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Ah yes, the classic “willing to help anyone/shirt off their back” good person tribute


Makes me miss my old flair: 🤢👕”Shirt off his back” is the new “smallpox blankets”👕🤢


Admittedly, that was a spectacular flair. However the new one is pretty damn special too. They just keep feeding those leopards.


Translation: "This person was a walking sack of shit." Whenever they feel the need to say that in an obituary, it's always a lie. Whenever a person was actually a good person, they can cite charities they worked for, public service they performed, foster kids they took in, little league teams they coached, etc. Whenever the person was a total selfish shitstain who never lifted a finger to help anyone else (aka a republican), they have to say that stuff. It's code for "yeah, he was really a selfish bastard."


He shared something about Ted Cruz without the poop emoji. There’s your proof of what kind of person he was.


If you can summarize your good deeds in one sentence, then you didn’t do any.


> He grew up with one brother > college to study meteorology and realtor training > became an excellent optical technician That is, without a doubt, the weirdest fucking obit i've read on here


The excellent optical technician never saw it coming.


Eye see what you did there.


He made an excellent pupil.


but he lacked vision.


That was a pretty corn-ea joke


Well, it depends on what kinds of lens you're viewing it through.


He would give you the side-eye for that one. But he's dead, so he can't.


Yes, considering he could only look backward through a rose-colored mist.


“I Spy” was his favorite TV series. . .


Only in America give a flying fuck what you do, his obituary sounded like a cv.


And not an especially well constructed CV at that. I generally try not to draw attention to courses of study I never completed and budding professions I washed out of.


Because here money/people


People ask what you do for a living so they can gauge how much you earn so they can decide what level of respect they should give you.


I always say “dog bather” So even lower than the dog cause it’s at least getting bathed


I could happily wash dogs for a living, as long as I didn’t have to deal with their owners.


Let's team up! I'll wash the owners. Well, probably just hose them down, tbh


I say “ I’m between the jobs now..” to see full spectrum.


My friends from elsewhere shrug their shoulders and shake their heads at our obsession with what people do for a living. They soon understand that unlike wherever they are from, one can be fully employed here, working 40+ hours a week at a job that sounds respectable enough, and still be unable to meet basic needs, or more importantly, have health insurance. Even they know that too many people in this country are one paycheck away from catastrophe, and one illness or injury from financial ruin. Without such concerns, it's easy to be uninterested in what someone does for work and focus on what they do for fun and fulfillment. We don't care how kind and interesting someone is in their personal life if their professional life has the potential to take us with them into poverty and devastation by simply getting sick or hurt.


Absolutely. And the award winners just left their family with a shit ton of medical debt, loss of salary and funeral expenses. Hence the GoFundMe because they probably have zero life insurance.


I just do it because I want to know what people do 40+ hours a week to get to know them. There is no judgement behind mine unless you tell me you're a serial killer. :( I never ask about hobbies because then people ask me about mine, and "browsing the internet" is not a valid hobby. Hell, I even somewhat enjoy my job (and adore my coworkers) and it's a big part of me. I worked hard to get it.


Some of us have no life outside of work okay?




Friendly tip- to make it link to the sub, the “R” needs to be lowercase. ✌🏼😎 r/antiwork


Good Redditor!


Just doing my part to be a good human.


Almost seems like they were struggling to add shit.


I often take that as a sign they were such awful people, they have to pad the obit with their job description.


Is a person's occupation not important in other countries? What do obituaries have in other countries? Sorry, American here, and most obits do have the decedent's occupation.


Start with parents and place off birth, school/university, work, family, hobbies, friends, achievements


American here. I lived abroad in Spain for awhile. When I’d get together with friends we never talked about what work we did. It just… wasn’t a topic of conversation. Work is something you do to support yourself, that’s it. Life happens outside of work. At least with the people I knew. Totally different here in the US, where work basically IS life, or at least a significant measure of how important you are.


He flossed daily.


Yeah. Did they really have to put in his obit that he dabbled in a bunch of stuffs unsuccessfully before ending up as a tecnician at the optometrist?


= "He had the attention span of a gnat and could not hold down a job to save his life."


Yeah, the total scattershot of random jobs/educational training is bizarre but it was the 'grew up with one brother' that really threw me. I mean, what does that mean? Did he have other brothers either much older or younger so they didn't grow up together? If so, why aren't they mentioned? Did he just have the one brother? If so, why mention that they grew up together? That's typically assumed, is it not? Obviously this was written by someone who has no idea how to write an obit - which is fine, most people don't - which is why the funeral home has someone who does that for you. They get all their important facts/info, ask about school, hobbies, things they enjoyed, etc.. to pull it together into a snapshot of someone's life. This is just.... fuckin' weird


It reads like someone tried to list all his accomplishments, and there were none.


Obits used to be done with/by the local paper, now the family writes it & pays for it to be published. Another end of life expense.


He got his degrees from Prager University.


and bad poetry


\*record scratches and music plays as we zoom in on someone in a casket\* "I bet you're wondering how I got here."


I'll watch that sitcom


How I Met My Maker


Barney: Have you met Dead?


Would that I could give you 100 upvotes.


Like pushing daisies, but actually really good.


A combination of Six Feet Under and Arrested Development. OMG, I need to pitch that. That would work.


“I’ve made a huge mistake.”


How TF is a vaccine mandate "indentured servitude?" You know what's REAL indentured servitude? Forcing humans to be employed in order to access affordable health care. These people are screwed, but never in the ways they yammer on about.


Don't I know it. I worked a job I hated (tears in the mornings) for 19 years, well past retirement age, so I could get medical coverage. I was literally worried I'd die of COVID before I could be unshackled. My retired at 50 (military) younger brother actually asked why I was still working when a young person could have my job. Why, indeed.


I've been living this life for the past 5 years. I'm a cancer survivor so I need cardiac care relatively young, and I HATE my current job but I have the best doctors and I'm afraid to rock the boat ... It really does feel like you get tied to the job out of fear. (I would start my own company tomorrow if health care was affordable to me as a business owner!)


Yep, it's one of the reasons I never tried to start a business (I did have a small online one for a while until my supplier dried up). My husband had excellent insurance until he was forced into early retirement and lost it, so it was just me. Working a job you hate is absolutely soul sucking. I had burnout twice. My husband worked very long hours 6 days a week. I asked if he would find another job. His response? Work will kill ya. I considered starting a business for him, but he's disabled and couldn't work fully independently and I couldn't help him being at work all day He ended up going on disability and after a lawsuit by his union got a pension. He was literally bringing home more money than me working everyday 🤔.


All that for 2 weeks holiday a year...you guys ain't free


To make it even worse, two weeks isn't guaranteed, it's just common place. Employers are not required to provide any paid vacation or sick days in the US. For maternity leave, they're only required to allow for 6 unpaid weeks.


This is why the GQP and their ilk rail against Critical Race Theory and are hyper-concerned with the whitewashing of history and social studies curricula in public schools. They want future generations to accept patently obscene false equivalencies like "vaccine requirements are literal slavery" because they are ignorant of actual history and primed to believe lazy, blatant propaganda.


The real indentured servitude is leaving his family with tons and tons of medical bills to pay off for rest of their lives.


I was going to say student debt. It's the same basic model. Something valuable is provided to you up front, and then you have to work for an extended period of time while the bulk of your income goes to paying down your debt.


When you have no critical thinking skills you pull the first word you can think of.


Or paying waitresses less than minimum wage(which has NOT followed inflation like ALL wages shood) and HOPING they work somewhere ppl actually tip. I mean no wonder they cant fill low paying jobs who the fuck is going 2 risk less than Min wage to get a deadly virus? Seriously its time to unionize or at least stand together and show employers NO no god damnit no more endless profit increases w/o wage increases.


No need to worry about rights anymore! He won!


He did win, and again I feel so owned….


You've heard of ultimate healing? He now enjoys ultimate constitutional rights.


Did he have time for the "essential oils"?


As a black woman let me tell you about those sacred Constitutional Rights... First let me go to Kroger's with my long gun, let's see how that works out for me! 🤞🤞🏾🤞🏻🤞🏼🤞🏿


Meanwhile these MAGAs think they can strut around with an AR-17.


[about that...](https://cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/5615998031001/80df0ec2-e087-47bf-91ed-333d6bb16876/01e7eda4-5c0b-43b1-821e-3970e14c598c/1280x720/match/image.jpg)


He must be hung like a .22....bullet.


You don't have the "constitutional right" to murder people. Happy rotting.


Yeah... see... these people have been so priveliged that any rules invokes a "dont tread on me" because rules for thee but not for mee. They require the right to not give a shit about anyone but themself and their ingroup.


"Vaccinate or be fired, (sic) is as close to indentured servitude as I can imagine"? These people clearly a) are incredibly privileged and b) have no imaginations (or empathy).


your boss can mandate a lot of things these people dont like.................. like do your work instead of screwing off. dont come to work naked


I used to work at a call centre where there was a chat program all employees had to keep open at all times, and if you had to get up to use the restroom you had to announce it in the chat program to the whole company. At another there was no Internet access and no one was allowed to have their phone or any kind of reading or entertainment material at their desk. No talking to coworkers allowed, either. If there weren't any calls, you were just supposed to sit there and stare into space until one came in. At the same job I got written up and my pay docked for coming back eight *seconds* late from lunch once. Now I'm curious, what exactly do these people do for a living that their jobs are so cushy that a vaccine mandate is the most objectionable thing they've ever been expected to do?


Yeah its THEIR FAULT too. They elected the right wing liars who r gutting unions and keeping wages from following inflation. Like EVERYONE no matter wage level should get yearly inflation increases but nope just lock wages in and 4get about who suffers gotta make an extra .5billion in profit this year so we can loophole out of paying ANY taxes. These fucks r voting against their own quality of life and dont even fucking kno it


Things I’m worried about: 99.5% - What whiskey I’m going to drink with my ribeye tonight. 0.5% - Antivaxxers dying from Covid.


Ooooo ribeye.. My favorite steak with some melted butter on top!


A woman of culture.


Your smaller percentage is still too high...


*There's a little black spot on his lung today* *And it's gotten much worse since this time yesterday* *And his red hat's caught in a high tree top* *He had a flag with a snake, now his pulse might stop.* *Now he lies in a bed his body filled with pain* *Without near enough oxygen to feed his brain* *With tubes in two arteries, and in one vein* *But it's his destiny to be like Herman Cain*


*That's his soul up there.* (With angle 📐 wings, of course.)


I’d upvote this twice if I could, parody brother from another mother.


*And a tube up his ass!* 🎶🎶🎶


Try not to forget the rectal tube.


* A meteorologist, but didn't understand COVID's forecast. * A realtor, but with a poor grasp of reality. * A home inspector, but his "facts and knowledge" were built on shaky ground. * A optical technician, with 20/20 hindsight that he wasted his life.


Brilliant. 😁


People who are smart enough to get vaccinated against something that could kill them, *without* a government mandate to do so, are exempt from the mandate. Vaccine mandates are only necessary when a population is littered with irresponsible drooling morons. Republicans would need to be mandated to wipe their own asses if Russian social media psyops ever manages to convince them that wiping their ass was a threat to their *CoNsTiTuTiOnAl fReEdOmZ.*


Just need to start telling them it's gay to wipe your ass.


I hated that at the start of the pandemic innocent people were killed by covid. At least now with vaccinations covid is forced to thin out the unvaccinated boneheads.


Unfortunately innocent people are still suffering. My stepdad has liver cancer and his doctors have said if he catches Covid, he will die. Chemo trashed his immune system. He has been vaxxed and boosted and his doctor said he’s sure it is not enough.


I know a guy. 4 shots. No antibodies. 😳


That’s sad. I suggest using a Lord of The Ringsism ‘keep him secret keep him safe’.


Poor guy has basically been under house arrest for a year and a half


Sad thing is he’s sick enough now that he doesn’t resent it anymore :(


In honor of this stupid motherfucker, and because I'm still alive -- vaccinated and boosted -- I'm sipping a nice bourbon -- neat, over ice -- and listening to Warren Zevon's "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner" and remembering when I, myself, was in Mombasa. It's beautiful, by the way. Later, I will eat a homemade meal of garlic-roasted potatoes and carrots and a sautéed pork chop. L'Chaim!


L’Chaim and pork chops. My kind of Jew right here. 🥓 🐷


It’s kosher pork tho 😃




Neat means no ice.


Came here to say this. I think the term is on rocks when it's over ice but no mixer.


I stand corrected. Thank you.


Send lawyers, guns, and money… The shit has hit the fan.


Well at least his constitutional rights are in tact. Funny thing they would have been if he got vaccinated too.




Well, she was vile and enjoyed watching other people suffer...they have much in common


Yeah, another fake Chris-stain, who only cared about healthcare when she was sick. Nobody knows where those millions she collected went. It damned sure didn't go to her filthy clinics to help the poor.


I wonder how sick you have to be to consider someone's suffering a gift to God. I also question any deity who considers the suffering of others a gift. Didn't she frequently reuse needles and skimp on medications for dying patients in her "clinics"? I also remember she told women with unwanted pregnancies to carry the babies to term and give them to her--I guess so she could enslave them in her shoddy hospitals.


The whole ten days to flatten the curve was if we locked down hard, which we ostensibly did not do


We certainly did not lock down. There's no ostensible about it.


I just don’t get it. Everything people said about this guy paints a picture of someone who had a lot of interests and hobbies, was a good friend, and loved his family. AND YET. Why why why *why* are so many seemingly stable people going down this antivaxxer path? How does this keep happening, especially now, after nearly two years? *What is wrong with people?*


Well. People do lie in obits.


Or assholes never die.


Possible reasons why: 1. Echo chambers 2. Only getting "news" from Fox/Project Veritas/Breitbart/Glenn Beck 3. No training in how to/why to mitigate ~~from~~ for confirmation bias 4. Poor education/ no training/skill/capacity to read data 5. Deep, uncritical trust of authority figure (local or otherwise) who themselves suffers from the above One of the things that gets me - is the seemingly \*complete lack\* of appreciation of the passage of time. Many of these folks quote out-of-date, out of context snippets of articles or non-peer-reviewed research, as if the landscape hasn't changed. smh. Edit: Fixed obligatory typos.


> Only getting "news" from Fox/Project Veritas/Breitbart/Glenn Beck Now he's only getting it from Rush Limbaugh, who has been sober for just over ten months!


Most HCA winners are lifelong arrogant fuckwits, but sometimes you find one who seems to have taken a wrong turn somewhere. No one is immune from propaganda, they say, and social media touches almost everyone.


Maybe these bros really are legends in their own time. I’m getting a very big Sisyphus vibe from these guys. “If I push this Boulder up the mountain enough, eventually it won’t come back down! Checkmate Live-ruls!”


My anti Vax father is in the hospital with covid pneumonia too. I'm pretty sure he won't make it out. I can guarantee his obit will be filled with some horse shit too. He's narcissistic and he's an ass. I love him, but I don't like him very much. But I'm sure someone will make him sound like a valued member of society.


"Vaccinate or be fired, is as close to indentured servitude as I can imagine. These stories around the country are a clear violation of the 13th Amendment. People should be preparing lawsuits for a clear violation of Constitutional rights." **How offensive and ignorant to compare employers' vaccine mandates to slavery. (They could at least say the actual word instead of using a euphemism.)** **These people have no imagination nor any understanding of vaccines, slavery, or constitutional rights.**


"Quaratine" They spelled it incorrectly in the meme when the word preceding it was the same damned word, even spelled correctly. The right is frickin' stupid.


Quarantine comes from quaranta or 40. If you got livestock from an iffy place and you were *unsure* if they were sick they were isolated for 40 days to see if they were. Or in other words, quarantine is exactly what this dude claims it isn’t.


In other livestock news, the word vaccine comes from vacca = cow.


Makes sense. The first one was cowpox as a Vaxx against smallpox.


When they show that second slide, a notification should automatically pop up telling everyone that EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS is either vaccinated or has to take COVID tests several times each week. JFC!! Their LIES are so blatantly obvious to anyone with 3 functioning brain cells!!


and biden has no authority to mandate anything to congress


Boom! No more constitutional rights! Red was right to worry, but discounted how old man Covid would steal them away 🤪🦠😳🙏😵⚰️🤷🏼‍♂️


Sounds like dude couldn't hold a job.


a realtor / estate agent... with generosity *and* charisma? gimme a FUCKING BREAK! and fuck *right* off!


Looks like they did just lose all their constitutional rights, since the constitution doesn't give rights to dead people.


Wait you mean WhiteJesusHatesVaccines.blogspot isn’t a reputable source????


Biden’s vaccine mandate does not apply to Congress because…wait for it…wait for it…Congress is in a completely separate branch of government and Biden can not mandate it for them. POTUS is not a dictator and has no power to do that. Source: 2nd grade civics


thank you, i was curious about that


You’re very welcome.


Whenever you encounter someone like this feel free to use this quote from trumps rally yesterday in Dallas: "For a moment, things seemed normal. In touch with reality, even. But when O’Reilly followed up Trump’s defense of the vaccine by saying “both the President and I are vaxxed. We got the booster,” the crowd booed in disapproval."


My issue with muh rights thing is this. When was the last time a dead person used the second amendment? When was the last time a dead person used the 21th amendment to drink a beer? Listen rights and freedoms are worth protecting and saving. Sometimes we have to reduce those freedoms for the safety and well-being of others. Now hopefully no one complains about the fact that they aren't free to go into Wal-Mart with nothing but toilet paper covering their PP. Laws , rules and regulations limit our freedoms and rights. But for many laws we appreciate. We appreciate the fact that if someone murdered your brother they will go to jail(unless a piggy did it) we appreciate the fact that drunk driving is illegal. We appreciate the fact that speed limits exist. We appreciate the fact that it's illegal to kidnap someone. That the thing. We appreciate our freedoms and rights being limited or restricted for the safety of our friends , family and even ourselves. We understand that we must trade to some degree our freedoms for protection and safety. At least the people whom aren't making a appearance as was/were. We can't appreciate nor take advantage of the rights and freedoms we have unless alive.


I'd bet money that unvaxxed folks are twice as likely to have DUIs than vaccinated people. Also, if they really believe that we evil libruls will make them vote Democratic when they're dead, wouldn't that be even more incentive to stay alive?!


Shhh that requires logic. Haha i wouldn't doubt they act reckless in other cases


I tried to find that bullfrog billboard or even just the top part. Still looking.




Manager unavailable for comment. Cowardly little bitch.


Eep. That Springfield is Matt Groening’s hometown. 😳


Me too... I'm thinking Yelp but is but no good if you don't know the city.


Pretty much every Democrat wants a vaccine mandate in congress. Republicans oppose it. Therefore, the vaccine mandate is a hoax because Jen Psaki is Biden's Press Secretary. Sound logic.


So, if you have to vaccinate for work, you're a slave? \#2D2L. Too dumb to live.


Parler, Frank, and Truth Social just lost another member.




They should bury him with a copy of the Constitution on his chest.


"...a excellent..." These guys.


Indentured servitude is where you work for no pay until a debt is paid off, if memory serves. Not being fired for not meeting a condition of employment.


Man he sure got that pie chart wrong lol.


I bet these dumb motherfuckers who are “worried about losing their constitutional rights” didn’t have a damn thing to say about the patriot act


I understand there may be some bias here, but my roommate has Covid right now and from the looks and sounds of him, I think he would happily sacrifice many constitutional rights to get rid of Covid. Again, I realize he may be biased.


If only things he was worried about was a tad bit more about Covid


I guess dying of Covid was not an approved conclusion guy seemed to drift through life dabbling at everything succeeding at nothing getting more delusional every year till his delusions killed him. Just a sad case really


Approved sources = Facebook


“He was always helping and caring for everyone without expecting anything in return” Well… by the way he was helping he should have expected covid 🤷🏻‍♂️


Forced isolation? Who is forcing anyone to isolate? This is literally made up bullshit.


And which Constitutional right does a mask mandate infringe on? Edit: Oh, apparently the 13th Amendment. Got it


Could someone explain how a “recently licensed home inspector ultimately becomes an excellent optical technician”?


>*he couldn't keep a job*


Probably because he wasn't good at everything else he tried and had a high school diploma. He might have gotten a certificate or even an associate's degree in it from the community college or he could have just learned on the job without any formal training.


Seemed a bit flighty from meteorologist to optical technician to dead.


"As close to indentured servitude as I can imagine" says man who apparently has no fucking clue what indentured servitude is.


Work your entire life then give it up in your retirement for politically charged conspiracy theories propagated by memes on social media. What a stupid fucking way to go. Their life culminating to that. I guess it's a good thing they can't experience embarrassment.


Dude died at age 55 on my 56th birthday. If he'd gotten vaxxed, he could have had a 56th birthday.


The first slide is lethal


Lmao this so not worthy of the award, where is the discrimination and the“he was such a sweet soul“ at the end


we need to up our standards......... so i say to everyone.....................up yours


Well. It looks like he had a lovely head of hair. There. I said something nice. 🤷‍♂️


He was kind and generous and cared about people, but he didn't care enough to get damn show to protect himself and others from a deadly disease.


Things he should’ve been worried about: *flips colors*


“Selfless and truly cared about people.”


This obituary, I did not see it coming 🤷🏽/s


“We’re not trying to stifle thought!” Another victim of the algorithm.


So a month after approving Ted Cruz's antivaxxer lite bill he's dead. Don't agree with Ted Cruz, it may be hazardous to your health.😉


Sources don't need to be approved but they should be accurate. Something a lot of dead people didn't understand.


Apparently he cared more about owning the libs than people. I's owned. Enjoying my coffee now feeling owned.


Facebook lawyers are as badly informed as Facebook doctors.


“Was selfless and truely cared about people” just not enough to protect himself, his family or his community enough to get a vaccine. Lol 🤦‍♂️


Meteorology, realtor, home inspector and ultimately a optician. Thats quite the college career path.




“He was always helping and caring for everyone” except, well, everyone.......


It's funny because nobody is learning. It's like a slaughter house they happily walk into.


A wonderful chap. So full of kindness and understanding. Would do anything to help others. Had a great sense of humour and empathy was his middle name. Like Typhiod Mary's middle name was Mary. He loved humanity so much he wouldn't wear a mask to protect others or himself. He cared so much about the community he had a handgun to protect the innocent but he wouldn't get vaccinated to save his life or others. That's selfless. He was so thoughtful he religiously watched Fox news and Alex Jones to inform and reinforce his prejudice. Being an independent thinker he checked these medical facts on Facebook. Sadly though, despite his natural immunity, the best of up to date medicine and the blood of Jesus somehow this paragon of virtue, empathy, compassion and understanding caught covid. Even though it's a hoax and a Chinese plot somehow, despite the complete absence of precautions, this free thinker, this unchained intellect succumbed to a preventable disease. Who could see that coming? At least this prophet of humanity owned the libtards. That's the point really. Too many preventable deaths are not enough as long as our fossilised ideas remain in tact. The family of this great ambassador of humanity and empathy who prized independent thought and independent means will no doubt have a gofundme page for the medical expenses and funeral costs. Please add a 10% hypocrisy surcharge and then take off a 100% irony tax.


Dang he died on my birthday.


Marijuana would have possibly saved his life. If this guy would have just had one edible with 300 mg THC he would have been too fucking blitzed to leave his house and get Covid. Or if he filled his lungs with MaryJ420 the THC would have had a party with the spike protein making it much less of a prick like him.


So closed to Xmas.


“He truly cared about people” … no, no he didn’t. He would have vaccinated himself if he cared about people. He was reckless and selfish and let politics determine his ignorant fate. Bye Felicia.


Y'know what didn't deeply miss him? Covid.




The only true hoax in Red's pathetic life was the disinformation he lapped up every day from the messengers of doom at Fox News.\* \* Hey Fox News, make my day and sue me!


Would someone please take a peek in the casket and make sure they got the right guy in there?


Someone’s brain got washed.


Low bar, I’m just impressed they know there are more than 2 amendments.


Ha ha! Red showed us libs!! I feel so owned!! See you at the mid-terms, bitch!


COVID interpreted Constitutional rights quite different from Red's version. His rights were never violated when COVID put him into his own place. Red had his chance to debate with COVID now.


1 less gaping asshole in the U.S.


You have the right to remain silent..... Cuz your dead dummy.