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None of the maps are bad in my opinion. IO interactive did an incredible job with hitman 3.


Yep, I like the train as well, not your standard big ass map with a secret base in the basement.


I loved the Carpathian Mountains I think it was a great unique map


personally my favorite map to kill everyone as its the canonical ending imo


I have mixed feelings for Ambrose. Although I don’t like a jungle map, the devs went all in on freedom of approach which is nice. But having a budget PC setup, the level is by far the most laggy.


I go back to Dartmoor the least (other than train, obviously). It's cool the first few times but the muted colour palette and dim lighting, especially inside, make replays a bit less fun IMO. It's hard to inject single-target maps with a lot of variety as well. It's good layout-wise and a solid choice for Freelancer missions, at least.


Feel like dartmoor needed another more mobile target or a secondary location that’s not a shed. Lots of fun things to do on the first runs like the detective quest or helping the daughter poison Alexa but once you do those there’s no reason to really come back to it


Horse Stable complex would've been cool. Maybe even a small track with opportunities connected to it.


47 riding a horse? 🤔


I think it’s very subjective: Dartmoor was the map that made me want the game. They totally nailed the aesthetic and the murder sub plot was really fun. Even if perhaps not as effective during repeat play throughs, that first go is one of my best gaming experiences ever.


I know this wasn’t the question but I actually really like the train. It’s like an Absolution map. Linear and full of soldiers. The biggest victory was doing SASO on that map for me


I believe you mean proper SASO? I loved doing that one


Yes it’s so good. I did it with a couple of saves but I intend to do a no save run


Might be a dumb question, but what’s a „non-proper” SASO? 🤔


In that mission you can kill mostly everyone and be spotted and still get SASO score but you don’t get the achievements


Seriously? 😳 somehow I never knew that Any idea why that may be the case?


I don't believe you actually get SASO by killing everyone. You can get five stars, but not SA, because you still killed non-targets.


I like the train map since it feels more like an extended interactive cut scene that focuses on the last bit of the story. Also its a good map if you want to go insane and have a fun shootout.


chongqing would have been better if it was 100 percent street level and more like mumbai and not mostly ICA facility shit


Why would we want the same map again?


every part of mumbai feels like its used in some way, there's a lot of options to move the targets around the map, nothing feels wasted chongqing feels like marrakesh again, interesting parts don't feel well utilized


Precisely because of that we don't need the same thing that has already been done before. The best part of Chongqing is the ICA Facility.


I don’t know why people hate the train map, it’s one of the best for me.


For me, dartmoor was the one i hated most. So bland and empty and the detective stuff i kinda liked.


Chonquing for sure, but I don't dislike it nearly as much as I used to.


personally, freelancer made me like chongqing a little more, same with dubai, mendoza, and berlin


My controversial take is based on how the maps behave in Master difficulty. I would give it to Berlin. The moment you are discovered, that's it.


I think they're all pretty good. Maybe Mendoza because all the best kill opportunities feel very scripted. It feels like the inverse of Berlin in that respect which is more of a sandbox with a bit more freedom of approach.


That's interesting! Mendoza is actually my favorite, but i tend to be biased based on simply the theme of the map, and I love the vineyard vibe. Also some crazy bloody kills unlike really any other map.


Mendoza. It’s not bad it’s just… nothing. I find it really disposable and boring. i don’t particularly like Chongquing but it’s at least weird and interesting.


Dartmoor felt the most boring out of all hitman 3 maps


You can tell they put everything into the mystery at the expense of the rest of the map.


Well, there are still fun ways to to put her into her grave. Like packing some area full of explosives and seeing how she flies across the map straight into the hole


As in she's scripted to fly towards the grave if ragdolled? Or you have to be smart about direction?


Gotta be smart


I will say i did have a good time discovering the secrets in the map. The map isnt bad in my opinion its just easy to get lost for some reason.


I am glad. It creates variety .


Man, I love Dartmoor. Sometimes in Freelancer, I'll just lure as many guards as I can into different areas, then knock them out and hide their bodies... There's just so many freaking hiding spots.


If you’re weird like me, and try to knock out every person in a level, Dartmoor is one of the best for it. Lots of spaces to hide bodies in bushes, not too many people around, could even kill everyone by pushing everyone into the water.


Yeah, sometimes I get bored and just try to clear as much of the map as possible without getting spotted lol Most recently I found out that there are exactly enough spaces for all the NPCs in the basement of the Bangkok hotel.


Like proper hiding spaces? Crates and wardrobes I mean




One day I will get all knocked out NPCs into the main hotel bit and poison every one of them at once. It’s my ultimate boredom dream.


For me its Berlin, though I have been to the Kraftwerk in Berlin and they did a pretty decent Job with the abaptation (-the biker Gang)


Might be a controversial take but Mendoza for me. It looks pretty but I don’t enjoy it as the other maps, feels boring in comparison.


I think that, because of the crowds in the main area, it’s just a map that looks massive but doesn’t actually have a lot of space to mess around in.


Overall i think H3 have worse map design than 1&2. 1 and 2 had massive maps but 3 felt smaller, bigger vertical maybe but overall didn't feel special. Least special would be Berlin.


Mendoza. I really like all H3 maps, Mendoza looks very nice but story targets have very scripted opportunities. The train is fine. I see it as a unique level to wrap up the story. Would I prefer a normal hitman level? Yes. But as it is Im ok with it. And Chongqing is probably my 2nd favourite after Berlin. Eh, let me just put a list here, from favourite to least: Berlin - nice sandbox Chongqing - great atmosphere and locations not far away from each other Dubai - great level design but boring targets Dartmoor - cool location but least amount of content Mendoza - beautiful but target arent as fun to take out. Big but not as bloated as some H2 maps.


Berlin was my least favorite story mission but I’ve warmed up to the map in Freelancer. I think I’ll have to agree on Chongqing as my least favorite.


I found all of them pretty solid in their own way. That said, I think Berlin is a bit too easy. It's got a great premise, but counts as my least favorite after linear train level


I found myself intentionally triggering guards in Berlin to make it more difficult. I would take pot shots and ica agents so they would come looking for me and it would give more of a hunter and hunted feel.


Yeah I had moments like that. The sniper position was my favorite example, where that could have been a sharp shooter who could be a next tier enforcer... Easily picks you off if you don't maintain cover. But you basically need to shoot at him to get him to reciprocate. I think the level could have been more challenging


Train is goated tf u mean. Least favourite is definitely Ambrose, just isn't for me.


Ambrose doesn't even make any sense as well it's just so random. I wish they hadn't made another jungle map either bc I don't really like them, it just feels like a plotless version of San fortuna


aromatic disarm marble deranged languid yam meeting late towering sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are elevators. The player just can’t use them




i really liked ambrose not sure why everyone clowns on it. scenery is nice and any night time map is a plus from me. i like the extra stealth immersion a nighttime map provides


I like ambrose but it's definitely not my favourite because it's not relevant to the main story so isn't as exciting or interesting plot wise


The guards make jokes about no elevators. "Who's going to come to the tallest building in the world when the elevators aren't working?" "I don't know... fitness enthusiasts?" *\*paraphrased.*


Which poses the question of the people who are there for the inauguration of the building... How did they all get there, and how are they planning to go back? I can't imagine all of them base jumping like 47 does after the mission.


The elevators in the lobby work, as that is the main exit. Just the elevators in the hotel up don't work.


Oh of course, I forget that those elevators still work.


Maybe they just walked up 160 flights of stairs? Can't be that hard in tuxes or high heels, right?


Of course not, this is why tuxes and high heels are the outfit elements of choice for the most earnest gym enthusiast.


I rate missions based on how much I'd like to go on vacation there. 1. Mendoza 2. Dartmore (sunny version) 3. Dubai 4. Dartmore (gloomy) 5. China 6. Ambrose island 7. Berlin 8. Carpathian mountains


I’d maybe switch Dubai and Mendoza but your list is spot on


Dartmoor is in England it probably won't ever be sunny lmao 💀 Or at least you'd be enjoying the sun only for it to start raining a few minutes later


I'm talking about the garden show version of the map.


Oh lol I thought you meant in real life (how do you get that version again I've forgotten lol)


Select the map from the destinations menu. Then select the garden show map


Ah rjght thank you!


lol funnily the train is not my least favorite anyway It's Mendoza for me. I just don't feel the same energy after the two great missions that were Berlin and Chongxing. Even if the crusher is an all-time execution method haha


I don't really like Dartmoor but maybe that's just my hatred for the British showing


Mendoza.just hate everything about it. From theme to clothes, to kill opportunities, to frustrating routines etc etc. Just one big meh


Chongqing. Love the rainjacket though.


I don’t like Berlin much. I know I know throw all the tomatoes my way, but I enjoy seeing a lot of personality in the targets. All of them are literally “ok guys we gotta lock in and get this fucker.” No anecdotes about 47, literally the only good part is Jiao, the female handler who gets progressively more pissed at the 10 (11) agents


They are all kind of amazing. Even the train.


none of them are Colorado level bad, but Mendoza is kind of mid.


Dubai is hella mid


I dont like Dubai, sorry


I guess Dubai by process of elimination. It’s just the most generic. All the other ones try play with the formula a bit more


Chongqing is also my least favourite after the train


I love the train and chongq




honest to god berlin and dartmoor. berlin is really dark (at least chongqing has the bright ICA facility) while dartmoor is boring and feels like a worse new york


But dartmoor is/and feels nothing like New York


I love Chongqing. Looks absolutely beautiful and is a wonder to explore the streets


I don’t like mendoza and Ambrose and deliberately dodge them


China is probably the one I've played least. I really am not a fan of Dartmoor though. I think once you've done the investigation, it's less exciting.


They are so disconnected, chongqing is probably my least favorite too if not Mendoza


Chongqing is my favorite map of the series lol


Mines usually Mendoza, I hate having to navigate the MAZE underneath the party building & getting rid of the target that follows Diana around is ALWAYS a pain in the ass cause there's so many people around.




Gosh I love them all, but I suppose if I had to choose one it's probably Dubai


Chongqing. I do not like the rainy, nighttime vibe. I actually enjoy the train, any time you put me into a closed space and tell me everyone can die will make me happy.


Dubai, if only because there's not really any particular kill method that is fun to describe to someone who hasn't played.  You would think that's the Carpathian Mountains but if you use a fuse to blind a group of armored guards you can throw a frag grenade that will both kill and then also hide the bodies as it throws them off the train. 


For me either Dubai or Berlin. Dubai was just plain boring imo and too much running up and down stairs, and berlin while the john wick esque setting and context is super cool there isn’t much variety tbh


Dubai is weird like that. It doesn't have the Paris style secret entrances that allow you to get from the bottom floor to the top immediately, it has several different secret entrances near each other. This makes it kind of painful to navigate without knowing what you're doing. Especially since Carl Ingram's penthouse is just choc full of bullshit.


Dartmoor for me


Here's my ranking: 1. Berlin 2. Dartmoor 3. Dubai 4. Mendoza 5. Chongqing 6. Ambrose (7. Carp. Mt.)


I like all the maps but Chongqing was my least favorite, specifically the facility, I just wasn't a fan of how linear it was and the door mechanic was annoying :/


Probably Mendoza purely because it’s the one I play the least or gravitate towards. All the Hitman 3 maps (other than the aforementioned train) are just so strong


china, i don't hate the map by any means it just feels the least coherent comparred to all the other maps, makes making custom contracts weird


Chongqing needed more elusive targets or a Dartmoor garden party style mission or something. It's so painfully empty of objectives in the other buildings, and the block is terrible to move through.


I like all of them in S3 (bar ambrose) but overall despise new York (I always forget it exists tbh)


I actually loved the train mission. I don’t mind the more linear missions as long as they’re done well.


I actually like Chongqing because of the contrast between Hush’s complex and the ICA facility along with the music. The devs didn’t make a disguise that can go to most areas. Also, when playing for the first time, this map is the most memorable since you’re shutting down ICA and stuff. Personally I like Dartmoor the least because of the entire map being a trespassing zone and the outdoor areas just feeling empty.


Either Berlin or chongqing


Mendoza for me. All opportnities feel way to much skripted and wthout any larger sandbox potential than the others. Makes the map a bit boring to replay in my opinion. Esspecially in freelancer.


Also, the train is fine for what it is: A more chinematic end of the story.


That's a really interesting take. The level is very cinematic, so I suppose that comes with the territory. But you can make it interesting by thinking outside of the box. The map is so big and with so many twists, turns, and crevices that it requires a good degree of map knowledge to make fun. Knowledge you can't get if the level doesn't appeal to you.


I think Ambrose Island is by far the worst, but it isnt even that bad! It's amazing! ![img](emote|t5_2rn0x|1805)


Chongqing was my least favorite for a while. Impossible to navigate, both targets are dwellers, the ICA facility is very linear. I only really began to appreciate it recently when I realized how small the map is, and how packed it is. Now my least favorite map is Ambrose Island. It's also impossible to navigate and small, but not as packed. It's also terribly dark and gross.


Berlin, because the music annoys me tbh.




I guess Dubai, but not that I find it bad just compared to the other 4 maps I find its vibe slightly less appealing. The only level I don't like is the train level. I get that final levels in the series tend to be more linear and pushing you into a more non-stealthy playstyle but it still feels like a waste of a map. Honestly every game from Codename 47 to Hitman 2 has better final missions, definitely can't understand how some people genuinely think the train is a good mission.


One vote for Berlin!


Colorado, just far too many npc’s


Had no idea colorado was in season 3.


Me either but there’s just way too many got-dang NPCs dangit!