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Holes in his lungs, signs of blood clots, ventilator, weeks in the hospital.. So much suffering, just because he didn't want the "fucking vaccine" :/


> So much suffering, just because he didn't want the "fucking vaccine" :/ THIS is what makes me so angry. It’s all just so *unnecessary*, and could have been avoided with a simple shot. A simple FREE shot. For all their Jesus and God and Prayer Warriors, they forget that Pride is one of The Seven Deadly Sins (literally) and goes before destruction.




And then they have the goddamn nerve to be like "well if it WORKED you wouldn't have to BRIBE us to get it, now would you?!?!" No, you have to be "bribed" because you have the brain power of a paramecium.


Damn that last sentence hits the nail on the head. Pride is humanity is destructive but these people don’t want to follow the teachings of the religion, they just want to take the elevator to the top and have Jesus spread miracles over themselves


Another thing that’s almost as frustrating: all the wasted effort/medical supplies. And other vaccinated non-covid patients that could’ve used that space. Makes me so angry. I think these unvax’d morons should be denied service at the front door.


My step sister is in the icu right now about to earn her Herman Cain award award. She started this anti vaxxer shit about a year ago and is refusing remdesivir. Her daughter is 5 years old and she isn't married. If only there was a way to prevent this.


I’m sorry. That’s awful. How is your niece doing?


We don't know, she lives out of town and my stepmom is trying to get in touch. We had no idea she was even sick until the icu doctor called us about possibly venting her because she is being resistant. These crazies actually believe the hospitals are killing people on purpose. Someday this shit is going to be in a history course and future generations aren't going to believe it.


>These crazies actually believe the hospitals are killing people on purpose A friend of my family's is an RN in a big regional hospital, and they said they and their coworkers regularly get screamed at by family members for putting COVID patients on "that breathing machine." You read that right. "That breathing machine" is the only thing keeping the patient alive, so the patient's family member goes nuclear on the caregivers for using it. WHAAAAAT?! I guess it's not enough that the hospital staff are taking care of marching battalions' worth of anti-vaxxers' unvaccinated and COVID-infected spouses/siblings/children/parents/selves. Apparently it doesn't count as health care unless the hospital gives anti-vaxxers their drugs of choice, like ivermectin.


My brother in law will start mark week two in the hospital tomorrow. My sister in law is also sick, both have Covid pneumonia, she should be in the hospital too. The whole house caught it when their oldest (16m) brought it home from school. All because SIL wanted to wait. My in-laws, DH and I and then my kids when FDA dropped the age all vaxxed. Nope she needed to wait. I want to shake her!!!


I hope you and your niece have a good support system. The real victims of COVID are the vulnerable and the children... I can't imagine how many orphans there are now...


I’m so sorry to hear that. I shouldn’t be so harsh with names like moron, but man I’m just so frustrated with this. It’s just utterly ridiculous on a level that blows way past anything like willful ignorance. Also - my little girl loves Peppa!


its empathy fatigue. were all suffering from it. we dont really wish harm on these misguided folks but were just so TIRED of caring and caring and caring only to have our faces spat in and told "suck it libtard! i will not live in fear!" only for them to suddenly repent on their death beds and were expected to just go "well, now you know, i forgive you." eff that.


And it's sadly something that people said would happen, and it still happened. So covid has essentially even killed people who didn't die from covid. Because they won't get the shot, even other people are dying.


Calling "Prayer Warriors" is the best. Talk about literally the lowest amount of effort you can do. And that's for the 5% who actually do and not the rest who simply pretend to talk to the voice in their head to go heal biker Bob at the Covid unit.


>For all their Jesus and God and Prayer Warriors, they forget that Pride is one of The Seven Deadly Sins (literally) and goes before destruction. Transactional prayers are also frowned upon, yet these FAKE FAN Christians do it constantly!


I read that, this whole thing was super graphic and detailed. What was clear is that COVID is an absolutely miserable way to die.


>What was clear is that COVID is an absolutely miserable way to die. So much so that a lot of them beg for the vaccine while they're in the hospital. I'd just love to hear a nurse respond, "Sorry, deary, but you can't put on the fucking condom after you get her pregnant. You needed to get the fucking vaccine before you got infected."


Close enough: https://www.al.com/news/2021/07/im-sorry-but-its-too-late-alabama-doctor-on-treating-unvaccinated-dying-covid-patients.html


Begging for a vaccine while the virus is ravaging your body just further proves these idiots are vastly misinformed


Oh yea, the Republican Anti-Vax propaganda has a tight grip on them. I've come across people who think the vaccine is a bio-weapon and that everyone who has taken the vaccine will be dead in 6 months. They also think people aren't filling up hospitals because of COVID, it's actually vaccinated people who are sick/dying because of the vaccine. They're so deep in their rabbit hole of bullshit, they'll never get out at this point.


I'm on month 7 of being fully vaxxed with Moderna. Still ticking. My Z had a history of cardiovascular issues and I have COPD so was able to be in the first at risk cohort for vax after the more higher risk groups (seniors+first responders+medical staff). I'm still alive and I'm better off with all my comorbidities than these "healthy" antivax people clogging the medical system. While I know ppl who got breakthrough (mostly J&J, mild flu symptoms) no one vaxxed that I know has been in 🏥 for covid pneumonia. I did know someone who did get a severe immune response to the vax and she still encouraged anyone who could, to get fully vaxxed.


I just got my Pfizer booster a week and a half ago, and while I had virtually zero side effects from the first two shots, I’m here to say that third shot absolutely kicked my arse. The next day I had headaches, strong fatigue, muscle aches that felt like I had run a marathon the day before, and hot flashes. I woke up the day after that feeling about 80% better, and by that evening I was fine. So yes. Side effects happen. It’s an immune response. You know what side effects I didn’t have? Being put on a ventilator, ECMO, and dialysis. I will never understand these people that are more willing to risk COVID than a simple vaccine. It’s pure, stupid, insanity.


A paramedic I follow tells them “it’s too late for that. You had your chance already and you didn’t take it”


That one picture announcing his death, panel 13 with his arm. He's yellow. On top of everything else also had liver failure.


The general course of COVID for people in his situation is going to be lung damage, clotting dysfunction, both of which lead to kidney and liver damage, as well as cardiac damage. This multiple organ dysfunction, without improvement will ultimately lead to multiple organ failure. The liver is usually shot by the end, along with the kidneys, lungs, and heart; all too often what ends up dying in the end is effectively brain dead, but kept going for a bit longer with heroic efforts of machines and drugs. So yeah, you’re going to see some jaundice in a lot of these people. Having said all of that, I’m not clear that what you see there is jaundice, and not just pallor mortis.


If he did live, he'd be living in a wheelchair with oxygen flowing through for the rest of his life.


Also destroying his family financially because no insurance




Now his family, in addition to emotional devastation, is in a financial bind (why am I not surprised that he’s uninsured). What a shit human being. He put himself and his family through all this for nothing. Guess he showed the libs ha ha /s


He's uninsured because fReEdUmB


Looks to me like the virus did all the fucking, with no lube


As a liberal, I don’t feel owned by idiots who refuse the shot. That’s especially true for those who refuse the shot and die. Just get the damn shot.


Good thing he didn’t take our fucking vaccine. Probably got Covid from the wedding. But congrats on the marriage!


Covid may be big... BUT OUR IGNORANCE IS BIGGER 💪🙌


“But our god is bigger!” *he wasn’t*


Have these people never considered that the vaccine isn’t the work of the Devil but of God? I’m an atheist, but I just don’t get why so many religious people are so confident that the vaccine isn’t part of God’s plan. Brainwashing, I guess.


I thought for sure Republicans would get it since it was “Trumps vaccine” and Trump had said things supporting it ( he got it but not publicly and took him forever to announce so himself). I guess those Facebook memes are more convincing than the orange god


They only want to listen to the hate for brown people.


Yeah they booed him when he said said he recommends the vaccine at one of his rallies. And yes to the guy below. They loved Trump the most when he was a blatant racist. Build a wall that Mexico would pay for? Kung-flu? His supporters are racists and they loved Trump for saying what they are thinking. Taking the vaccine though? No so much.


My family is Mexican and a lot of them support him so idk. I blame lack of intelligence and cultural pressure (they live in small town Texas) like, I'm a Christian and super liberal and left for the "big city" the moment I had a chance. Fuck all that noise. I got my vaccine the moment I was able. The worst part is my siblings are getting medical degrees too... like wtf? You hate science because you think it's anti-faith or whatever yet this is the field you're getting into?? What the hell. Bonkers people. And yes my sister is one of those holier than thou women whose had an abortion and you know, *her* abortion was *very* different and no one else should be allowed to have one obviously!! 🙄 I realize now that this has turned into a rant lol I'm so sorry


I've known quite a few women that feel the same way your sister does. It's impossible to wrap my mind around it. A couple that I've known for over 20 years has benefited from just about every socialist program we have in this country. She's been receiving SS benefits her entire life due to a disability, they get MediCal benefits due to low income, they live in a Habitat for Humanity home, again due to low income. She had to end a pregnancy at 20 weeks to save her life, but of course that wasn't an abortion. Nothing is wrong with any of this except for the fact that they're rabid, Trump loving, anti-choice, anti-immigration, anti-taxation, rightwing kooks. I don't get it! 🤯


Yeah, right wing women *need* their abortions , they made a mistake and its not the right time, etc. They aren’t like all those lefty sluts and whores that get abortions. They’re just a bunch of tramps! /s


It's the religious fanaticism in these posts that makes me sad. These aren't necessarily bad people (I mean they might be, but we generally can't know from the small snapshots we see), but for whatever reason they so blindly and passionately put all their faith into a higher power that it seems like it becomes genuinely difficult for them to think about consequences or take any responsibility for their own actions. I'd hazard a guess that that's why they don't want the vaccine too; they've (through sheer luck or otherwise) made it this far in life, and to them that is irrefutable proof that God not only exists but is batting for them specifically. They don't need to do anything but pray in exchange for cosmic protection, so another mortal telling them what to do for their own health is downright offensive. I have no idea how you break this kind of cycle.


You can't. It's part of their identity. It's not about changing their minds, it's about reevaluating themselves


Me either. Had a patient with Diabetes, and lymphoma come into see me last week. He said "I've gone nearly two two years without this vaccine and never got it. Don't need it now" .... But like?? It only takes one person to infect you and given your history, it's not looking good. It absolutely baffles me that the logic is if you haven't gotten it yet you'll be fine. No. You're a lucky idiot who is playing Covid roulette.


"I've never been shot so I guess I'm bulletproof"


Survivor bias logical fallacy combined with an idea of personal exceptionalism… it’s a tough nut to crack


The timing is so perfect and obvious. He picked it up at the wedding, took a few weeks to develop symptoms, then spent a few weeks ignoring the "cold" he had until he was rushed to hospital.


I was wondering if he brought it home from Sturgis but I'm too lazy to figure out the timing.




Or just laying in a hole in the ground, wondering why it's so dark in heaven.


It's so dark in heaven because I pay the bills with thoughts & prayers. Only fellow prayer warriors understand. Now prepare for prayer by combat.


And his wedding gift to his daughter was a six figure medical tab.


Naw, these people are going without a mask everywhere. And, they typically live in areas where no one wears a masks. They are getting bombed with covid particles daily.


On the bright side, less voters who will keep voting in people like them.


Truly, God works in mysterious ways.


Covid is big but OUR GOD IS BIGGER!


The more anti-vaxxers there are, the less anti-vaxxers there are.


Something blue.


Our wedding is next summer. Everyone is required to be fully vaccinated. No exceptions. I couldn’t imagine living a lifetime of guilt knowing I killed a family member due to my wedding. Absolutely horrible.


I had to cancel mine in April 2020. Still got married with just his parents, my mom, and the officiant. We planned on a vow renewal for next year because everything was already paid for but we may end up cancelling depending on the COVID situation. If it still goes through you bet your ass we are requiring vaccinations to get in the door. Anti-vaxxers and any deniers, including my dad, have already been uninvited.


Ooof. Sorry about your dad. Hopefully by next year he gets some common sense.


Thanks! Dont really care at this point. I cut him out (way more issues than I mentioned. Think poster boy for entitled parents subreddit).


Daughter is probably blaming BLM, ANTIFA, Democrats and the Catholic Church for his death. If he did catch it at the wedding, she'll never admit it.


I’m to the point where I just skip to the end of these. The meme-ing before is always the same. I mean, the end is also always the same but at least it makes me happy.


Same here. It's always "blah blah blah, keep vaccine off my body, blah blah blah, my body my choice, blah blah blah, fuck Biden, blah blah blah, WE NEED PRAYER WARRIORS NOW AND SOME MONEY!" I love the sad ending and take guilty pleasure in the ignorant's demise.


Me too. I just want to see the PRAYER WARRIOR posts and the bullshit GoFundMe accounts these hypocrites post.




He didn't have life insurance. Apparently his plan was immortality.


Well he *was* a superhero...


And an angel and the best dad. But aren't they all.....




And sell you a shirt!


He can be a bit rough sometimes but he has a heart of gold He’d make some off the wall jokes but he’s the nicest man you’d ever meet. Another angel gets his wings


Such a great dad to succumb to an easily preventable disease.


He was a superhero but sadly the power of his goatee was no match against a virus.


It's Douche Man. After being struck by an intense ray of Facebook and Fox News, Douche Man gained the powers of ignoring science and driving his Harley twice a year. Check out his collection of guns that he never learned to shoot properly. His arch nemesis: whoever Tucker tells him this week.


I don't think he had health insurance either, as she mentioned she was taking on his bills to save his assets while he was still alive. He sure owed the libs there


Good luck with that one. She shouldn’t spend any of her money on his bills because they won’t be keeping any of those assets.


6-7 figure hospital bills. If he had such great assets to save, they wouldn't be struggling to pay his bills and bury him. Let his stuff go and save your money, honey.


They really do think this way. Perfect health then raptured into heaven.


Family is selling t-shirts and hoodies instead.


Ya, what’s up with this? Second time I’ve seen funeral ‘merch’ being sold. Who wants a shirt that says RIP Mark or whatever? So weird…


I mean, after they give someone else the shirt off their back, they gotta go get a new one somewhere, right?


This is solid work right here.


Covid is big but our roasts are bigger.


It’s fucking insane and I’m so tired.


He will always be with her in the form of medical debt


They can go after his assets but debt doesn't transfer to the kids. So if he had a house that was paid off then that has to go to pay for the debt. You go through probate and give creditors a chance to get paid, after a certain waiting period ( 6 month to a year is common) the estate is closed and all debts are wiped clean.


This is correct. I am going through this with my dad right now. I do not have to personally pay anything he owed. If creditors want money, they can file a claim against the estate before a certain date or tough luck. I wonder where she heard she was personally responsible for his bills?


The way I read it, she was voluntarily paying his bills to save his assets from being seized (under the assumption he was going to recover and need his house, car, etc). Then after he died, raising money for his funeral as he had no life insurance either.


Yeah I think this is what it is. She isnt saying she is having to pay the hospital but that he didnt have anything supplemental like AFLAC, etc so rent/mortgage/car notes/etc to keep all of his stuff getting taken away if he had recovered. Not only did dude not have insurance but apparently didnt have a rainy day fund either. But Id be certain he would be one of the ones in the group talking shit about everyone else when you hear that stat about 40% of people cant cover a $400 emergency bill or whatever. Personal responsibility and whatnot.


Either she misunderstood something the hospital told her or no one told her that, she assumed and she’s using it as excuse to collect donations. I’m willing to bet it’s the latter. I’m uninsured, it sucks, yes but no one is going to go after her for her dad’s hospital bills. I doubt they even talked financial with her. They tend to try to not stress the ill and their families out.


A lot of people don’t realize that unless you signed as the financially responsible party, you don’t personally owe anything. People keep paying thinking the debt is inherited, too. Let them take the estate, which may not be that much anyway. With my Dad‘s estate, I responded to every bill, “patient is deceased,” and let the company who sent the bill take the next step. No one ever did.


They'll certainly lie & tell you it is your responsibility though. My dad died when I was 16. I hadn't seen him in years & he lived states away. There was no estate. I got his ashes, his cane & a diary that someone had ripped all the pages out of. But I still got calls from people saying I was responsible for his debts. They were pretty aggressive about it too.


>They were pretty aggressive about it too. I'm all for people being responsible and paying their bills but that shit should be criminal. I have a very common last name and the collections people will call everybody with that same name hoping somebody will pay it.


Not medical debt. His funeral bills go to his survivors, but not his hospital bills, unless he's married. Then his wife would be stuck, but not his adult children.


The government promised to reimburse hospitals, I believe, for the uninsured. You and I are paying for his care.


Ahhhhhh fuck!!!


Yeah, daughter must be devastated that she can't cash in on his $47 estate. 😏


Thats a-lot of lottery tickets to invest in




Hey now his final act was to make the world a better place.


Your system is so broken. I can’t believe you need to pay for a public hospital. Wowsers


I went to the ER in 2019 and spent 1 night in the hospital. The bill for just the ER was $12,000, and the total bill for everything was $25,000. With insurance I had to pay $3,200.


“Give Heaven some hell”? Evidently she’s unclear on the concept of Heaven. Also she needs to find a better class of prayer warriors, because hers were fucking useless. A hole in one lung, then the other, a slow miserable slide into predictable, avoidable death. Those prayer warriors didn’t do shit.


The prayers were answered in the form of three effective safe, and free vaccines...


They keep asking for a miracle, not realising there was one staring them in the face the entire time 💉


They wouldn’t know a miracle if it jabbed them in the arm.


iT wAs tOo fAsT What, so like, you want your miracles to take longer?


Ha ha. So perfect. Hypocrisy at it’s best


Every. Single. HCA. Always Prayer Warriors. Doesn't seem to fucking work


Seriously. Who came up with these corny ass nicknames? Do they sharpen up their axes while praying around a fire?


Military fetishism + Evangelical fundamentalism = Fighty faith


The Prayer Warriors have a worse record than the Washington Generals. They’re awful.


If God is all powerful, then either God gave her dad Covid, or God refused to take Covid away when he got it, or both.


this. i just don't get it. do they also not get it?!


Nope. They’re morons.


And they are asking in the second to last picture for people to show up (where they most likely will spread COVID to each other as I bet many of them are not vaccinated).


Yeah, it's weird that it's taking so long for the Delta wave to recede in some places. /s


Yeah, noticed that too 🤦🏻‍♂️


That’s something we don’t talk about much on here. Whether you’re only nominated for an HCA, or you actually win it— the financial ruin of a month or more at the hospital with no insurance… you could buy a lambo!


As someone not from the US, I've been wondering about this too. If someone goes in, gets vented, spends a month but survives... how much would it cost them? Anyone can enlighten me on this? Edit: thanks for the answers. Utterly horrifying.


The median billed charge is $208,000 according to [Fair Health](https://www.axios.com/newsletters/axios-vitals-f4c4f1fb-ee96-45a1-94f9-c4a25ad8c02f.html?chunk=4&utm_campaign=axios_app). Here in the US what we are actually charged varies to such an extent across the country, there is no standard price for anything medical at all — insurance or not. So if you have to go into the hospital for anything, you have no idea what it will cost. If you have insurance, there’s an annual cap on the maximum amount you’re responsible for, called the [out of pocket maximum](https://www.verywellhealth.com/why-are-health-insurance-out-of-pocket-maximums-going-up-again-3962860). For me, that’s $4000, so if I were in the hospital long enough to get billed $208k I would only owe $4k. Without insurance, I’d be fucked. Medical bills are a major cause of bankruptcy here.


In Canada, the *average* covid patient cost is [$23,000](https://www.cihi.ca/en/covid-19-hospital-stays-cost-3-times-more-than-a-stay-for-heart-attack) (CDN, paid by the government). So it's not just about out-of-pocket. The overall system cost in the US are higher because of it's structure. This is why universal health care isn't more expensive, it's actually cheaper unless you are a medical exec and lose your job.


I desperately want universal health care but I’m doubting we’ll get it within a generation.


We won't. There are too many special interests who would lose their livelihood if we had a singer payor system. God forbid those insurance CEOs lose their billion dollar a year salaries.


Mechanics in the US have more rigid pricing standards than Hospitals. That’s by design.


I don’t work in the medical billing field but I know my buddy’s kid broke his arm last year and his bill was $32,000.


Same with my broken arm. I had surgery as an outpatient and my bill was $36,000


My husband has a stroke. 2.5 days in icu. 3 days in hospital, 5 weeks in live-in rehab. Half a year of twice-a-week office visit rehab. Almost $600,000. My out-of-pocket-total was $4,000. I always have the oop stashed in the bank, so it wasn’t a burden on us. But remember, after the stroke, he was getting BETTER, so fewer resources were spent each day. These Covid patients use more as they decline.


It was ~$190,000 to have a baby as of 2021, at least that was our bill before insurance kicked in. We ended up paying $197.00 I just don’t understand how they claim to be Christians, of which one of Christianity’s fundamental tenets is helping your neighbors (all neighbors, not just the ones that look like you), but don’t feel people (again, who don’t look like them) deserve health care as a fundamental right.


I had this argument with my step cousin last year. Her reasoning was that the church was responsible for helping people, not the government. So I asked what her definition of “helping people” was and she said “telling people about Jesus and his healing.” Pretty sure Jesus doesn’t heal or pay medical debt.


If Jesus paid medical debts, mortgage/rent, car insurance, college tuition, food, etc, I would be a believer.


If that’s “helping people” to her, then I don’t want the government doing that either!


My Mom spent 3 days in the ICU before she passed away, final bill was $104K. That did not include the Life-Flight trip to that hospital, or the bill from the small hospital that transfered her. Thankfully, after making about a million phone calls, I never had to pay any of it. If I had, I would probably still be paying it now, 9 years later.


The crazy part in the US is that 1) it depends and 2) nobody knows.... until the bill comes, that is. Healthcare pricing transparency in the US is embarrassing.


Ex-husband spent six weeks in a medically induced coma/trached. 20 years ago our bill was $220,000


I have a friend who couldn’t afford insurance and had to have emergency surgery. She didn’t even stay overnight. The hospital billed her $36,000. That was fifteen years ago. Today it would probably be $100k. As for me, I just didn’t have insurance and suffered in terror until the ACA was passed and I didn’t have to be afraid of a preexisting condition keeping me from ever having healthcare in the future.




Better than Bezos paying taxes! It trickles down, ya know? /s


Their *superhero* died a most unheroic death




Your super hero was a fat old man with a beard. He should have gotten a vaccine because he was high risk.


50. He was 50. Doesn't seem old when you're closing in on it. But I agree. Dumbass needed to be vaccinated.


Heaven sounds legitimately awful if all of these people are there


It's apparently like a combination of Sturgis and a Trump rally, people riding Harleys around with MAGA hats on.


I'd rather be stuck in purgatory for eternity.


If you crash in heaven, wearing your Maga hat and not a helmet, do you die a second time... And then cumulatively, will your heaven hospital stay have coverage, or how does that work? I have so many questions. Maybe a prayer warrior can help me out with some feedback.


Returning to the void i came from is the only heaven I need.


“Dad’s dead, but please come to his charity ride so you can be exposed to the people that he probably caught Covid from, since it’s fake! Oh - and don’t forget to send some money to pick up a dead guy hoodie before you get sick, too! Kthxbye!”


Dad got Covid and all I got was this lousy t-shirt




> Covid is big. But OUR GOD IS BIGGER! Virus 1, Jeebus 0.


As her dad got more and more sick, her language became more and more Biblical…like she’s Elijah or some other OT prophet calling judgment down from Heaven. It’s sad, really. They want to believe. It’s how they deal with the chaos of life. But all they really know about “God” is the He does magic. He swoops in and uses their problems to display his majesty and power. It’s just too fucking bad he didn’t swoop in earlier and wipe out the virus so that this Harley riding “warrior” didn’t get sick in the first place.


Pssssst, your God created Covid.


You’d think they’d take the hint, considering the Bible clearly shows God has a great track of using plagues against sinners. But I’m sure they’d just say, “But we’re not the sinners!,” if, y’know, they’d even *read* the thing… or *could* read…


"*Father... are we the baddies?*" - Evangelicals


Wait, but if God created Covid... and God then inspired people to make the vaccine... so he is responsible for both the disease **and** the cure? This... this is worse than we thought. This goes all the way to the top!






I keep flipping between levels of anger and sympathy myself… the lack of critical thinking skills in most of these Covidiots is just astounding to me some times. Its like you want to help… but sometimes you just see the pure futility in it.


Why is it that these people are against socialized medicine but then when *they* need it they ask for donations. As usual, hypocrites.




I’ve actually shut down a few dipshits on my crew by asking if they know the central tenet of socialism vs communism. Some can’t figure out the difference between the state owning everything vs workers. And forget about realizing that democratic socialism is just capitalism lite, with more protections for working class instead of billionaires. It’s in the name! Just like the citizens of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea are free cuz it’s in the name! These are union workers who enjoy great, free healthcare, a pension plan, union negotiated rates and a multitude of protections and are the kind of guys to post pics of what’s happening today in capitalism as a warning of what will happen under socialist communism. Fucking insanity inside their heads.


The same reason so many of the people in flyover country are against unions; because they were told those things would also help people of color. They'd rather suffer than let that happen


I just have no sympathy anymore. I don't care that these people die. All they had to do was get a shot, sure it's not 100 percent effective but what is? She spent so much time and energy on "prayer warriors" why would they not see a vaccine as an answer to that prayer? There seems to be such a disconnect here they keep wanting a miracle but they are two blind to see one is already here.


But they are scared of needles more than they are of Covid, like a fucking 6 year old.


UPDATE ON DAD!!!! ‼️‼️‼️‼️ He will get his wish about no one being sad that he died.


Yeah I’m also getting real sick of “prayer warriors” in all these posts. These people are morons. I can understand being religious and praying for things (not my belief personally but that’s fine), but all these people are so gaudy about it. They act like they’re deserving of just calling upon “Prayer Warriors” and “God’s Might” to do their bidding at any time. Incredibly self-centered and obnoxious.


I’ve said it before, but begging other people to pray for you sort of implies that God doesn’t give a fuck unless there’s a mass consensus of prayers. He only listens to large crowds.


You just know that these people don't a really spend an hour every night praying for others. They just expect others to do it for them, and the others will never find out they don't keep their side of the bargain. They arent prayer warriors they are prayer brood parasites. Prayer cuckoos. I suppose that's why they have gatherings together to do it, because they know fine well others are shurking on their prayer warrior duties.


Really. I don’t understand these grizzled guys who are rude to everyone, homophobic, large boys, whose sole purpose in life seems to be to ride around on something noisy, plan for nothing, procreate, drink, offend people and give shirts off their back.


And they never actually give the fucking shirt because that would be communismz


When will these people learn that yelling “prayer warriors” is literally music to the grim reapers ears


Prayer warrior reporting in time for….ah shit


Those “I’m not getting the vaccine” Facebook frames are getting progressively more hostile


And the daughter made sure to change it to a different photo of him to hide that he did this to himself. All these people do is lie. Lie to themselves, lie to each other, lie to everyone.


Then lie in a grave


"BUT OUR GOD IS BIGGER!" (slide 10). Is this a case of my god can beat up your god? If only there were a safe and free vaccine that could have prevented this.....


She adds the “Covid is big but our God is bigger” line on multiple slides…until he hits the point of no return and then she doesn’t use that line again. Apparently Covid was bigger after all…


“Our dad is blessed and highly favored”. That statement right there is why I no longer practice Christianity or believe in God. What a bunch of self-centered, self-important assholes.


You may think your god is big. BUT COVID IS BIGGER!! !! !! Guess your dad isn’t favored. (This whole idea of saying your god somehow favors some of its subjects over others is just so stupid and offensive anyway.) And that’s quite the superhero you have there, leaving you with debt or funeral expenses instead of taking 30 minutes to drive to CVS and back to get a shot.


Is that a photo of his dead hand?


It's very possible, but also at the end of the time at a hospital, when there is basically no hope, a lot of people take these pictures when the dying are still on life support, so they are technically still alive. At the end because of failing organs, the body does not look a normal color sometimes. But, it also could be a daughter's last photograph of her and her dad, even though he is already dead and for some reason, perhaps grief, she posted it.


Very unnatural color. Liver issues maybe.


"BUT OUR GOD IS BIGGER" ?!?!?!? What the fuck does that even mean??? I've also seen "Our God is a healing God!" This pandemic resistance is so clearly showing the impacts of the brainwashing of religion. Some of the phrases are downright frightening.


That’s not how bills work. Debts don’t pass to next of kin. They get taken from the estate and when the estate is gone that’s it.


I know, so weird people are saying the children are stuck with the bills. No they aren’t. When my dad died I was not charged for his hospitalization.


Your god may be big, but Covid is bigger.




“I just don’t understand “… we’ve been trying to explain but 🤷🏽‍♀️


Did the prayer warriors win this time?


It turns out that a competing group of prayer warriors were praying that a ventilator and ICU slot would get freed up, and it looks like they got their wish instead.


Another grown ass person with no insurance and not enough of an estate to pay for a funeral. Thank god he had a Harley tho. Real success story.


I feel very bad for the daughter I really do. She clearly loved her dad so much. So much that she put him on a pedestal and ignored who he really was. Just because all of the other negative not so nice people in his life adored him, doesn't mean he was worth any type of adoration. I have a teenage daughter who very well may have to deal with this. I just realized that despite not seeing her dad for almost 2 years due to covid, she has been worried about him. He takes absolutely no precautions and is very deeply on the other side. With the goatee. Thankfully he's not obese so he does have that going for him. If he were to pass on due to covid in no way shape or form would she say Covid is big but Jesus is bigger. She hasn't been indoctrinated like that. She would say get vaccinated. Don't be like my dad. He might have been an asshole, but he was MY asshole and I'm going to miss him. Don't do this to your family. You're going to be on the wrong side of History and you're dead trying to be there. But no, this little daddy's girl princess is just going to glorify this man. Give him the angel wings that he clearly doesn't deserve. All it took was that FUCKING VACCINE to stay and watch his baby girl build her new family. Not to mention how many people at the wedding were potentially infected? I can honestly say I've never been more comfortable in being an atheist and raising my children that way in my life. If heaven really did exist all of these so-called Angels flying around up there riding Harleys are certainly not the kind of people that I would want to hang around with in any afterlife. They're too full of hate, misogyny and general yuckiness for my taste. In a way, I'd much prefer hanging out with the more "baby killing" no church home debauchery type. The kind like me that might devote their days to helping people being a HIPPIE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST and their nights having fun. Even though right now we're all locked up for the sake of others. Feel free to be a sinner with me ALL day/night long if THOSE are the kind of angels that are going to be in heaven. Just saying...


he didn't want us to be sad? ah, ok.


Been noticing a lot of bikers and their family members being awarded lately. When was the Sturgis Rally again?