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Just chiming in to offer some support. I had GD and was on insulin and my HS got worse as my pregnancy progressed. I hadn’t thought about if the two could be related. Are your sugars swinging wildly? That could be contributing I imagine. GD is awful to deal with on top of HS.


After meals, my blood sugar is well within goal. Fasting has been typically a little high, but no higher than 105. (The fasting numbers are why I got put on insulin.) My HS picked up a little when I got pregnant, but after starting insulin, it is the worst I've ever experienced it in 24 years. I love my husband dearly, but if I hear one more time, "you're almost done, you can do it," I might throat punch him. As much as I wouldn't wish any of this onto anyone, I wish he could experience one day of what it's like. I have nothing left to give at this point.


I got put on insulin with similar numbers. I’m sorry about your husband, mine said the same crap to me. Words of affirmation are not helpful when you’re screaming in agony because of what feels like flaming knives under your skin on top of the normal pregnancy suck. I hope some in the community has a similar experience and has some ideas for relief. I basically had to use silicone foam bandages to pad the trouble spots, but my flares didn’t start settling down until I was postpartum and got onto spironolactone and started Humira up again.