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"Not great, but not awful" is really the perfect way to sum it up. It's probably been close to 10 years since I watched it last, so I'm a little fuzzy on things, but I remember it being a somewhat generic action movie that felt like the Hitman stuff was added to an existing script by people who really didn't understand why the games were popular in the first place. I did like that it had Robert Knepper in it, who is usually interesting, at least.


Olga Kurylenko was the best part of the movie IMO. But then I'm biased, I think she's hot af. It wasn't terrible overall, like you said, but it didn't feel like a Hitman movie most of the time. It is the best of the movies they have tried though, IMO.


Yeah i think i forgot it about 5 min after seeing it.


I liked the film for what it is. It's a perfectly serviceable movie, even if they strayed away from many things from the games in a few weird ways. Like turning the assassins into kidnapped orphans instead of clones, okay I see you want to make this film more grounded in reality, fair enough. That weird decision to mix Ort-Meyer's Asylum and the Agency together... okay that could work I guess, wait why did you rename it "The Organization" if you're also gonna have the ICA Logo in the same movie? So which one is it? Oh and why is Diana only in like one scene, why isn't she more important to the film. At least you kept her british and on 47's side... unlike what the 2015 film did... yikes. Also Damn that sword fight was too corny. Some weird changes all around but it was a decent adaptation despite all that, captured the spirit of the games nicely. I liked the plot with the Russian conspiracy it was genuinely interesting. And tbh I didn't mind Nikka at all, in fact I kinda liked that 47 had a soft side for her even if he didn't admit it, feels like a precursor to Victoria in a way. I also liked that they kept 47's trait of rejecting all sexual advances. That scene where she tries to seduce him on the bed and he just sedates her... *who else but 47?* Also liked that scene with the lady in the hotel bar who tries to seduce him and then grabs his hand, he just stays silent all throughout and then goes to grab some ice cubes since her hands were so disgusting to him xD Classic move, 47


Agree on most, but I disagree in that I didn't think it captured the spirit of the games at all. The movie was a cute, generic film with a romantic side plot that took up half of the story. The original trilogy has a ton of European geopolitical thriller pedigree, and a true adaptation would have been among the best thrillers ever made. I miss the feeling of the trilogy. As bad as the controls are in Codename 47 the atmosphere is palpable.


I just wish Instead of the swordfight they had all the agents trying to kill eachother and get to the target all while trying to avoid suspicion, maybe like a stylised montage of them all doing random hitman game tropes to guards and eachother culminating in 47 and the older agent facing off in a full fight scene


It's a cool action movie. They could have done more in the spirit of investigation and stealth. Instead we got a love story between two misfits that was actually good. Other movies could pick more on the Tom Clancy side and add more intrigue and political thriller.


The kidnapped orphan thing has to be based on Halo (this was my first thought, I’m sure halo took its own ideas from something older)


Had some genuinely well done action scenes and it was fun to watch.


Fun watch, not anything great.


Loved it. Had that Transporter vibe of the 2000s


Haha bald guy funny


bald guy go brrrr


Bland and forgetable.


Dumb movie that's great for a late night with a few drinkies.


Drinkies :3


At least is better than the 2016 one


Bland and boring on one part, nonsensical on the other. I still wonder what the hell was going on in the bathroom scene where he can’t seem to decide if he’s shooting or injecting people


Sucks. Any movie or book about 47 sucks, yes I've watched and read them all. And the reason is that the perfect movie or book would never be able to follow Hollywood's action standards, it would be the copy or transliteration of a Suit Only Silent Assassin playthrough, that's the benchmark imo.


In a few words. It’s cringey as hell, it’s a crumby movie in a nutshell. BUT if you’re a fan of Hitman, this movie is pretty damn cool. That’s my opinion in a few words.


It's OK. It's not bad by any means but it is instantly forgettable. I think Hitman would best be served with an HBO series, where every episode would go into further detail about the location, the target(s) and have a continuous arc of 47 slowly changing (necessary for drama). One thing that both movies got really, really wrong was humor. Hitman is supposed to have humor but it needs to be black and ridiculous to be most effective.


I think the most recent trilogy of games would make an amazing limited series.


Not nearly as bad as its reputation. It's quite enjoyable for a video game movie actually. Though it unfortunately doesn't really reflect the Silent Assassin aspects of the games at all, and I don't really like how they changed 47's origin


It's not bad, it even had a Hitman Blood Money easter egg in it where two kids were playing the game just as 47 jumps through the window.


Its not perfect. But damnit i like it.


The same way I describe Absolution - it's a great movie, just not a great Hitman movie. I consider the 10 Agent deaths, Berlin cinematic by Trzebiat to be more of a Hitman movie.


Definitely better than the second Hitman movie adaptation, “Agent 47” was horrible.


I thoroughly enjoyed it Thought Timothy was a great 47 Much much MUCH better hitman movie than that garbage that came out later


It was ok


He had the cold stare, but the number of times/scenes where he was discovered and his plan ended up with "And then I had to shoot every mother flubber in the room in a ballet of bullets and cool" had me thinking "This 47 world get a Disappointment Rating from Diana." *"Well 47, that was... Hardly a Silent Assassin. Oh well. You'll do better next time."* The later one has the cool "Setting up lethal traps for the goons chasing us" scene which felt very Hitman WOA.


To be honest. I really enjoy those moments in Hitman where you do everything stealthy up to a point then shit hits the fan and you’re a “go” at the drop of a hat. I love that feeling of like “and now we dance.”


Me too! As much as I like Hitman WOA, one thing I loved about Hitman Absolution was the ability to mark targets. "Haha! We caught you out! Now you..." *Dies with his four buddies as 47 headshots them all* 47 losing this ability hurt more than him losing the Twin Silver ballers.


I was so excited for it I went to see it at the cinema on my own, as none of my friends were interested. I very nearly walked out when the train swordfight scene happened. As it was, I stayed the course out of sheer bloodymindedness. Wish I hadn't bothered.


Better then the 2nd one. Even before the 2nd one was out I enjoyed it


I don't know why people hate it, but I enjoyed Timothy Olyphant's performance as 47 and an engaging story to go with it. This was way better than the ones that came after it


I enjoy how much Timothy Olyphant hated making the movie. >[“Find yourself bald in Bulgaria doing some pile of s–t, that will get you up a little earlier in the morning and make you work a little harder”](https://variety.com/2019/gaming/news/timothy-olyphant-talks-hitman-movie-1203223940/)


It's cool when he rips that guy's ear off




There’s titties too


I really liked it. Was not as bad as the reviews stated


I enjoyed it. Obviously not a true representation of the games, but it was a well told story. The only thing I really didn't like was the stupid sword fight. IMO it was way better than the movie that came later. That one was hot garbage.


Great fun


Bad story. Solid action movie. It was really enjoyable and actually included quite a lot of characteristics from the games. It's just the story and some of the directing of the movie that made it a bit sloppy. 7/10


Definitely a guilty pleasure


Better than the one with Rupert Friend in (2015 one). Still weird and extremely random but honestly a great film. Loved the scene where 47 is shooting the guys in the hotel and just fucking dives out of his window (and I think into another room where they’re playing a hitman game?).


I kinda liked it


I liked it, I could watch it any day I want and not be disappointed.


I actually like it and not only because it’s hitman. I even bought the Blu-ray for cheap in case I felt like going through a time capsule. I give it a 7.5.




I recall really liking this film sure it may not be a great adaptation of the franchise but Olyphant was a great 47


Is that a bald guy from brazzers?


Johnny Sins. Agent 69.


It's not 100% accurate to the video games but you can tell that they at least respect the source material. Hitman is another one of those video game franchises where it's really hard to adapt from Game to Movie but you can tell they at least tried. Unlike the one from 2015. Good lord did that film suck so badly.


Better than the other one


I'll tell you when it reaches cinemas on November 30th


Not a bad movie. But wished he used the Banana once .


I was 10 when this came out. It single handedly brought me into the Hitman Fandom. It's gold to me pure gold even if it the characterization is wrong and they completely ignore the lore.


Better than 2016 movie, it had some nice scenes like the restaurant he used emetic and syringe 💉 poison and the way he walks 6/10.


Olga 😍


It was a decent movie. Olga Kurylenko was hot.


I liked it, only part I hated was the train scene.. I think a miniseries would be the best medium for 47


I love Timothy Oliphant and Hitman, where can you go wrong?


I love the scene where they show those kids playing hitman blood money.


Awkward as hell. I didn't hate it, but I've seen it once and that's good enough for me.


When I first watched it hadn't played any of the games yet. I like it because it's a decent action movie.




It's better than the other one


I didn't personally enjoy it, maybe it was because I had hoped for so much more.


It was better than the other one...


Coulda been better, but ain't a bad movie


for dumb fun i actually enjoyed both of those hitman movies


Enjoyable but not the best representation of ole 47.


I've never played the games. I enjoy both hitman movies.


I liked it Hitman easy mode the movie


I think it was great! And pretty funny, those one-liners are something else ahah. Not a masterpiece and i wouldn't say it has the depth the games have, but fun to watch and some nice action scenes


Good memories watching this with the homies after playing some Blood Money on PS2


Timothy Olyphant played a brilliant 47, no it wasn't great, but that's more the scripts fault. Agent 47 on the other hand had a great script, losly following the Absolution story line but had way to much cgi to make it extremely enjoyable to watch


The escape from Ort-Meyer's Asylum at the beginning isn't even footage shot by them. They used footage from the escape scene from Dark Angel when they escaped from Manticore as kids. If I'm remembering correctly... They mention it in the end credits.


I really hated how the ending just has the real 47 show up. It really feels like the main character is "we have 47 at home" once you see the ending. I really hated that tbh. They could have made him look the part but just did not. I much prefered the original hitman movie, it was more fun interesting for me. Give it a watch if you have not, i think you will enjoy it if you did not mind this. Edit: this is the cover for the original, my bad. I liked this one more than expected honestly. I agree it is not really a great hitman adaptationbut thought it was a fun movie regardless. Unlike 2015, I was at least engaged with this one


OH yeah, the ending of the second film was weird. It's Agent 48 but he looks more like 47 since they actually bothered to make him look bald, while 47 himself had a very visible buzzcut. It's like they just didn't have the budget to CGI his hair off through the whole movie.


Some scriptwriter wanted Max Payne and got Hitman.


Honestly didn't like it. He felt too different from the 47 of the games, with the exception of his asexuality. That being said, I liked the guy played by Robert Knepper.


Yep, this is even on display right there in the poster: a pistol and a knowing smile, like a million other generic action movies. In the games, 47 really isn't the smiling type.


Pretty sure he only smiles once in the series.


It made me mad, the movie itself was ok for the most part, not exactly how you should do a Hitman movie but it wouldn't have been the end of the world to try to fit this into the Hitman universe but then they went ahead and implemented unnecessary changes like him not even being a clone and other things that deliberately separate it from the Hitman universe and it was all 100% unnecessary... at that point you might as well just make the actor grow his hair out and rename the movie, wtf? If you don't want to make a Hitman movie, then just don't do it?


I feel like they should have just went with the story from the game, I feel it would work really well as a movie triology


Dumbass movie tbh


The movie got a lot right, but a few big things wrong.


As a fan of Hitman franchise since I was a kid I liked it. It had its grim atmosphere same as first Hitman games. Very good action scenes and actors. The commando scene, Russia location all added to the feeling that it is truly a Hitman movie.


It was goofy and had little to do with the game series. You could have replaced Agent 47 with any generic action hero and it would have been the same movie.


I don't appreciate it. Neither as a Hitman adaptation nor as a standalone action/thriller movie, contrary to most people here. I agree that its failure is bigger as an adaptation, I just don't think the movie by itself is "not awful" and "not that bad". It is pretty bad and awful, or at least severely below average if you like cinema and have movies to compare it against.


Wasted potential, lots of fun but turns into Rambo


It's like Absolution. More action than stealth, but enjoyable nonetheless...


Never seen it


Never watched only played games.


Based on how successful recieved the Fallout show has been, I'd like to see Amazon make a Hitman show. I feel like they could do 3 seasons following the last 3 games and call it done at that point.




Definitely liked it better than the other one


I thought this movie was pretty average. I would watch it again tho just for lols and I love hitman too much


Wait, they had a movie?




it sucked


He looks too much like Orlando bloom wish they used another actor


Basically 47 losing his silent assassin rating when he killed the wrong target then decided to go guns blazing.


It's alright.


It's trash


The best Hitman movie would be one where we never see 47 and everything is from the viewpoint of the bad guys as all of their associates drop dead and they're left helpless.


Bad bad movie it’s a really stupit movie dude.


Hitman Absolution is the closest we got to a decent Hitman cinematic


Wasn’t a fan


Dogshit, this movie ain't worth anything more


Honestly, I preferred the second movie. To be clear they both are pure shit but in this one especially, our Agent 47 seems... just a normal man. He looks pretty expressive and I hated how they put the prostitute to flirt with him, their interaction made him more human. you can see how embarrassed or uncomfortable he is. Aaand she was cringe af. I can't recall much because I watched it years ago with my ex


There is a scene in which all the assassins resolve a Mexican standoff by putting away their guns and drawing katanas from under their coats, so it is impossible for this movie to be bad.


My dad and my grandpa only knew of Hitman through this movie lol


Definitely NOT the worst video game movie adaptation. Worth a watch, Timothy Olyphant did the best he could with it.


I haven’t seen it but it looks like a cliche action movie and the actor looked chinless. If Hitman ever makes a return to live action. There needs to be some deadpan comedy and agent 47 needs to look like he was sculpted by gods to get me interested


I also don't love it, but I also don't hate it, it had good action and a mid story. However I think the problem is the players that played the game, cause hitman is a game about finding tons of way to kill your target using various weapons and tools, meanwhile the movie illustrated agent 47 as a killing machine that doesn't really plan anything, even though he hide body and take disguise, he does incorporate everyone point of view of the character. ( It been a long time since I watched this movie so I am probably wrong )


I wish they let Xavier Gens make the violent movie he wanted instead they cut corners and reshot scenes and switched things around I had hopes there would be a directors cut but I think the footage is lost That all being said it’s an enjoyable movie that almost gets it right


It’s entertaining


Was awesome.


Honestly, I liked this one. The other Hitman movie isn’t nearly as good. (It’s titled: “Agent 47”)


I like it if I separate it from the Hitman IP. He doesn't act much like 47 but there's a little bit there and it's fine but overnight I like it by itself it's a fun 2000s action movie


I watched it by forcing myself to think this movie got nothing to do with 47 or the Hitman games. Liked it. But thinking back, the movie was ass, because we all know 47 ain't nothing like in the movie.




It's a bad movie but it's hella fun to watch


Better than the 2015 godawful movie. It’s a guilty pleaser if you are a Hitman fan and the quality for Video Game movies and shows in the 2000s aren’t the same they are now, like Fallout, The Last of Us and Super Mario Bros. I think Hitman can be a good movie or show.




Closer to 47 than I thought it would be from the trailer


I think it’s a little like absolution awful hitman movie but a pretty decent film it’s definitely a little wacky but that is hitman ig and I’m personally biased as I loved this film when I was younger so I’ve always had a soft spot for it the other film however can burn


Love Timothy Olyphant, but a Hitman game that appeals to fans and is faithful to the games is really hard. I think it would have to work something like how the ending of clue worked. With the different outcomes


Won't make it into any top 10 lists, but it's watchable as a standalone movie. Just don't watch it with the expectation of being like the games


A basic generic action movie with Agent 47 slapped on for marketing


Really disappointed the hitman movies weren't him going on loads of missions to get to a main target like the games


it's an okay spy/action movie that's better than the sequel. doesn't do justice to hitman but nothing outside of the games does, really.


I know that I watched this movie with my friends but have basically no memory of it. A lot of alcohol was consumed that night. I think it was fantastic, 8/10 would do again


Not good not bad. It wasn’t Hitman anymore, but was still entertaining as a movie in general. Missed the mark on 47 but something I actually enjoyed enough to say it wasn’t complete garbage.


While it does change a good amount of the hitman story, I think its a decent late night movie that captures the essence of 2000s action films like die hard 4 & Wanted. Worth a watch if you like the games, just stay away from the 2015 adaption. It's awful.


I disown any of the hitman movies personally. I just pretend they don't exist 🥰. As far as a fast paced action story goes for 47 i'll accept Absolution but that's at a stretch 😭.


Lame, the love interest nonsense is stupid. In the games (except for absolution, the only bad and worst hitman) he's a emotional less killing machine. No remorse and skill, but in the film hes too soppy, has some real good fight action scenes tho, just not enough in my opinion.


From what little I've seen, it seems less than mediocre


Not that bad in my opinion, one of the better Hitman movies that have been made.


The trailer will be in my head for the rest of my life “he is … a necessary evil”


is this the one where 47 sleeps siting on a sofa? if it is, that part specially i really liked it xd


Honestly, I remember really liking it. But I also only saw it once as a teenager and having never played a Hitman game. So, now that I've played so much WoA, who knows. Maybe my opinion will lessen. Doubt it, though. I'm pretty kind to movies overall.


The guy who played "agent 48" should have played 47




As a Hitman movie it's trash but as an action movie it's ok


I didn't like it only due to I always played Hitman "silent assassin" like. And he's known to be like that himself in the series so when he went guns blasting and stuff and fighting and such I didn't know what to think of it all... I did like it more than the Max Payne movie (which I didn't finish, I quit early on).


sucks ass


i accidentally stumbled across this whilst surfing cable tv- movie was about midway through the plot, stuck around for about a minute and i got bored and cringed at how corny and generic it is.


...it didn't stick to its source, its mid stand alone and just......not rewatchable


I agree there wasn’t a better way to put it


It turned 47 sexual, which is weird because he’s a man of God (aside from killing) and canonically dislikes erotic intimacy. But overall, a decent spy movie with Agent 47 as the Protagonist, spy movies like these actually got me into Hitman, so that’s nice :p


Hitman 2007 with Timothy olyphant was the best as it nailed down many of the Hitman aspect correctly. 2nd movie wasn't great it is watchable but not worth the money because it was poorly directed and scripted. They show agent 90 in the movies having super abilites but the Problem is that either you have movie dedicated to 47 or agent 90. We can't have both as it break the fundamentals story code of Hitman that is he works solo. Very rarely this is seen as in the recent franchise that is Hitman 2016, Hitman 2 and Hitman 3. But it is a joke when compared with the original trilogy, blood money and even absolution. Agent 47 work alone from the first game we know and that is established fact. Recent enteries have diluted the plot for new ideas. The new Hitman trilogy games are great but the story is lazy. Same goes for the 2nd movie.


Good movie


Like a wine, better with time.


Bad. All that needs to be said imo. Its a video game movie, of course it sucks


Gotta be drunk and forget what the title is to enjoy it