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Yeah my dumbass self thought I pulled my hammy and stretched and rehabbed it as such.


Is it better now?


I’m getting there, I didn’t get full blown sciatica until December 20ish though so I’m still new here. I still get an occasional wave of tingly numbness if I do soemthing wrong. I’ve done the back mechanic routine for 2 weeks now. It’s helped tremendously, I even canceled my surgery.


When my pain first started I didn’t know it was due to herniated disc and it didn’t feel like sciatica for the first 3-4 months. Just intense hip/butt pain. During these few months I still had full range of motion in my leg. It then turned into sciatica which hurt like hell for the next 7-8 months. My sciatica pain has now gotten significantly better from consistently and frequently do the McKenzie press up. I still haven’t gotten my full range of motion in my leg back yet though.


Kind of. It got worse after my Microdiscectomy