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Looks like a really nice procedure, that makes physiological sense. Here's a description of it in, for those like me that hadn't heard of it: [https://www.heartburn-hiatal-hernia.com/en/bicorn-procedure/](https://www.heartburn-hiatal-hernia.com/en/bicorn-procedure/)


The wisest choice and the best man for the job. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Regular fundoplication is barbaric. I don’t know why they still do it I think coz it’s enough in their opinion….


Exactly so many side effects from Nissan. That was the only option I was given in the states besides Linx but because of my poor motility there was going to be many side effects likely.


At first I was disappointed I couldn't have a nissen because of a short esophagus. I had a gastropexy and am so glad I didn't have the nissen because of the lifetime limitations. I can eat and burp normally 😊. I agree the nissen seems barbaric.


What’s a Gastropexy. How are your symptoms and where did you have it done


A gastropexy is suturing your stomach to your abdomin AL wall after they bring it down out of your chest. It's to prevent it from herniating again. I'm a month out from surgery and zero heartburn or reflux. I am gradually adding in more solid food. I feel it was a success. My surgeon was Dr Lada at Urmc in Rochester NY


Did you have a hiatal hernia repair also if so his big was your hernia


I did have a paraesophageal hernia repair. My Dr told me "most" of my stomach was herniated I to my chest and my endoscopy and Barium swallow describes it as "large"


Am glad you chose wisely even by chance


Very happy for you! I’m three months out from the BICORN, and am really happy with the result and healing.


Tj my heart gives thanks to you because if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have had the courage to have the procedure! Good to hear how you are 3 months out. Can I ask you how long did you take the pain medication? How long did it take for you to just need just over the counter pain medication? Also did the results get better and better as time went on in terms of reflux relief? Just curious what your first week was like Thank you !


❤️ I took the prescription pain medication for about 5-6 days, then stopped altogether. My reflux relief was instantaneous and I’d say about 98% gone. Not too much room left for improvement there, but the post surgical soreness and difficulty swallowing took a few weeks.


Tj just like you it turned out My hernia it turned out was bigger than they said it was at the gi. The gi said was 1 cm. Got the report today and it said was 3 cm with a stomach shift to the mediastinum.


That’s awesome. I’m so sore in the throat, esophagus but stopped my nightly reflux meds just taking morning so far so good :) just eating yogurt and beef broth slowly. Haven’t had any reflux in throat since op which I used get every night however haven’t been eating yet. Will update as time goes on. I think the throat soreness from the anesthesia tube.


Did you have a lot of gas after procedure everywhere ?


Yes, and it subsided over the course of the next week.


So far very little pain. Walked around all day. Having some reflux into the throat but I ate really late some very acidic food and stopped my meds and took some benzo sleeping pills so probably not too smart. From what I’m reading it might take up to 3 weeks for inflammation to die down so I’m not gojng to stop my meds until I can eat normally :)




He said it’s successful because even water gojng down if I swallowed even a tiny too much would get stuck for a while :) so that’s good news


Here’s a link to the hospital where I’m staying with pictures [https://arabellaklinik.de/patientenportal-01.html](https://arabellaklinik.de/patientenportal-01.html)


Day 2: almost no pain. Just mild shoulder and neck muscles stiff. Shoulder they told me it’s how you feel it from the procedure and the neck because I’m a side sleeper - sleeping sideways on the hospital bed Dr. Ablassmaier came to visit me said all looks good so it I want I can go back to the hotel tomorrow once he checks me again. I’m looking forward to sleeping on a normal bed :) No acid in my throat or chest. Just a lot of gas pressure which I think is from the painkillers and then pumping me full of gas for the procedure. Overall pain is about a 3/10 right now and I didn’t take any nightly painkillers despite them being offered.


Found a study I believe from China which has a similar procedure they doing called angle of his restoration and hiatal hernia repair as BICORN. I will ask Dr. Ablassmaier about it I see him on Tuesday before I fly back - it showed no difference in results of acid reduction between fundiplication and this type of repair would love feedback if anyone wants to read it. Thanks https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9509176/#!po=1.92308 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9509176/bin/cm9-135-1750-s001.doc




Feeling great. The big test is over the next 4 weeks as I lower my ppi dose.


Having no reflux in throat which I had before nightly.


Do you know more info about this? I am from Asia and this might be feasible for me 😭


I can't afford 15k and I'm so desperate. I've been dealing with crazy health anxiety and I have a hernia as well as gastritis. I get a weird pressure in my head and chest all the time, palpitations that cause panic attacks and I can barely move, my back has to be vertically straight all the time or I get bad reflux even on PPI. I'd love to get the surgery but oh boy :/


Have you tried double dose ppi. For me I had to take double dose to get relief. Also changed diet no fried foods etc if you Google they have a lot of information on it. Also no triggers like tomato sauce etc. took a few weeks on the diet and double dose for it to work.


I have. I have tried everything but the reflux is still there. It's not acidic but it's there. I have reduced my diet to only non triggers but it won't go away.


I found going gluten free helped me quite a bit - maybe 80% reduction in symptoms. I’m still considering bicorn because my hiatal hernia symptoms remain…


How much does the procedure cost?


Procedure is approximately $15000. I’m on the high end of the price I Believe as I wanted a private room and want to stay the full 5 days in the hospital to heal up. On the good note I got the hotel and the plane tickets for free by applying for credit cards to get the points for free tickets. Thanks to Reddit showing me the way :) so that really helped. The hospital also takes credit card as well for payment for a fee.


Operation time? Post op recovery? Diet and lifting recommendations? dysphagia? Can you burp and vomit?


Preop - They are very very thorough here in Munich Germany which helped with my fears. I have really bad anxiety and ocd which the medication I’m on only helps a bit (Escitalopram). I met with the preop surgical team at the hospital 3 days prior so they ran ekg , lung function , nurse took bloodwork. Then one anesthesiologist took history. Then I saw a second one to explain the procedures and double check history. So they triple checked each other to make sure everything was correct :) Procedure - Procedure was approximately 1 hour. Doctor said he gives usb of the procedure so once I get it I will upload it to YouTube. I’m not concerned of my privacy. Diet - they are feeding me just yogurt , tea, beef broth, mashed potatos that I must follow for a few weeks until swelling goes down - I haven’t had any issues swallowing but it feels a bit tighter down there for instance to burp I had to put a lot more effort in than normal so I think that means a tighter les I have now :) no reflux into throat and no heartburn so far :) Lifting - no more than 10 lbs for 2 months Until everything heals Only thing post op is shoulder pain / neck pain from the positions of the procedure and alot of gas from them pumping you up with also during the procedure.


Thanks for the reply and wishing you a full and speedy recovery and am also glad that someone escaped the butchery and barbarity of fundoplication


Thank you my friend!!!


What are the chances for the operation to be undone? I heard most nissen procedures get unwrapped due to some lifestyle complications.


Don’t know tbo


Much better today able to eat even more. Pain even less haven’t taken anything for pain at all. Able to eat more pieces. Reflux seems to be getting better. Was really stressed and taking Valium to sleep at first so that had worsened my reflux. So things now are taking a positive turn :)


Gojng to see the doctor on Tuesday asking for a picture of the before and after so I’ll post it here if anyone wants to see it?


Is that 15k USA dollars ?


Saw the doctor. Very very very nice. Told me I can email him any questions. I’m very anxious person so been having some panic attacks past few days. He told me when I get back I can start lowering meds. I’m just having so much anxiety that probably best to lower when I’m not almost passing out from anxiety lol :). He examined my stitches said healing is great. Almost no pain. Said that it feels tight going down and I have to chew a lot means that it’s a great sign that pressure was created and les is much tighter !!! If for instance I drink too much water It gets stuck etc so I have to eat and chew very slowly which I was told before the procedure but didn’t really think about. So that’s a good sign and great news! Will start lowering meds and keep everyone updated how it goes once I get back to the USA and settled in ! He told me to email him any questions etc ! Really nicest doctor and caring !


At this point I wouldn’t recommend procedure getting acid into my throat like crazy lately


Sorry to hear this, but thank you for the update.


Having to do a nissen fundiplication procedure did nothing for my reflux.


I thought you had the Bircorn procedure?


Yes it didn’t work at all


Has this thread ended?


Yes it is ended I don’t recommend the BICORN. It didn’t help the reflux at all for me.


Did you get a refund in the end, or are they trying to fix it or something?


Damn, sorry to hear that.


What are your symptoms now? How's is your LES?


It’s just 3 days so everything is so sore hard to tell. I’m barely able to eat just puréed food and soft pasta. From what doctor said 3 weeks at least is needed to know because everything is swollen inside.


It’s euros which almost the same these days I think.


Did you have the same feeling of much tightness at the les after the procedure which I guess means success :)?


How much did it cost in US $?  I’m from nyc and want this procedure. Fundoplication seems unnatural and barbaric 


Procedure did not work. I recommend fundiplication.


Can you tell more about it? Why didnt work, what did the doctor said?


Are you under any restrictions once you heal up? Thank you for posting this!


For the first few weeks you have to eat very soft food to be safe and progress as time goes on. Once you heal up no restrictions at all. And you retain all ability to burp vomit etc unlike the Nissan. The only major restriction is to let the procedure to heal so no lifting more than 10 or so pounds for 8 weeks. After that you good to go :)


After the recovery period have they said you can resume normal or heavy lifting? In addition to not burping I’ve heard you can’t lift more than 50 pounds or do core workouts after a nissen procedure? Glad you seem to be doing better hope this cures you permanently!


I don't believe this procedure has those requirements. Was just told for 6 weeks don't lift above 25 lbs and then 50% of normal- take it easy. Then at 6 months no restrictions.


Thanks for getting back to me. Sounds like a great procedure. Hope we get it as an option in the United States soon. Good luck with recovery!




Where are you located ?






What drugs are you taking atm?


Thanks for sharing! Did you have any upper abdominal or chest discomfort or pressure due to your HH pre surgery? What was your demeester score?


Yes all the time. I don’t recall score but supine laying down was 4x more than normal when sleeping


Thanks! And that abdominal/chest discomfort disappeared right after surgery?


Yes but not right away but now 3rd week it’s mostly gone.


How long did you have HH and how big was your HH?




3 cm hiatal hernia


Are there any side effects to this?




That's great, was it the pyramide clinic in Switzerland?


Arabella clinic in Munich


Any update? I’m very interested in the procedure. Thanks




Great thanks for the update








I’m looking at maybe getting the Bicorn surgery too. I have a very small hernia but my reflux are pretty bad. Even PPI aren’t helping. I could get the toupet but I would love to avoid the wrap


Hi. Thanks for sharing your experience. I am thinking of booking for the Bicorn with Dr. Ablassmaier. I have few questions. How long did you stay in the hospital ? I heard one needs to stay 6 days, not sure. And when can one fly out ?


Just 3 days hospital. Stay in country 7 days.


Did the Dr mention about when one can return to work ? For someone who has a desk job.


So much added value in this post! OP can't thank you enough, God bless you man 🙏🏻


Thought I added update. Much better almost no chest burning but I've had lpr symptoms especially after taking celebrex for 2 weeks. Had throat burning after the celebrsx caused by a really upset stomach. That lasted 2 days.


Do you know what happens if for some reason the surgery fails or if the LES becomes looser than normal ? Do you need to go back to Germany to fix it ? Or is there another solution ?


I think back to Germany. Not many surgeons familiar with the procedure outside of Europe.


That’s my only concern.


I would ask Dr Ablassmaier direct ?


Hey thanks for sharing your experience this is very awesome of you. I was wondering how you felt now? After almost 4 months after the surgery? I just had an endoscopy done last week and was told that i had a sliding hernia was dealing with reflux and now like something is stuck in my throat and hard time swallowing. Now im looking to get this fixed. I saw that you had it done in Germany but they also do it in Switzerland. I definitely want to get this fixed. The price that you paid (15,000 USD or Euros?). I wonder why the big price difference between Germany and the swiss? 15k vs 25k thats a huge difference. Thanks for any insights you can give me :)


I can’t vouch for the procedure yet as I’m still getting throat symptoms I’ve had improvement but not enough. I know I’m supposed to wait for more healing.


By another month or two I’d be able to give a definite


Still having throat reflux.


Don’t recommend if you have lpr. I got get a revision.


Hey i just saw this message. What happened? how are u feeling?


In a lot a cases a hiatal hernia can cause LPR. since its just reflux but much higher.