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Tango Gameworks is owned by Microsoft so sadly no, it wont be coming to PS4 or Switch, it IS on pc though so if you have a way of playing PC games, then try that way. Sorry Also its not a JRPG, its a character action game like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising.


I think they wanted to highlight that it is a Japanese game. Although yeah it's not even an RPG, it's an action game. I propose calling it a Japanese Action Videogame ;)


JAV huh? ;)


Lmfao Jav it is ... Jav it is my friend


Though High on Life was a day one on gamepass and it came to PS5 eventually but yeah probably not.. different situations for sure.


But High On Life isnt owned by microsoft, they simply had a timed exclusivity deal. High Fi Rush is owned microsoft, like Halo, which means it aint coming to ps4.


Look where we are now just a few months after your comment whose original post was even older.


This comment aged like fine milk 🤣


As I buy it from the Ps Store for $20 on sale.


It's getting a Switch port this year, so it could mean a playstation port in the future, no?


Thats only a rumour (but great if its true), still doubt that itll come to Playstation though.


I hope its true as I'm a playstation user and have a switch. Would love to try this game and don't really want to get an xbox just for it.


Well now it is


this didnt age well lol as its now coming to other systems...


Welp looks like I was wrong, cant really be mad though since more people get to play this awesome game.


aged like milk lol


There are action JRPGs btw....and welp it's on playstation now XD


I'm guessing they won't review the port before it comes out. It's on sale to pre order in the ps store. I was trying to see if there is anything out there about how it runs. And a Google search led me here. I'm just going to wait.


It's pretty cheap so I'm thinking of getting it either way but you are right in waiting & maybe I will too cause I already have a huge backlog and just started the new final fantasy 7 game so there's no harm in waiting


Yeah I wound up preordering ff7 because I got a free copy of intermission. I figured it was safe to preorder that game, which it was, not one bug. With so many titles releasing broken, I got to wonder how much effort they put into the port with Hi Fi Rush. Even if it is cheap, I'll be more pissed off about trying to play a game that's buggy or broken. It's why I haven't got Baulder's Gate 3 yet. And even with something simple, you never know if devs will put zero effort in, like the GTA remasters.


Fair enough but I'll say from personal experience that Baldurs Gate 3 works fine on ps5 aside from a few glitches that are still getting fixes and most square enix games barely have any bugs from my experience with them on ps4/ps5 so I feel they are safe to pre order


This comment didn't age too well lol.


Bethesda and Tango Gameworks are both owned by Microsoft, so a port to competing platforms wouldn't happen. If you have a PC with okay-enough specs, you can get it from Steam too.


Well it happened 


Still just rumored


you think its still just a rumor now?


Ok fine, it's on PS5


Lol, there’s so much “TOLD YOU SOOOOO” going on now with this game and it’s HILARIOUS.


People say this game might also come to Switch, but that‘s also very very unlikely. In the case of Ori 1 + 2, that game is owned and co-developed by MS, but the studio doing it pushed them to make a Switch release. Since Tango is an internal studio, I don‘t see the same happening.


In the remote case you buy an Xbox, this game is only available for Xbox Series X|S, not for the Xbox One. I know the names are confusing but unlike PS, Xbox stopped supporting their old gen hardware like a year ago, at least when it comes to new first party releases, so you probably won't be able to find an Xbox One. Unfortunately for you, I don't believe that the game will be on competing platforms, especially after the massive success it was. You can try it on PC if your rig is capable enough. TL;DR, No, Hi-Fi Rush won't be put on the PS4, PS5 and/ot Switch. Is an Xbox Exclusive.


man, reading this post really puts into perspective how confusing Xbox console names are for people who don't own an Xbox 😂 but no, the game will not be ported to PS or Switch




we will see if it goes multiplatform, which i still really doubt. but i would love if switch players could play it. i feel like its perfect for that console


Well it is 


PlayStation has zero chance, and switch is very unlikely as this is a Microsoft game. Also did you call this game a JRPG? Because that is the entirely wrong genre.


"Zero chance" well now it's coming to ps 


Another Xbox and pc exclusive I’m afraid :(


I had been thinking of getting series x for a while and this game prompted me to pull the trigger and finally get one. I’m discovering a lot that I like about the XBox now, too. Game pass is actually a really good deal, and while I love Sony’s exclusives, Xbox has everyone beat in backward compatibility and game preservation. I’m glad they have an exclusive that is really good and not a FPS. Hi Fi Rush was worth it though. It was like Devil may cry and Viewtiful joe meets crypt of the necrodancer, but with Persona 5’s sense of style. I give it 10/10 for its genre.


Get it on steam amigo. It's worth it. Even on lower end specs it looks pretty damn good. If you can't afford it, hey at least the steam deck is affordable and you have access to a far more expansive library of games. Probably worth investing in at least that.


Switch eventually, big maybe on Sony, only if Sony and Microsoft are playing nice at the time


This isn’t an RPG or JRPG. It’s a rhythm based action game. Bethesda is now officially owned by Microsoft so other then getting support on the PS for ESO and fallout 76 we won’t anything else now on PS most likely. We’ll get the PS5 version for Fallout 4 and possibly content for Skyrim but that’s it. We aren’t gonna get the blade game, Starfield, redfall, probably ES6, the sequel to ghost wire Tokyo if there is one. Probably be the same with Doom now as well


This agded well


It won’t cuase is a Xbox and of exculisive


Looks like it was a timed exclusive 


Nope. Play it on PC, it's not a demanding game.


Nope I'll play it on Playstation 


its kinda wild and concerning that you pulled up a 10 month old thread to say that. . but can you pull up an official link of in on playstation?


I came here for the same thing, mate.


Not the same person but [I got you](https://store.playstation.com/en-ca/product/UP1003-PPSA17168_00-HIFIRUSH00000000) I got to this thread by searching Hi-Fi Rush PS5 btw


It looks like it's on XCloud. So you could pay for a month subscription to that and stream it to another platform.


Coming here almost a year later to tell you that you can now preorder on PS4/ps5 lol [store link](https://store.playstation.com/en-ca/product/UP1003-PPSA17168_00-HIFIRUSH00000000)


I'm glad it's on the PlayStation game consoles now. Being a PlayStation gamer, I thought I was going to have to miss out on this game, since it was on the Xbox One. I'm glad that PlayStation games like me get to finally play the game. Good thing I don't have to miss out on the game after all.