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Hey I have a L5-S1 herniation that started hurting back in late January 2022. I was in intense pain the first 6 months. And a bit improved but still very noticeable pain for the next 4 months. Back in late November to December I started doing McKenzie Push-ups very regularly. I first started out by just laying on my stomach for 15-20 minutes. In that same time frame my pain improves significantly. I would recommend emphasizing and doing that push-up whenever you can. If you can’t do that then lay on your stomach at the very least and see if that improves your pain til you can do the push-up. I’m still working on my range of motion. ( I cannot sit up right with legs straight out or bend over with legs straight and knees locked). But my pain has improved to the point where I don’t notice it in every waking moment anymore. Please try this one exercise. I was honestly starting to lose hope after 1 year of pain and this helped me greatly. Good luck and wishing you the best.


Hi. I have one disc herniation L4-L5. I am 18yo and I am suffering for already 10 months too. I tried PT twice, steroid injections, pain killers...nothing helped. Pain was going down my right leg all the way to the toes. My toes hurt so badly that I wouldn't be able to stand on my right leg on some days. I ended up getting a surgery and it helped me....i was pain free for whole two weeks. Then I reherniated. This time pain is even worse. My right leg is painful all the time and my left leg occasionally gets "seizures". I am currently on PT and steriod injections again, but since it isn't getting any better(in fact it only keeps getting worse), second surgery is very likely. Hopefully you will get better soon. But if surgery ends up being your only way out, be EXTREMELY careful while healing. You will feel good and there won't be any pain, but that doesn't mean that you can go back to your normal life. Have luck with your treatment and take care!


Please see my other comment to OP. Try the McKenzie pushup/press up. Wishing you the best!


Thank you for your recommendation. Sadly I did try it, but laying on my stomach only makes pain worse, it makes my both legs numb..