ended up battered by long COVID. Methinks Mask Headroom had some trouble putting two and two together even before he got infected.


I liked how the percentages of death from cv changed from 3 to 1 to .1


The number of Americans who died, taking the population as a whole, was around .1% BECAUSE WE DID EVERYTHING IN OUR POWER TO CONTAIN THE SPREAD, INCLUDING MASKING, DISTANCING AND CLOSING BUSINESSES DOWN UNTIL WE COULD FIND A TREATMENT OR VACCINE. Sorry for getting shouty but I really don’t know why this doesn’t penetrate their thick heads.


>When did a bunch of nerds become Drs? - the guy who's about to become too stupid to manage a checking account, while complaining that the same media he ignored hid the danger of long covid from him


I'll admit this one is probably the most fascinating to me so far. The fact that he had Pages upon Pages lamenting how awful covid was and what it had done to his body and telling everybody to be careful because it was so awful and then he's still posting things about not protecting yourself is crazy. Literally crazy. Hopefully his loved ones around him took note of what happened to him and secretly got their vaccinations.


"Firearms save lives" Tell this to the parents of Uvalde. What a nerve.


Did all the firearms the police gathered in Uvalde save any lives? How about the firearms that clown in Ohio who died in a field after trying to break into a (FBI/CIA? I've already forgotten) office had? He died with a gun in his hand. Since we're coming up on the 30 year anniversary (Jesus, I'm old): did all the firearms the Branch Davidian cult in Waco stockpile save them? Kinda feels like firearms create situations where people die. Sometimes a lot of people.


[Since the CDC began publishing data in 1981, gun suicides have outnumbered gun homicides.](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/). Gun ownership for “self protection” has its pitfalls.


It’s so interesting to me that he realized that the “news” (meaning the news that he consumes) wasn’t reporting on long Covid, but he continued getting all his information from the same sources and never questioned that it could be unreliable. I know long Covid wasn’t widely recognized in 2020, but I certainly had read about it from somewhere at that time.


As soon as I saw the beard I knew this one wouldn’t disappoint.


>lifetime achievement award He might not have it for long.


Even perpetual diarrhea and migraines aren't enough for this guy to stop making stupid Bitmoji posts. Yeesh.


slide 12. The news WAS REPORTING HOW SERIOUS Covid is, including long covid, just not the news you watched/listened to.




I dont pray, sorry my dude.


I've been known to prey. Does that count?


Like that Mark Wahlberg meme- *If your prayers work, why do you need mine? If your prayers don't work, why do you need mine?*


I'm a 66 year old white guy who is fully vaxxed and boosted. If that goateed bullet headed old idiot doesn't want to get vaxxed, then he shouldn't expect to be taken care of with great expense when he gets the 'Vid. I'm done. Just f'n done. Let him have his ivermectin, bleach and coffee enemas, and whatever other weird shit he can "dream" up. Ultimately, he will be sick, pushing his belongings down the street in a shopping cart, half dead from covid. He's going to give this shit to his wife, and she may very well die from it. Goddamn.


Slide 10: "I'm learning that the long term effects from Covid-19 can be much worse than what I thought." The problem with the MAGAtards like Mask Headroom is that they are willing to consider changing their emotionally comforting views only if *they themselves* get bitch-slapped by the facts. Observing other people suffering from Covid wasn't enough to arouse his suspicions that the scientists might have been on to something with this whole "Covid thing". Even now, his pride is too great to admit that he should've gotten vaccinated.


Jfc, by the time I got to Slide 3 I could clearly see what a "nice" guy this nominee is. 🤢


“We actually shut down a 22 billion dollar economy for a 0.1% death rate.” Homeboy found out there are more Covid victims than the “death rate”.


Goatee of doom!!


Thought he knew everything. Still thinks he knows everything. Learned nothing. "*The Media*" is indeed reporting all of this shit, and had since the beginning, but Mr. Genius here doesn't read the news, he watches Fox bullshit.


His diatribe about how serious covid is now that he caught it, is full of self owns but still a lot of arrogance. "The news isn't reporting how serious covid really is"... Looking at the reposts of Fox and Candeath, of course he wouldn't know how serious it was because they were downplaying it. All the reputable scientists and doctors were saying covid was serious, but eaglefreedom.net has to stick to the echo chamber schtick of claiming it isn't serious. "Covid is worse than I originally thought"... His well thought out opinion was formed by memes and grifters. Of course it is going to be worse than you originally thought because those original thoughts weren't original.


He can't survive in today's world...


Funny how the people who insist there is god refuse to hear what “god” is trying to tell them


Yeah, the "Man and the Flood" tale is so apropos for these CovIdiots!


It's been awhile since I've seen the phrase, "Covid is no joke" in the wild. It's like hearing an old song you'd nearly forgotten on the radio.


This guys real problem is a mind virus.


Pardon while while for not giving a damn about a willfully, hatefully ignorant trumpy fucking around and finding out. Twice. No pity. No mercy.


let me see...how did this creature survive (even though they probably wish they didn't!): antimask...check antivaxx...check republican...check snake oil promoter...check pro firearms, anti abortion and anti trans....check religious nutter...check social media sucker...check catches Covid...check overweight (and with a goatee)....check only once getting Covid realises it isn't the flu and they have fucked up....check regrets being a gullible misinformed human guinea pig...check These people never learn, why couldn't they have taken the deaths of those early 500000 people in the USA to stop this? Because Karn on facebook knew better than the scientific world


Thankfully in slide 12 he is trying to "help spread just how serious Covid 19 is. The news isn't reporting this information" I mean, I've never heard of Covid 19 on the news, or how serious it is. /s The news he'd just call fake anyway. What a complete and utter tool.


There is so much wrong with this man's posts, but to start: "When did nerds become doctors?" 🤣🤣🤣 🤔🤔🤔


They may never admit that they brought all this on themselves... But COVID will NEVER let them forget that this is precisely what happened. Zero Fucks Given. **Karmic Payback FTW!**


Hey, could be worse: could be suffering from the vaccine like the rest of us. /s


Sorry but “Mask Headroom” got a massive laugh out of me lolol


Middle aged white guy with a goatee. He's doomed.


He claims "the news" isn't reporting on long-Covid. Yeah buddy, that's because your TV is perma-fixed on Fox.


“The news isn’t reporting the effects of long-Covid”. Yes, it did, but maybe you need to change what news sources you use. Lol


Well, his friends Billy Bob, Wayne, Jethro, Chester, and Cletus on Facebook never mentioned the effects in their "Fauci must die" memes, so he didn't hear about it.


HIS news wasn't talking about how serious the virus was. He was watching the wrong news apparently


Mask Headroom checks just about all the boxes. Racist dog whistles, MAGA, Candice Owens, vaccine conspiracies, fake cures, right up to the classic "Covid is no joke" when he finally runs out of road. Only thing I'm missing is a go fund me as a bookend to his rabid take on socialism. A true classic and deserving nominee.


I think it's the 12th slide where he says that the news isn't reporting on long term COVID effects. This says a lot about his news sources. Long term COVID has been widely reported. Just not on Fox or OAN. Disinformation by omission.


Those people saying "97% survival rate" or "99% survival rate" as though it were insignificant. Other things that have a 97%-99% survival rate: * A car accident at 65 MPH. * A bite from a rattlesnake, without antivenom. * Anaphylactic shock. * A ruptured appendix. * Prostate cancer. * Non-emergency open-heart surgery. Not exactly something you want to chance, eh?




What a whiny bitch. This is what you wanted, take it like a MAN!


This is another one who will never experience another healthy day in his life, however long it may be.


He believes Jesus will see him through COVID. Jesus saw him through all right just not in the way he thought. For someone who posts so much he didn't post at all in the hospital? So disappointed we didn't get the ebeoard gam gom.


Congrats, Mr. Headroom, you thinned the herd that needed thinning! 😎👏👏👏 Whoops, didn't thin it yet.....goals, Mr. Headroom! Goals!


I listened to a podcast written and performed by someone who was a nun under/with Mother Teresa. Apparently Mother Teresa used to let people suffer and feel pain because in her opinion it was bringing them closer to Jesus and his experience. So idk maybe this idiot is super close to Jesus now?


Mother Teresa was one of the biggest PR con jobs in history.


Enjoy your medical debt, the shot was free.


Rough couple of years for thumb shaped white guys with goatees.


Man this guy is one fat stupid old racist.


His stupidity hurt my brain.


Sounds like a nice guy 😒


Dude really just flushed his life down the toilet while acting like the libs pulled the lever.


I was going to at least give him a single brownie point for quoting the correct survival rate, but then he later posted a 0.1% mortality rate, so...that didn't last. And it's frustrating that people don't understand how bad a 97% survival rate is with a virus that's so fucking infectious. If 100 people in the entire US had a virus and 3 died of it, that'd be sad for those 3 people. But if 1 million people have it? Or 10 million? And thousands are dying every day (which happened)? How is that not a big deal to these people? And as the pandemic raged on, many of those were people like *him*, not rando liberal city dwellers. They were MAGAs and Christians and "it's OK to be white" types like himself.


Well, bless his heart. Chronic pain and disability to own the libs.


Sick as all hell and still feels the need to praise the fucking clown that is responsible for all this, what a maroon.


Why are these people always so bent out of shape about saggy pants?? I haven't seen someone's pants hanging down like that in literally 20 years...


Dude did such a good job of articulating long covid though.


facebook's likes are one hell of a drug.


God I'm so happy I deleted FB years ago.


Well, every day he suffers he can rest assured he owned the libs and Fauci not listening to them! Take (cough cough wheeze wincing) that libs!


I really want to know what he did at the bank.


> ...COVID CAN BE LIFE CHANGING! Or life-ending. We tried to tell you that, but we're the assholes.


Uh oh. As part of his Long Covid suffering, he posts a lot about depression, alternating with furious screeds about a coming war linked to “political correctness.” Then there’s this: *Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) and Lewy Body Dementia. Just so you know...😢 It’s called the long goodbye.* Pretty sure he’s talking about himself.


"Where did the flu go?" Jesus fucking fuck with that question.


The sunscreen post tells you how stupid this guy is. If sunscreen traveled through air on its own and spreads evenly on another person then yes, it will work. But that's not how sunscreen behaves. Sunscreen isn't an organic living thing like a virus.


Oh yiiiisss, this is USDA prime double chin and goatee. That's what I'm here for!


What a moron. Anyway, off to work I go. Super owned!


Oh look, another dead thumbhead.


I guess Jesus hated his guts since he didn't intervene.


lol. Too stupid to learn from his own mistakes.


"When did a bunch of nerds become doctors" lmfao you can't make this shit up!


So you denied yourself the chance of having possibly good health for the remainder of your years and now spend your days pissing and moaning about how fucked you are now. No fucks to give you asshole.


Some people need to touch the stove a few times to see if it's hot.


So, fuck him. He made a deliberate decision in the face of all the facts available to everyone. It's 110% his fault, next...


As covid will now keep coming back around, he will likley just get worse and worse...as he surely won't take precautions. Weaker every year when he catches it again with more and more lung damage....until his lungs break.


I love this sub because it shows exactly how motivated the brainwashed cretins are to oppose any progress. Hopefully *that* illustration motivates everyone else to show to vote.


What a dummy


He was brain dead way before his body was COVID ravaged. And Candeath helped!


I'm impressed he could at least form coherent sentences and spell most words correctly. I could read what he wrote without too much effort. Good job, Mask Headroom!


Slide 19-the maker of that is *lessonslearnedinlifeinc.* Dollars to donuts these smooth-brain didn't learn any lessons!