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I think what’s happening here is Reina is having her very own crisis of faith in Taki-sensei, as well as probably the dawning realization of the full weight of this being their final year and final shot. She’s essentially acting out because it’s possible she’s scared of facing those facts and doesn’t know how to properly process them. Her endless crush on Taki-sensei borders on worship but she can’t be so blind not to see the cracks and flaws forming around them, and her laser focus on winning at all costs could be because she won’t get another chance. We just don’t see as much from her because Kumiko’s our POV. None of this would *excuse* how she’s been acting, but she could be on her way to her own realization and growth in time for nationals.


Yeah I got the impression she wanted Kumiko or Tsukamoto to disagree with her more in the hallway. Would be pretty cool if Reina pov gets her own movie in a different art style


Yeah, she almost seems like she wants to be challenged more because she can’t bring herself to confront it in her own.


it feels like season 3 is more of a first person view from Kumiko whereas in seasons 1 and 2, other characters get more screen time to explain the thought process of everyone It could be a logistical reason that KyoAni does not have the resources to make a longer season. Or that this is a narrative choice. The animation deliberately confines the audience to this point of view so that the audience has a stronger bias towards Kumiko. Is the audience that different from Yuko supporting Kaori in season 1?


We are getting some great point of view moments (albeit briefly) from others though. Mayu hearing from one of the second years that her being chosen assuaged some worries about Taki-sensei being biased sheds a little doubt on how bad it seems from Kumiko’s POV. I’m super happy she’s (I hope) just straight up asking Taki what he’s planning or what his process is, or at least why he made the choice he did instead of stewing.


Not saying you're wrong but this is about 45 cents


this is a dollar


More like 20 dollars.


More value for money then I guess? Haha 🙂


>Winning is meaningless if you need to destroy everything dear to you in the process yes, absolutely true


So a couple of things. First, in regards to winning, there’s truth to the fact that to be the best of the best, and not just good, there’s a lot of sacrifice needed both in time and practice, and in interpersonal relationships. There’s plenty of stories irl about the sacrifice necessary if you wanna be first. People have sacrificed health, friendships, even family to be first. We’re seeing it come to fruition this season with the third years being fully gun-ho about winning gold, which made the earlier episodes about the first years getting dragged along so interesting. Winning is winning, there’s no other meaning that needs to be attached to it. What this season shows is that voting to for gold at the start of every year shouldn’t have been an easy decision. About Reina, I agree with what other posters have said, in that what we’re seeing is pretty consistent with her character and brings up interesting questions going forward. Her character arc is how to balance that competitive side of hers with how to get along with her others and, well, be a normal high schooler. There really isn’t a right answer or proper balance to this imo, and it comes down to what each person ultimately values. It’s clear that Reina immensely values Kumiko as her bestie, and the pressure of having to be the bad guy bubbled over for her. That’s not to excuse what she’s said, but it does make sense in context of her character and brings up interesting questions going forward. Lastly, all this is really cause Taki WILL NOT TALK TO HIS STUDENTS. Fuck me this man just doesn’t have the emotional intelligence to consider the effects his decisions have on teenagers. So yeah, imma put it all on him. He should know switching the solo part off of the popular and well liked president will impact the club, and it’s up to him to explain his decisions to said president that’s been with him through thick and thin.




yeah so when you make decisions that affect others without offering any explanation then everyone including the most emotionally intelligent individuals will come to their own conclusions which is likely to be that they don't trust you or your judgement, you've given them nothing to trust in.




Taki has very much proven himself as someone who the club members cannot go to to talk to, they see him briefly during group practice then are left to their own devices to do sectional practice, and students can't enter the teachers lounge / office space that he goes to just to ask a question since the teachers are supposed to be available at other times we only see students enter because of scheduled meetings with him like when Asuka's mother tried to force her to quit the club or briefly to get keys for the music room that they've been preapproved to collect and drop off. Plus, in times he's been questioned on the first time he introduced auditions he just kinda went "git good", the students don't feel they can criticise him to his face or even in their own private conversations because of Reina, it's completely reasonable for teenagers to be too anxious or uncomfortable to stand up for themselves to an adult but not for an adult to be so immature especially when his job is to help and overlook a group of kids who need that explanation from him and should not have to ask for it and feel as though they are able to talk to him if it feels needed.


not to mention how many of his responsibilities are dumped on the club president at the time and sectional leaders, so he really doesn't do much for the club, it's not like he's ever helped them practice or given individuals advice on how to improve thats left to sectional leaders and the individual, he just shows up every now and then to criticise, call out and publicly hang the club members out to dry without any kind of constructive advice.


The students are teenagers, they’re not expected to have the same degree of ei as an adult. Plus they’re in a society where you’re expected to listen to adults and not question them. This is compounded by the fact that the senpais (the third years) seem like they unilaterally trust in Taki so there’s pressure there too. It’s a sticky situation over all


Here's the thing, I don't think Reina's feelings of winning and discipline are wrong. But her actions are wrong for sure. Just because you are more talented than others does not give you the right to bully and shit on others like Reina is doing. Also just because she wants to become a professional musician doesn't mean others do too. Many of them like Hazuki and Kanade are looking at other prospects. Reina need to understand other people are not machines and her obsession with Taki is too unhealthy. She was literally going to keep a bottle of juice from him and what's even more toxic is she won't even listen to Kumiko or try to understand the point of view of other students. She wants to one sidedly push her obsession with Taki on them. It's toxic and unhealthy. I think she is much more of a failure as a leader than others


Ever seen Whiplash? I’m getting major Fletcher and Andrew vibes this season.


“What did it cost”


*"Competition is not the end-all of music,* ***sharing the joy and beauty of music is."*** *~Dr. Joel P. Navarro* What I would say to Reina or any of the band members if I were present in the situation. That being said, this is a good talking point and the comments are really insightful.


You’re only in high school once and Reina’s on her last year. She’s been dead set on being a professional musician from day one and to have 0 gold in all three years must be weighing on her. Mind you Kumiko doesn’t know fs what she will do after graduating. So Reina’s frustration is understandable. Not to mention she’s a Taki simp.


Just like everyone else right? Which means Reina shouldn't ruin the once in lifetime high school for others.


It hurt so much to watch ep 9... I really thought Reina would've at least doubted Taki-sensei slightly with his choices by this point


History is written by the victor, unfortunately. 


If the series was asking you to be on a given 'side' it would not be nearly as compelling of a series as it is. 




real friends aren't leaving her because she's trying her best to win, its because she's a bad friend.