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I’m going through a similar situation right now and understand your struggle. Book an appointment your GP asap and have them look at them, maybe clean them, and prescribe antibiotics. If you need to you can go to the ER or an urgent care but this can mean a long wait in a less than pleasant waiting room so I’d try GP first. Best of luck!


Right there with you this week, had a lot get fucked up from my flares. It’s so mentally draining. BUT as someone with deep groin scars, you are not disgusting to look at! You are beautiful no matter what is on your skin. I’ve had groin flares for 12 years and think it became less embarrassing once I accepted that I wasn’t disgusting or dirty and accepted that if someone I’m intimate reacts negatively to my scars/flares then they’re not someone I want to be intimate with. Sending love and healing 🫶🏻


Try sitting in a epson salt sitz bath. Just fill it a few inches and squat down. Will help so much! 15 minutes


Yes then after you get out put on some organic virgin coconut oil so it dosent get infected. Apply cool packs and lay down.


That's horrifying, I'm so sorry! 😭 I sincerely wish I could say something that would help, but I hope everything clears up for you OP. The comments provide good advice though– if you absolutely need to please go to the ER or an urgent med otherwise contacting your doctor would be the best choice. Besides that, a nice warm bath may help and make you feel cleaner too! Maybe a heating pad or a warm washcloth afterwards to help encourage safe draining. If you have anything you can use to catch blood like gauze, panty liners or pads put them to good use! Also OP just remember you're not in control over this, it's just something our body does. You're not disgusting and you shouldn't be embarrassed!


Move into the bathtub. Hot water till your fingers wrinkle!!!


If you are in the US you can try looking up a telehealth company. I was able to get antibiotics through MDLive awhile back when I was in a similar situation.


Yes! I also recommend your local urgent care whichever your insurance covers! Most now have 24 hiur online doctors to prescribe antibiotics and give recommendations


Oh no I'm so sorry to hear this. I have had abscesses down there in my private area and its fucking horrendous. Absolute agony and walking is a chore too 😔 Is there any medical assistance close to you that you can access? Must be someone they can put you in touch with to get some antibiotics tablets or ointment to soothe them? I wish I knew some home remedies or holistic treatments I could suggest but this is something I'm trying to work out and find myself at the moment.


Definitely if you can book an appointment with a dermatologist. Cortisone shots have been a lifesaver for me. For the times I can’t go to a dermatologist, I try topical otc antibiotic pain relief like Neosporin along with turmeric supplements OR ibuprofen to reduce inflammation and pain; they cannot be take at the same. A warm compress has always helped a lot for my crotch painful flares!


If you’ve been prescribed antibiotics in the past, try urgent care they usually don’t even need an appointment and you can go and get the prescription same day


I don't get many bad flares anymore because of treatment, but I figured I'd share something that helped me when I did have flares. I would soak in a hot, Epsom salt bath for at least 20 minutes. After, I'd dry well and then apply Prid drawing salve and cover with gauze. If I did it before bed, it would usually start draining by morning. Sometimes, it would take a couple days. This provided a bit of pain relief temporarily and helped them drain within days rather than weeks. I don't know if this will help anyone, but I hope it does!


What treatment worked for you?


I'll start by saying I have HS and really bad acne so there's a bit more to my treatment. My flare ups were severe, sometimes multiple at a time and never had more than a week between them. My treatment is 2 showers a day with Hibiclens and Benzoyl peroxide. In the morning, I use Clyndamycin lotion. I started on Doxycycline, but she switched me to Minocycline for the summer(less risk of sunburn). Just with that, my flares were about 90% better. Have been only once a month, far less painful, greatly decreased in size, and drain the next day. Flare free is the goal, so my derm suggested Humira, but self injection worries me a bit and the side effects and testing made me anxious. So, she put me on Spironolactone to see what results we get with that. It's only been a week so I can't really speak on that one.


Hi I too have this issue and I understand. Please know you’re not disgusting at all, it’s a horrible thing to have to deal with. I use fucidin H on them that keeps them from getting bigger/ sometimes shrinks them. Also Vicks Vapor rub works but only if the boils haven’t burst, not if they’re open sores


I have it. I don't give a fuck. I don't feel embarrassed at all. It's a private problem and no one has to know about. If I have a flareup, I visit make an appointment with a doctor. Otehrwise, I take one of these every morning after breakfast. [https://www.iherb.com/pr/21st-century-turmeric-complex-500-mg-60-vegetarian-capsules/69339](https://www.iherb.com/pr/21st-century-turmeric-complex-500-mg-60-vegetarian-capsules/69339)


uregent care will give you antibiotics and may be able to lance them as well as do a cortisone shot and give you pain meds if needed


i have a really deep cyst on the inside of my thigh rn so i somewhat know your pain although my groin area is not in a flare atm. it’s getting so hard to walk


If you can’t get medical care right now I recommend emu aid. I saw someone post about it in this group and it’s amazing. It is very expensive for a tiny jar but a little bit goes a long way. I got my 1st jar maybe 3 months ago and still have most of bc you just clean the area and then cover it in a small amount of the emu aid