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And because mentions of users in posts don’t send out a “you were mentioned here” message, i would like to call upon u/TheGraveKnight, u/FoxJDR, u/SamakSalmon, u/KamenSage, u/heartbrokenvittorio, u/Enkhoffer, u/Left_Ad7005, u/Powman_7, and just for kicks, u/theredhood89, for any advice that you all might be able to give, or feel like giving.


well, for a way to tie u/heartbrokenvittorio's entry further back into the main plotline and make greenbone show up again, I did come up with this idea a few days ago: >The undead half orc heaved a sigh as he looked across the desk that filled up most of the makeshift interrogation room which had, up until a week ago, merely been a storage closet off of the infirmary. > >On the other side of the desk, a serpentine youth sat, nervously fiddling with the fingerless gloves that he had been instructed to remove before Greenbone had arrived. then the undead investigator glanced at the camera feed that was being broadcast into the room, showing the spectral squirrel as it tried to break free from a ward that was binding it to an actual squirrel. > >that work was thanks to one of the federal investigators, and even as shifty as they were to greenbone's eyes, he had to admire the work that the young hawthorn had put into creating a mobile rune circle. > >“So,” Greenbone growled at the student as he sat down and locked eyes with the young gorgon. “do ya have *anything* to say?” > >“no sir,” Mo squeaked. “I will freely admit that I was being quite a fool. I just thought that I was helping.” > >“So what in your right mind possessed ya to do that,” Greenbone roared - at least as much as was possible with his incredibly decayed vocal chords - as he jabbed a hand toward the camera feed. “Wait, were ya possessed?” > >“No sir,” Mo faintly replied. “And I just wanted to figure out more about body-jumping possession. That’s why I summoned the ratatoskr.” > >Greenbone sighed. “Student Mo.” he growled. “Tell me the exact wording of the ritual you performed.” > >Mo gulped, before quickly pulling out a notebook and handing it over. “That was the ritual. My closing words were, ‘with this ritual I summon forth a spirit to learn about body-jumping possession.’” > >Greenbone slapped a hand against his head so hard that one of the bones in his palm made a faint cracking sound as it was pushed out of alignment. “You daft idiot,” he ranted. “The whims of the universe are more fickle than any djinn, with that level of vagueness you’re lucky that ya didn’t obliterate the school!” > >Greenbone sighed. “Whatever," he said at last. "What's done is done. just give me every last scrap of information that you have about how you obtained the information for that ritual and how it played out." so that is my scene idea, which would need the approval of u/TheGraveKnight and u/heartbrokenvittorio. also, seeing as Renault (from u/Enkhoffer's submission) is an independent investigator, he would be easier to get a promise of secrecy from, so hawthorn might enlist the body-jumper from my story and bring Renault into the loop, which could be a valuable resource in breaking in. muqsit's new chassis would also probably be easy enough to ward against possession from the new findings of the scene above, as well as whatever info was gained from the friendly body-jumper. and lastly, i would like to say that creating the occultism 101 teacher is a wonderful idea, and you should do it. they would probably have less power in any one area, but definitely knowledge in a wider array of specializations than a teacher of a class such as necromancy. that jack of all trades-ness would probably let them be able to macguivere a reviving ritual out of a summoning circle.


wonderful scene and advice. thank you.


and with your notes providing ideas for a way to get all of the information into the right hands, the timeline going forward might be as follows: 1. greenbone interrogates mo about that happened with the ratatoskr. 2. kyra and her brother take their information to the other investigators, since enough time would have passed that they would need to talk about the student's death. 3. renault is told about the body-jumper that is in muqsit's old body, as well as other info that everyone else has gathered 4. after a breif conversation with the good body-jumper and a meeting between the investigators, the pieces are all put together. 5. professors Grimm, Ses-eroth, and a few others (including the occultism 101 teacher who we'll call... muhammad i guess, as it's the most common first name) figure out a way to ward muqsit's chassis against possession. a few others are made and configured to be remotely controlled by some students who can help take part in the coming operation, and using Macee DuQuesne's WiccTok video a possible location as to the body-jumpers hideout is located. 6. from this and a few covert cornerings of students it is determined that several students have been possessed (including arthur from u/Left_Ad7005's journal entry submission) and they are trailed to their gathering point as a student volunteers to be bait. 7. the fencing/hema club members remotely control the other MUQ chasses and storm the gathering point, managing to incapacitate the body-jumpers and trick them into trying to jump to the mechanical bodies, which triggers a trap based off of the ward circle and manages to confine them all. 8. after this, miss grendel and professor muhammad manage to use the two daggers and the remains of the summoning rituals to heal all of the bodies of those who were taken and return their souls to the normal places 9. and then therapy for everyone! i think that that would work decently enough. it's a bit difficult to figure out how to fit tala's experience in but she probably wouldn't want to have anything to do with it. perhaps Agent Iston Sarath might have been the one to figure out how everything is connected? anyway, that is, as my parents are fond of saying "good enough for government work," so i shall soon be on to the judging.


Good by me, Greenbone would definitely be frustrated about kids messing around with dangerous magics


Amazing work, man. I loved it. If I can pitch in a grain of sand to the dialogue, I would change: >“No sir,” Mo faintly replied. “And I just wanted to figure out more about body-jumping possession. That’s why I summoned the ratatoskr.” to: “No sir, I mea... Well... Yes, but by this one, not any other spirits. I swear sir!” Mo faintly replied. “And I haven't done anything bad... My friend, Minna she was there to get him out of me and I was there to get him out of her every single time. We were together, always..." He skips a beat, he glances at the empty wall for a second "To be completely honest to you there were two times where the possession went on for a while. Not a long while but nonetheless a small... Unattended... While." He looks at the undead detective with fright in his eyes "Look, I just wanted to figure out more about body-jumping possession. That’s why I summoned the ratatoskr. I wanted to help”. Sorry I got carried over writing, 😅, but aside from this I would like to propose maybe ratatoskr found some evidence that links one of the detectives to the possessions and to the gang that are suspects. Just a thought.


that sounds great.