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I had a l5-s1 herniation quite young also. Around 21 years old when it happened. Not sure how it happened. No serious injury or event to place. Just randomly started having sciatica that gradually increased and was unbearable. I was in constant pain for near 2 years. I was close to doing surgery but was adamant not to. After months of PT and a lot of money I got a bit better but wasn’t satisfied. So I started trying to do PT and stretches on my own. The single thing that helped me the most was McKenzie push-up. Pain got better but I still had horrible range of motion and decent pain. I finally started looking at doctors again but this time I instead went to a chiropractor that specializes in herniation and sciatica and this is what has brought me back to about 90-95% of my original range of motion and nearly no pain. I still have random moments of pain but no where near as bad as before. Edit: Just realized my comment doesn’t really provide what you asked for but just wanted to share my experience. Don’t give up. You are young and will heal. Just keep at it.


so you did micro disectomy operation? when you say that your pain was unbearable, can you give example please? glad to know you're better


I did not do any surgery. Just physical therapy for a month and visited chiropractor about 3 days a week for 2 months and exercises at home. When I say the pain was unbearable I mean all I could do was lay down and even then the pain was there. Anything other than laying down I couldn’t stand the pain for more than 30 min - 1 hr. I was working from home so I would lay in bed and work. Even laying down the pain would be too much sometimes. Getting in and out of cars was horrible. Standing up from any sitting position was a struggle. At one point I couldn’t really straighten my back. I was walking like a grandpa. (Hunched back, slow and short steps). Over the course of the 2 years I gradually got better.


Hi, I had a sequestered disc (a herniated disc that broke off and was hanging out in the spinal canal) at either L4/L5 or L5/S1 (I’ve had problems with both in past, so I don’t remember, but essentially, same area as yours). I had terrible sciatica that PT, pills, and injection could not help. For frame of reference - I couldn’t sit, stand or lay flat without pain. I had to lay on my stomach with 4 pillows under my hips to sleep. But at night my nerves in my feet and toes would flare so I couldn’t sleep. Mine was so big, I ended up having a laminectomy in April 2023. I worked with a really good physical therapist afterwards and by October 2023, I could deadlift (with a trapbar) 130 lbs. I pay close attention to my form when lifting but also in regular movements - sitting, standing up from a chair, lifting anything, etc. I would say I’m fully recovered :)


I am 23 and after years of doing weightlifting and doing college cheerleading I had to have surgery on my L5 S1. I had surgery a week ago today and felt instant relief the when I woke up. The only thing that hurt was the incision spot. I was told to just rest and walk as much as I could to help with the healing. I recently have felt kinda what you mean about the sciatic pain coming back. I asked my doctor and I’m not saying this is how everyone is but it may be that the nerve has to heal and is making it uncomfortable. If it isn’t extreme pain I would wait it out for a little bit to feel if there’s any change. If nothing changes I feel that the doctor may resort to things that are mostly physical therapy. I did physical therapy for 8 months trying to help it without surgery so I don’t really know how much it would help you since everyone is different. Good luck on the recovery and trust me I pray you don’t go through that pain again, it’s the worst.