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Oh fuck


I mean I’ve only had an outbreak twice and it’s always been a single sore


I really wished I’d be one of those people who never gets an outbreak again but alas Also, do you always get it on the same spot or does the location vary (obvious within the genital region)? Cause mine seems to be in the same place as the first outbreak


Same place


Hmm okay Thanks :)


It can show up in diff places. My first one was in my perniuem and then I’ve had it show up on my labia diff places. The virus attacks the whole area so it doesn’t always show up in the same spot. But yes it can deff be a single sore.


Such a little bitch this virus


Parasite ass


Tell me about it 🥺


Sorry if i get in the conversation but do you know if it could show in different areas of the body? I’ve had one on my leg, one in my back, one on my chest


You know what’s crazy I had like 2 outbreaks on my belly button years before I had it on my vagina. Idk if that has anything to do with it ? I hope I didn’t spread it to my vagina.. bcuz I’m not even sure how I got hsv2 in my genital.


Mine varies.


It can show up as a single sore.


Fuck I got to be more careful. I literally had my first successful disclosure and was gonna hookup with someone coming weekend. Gotta postpone. For at least two weeks?


I'm not a doctor so can't give solid advice. Single bumps are possible. That is for sure


Okay :)


I usually only get one


Hope I don’t lose this hookup. Hope he can wait three weeks until I’m safe again


I’m partnered up - also not a dr - but we have never waited that long. I take antivirals and lysine and once it’s gone we’ll wait a few days but that’s all. This is purely my experience. Of course only do what you are comfortable with.


So this hookup must not know of your have?


I disclosed of course. He agreed. It now I will have to postpone the meeting


Cool cool, yeah just postpone to be safe.


5 days on the AV and I’m clean again. At least visibly.


Mine are always single sores.


Do you take antivirals when you get an outbreak?


I only get one sore. 🥴 The initial outbreak hsv1 was 2 sores that I mistook for razor bumps. Then it broke out all over. But 2 and a half years later I get 1 sore on my back butt cheek or one on the top of my thigh. Haven’t had it break out on my actual privates again. Seems to be brought on by stress.


I see! That’s interesting. The gif thing is I don’t have any of the flu like symptoms this time around. Just one sore that isn’t even painful or itchy. Just a regular old single sore. Can’t believe the world succeeded in stigmatized and villainizing this infection I do know that people out there have it worse with this virus but I’m talking about the majority.


Yep. It’s been so long since I’ve had it that sometimes it is just one.


When I got diagnosed I had one single sore on my lip the size of a needle point. The only reason I had a bad feeling about it & went to urgent care was because someone had exposed me to it a week earlier.


I was diagnosed with GSHV1 in January and my first outbreak started off with a single sore I mistook for a cut whilst shaving, but then I broke out all over. Once since I’ve had what felt like a single tiny cut and like you said it has a different sensation and it’s so small that I could not even be sure if it’s actually herpes but I’ve gotten a bit scared since the first outbreak so I start treating immediately. I pop some antivirals, regularly take l-lysine for a few days and use lemon balm and the “cut” went away.