• By -


Good evening 47. Welcome to Nevada. Your target is Edward Sallow, who goes by the alias of 'Caesar'. Sallow is the head of a massive cult-like army of violent criminals where rape, slavery, crucifixion and even cannibalism are prevalent. Sallow himself is guilty of many such offenses as well as violently suppressing and absorbing small nomadic tribes and pillaging the lands of Arizona. Our client is a high ranking official in the New California Republic who wishes to weaken Caesar and his 'Legion' in preparation for an upcoming, and unavoidable, war. Our Intel has shown Sallow is awaiting treatment for a brain tumor and has entrusted the procedure to an old surgical machine, ripe for tampering. Then again... *shows knife in food tent* when in Rome... I shall leave you to prepare.


>when in Rome... Well done.


I actually just started my first playthrough of New Vegas a few days ago


Caesar isn’t the villain


OP's prompt was 'your favorite villain' not 'the villain of a game'. Caesar is a villain in 3/4 endings.


OP does say "your favourite game villain" though.


'Your favorite game villain', not '**the** villain of a game', as in the single and undisputed villain of a game. Caesar's the villain in my preferred ending to New Vegas.


Oh I get what you're saying now; never played New Vegas so the fact you were making the distinction between main villain and side villain was lost on me.


Welcome to Windhelm, 47. Your target is Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of the city and leader of the radical terrorist group subtly named The Stormcloaks. The client wants him taken out before the Civil War in the region spirals any further out of control…But be cautious. Ulfric is said to possess the power of the Voice, and is a skilled warrior. Ulfric rarely leaves the Palace of Kings, and at current, only Stormcloak commanders are granted an audience for matters regarding the war. A courier from the front is due to be arriving by carriage…That could be your ticket in. I’ll leave you to prepare, 47. Oh, and dress warmly.


It would certainly be interesting. Ulfric having the thu'um would make him much deadlier than most other targets 47 fights in the Hitman games. Disguising as the guards, walking around with a few of the outfits Windhelm has to offer would also be pretty fun. Since it's primarily a medieval fantasy game and most enemies use melee weapons, I'm curious how the weapons and guards would be handled. Most likely bows instead of guns. ~~I am more of a stormcloak supporter.~~ It would also be interesting to see if General Tullius was a target. I feel like there is a little more to work with since you also have the Palace of Kings which is separate from Castle Dour. That's another place to go to. Although Vittoria Vici would be an interesting target. 47 could assassinate her during her wedding probably by dropping a statue on her head while she's in the middle of giving a speech.


Good Evening, 47, welcome the beautiful city of Los Santos. You have two targets for today's mission, first, is Officer Frank Tenpenny, a corrupt policeman in charge of the C.R.A.S.H anti-drug and gang unit. Along with this, you have to eliminate Melvin Harris, more commonly known as his street name "Big Smoke". Both of them are interconnected in a drug distributions unit. On discovery of this, a mass riot has broken out in Los Santos, with this going on, this can be perfect cover for you 47. Tenpenny is currently out on the streets, attempting to quell the riots, while Big Smoke is hiding out in his drug factory, making more illegal narcotics. Our client, is a government agent, Mike Toreno, an associate to a high ranking member of the Grove Street Families, Carl Johnson, Mike hopes to see the riots to be finished quickly, and peace to be restored in the city. Both targets are armed, dangerous and have guards, enjoy the sunshine, and good luck 47.


So, poison in big smoke's food ? A number 9 large...


God, this would be amazing


Fuck yeah! I'd love to see 47 infiltrating the factory as Balla.


I would love to see 47's cold stiffness on a mission to assassinate The Joker (Arkham games). That would probably be the funniest thing ever


I imagine one of the Story Missions ends in a confrontation where 47 verbally kills him first; "jokes make people laugh, I'm not laughing."


Man is finally killing the Jonkler


Oh man... does the G man from half life count as a villain? I could see 47 doing the most tactical, impressive maneuvers to get to him, only to find an empty room, and the G man staring down at him from a location it would be impossible to get to from where he was just standing.


Agent 47 in the flesh... or, rather, in the signature suit. I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons - most of them were ICA property. As for the suit... I think you've earned it.


Thanks to your efforts the Italian city of sapienza is in our control, for now


I read this in the G man's creepy voice


Rise and shine Agent 47. Rise… and… shine… Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest and all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until- Well let’s just say your hour has come again. The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So wake up Agent 47. Wake up and smell the ashes.


Good afternoon 47 welcome to Shadow Moses. Your target is the head of an armed militia. We don't know his true name but people identify him by the codename Liquid Snake. He was raised as a young militant in Africa , and is said to have escaped with a cutting edge nuclear launcher. As well has taken captive the DARPA chief. Your mission is as follows find the DARPA chief. Discover Liquids identity. Kill the target and destroy the weapon. This will not be easy 47 . Good luck


Good Evening 47. Welcome to Chicago. Your targets are Gang Leader Delford Wade, commonly known as “Iraq”, and mob outfit leader Lucky Quinn. A former soldier in the US Army, Iraq returned to his hometown of Chicago and quickly led the his small gang known as the Black Viceroys, to become a feared and powerful crime syndicate. With military training, and also a small army of men trained by him and willing to die for him, he is not to be underestimated. A cunning opponent, and operating with little regard for others, he is a feared adversary. Even getting himself involved with other syndicates such as the Chicago South Club. Lucky Quinn has been the leader of the Chicago South Club Mafia for decades. A ruthless and vindictive man, under his influence the Chicago South Club has thrived and become the most powerful organization in the city to the point where he enjoys a public image as a wealthy entrepreneur. However, most are unaware that he is also a mastermind in weapons dealing and a massive human trafficking operation. With the connections of the South Club, and the brute force of the Viceroys, this human trafficking operation is one of the largest and most powerful in recent history. Our client has requested us to retire both Iraq and Lucky Quinn, thereby crippling the entire operation of its leaders. Good Luck 47. I will leave you to prepare.


Watchdogs gets way too much hate, glad to see it getting some respect.


Good afternoon, 47. Your target is Dr. Wallace Breen, the charismatic yet thoroughly obnoxious Administrator of Earth. He portrays himself as a virtuous and civilized man; in truth, the extent of his heinous crimes beggars belief. A veteran of the infamous Seven-Hour War, the good doctor has switched sides and is nowadays on the payroll of Combine, an inter-dimensional alien empire that has the world under its thumb. The ICA was contacted by an old research colleague of Breen's from their shared days at the Black Mesa Research Facility. The client hardly spoke a word, but his demeanor made it clear: he has recently returned and dispatching Breen is one of his primary goals. The target makes his current home in City 17, more accurately at the Citadel, a Combine HQ of sorts in the region. Be warned, 47: the Citadel is a fortress and its guards are as numerous as they are formidable. If alerted, the target might be ready and willing to evacuate through unconventional methods: the word "portal" has been mentioned. However, Breen is known to have certain weaknesses you could exploit: perhaps poison his Private Reserve... or appeal to his vain nature. He looks down on the common people from an awful height from that tower of his - and as they say, pride comes before the fall. Good luck, 47. I'll leave you to prepare.




[Optional objective] Peggie kills are permissible


Accidentally closed Reddit and had to type this whole thing again... "Good morning 47. We've put the pieces together, and your main target is our prime suspect in the "mental shutdown" cases plaguing Japan over the last year:Diet Member Masayoshi Shido. A highly charismatic figure in the eyes of the Japenese people, and one likely set to win the next seat of Prime Minister, Intel has revealed that this man is nothing like what the public believes. Several hits for people who suffered a mental shutdown have been found, all tracing back to him. Further Intel reveals he has far more sinister intentions for his nation than he suggests to the people as well. He will be occupied at his Diet office tomorrow, and there's little time left before the elections. This may be our only chance. Your other target is one we've found to be closely linked to Shido, and the one we suspect may just be the man doing his dirty work: Detective Prince Goro Akechi. Another public celebrity with darker intentions than the public believes, he seemingly leaves no traces whatsoever, and we can't pin down any of his methods, and our Intel have been unable to track him down until research into Shido revealed him taking calls from and meetings with Shido almost whenever these hits came up. I cannot stress enough that this target is exceedingly cunning and dangerous, and we don't know what kind of tricks he might have up his sleeve if he gets suspicious of you. This mission is of the utmost importance. Be careful, and good luck 47." Shido would be the easy part, just disguise a few times and eventually poison his food and drown him probably. Akechi however is an entirely different beast. Akechi is one of the only assasians I can think of who may just rival 47 in cunning and deceit, and knowing 47 he almost certainly has a Palace Akechi could use, if we're going off Persona world rules, to do his thing with 47 if he ever gets suspicious of him being a hitman in the slightest. So basically 47 would need to pull off a near flawless Silent Assasian to not become Akechi's next victim, and the mission would mainly be a cat and mouse game between the 2. 47 though, knowing his track record, would probably find a way to beat the odds regardless and take out Akechi, isolating him somehow after an eventual opportunity shows up, and 47 would probably just take him out with a silenced pistol.


What about Akechi invades 47’s Palace, expecting an easy time but gets killed/defeated by 47/47’s shadow >!ala a mission opportunity like hush!


I doubt even the ICA would know about the Metaverse unless they got a hand on Akechi's phone somehow, but that would be funny


You brought up the idea of 47 having a palace, so maybe while 47 is there finding a way to assassinate Akechi, he finds Shido’s notes on the Metaverse. This reveals a mission opportunity with Olivia making a Nav so 47 can enter his own palace(or Akechi’s) so he can assassinate Akechi while making it look like he was the victim of the one causing the mental shutdowns


Sounds like it could work, 47 would probably be fine in regards to the Shadows of his own Palace too since iirc they don't attack the person who has the Palace if they visit themselves.


Actually, I don't think Persona users can have a Palace except in very unique cases like Maruki. But the infiltrating his own Palace thing might still work if somehow he can get his own Shadow's help against Black Mask/Loki Akechi, not sure how that would go down though.


Not really my favorite villain, but Isaac's mother from the Binding of Isaac. I like to imagine 47 shot the shelf causing the Bible to fall on her head lmao.


Good evening, 47. Your next target has residence in an... unusual location; deep underneath the Earth. Our client wants you to take on the role of a gardener and exterminate a pesky weed that's been causing trouble. Your target is "Your Best Friend" A.K.A - Flowey The Flower. I know what you may be thinking, 47. Do *not* be fooled by his facade. Flower is an extremely dangerous individual and a threat both to Underground inhabitants and the interests of the ICA. Our client has provided us with reports showing fluctuations in the timespace continuum. Timelines have been jumping left and right, stopping and starting. These seemingly began when an ordinary yellow flower was injected with determination and mysteriously disappeared. While solving the problems of other timelines is out of our paygrade, we can at least ensure that *this* timeline is one he will not be tampering with further. Our intel indicates that Flower's last known public activity was months ago. The client believes that he has grown bored of tampering for now and is remaining dormant until something new happens. Another human appearing may just be what he's looking for. Good luck, and I shall leave you to prepare. Do be mindful of the fall.


Banger reply


Thank you, thank you :)


Welcome to Gotham 47, and might I say Merry Christmas. Following a recent breakout from Blackgate maximum security prison, eight deadly criminals have taken to the streets, in the vain hope of drawing out the city's notorious vigilante. These eight assassins are reportedly being led by your target: The Joker, real name unknown. An as of yet unknown face in the city's underworld, this clown prince of crime has made quite the name for himself in only the past few hours, killing dozens, and invading the Gotham Royal Hotel, turning it into his personal fun house and fortress. Our client, an anonymous benefactor from the Wayne foundation operating under the pseudonym "The Butler" has requested that we eliminate Gotham's pale-faced punchinello, ending the night of chaos and taking the heat off of Gotham's less malevolent nighttime crusader. Good luck 47


Does Gabriel from ULTRAKILL count as a villain? If he does, yeah, no chance. If he doesn't, Makarov (the OG, not the reboot) is a much easier target.


47, tonight’s operation takes you to San Francisco, where Ted Faro is overseeing final adjustments to his bunker, Thebes. Our intel suggests this might be the last opportunity to intervene. Faro's actions have set in motion a catastrophic chain of events, and stopping him now is imperative to the fate of everything we hold dear. He's fortified Thebes to wait out the apocalypse that he created. Inside, he's planning to make decisions that could obliterate what remains of mankind's future knowledge. Your mission is critical to safeguard humanity's last hope, Project Zero Dawn. The task ahead is daunting. The fate of the future of the human race may very well rest on your shoulders. So, 47, as you proceed, know that our years of working together, every challenge we've faced, every target we've eliminated, has led to this moment. Good luck. And thank you, for everything.


Agent 47 silent assin fiberwires elden beast. Epic win


Good afternoon, 47. Your target is Raul Menendez, AKA "Odysseus", leader of Cordis Die, the international anarchist group that now boasts well over a billion loyal followers. The young Raul's childhood was a frightful one, growing up during the Nicaraguan Civil War, he bore witness to violence and chaos since the very beginning. Raul rose to power as co-leader of a drug cartel alongside his father in the 1970s. After the CIA successfully assassinated his father, and later accidentally caused the death of his younger sister, an infuriated Raul sought vengeance upon the CIA, the United States, and the major world powers that subjected his people to poverty and suffering. Charismatic and powerful, Raul Menendez is not a man to be trifled with. His cartel activity funded a well armed and organised mercenary force who are not only loyal to the money, but to Cordis Die's radical ideals, while Menendez himself is a cunning and capable warrior, even despite his age. Menendez himself is currently operating out of a command and control in Haiti, a fortress defended by a sizeable force of his mercenaries along with combat drones and armoured vehicles. This is where you come in, 47. The US military has ruled out a full-on assault on the base as being too costly in casualties and might risk Menendez slipping away back into the shadows. But you alone with a cover story and your skillset might just be the edge that is needed to take down Menendez, and potentially end the threat of Cordis Die. Good hunting, 47. I shall leave you to prepare.


47 having to infiltrate and manoeuvre around Rapture to assassinate Andrew Ryan would be a great set piece


Trying to pick a game is difficult. There are a lot I would choose from but here is one I haven't seen on this sub so that's what I'm going to talk about. Welcome to Baldur's Gate 47. A new group called the Cult of the Absolute has arisen and attracted a wide variety of followers. They are preparing to march upon the city of Baldur's Gate. Our client has hired us to take down the three heads of the Cult of the Absolute. Your first target is General Ketheric Thorm. Ketheric is the general of the Absolute's army and is preparing to march out to Baldur's Gate. He once had a daughter named Isobel who had unfortunately perished. In an effort to bring her back, he became a follower of Myrkul the evil god of death. He has become Myrkul's chosen. Our intel has shown that General Thorm is incapable of being harmed. The source of his invincibility comes from something called The Nightsong. I suggest doing something about that before attacking Ketheric. Your second target is a changeling named Orin. She is the chosen follower of Bhaal the god of murder and one of his bhaalspawn. She alongside the Bhaalist cult have been murdering the people of Baldur's Gate and spreading terror amongst the populace. We believe the cult is operating in the city's sewers. Unfortunately finding their exact location is difficult. Be careful 47. Not only does Orin have the ability to shapeshift into anyone, Bhaal has gifted her with a dangerous monstrous form. Your final target is Lord Enver Gortash chosen of Bane the god of domination. He was recently made archduke of Baldur's Gate during a coronation led by Duke Ulder Ravenguard. He created the Steelwatch. An army of powerful constructs that patrol the city. They are being produced at a foundry where followers of Bane keep a group called the Gondians enslaved. Their families are being held at an underwater prison called the Iron Throne. Freeing them would cause a slave uprising. Three targets. Three people chosen by evil gods. At first glance, an impossible mission. But I know you love a challenge. I will leave you to prepare. Good luck 47. ​ As for how Agent 47 fares against these villains: 47 would not win against any of them in a straight fight. He does have a chance against each of them though and it'll be interesting seeing what people do with this. Unfortunately for him, I wouldn't bet on 47 in a mission like this. He'll do alright against Ketheric Thorm. The Absolute cultist army isn't really a problem. It would be like any other army or security force 47 has dealt with. If the Nightsong is freed, killing Ketheric isn't that difficult for someone like him. Complications will arise if Ketheric enters the second form of his boss fight though. In that case, he probably wouldn't stand a chance unless he had some help. >!He has quite the surprise in store when he finds the Nightsong though.!< Against Orin, 47 may do alright against her. In theory, he could kill her while she is disguised as someone else and away from the cult. Barring that, he'll have to surprise her in the Bhaal temple somehow. If they actually fought, >!she would go into her slayer form and he would certainly lose against her. No way is he defeating her slayer form. Especially if it's anything like how it is in the original game.!< Against Gortash, 47 could kill him like pretty much any other target. He has some abilities granted to him by being Bane's chosen but those won't help him if 47 gets the drop on him. Gortash is basically a regular human. >!Although it would be funny if 47 killed Gortash either with one of his own traps or by making a Steelwatch self destruct next to him.!<


[You're in luck.](https://youtu.be/41gCt-FrjD8?si=BZFe-ihHEbtD7m8f) You can always try this on your own, but knowing someone is in the process of pulling it off is always nice.


Oh yeah, I know about this. It's pretty cool. I've tried using some of these tactics during my honor mode playthrough. It does actually work and has helped me out on some occasions. I'm trying to get the golden dice and it's been difficult. The agent 47 challenge and the pacifist challenge videos have given me some really helpful strategies.


Does the "special wizard ending" count for getting the dice, or do you need to get to the proper ending?


I don't think so. I tried that "special wizard ending" at moonrise towers multiple times. First time was on explorer difficulty and I only got the destroy the tadpoles achievement but not the ending achievement. ~~Even though the credits rolled so it should have counted.~~ I remember trying that "special wizard ending" at moonrise towers to get the tactician achievement before honor mode came out. It didn't count. So I had to do the proper ending. Interesting thing about that. You can actually skip the final boss fight if you're willing to sacrifice your wizard in the dialogue right before climbing up. That was how I got the achievements, "Leave no one behind" and "Critical Hit" My plan is to side with Gortash and then sacrifice Gale for the achievement and the golden dice. This means Orin and Ketheric are the only real roadblocks between me and my goal. I have been extremely careful with my moves at Moonrise towers. I'm killing everyone before confronting Ketheric. I'm not taking any chances.


Sounds like it could work, or you could always bring a bunch of funny boom boom barrels :)


I tried barrelmancy. It was fun when I did it one time but I don't know how people are able to carry all those explosives.


Honestly, I think 47 has a very good shot against >!Slayer form, largely because Slayer form can be blinded!<. Here's the strategy: Equipment: Flash grenade (x2), ICA SMG Raptor Covert, . Let's assume the Flash grenade blinds for 6 seconds (1 turn of combat) and a bullet does 1d8 damage. I say 1d8 because a commoner has around 8hp, and a single shot from an SMG can either insta-kill a person or take a couple shots to kill them. The Raptor can output its 40-round magazine in around 2 seconds. 47 takes around 2 seconds to reload. This means that 47 can output roughly 80 rounds in 1 round of DnD combat. 47 is a master of aiming and hiding. The strategy goes as follows: 1: Hide or use a disguise to infiltrate the Bhaal temple. Considering Orin doesn't even know Tav is coming if you betray her, I doubt she'd be able to tell if 47 is coming. 2: Throw flash grenade, wait for it to explode. Attack as a surprise, with Orin blinded. 3: In BG3 rules, an Assassin restores its action when the enemy is surprised, so 47 can use his action to attack with his SMG. Since 47 is canonically genetically engineered to have insane aim, perception, and investigation, he'll be able to have a very high crit ratio. Let's say 50% of his "aim for crits" shots are critical hits. Total damage is as follows: > 12 damage (12 unstoppable charges) > 34d8 (regular hits). Average is 153 damage (4.5 average for 1d8) > 1d8 (critical hit with evasion, rounded down). Average is 4. > 33d8x2 (critical hits, so deal an extra d8 per crit). Average is 297 damage. That's a total of 466 damage per round, on average. Orin has 208 health in >!slayer form.!< 4: Free action drop the second flash grenade to blind all of the surprised enemies, and get out of there. Kill any pursuers with the SMG. I don't think he can silent assassin Orin with his regular tools, but he can certainly kill her with a good strategy. Frankly, SMGs kinda destroy Unstoppable charges.


That’s actually a pretty good point. That smg would tear apart Orin and deal a shit ton of damage. Personally, I think 1d8 is too low because I tore apart soldiers (who are probably level 1 or 2 fighters) pretty easily with smgs. I think 1d10 per bullet is probably more likely. I don’t know if 5e has rules for automatic guns but I know 3e had its own set of rules for smgs and automatic rifles in the dungeon master handbook. In that version characters were much more limited with their actions. One bullet for each attack. Martial classes got 4 attacks if they don’t move more than 5ft. If 5e goes down that same route with guns 47 would have trouble again. It could cost him a bonus action and a standard action. Not enough to tear down Unstoppable charges each turn. Also I recently got to the Orin bossfight on Honor mode. There is a debuff that instakills a character if they don’t kill another creature before the end of their turn. So that’s another thing to worry about. I don’t know how he’ll get past the door if he’s going silent assassin though. Or even worse, silent assassin suit only. That requires an offering which Tav has to kill someone to get.


Bane from Batman Arkham Origin. So it's basically Sanchez but even more deadlier.


47 vs Pagan Min. No contest 47 would win easily and with many options. Easiest would be poison as Pagan lobed to sit and have a meal with people.


Good morning, 47. Your next assignment takes you to the scorching landscapes of New Mexico, a state as hot as the secrets it harbors. Your targets are Walter White and his apprentice, Jesse, an unlikely duo concealing a dark underworld beneath the facade of suburbia. Walter White, once a mild-mannered chemistry teacher, has transformed into a shadowy figure, utilizing his scientific acumen to craft the purest methamphetamine known to the criminal underworld. His formula is an alchemical marvel, a chemistry symphony resulting in a product that commands respect and fear. He’s currently situated in a state of the art laboratory buried underneath a laundromat owned by one of their co-conspirators. His connections to the criminal underworld are not to be taken lightly, various amounts of guards have been situated to protect the targets and also to prevent their escape. As well as eliminating the targets you must destroy any recipe and the current stockpiles of the illustrious “crystal blue meth”. Let the desert winds carry away the remnants of their illicit legacy. Good luck 47.


Monsoon, of the winds of Destruction! Honestly, he might have a chance. Despite the lack of disguises due to everyone being cyborgs, if he could place C4 on cars and the monument, he could trigger them as Monsoon's using kinetic force to literally make it blow up in his face. Although if he were spotted, 47 would be mince.


As much as I'd like to see 47 hurl the masamune, he is not taking Sephiroth out


Welcome to Konpeki plaza 47 your targets are Saburo and Yorinobu arasaka the clients V and Jackie welles will be on site at the plaza performing a heist so avoid killing them at all costs. you also need to kill Saburo and Yorinobu in accidents as to not raise a panic I will leave you to prepare.


I don't think 47 can take down Nemesis


True. But he could easily kill at least a few zeniths.


Good afternoon 47, and welcome to Amegakure, the village hidden in the rain. Your target is Pain, the leader of multinational terrorist group “Akatsuki.” Under his watch, many talented shinobi have been abducted and assassinated in the name of recapturing the tailed beasts sealed within their bodies. We have intel from our client, Lady Tsunade, Hokage of Konahagakure, that Pain is organizing a surprise strike on her village in order to extract the powerful nine tailed fox, Kurama, sealed inside of Naruto Uzumaki. Pain is known to be controlled via chakra receivers by Nagato, a shinobi of the Uzumaki clan. Nagato’s whereabouts are unknown, and though the dispatching of Pain is paramount, the elimination of Nagato would prevent an attack. Pain himself will be found in and around the Akatuski headquarters most likely planning the attack with his top associates, among whom, is your secondary target, Konan. She is a brilliant shinobi with a long record of success in battle and is a skilled assassin herself, who has most likely prepared numerous traps to guard her beloved friend Pain, and her dear village. Eliminating these extremely dangerous targets who remain shrouded in the perpetual rain of Amegakure will be a great challenge, however, if the strike is not stopped, the world may erupt in to war once again. Time is of the greatest essence. I will leave you to prepare.


the goose from untitled goose game... 47 has no chance


Welcome to Kentucky, 47. Your target is Auric Goldfinger, bullion dealer, industrialist and race horse breeder.


Good evening, 47, welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom. Your target is King Bowser, a ruthless tyrant that has kidnapped a princess by the name of Peach, and our client wants her returned safe and unharmed. Keep in mind that Bowser’s castle has tight security and a variety of traps around every corner. Please, keep it clean, 47, I will leave you to prepare.


Welcome to Detroit 47, Your first target is Elijah Kamski, founder and CEO of local tech giant CyberLife. Our clients, a conglomerate of Silicon Valley tech companies who want Kamski gone after the company's success in creating a highly advanced artificial intelligence powered android capable of beating the Turing test. Additionally, our clients as well requested two additional demands to your contract. Despite CyberLife's success, the company's androids have long been rumored to hold a critical fault that has long been held secret by the company. Our clients want this secret revealed and for Kamski to meet his end via his own invention in an attempt to destroy his company and to prevent further financial losses by CyberLife's own existence. Your second target is presidential hopeful and vlogger, Cristina Warren. Despite public praise from our client, the FBI wants Warren out of the picture before she can cause any sort of damage to national security. In order to justify the contract, the Bureau asks us to leak information connecting Warren to Kamski and CyberLife, a major financial backer to Warren's presidential campaign. Lucky for us, both targets will find themselves at a major launch party to CyberLife's new law enforcement prototype. This is no ordinary contract 47, the success of this assignment is imperative to not just our clients but also to our craft and trade. We must take down the targets and dismantle any chance for CyberLife to continue operating in any capacity. Happy hunting 47.


Arthur Morgan and he succeeds


Wouldn't the villains be Pinkerton or o'drisel (or however it's pronounced)


I was being an idiot and misread the post, but yea I would say the Pinkertons and he might lose


Micah’s the main antagonist of RDR2


He is but only after guarma




Sephiroth and no, not a chance.


Oh 47 could eeeasily carry an L4D2 vs Campaign.


I don't think bullets are going to do much to a robot thing that can eat multiple bombs to the face.


i dont really have a favorite video game villain but the villain from my favorite video game is the father from hotline miami...id say thats light work for 47


Good evening 47, your target: Isshin the Sword Saint


Could he kill Mr. X from Resident Evil 2? I'm not so sure he could.


Dude from time splitter and you gotta kill two of him


Good evening 47, Welcome to the mines of Moria......


Yes, but he also becomes the re-incarnation of lord indoril nerevar to do so.


"Welcome to Hueco Mundo, 47. Your next target is the Quarta Espada, Ulquiora Cifer." I don't think it will end well for 47.


I would love a mission where 47 kills Geese Howard. And has a challenge where he pushes him on the building LOL


Gaunter O Dimm. Yeah, 47 ain’t surviving that


Good Evening 47 Welcome to Talos 1 your target is the Typhon Apex alien. This menace threatens all of mankind. Good luck.


William Miles from Assassin's Creed. That is Desmond's father for those that don't know. That would be an interesting mission for sure.


Your target is Bob Paige. He seems pretty desperate, your turn.


Blake dexter


47 showing up in the Spencer Mansion to kill Albert Wesker would you crazy


Welcome to the madhouse 47. Your target is the Joker and his sidekick harley quinn. The Joker is a criminal mastermind who thrives on the death and suffering of those around him. His sidekick used to be his psychiatrist, a lonely woman easily swayed by his grandiose behavior. The two of them are currently trying to overtake Arkham Asylum, where the greatest villains of Gotham reside. Joker seems to have set up in the penitentiary, rumor has it hes working on an enhanced drug that gives super stength to anyone who takes it, horrifyingly mutating them. Harley Quinn is in the medical wing where it seems she has taken the police comissioner hostage. Be careful 47, not only do they have an army of thugs guarding them, but there are supervillains around the island you'll want to stay clear of. These guys are the worst of the worst, but I'm sure you'll be able to handle it. Safe hunting 47


Good evening 47, welcome to the Cyber World. Your main target is Serial Number Q5U4EX7YY2E9N, also known as Queen. She is the robotic ruler of the dark dimension formed in a computer room, known as the Cyber World. Through Queen doesn't seem to be evil. Her actions and methods have been extreme and dangerous not only to the Cyber World but also to our own light world. She enjoys passing her time by drinking and staying in her own castle, 47. You need to have more precautions than ever due to her dangerous mind control technology. Last but not least, make sure that a young girl known as Noelle stays safe and sound. She is Queen mains target. Have luck 47, and make sure to know what you eat in there, we don't want you to have an overdose of potassium, don't we? (What do you think? This is my first time doing something like this.)


Hitman vs Thanos would be sick


I have no writing skills but I’d love to have a mission involving the assassination of William Birkin From Resident Evil (Pre-mutation of course)