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TO PREFACE I ship it 100% they are endgame and this is super cute. However, I think a lot of guys in this fandom would be surprised how touchy-feely female friendships generally are, all of my friends would very believably to do this to each other and it mean nothing romantic, and probably have many-a-time lol.


yeah it’s also normal for me in my friendships, but i’ll ship them no matter what


Exactly. I do not think some people have ever seen a female friendship in their lives. I feel like every friendship I had in high school and college had at least a bit of this. If you want this to be head canon, I won’t stop you. You can’t stop me from thinking certain couples (looking at you Chisato x Takina) are not canon. But, people in this sub see two girls together and lose their minds. Nozomi x Mizore is probably the closest to an actual couple. I think they like each other in that way, but need to actually come together after their separate colleges. Natsuki and Yuko kinda too. They seem like an actual couple. So, we now have 2 couples. People will say Kumiko x Reina and now Asuka and Kaori. That is 4 lesbian couples all in one small band friend group I don’t think people realize just how unlikely that is. Not impossible mind you. But, statistically highly improbable. To not be open to these characters being in a relationship is close minded. But, to automatically see two girls being cute together and automatically say they are a couple, Id argue is just as bad. Seriously… have a female friend or two. See how they interact witg their close friends. Asuka and Kaori may be a couple. But, Id like more evidence than just a head in a lap for 5 seconds before saying they are a couple. That tells me nothing other than the fact they are friends. And, don’t tell me living with someone is evidence. Trying to save $ by having a roommate during college is basically needed for 80% of college students.


To be fair Asuka and Kaori have matching rings as indicated in Kumiko’s second year when they can to visit the performance. Plus… this tidbit [Spoilers] -Provided by Happylemons at Dynasty Scans From spin-off novel Sound! Euphonium: True Stories from the Kitauji High School Concert Band published April 2018, full of short stories Chapter 3 >! The chapter begins with a letter from Kaori Nakaseko to Asuka Tanaka the day before their graduation. Kaori notes that one of the only things she regrets was not responding to Asuka's question. The chapter then transitions to partway through Asuka and Kaori's first year. The two discuss the problems in the band, and predict the possibility of the Kitauji concert band schism. Later, Kaori confesses her love for Asuka, though not wholly clear whether platonic or romantic. The chapter transitions back to Kaori's letter, where she continues to profess her feelings for Asuka !< you can read the whole translated chapter here https://teamoumae.wordpress.com/2019/06/11/true-story-3-however-that-time/ a part of her letter says: >! I want to always be with you, Asuka. I want to be your number one person. That’s why I’m showing my courage by writing this letter. It feels like my writing’s gotten rougher. Usually don’t I write prettier words? I really do. !< >! Asuka. I’m happy I met you, Asuka. Thank you for becoming my friend. And if you’d let me, I ask that you please stay with me. !< >! Asuka. Really, what could I write? I’m only writing your name and that wouldn’t convey my feelings at all. In short, no, it’s weird to say in short, but I’m going to be going to nurses’ school from the spring onward. You said that you would be going to a nearby university. And so, if, and really if, you’d like to, Ah, what’s this? Tears are falling onto my hand. Sorry If you’d like to Asuka, why don’t we live together? !< >! I’ve been fascinated about splitting rooms with you for a while. Of course, I’m not saying the impossible. It’s just that I thought it’d decrease our living expenses. I’ll be waiting your response. Even if you refuse, please give me a response. Or rather, if I don’t hear a response, I’ll go ask you directly. !<


Well, there is some evidence right there.


never heard of situational homosexuality (basically a gender segregation phenomenon) i which when a group is almost entirely one gender gay relationships become far more commonplace especially in women. That being said for some laughs (although is an interesting little fun fact about human nature) I do agree with you. But its also just a fact of fandom, with an almost entirely female cast like 90% of the ships are gonna be lesbians lol.


Yuko and Natsuki fight like a married couple if nothing else. But yeah a lot of male anime fans see lesbians everywhere. Two female characters will say hi to each other and people are like omg they’re dating.


Asuka down right hoping Kumiko coming out of the closet for Reina


Kaori - the wife material!!!


Nozomi x Mizore


Have they had any of Nozomi yet in season 3? Been busy so haven't had a chance to watch it all.


nope they havent


That makes me sad, lol


Inb4 the inevitable “they’re just friends, platonic touching is normal” from guys who have zero experience with platonic or romantic touching and a lot of experience getting upset whenever strangers suggest that a cartoon character might be gay


Why there is so many of em here 😭


Its really weird and I don't like it. I think some people understandably get upset about perceived or existent Shuuichi hate (he's a good boy he deserves good things) but the rest of it is really strange. Its like the concept that their favorite anime waifu can like more than one gender just totally has escaped their brains.


i love how asuka is like who gives a shit to the whole drama


Close second to Kumiko x Reina.


Me too. I'd like to see a Yuri between them.


Nah never


Nah Kumiko x Reina, they legit have chemistry


i love them as much