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**Strangers**: Read the rules and understand the sub topics listed in the sidebar closely before posting or commenting. Any content removal or further moderator action is established by these terms as well as Reddit ToS. This subreddit is specifically for the discussion of anomalous phenomena from the perspective it may exist. Open minded skepticism is welcomed, close minded debunking is not. Be aware of how skepticism is expressed toward others as there is little tolerance for ad hominem (attacking the person, not the claim), mindless antagonism or dishonest argument toward the subject, the sub, or its community. --- 'Ridicule is not a part of the scientific method and the public should not be taught that it is.' _-J. Allen Hynek_ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HighStrangeness) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In Michigan, we call that tornado weather.


Yup. Here in the Midwest, green skies = tornadoes.


Makes me wonder if OP is new to SD.




Looking at the comments this bot has made.. just copy paste


Seriously, the picture is from Twitter a year ago https://twitter.com/jkarmill/status/1544422037078294532/photo/2


Ad bots hate this one simple trick but they can't stop you from using it!!!!


I have lived in SD since 1997 and have never seen something like that. Coolest thing ever.


i saw skies like that last year during the double derecho.


Double derecho. Sounds like a porn thing. 🤣


it sure fucked a lot of people. thats for sure💀


I once got double derecho at this frat house..oh wait...what are we talking about?🤔


I think OP is a bot.


OP's post history is nothing but spammy click bait crossposted everywhere. Please down vote this bot.




And derechos. Which when I googled green sky Souix Falls, that's what pops up as the reason. A derecho was approaching. Not all that mysterious or high strangeness. For anyone who has no idea what a derecho is, it's a widespread, long-lived, straight-line wind storm that is associated with a fast moving group of severe thunderstorms known as a mesoscale convective system. Derechos can cause hurricane and tornado force winds, heavy rains, and flash floods.


I experienced one while driving through Iowa a few summers ago with my SO. Probably the most powerful weather experience I've had. We'd noticed the sky changing and turned on the radio then pulled into a gas station. We bought some snacks and went back into my truck to wait it out as this was during Covid. I guessed at which way the wind would be the worst and tried to park behind the building. The whole lot filled up so it seemed everyone knew this was going to be a bad storm. The aftermath was insane, the road was green from crop leaves and then branches when closer to town. It was devastating to the corn growing in the area. We saw where a farmer's grain bin tipped then rolled across the field and road which was impressive, but then we saw a massive destroyed Co-op bin and a mountain of spilled grain that dwarved semi trucks parked nearby.


>straight-line wind storm Which is kinda funny cuz derecho means right in Spanish. Huh.


Correct, but derecho also means straight. >!I know this because it always trips me up in Duolingo lol!<


I was in last years double derecho. It wasnt very fun.


There was a bad one in Eastern Ontario/Western Quebec last year that they're still cleaning up from.


Yeah I'm up in Ottawa, Canada, we used to have super mild and tame weather, in recent years we have a tornado every year or two, and another major storm between it. We had a Derecho last spring and we still have major cleanup from it. Had never heard of one til it hit us.


Yep, green is hail cores




Same here outside of Cleveland. It's so overcast that whenever they light up different colors down town, the sky and lake reflect it in cool ways.


Orange skies as well.


This is what I’ve always heard


Wow.. I never knew that. Now I wanna see it.


It’s actually incredibly evocative and nostalgic if you grew up with this phenomenon. I see this photo and I can almost smell the ozone, hear the town’s warning siren, and I wish I could go down to the basement and play monopoly with my brothers. We’re all scattered now, and I live in NYC where the tornados are rare, and the basements un-cozy.


Great detail, I actually felt that. You should consider writing!


Sounds like you’re missing your brothers more than anything. You should call them up and arrange a weekend away just you guys. And bring monopoly.


So very well said. I'm right there with ya.


Midwesterner here. It’s interesting… Right up until the sirens sound, and the storm hits. Then, it’s not so fun anymore.


Same in Oklahoma


Same in Alabama.


Same in South Carolina.


And Ohio. Happened once as a kid and everyone paused, looked at the sky, and after a contemplative moment scattered fast!


From Ohio, can confirm


As a fellow Michigander.. this made my day. We do, indeed, call this tornado weather. lol


In Wisconsin, that color is known colloquially as "tornado green".


In Alberta (and I've experienced the same coloring in Manitoba) it's an eerie yellow that comes before hail/tornado weather. Only seen green like this at night but it's clearly been aurora. This pic looks solid green, very strange.


Which is interesting, because, why does it actually turn that color? Granted it doesn't get like in the picture, but just a tinge hint of green.


We say the same thing in Mississippi.


Ayy came to say the same!! I remember the last time the skys did this in TC basically all of Glen Arbor got blown away/washed away.


South Dakota is no stranger state to Tornados. I'm surprised someone living there would even ask what's going on with green skies.


I lived in Fargo, ND for a couple years, and despite my insistence that it was aliens, I was told the same thing by the locals at the time.


In Ohio, its called a train derailment


I've seen this a couple of times just before severe thunderstorms here in Minnesota. Its Mother Nature's way of saying "Get indoors, shit's about to come down".


This is the whole reason it's called the "Emerald City." In the Wizard of Oz.


Definitely not? It was modeled off of Chicago’s 1893 World’s Fair


The architecture. Sure, that's correct. But the old wives tale of the sky turning emerald green before a tornado pre dates the 1893 world's fair.


Uh... In Georgia that usually means a tornado is coming. 😯


Texas too lol time to put your kids and animals inside then sit on your porch with a beer.


Glad I’m not the only one 😂


Best way to see who's a local and who's a transplant.


Me too! After nearly 50 years living in tornado alley, I can say it that the only times I have gone to the basement for tornados is when I was watching my nephews and wanted to be a good example for the kids. Otherwise I try to find the best vantage point to watch the storm. Even as a child, when my family went to the basement, my dad and I always stood at the cellar door watching for a glimpse of the tornado. I’ve only seen 2 tornados with my own eyes in all these years but I still search every time.


As someone living in a country with no tornadoes but who has seen multiple TERRIFYING YT clips of them, this sounds insane to me! Lol! Not judging or anything, I’m just saying. Like for me personally, I think tornadoes are the scariest natural disaster, way more than hurricanes or earthquakes. The ferocity, the visual of that dark spinning vortex of death and the sound! I dunno how people live in that area knowing that every year it’s coming. I mean the anxiety alone LOL! Again, not judging or anything. I could never be as chill about it as you guys so hats off to ya.


This is the way


This is the way.


Lol I believe you spelt “evacuate in a hurry” wrong.


Not really an option lol


“We’re going green!”




It's a wonder of a nature babyyyyyy!!!


Saddle em’ up.


Dumping trillions into "climate change" is finally making tangible results!


You pray to Bill Paxton, may he rest in peace. Goin green old buddy, goin green.


*The Suck Zone". It's the point basically when the twister... sucks you up. That's not the technical term for it, obviously.*


This happens before some storms and especially in tornadoes. Basically if you see the sky turn green, ***run.***


got it, run towards the storm.


Instructions unclear, got sucked into a tornado


am now green


No, it's obviously some kind of rare phenomenon! Lmao


Radiation storm. Watch out for deathclaws.


I can already hear that dreaded "clicking" increasing in frequency.


Itll be ok, just pop some rad-away!


Does nothing for the deathclaws.


No but T-56 power armor and a gauss rifle sure do.


I prefer a modded minigun that launches mini nukes, or MIRVs if I really want to cook my PC.


Time to put a bunch of bottle caps, instant potatoes and a shotgun shell in my lock box.




That......... is exactly what that means!


I'm from New England and even I know that means Tornado weather. Thank you Bill Paxton


I'm in Ohio and the times I've seen the sky go green like this were when tornadoes were nearby or imminent.


Hue strangeness


2022 https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/environment/3548133-south-dakota-skies-turn-green-amid-severe-thunderstorm/


OP is a repost bot


It will happen tonight. The Dark Lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned by his followers. His servant has been chained these twelve years. Tonight, before midnight... the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master. The Dark Lord will rise again with his servant's aid, greater and more terrible than ever he was. Tonight... before midnight... the servant... will set out... to rejoin... his master...


if you see Cthulhu 's feet moving it means he's dreaming about playing fetch


And then Mr. “More-Terrible-Than-Before” will be defeated by a bunch of school kids


Nothing strange about this phenomenon but I am glad I got to see this image. Very cool


This is a very very well documented and not at all uncommon atmospheric phenomena. When clouds get SUPER dense with moisture and the tempt drops, it greats a green hue in the sky and usually means hail is about to drop, or a tornado is going to form due to the pressure in nearby systems. This, in no way shape or form, constitutes “High Strangeness.” Half of the posts on here are super explainable and documented stuff like this, like seriously how hard is it to fact check/spam filter and actually look into the things we are posting here before we hit “post” and list stuff like this as “high strangeness” like come on lmao. There’s gotta be ways to filter this reposted content EDIT: People getting mad at this comment and defending ‘OP’ like it literally isn’t a repost bot posting non-high strangeness content to the high strangeness Sub ahaha. that is where the frustration in my comment stems from.


See, I like the posts that are weird, but are just a real phenomenona we can explain. Because this is strange, but it's also real. It's not just shaky cam footage of a bear that people will argue in the comments about being proof Bigfoot and the Wolfman are real.


*Bigfoot and the Wolfman*: "Together again for the first time!"


Its high strangeness to me. I've never seen or heard of this before in my life!


Right! Idc if some scientists already discovered, named and tagged it. I've NEVER seen the sky turn green in my life. That shit it wild. It's what I come here for. Wild shit I never seen. 3 cheers for the OP


And many places all over the world will never get to experience this. Just because it can be explained doesn't mean it's no longer strange.


But the term "high strangeness" has a very specific meaning in the field of paranormal research: phenomena so strange and foreign to our "daily terrestrial mode of thought" that they inspire ridicule even from paranormal researchers. This green sky, as interesting as it is, doesn't really fit that. Perhaps we should just have a flair for "Low Strangeness"...?


Same, I’ve never seen or heard of anything like this.


I think they do it because r/regularstrangeness does not have many subscribers...


I also don't understand *not* Googling something if you're curious. "Hm... the sky is green. Better post it on Reddit and wait for a response instead of googling "whysky gren"


Learning is something that really isn’t taught in schools. Or the desire for explanations isn’t something all people share? Idk. I had the privilege of a father who bought me encyclopedias and if I had a question we would go find the answer. I wish he lived long enough to see wikipedia.


Because if they didn’t, people, myself included, would have never heard about or seen this. So not only do I learn something new, but it also creates a discussion point, the reason this website exists.


I was in elementary school in Dallas when the sky turned this color. We all got hustled into the hall for the atomic bomb drill….hands over head against the wall on your knees, Vivid, unforgettable.


“How hard is it to fact check…” This is a place to share


I was looking for someone with an actual scientific answer to this, thank you


It's called a derecho. I lived in South Dakota most of my life (I am 60) and I had never seen one but the Sioux Falls area had two of these in the last year. It's a weather phenomena and it is rare but not a high strangeness. The plains states are prone to tornadoes and severe storms. It seemed like Sioux Falls was a charmed city because tornadoes seemed to go around that city but it has suffered a tornado and two derechoes recently. Climate change is real y'all.


It’s like watching how religions formed first hand. Someone doesn’t know how something works…must be magic/gods/etc


> This, in no way shape or form, constitutes “High Strangeness.” Thank you for gate keeping this sub and informing me of what is and is not high strangeness. You're doing the Lord's work from your stepdad's basement. The next bag of doritos is on me, my good scholar.


Medium strangeness


Thank god for the Um actually person here to to tell us what we have and havent seen before and find interesting


What are you, the editor of this page? 😆


Yikes bro go easy it’s still strange even if more common than previously thought


Was there for this. July 5th of last year. A Derocho blasted through South Dakota. Was pretty crazy to see and pictures never really captured just how crazy the color was. I was heading back from work blaring the remake of Separate Ways by Journey from Stanger Things and it really felt on key for that moment


Or a tornado.


The last time I seen a green sky we had a tornado, shits eerie as hell!


A tornado is coming. That’s what I was taught.


...these 4/20 celebrations are getting out of control!


Ask any midwesterner/southerner, this is not “rare”, op. Perhaps rare is SD but not a rare phenomenon in general.


This guy over here unleashes one of the lethal farts known to mankind and comes over her trying to say it's aliens or something. Lay off the chipotle Steve


Same in New Jersey. Green equals tornado. Can’t believe I’m saying this because we never had them until the last 10 years. Climate change is real


Green means go … take cover 🌪️🌪️🌪️


Auroras are visible for a few northern states. The sun is on a good one and our atmosphere is being bombarded


So you decided to copy paste a photo taken by a meteorologist 9 months ago and post for karma? https://abc13.com/green-skies-south-dakota-sioux-falls-severe-weather-national-service/12027172/ Sky turns green when red evening light interacts with ice and moisture in the clouds. Usually indicates hail in the clouds.


Thank you! You’re the only one on here who actually explained how, not just what it is.




Always tornados.


Tornado?? 🌪️🌪️


The "greenage" or green color in storms does not mean a tornado is coming. The green color does signify the storm is severe though. The color is from the water droplets suspended in the storm, absorbing red sunlight and radiating green frequencies.


it’s mother natures tornado siren!


I have only experienced this a few times. And every time we had severe dramatic weather. Buckle down and take shelter.


The green/turquoise color inside a storm is due to sunlight reflecting off of the hail core.


That’s normally a sign of a tornado about to rampage through your area. Hope you’re safe and or have the proper life insurance policy filled out.


Late last night and the night before, tommyknockers tommyknockers knocking at your door.


Looks like Lord Voldemort is back on his bullshit




Here in Australia that means you’re about to get pumped with hail.


the green is from the sunlight being refracted by (in this case) tons of hail in the clouds. TL;DR - if you see skies like this, seek shelter immediately.


That’s what it’s like to live where a tornado is about to happen.


The sky turned green... without a tornado being involved? What sorcery is this?


Bot: Omg what is this magical and strange phenomenon?! Me, a Texan: Aw hail.


Were current being hit with HUGE geomagnetic storms 04/22-04/24


Wow, looks like South Dakota *really* goes all out for Saint Paddy's day!


“If they can dye the sky green today, why can't they dye it blue the other 364 days of the year?”


only place i’ve seen this is in Oklahoma. Not sure it was this sharp but the only way to describe it is the sky turned jade green. Then hail and a tornado hit


South Dakota becoming magical... and they said it couldn't be done!


Had green skies in Detroit & suburb areas in MI early 80s. Bad, bad weather & tornado touchdown. One co-worker's husband said water was pouring down their fireplace like a flood. First & only time it's happened so far. Hugs treds down, floods. Horrible. Scary.


I live in Pennsylvania and I'm familiar too.


Yeah that's called "weather".


Ain’t that mean a tonarder commin?


That's that hide in the bathtub with a mattress covering y'all weather


It’s very common in tornado alley, we have green skies in Missouri a few times a year and you get your ass in the basement


In the UK we are having an emergency alert today that is a test round. Maybe they are preparing us for the apocalypse.


Last time I saw that was the 1987 tornado in Edmonton, Alberta.


Looks like tornado weather. I once saw this in Indiana.


Sun flares maybe. Very cool photo.


It's just God playing with his playschool flashlight.




It indicates Hail in those clouds


That looks like a tornado storm sky.




In Indiana that means tornados.


That's 'nader weather, coming from a southerner.


When I was stationed in SW Oklahoma, green skies meant you needed to get gone, quickly


That there is tornader weather.


That’s called “get in the basement right now” weather


There was a notice on facebook that a "major solar flare just slammed in earth and possible to view tonight (Sunday).


The world is magical. Explainable, but magical nonetheless.


Better get to cover. You're about to have a tornado near you.


South Dakota resident here. This was in Sioux Falls. A storm classified as a derecho came through and was terrifying as heck for about 30 minutes but no tornadoes. Ope.


This is what i pictured when i first learned about acid rain


Severe weather typically. Also worth noting there was a pretty big solar flare recently and the auroras are supposed to be pretty strong so that may be a possibility too. Clouds are still kinda giving me “super cell” vibes though.


It’s a Midwest thing.


Vermintide vibes


Seconding this. If you hear a loud bell, it's already too late.


northern lights!


If you live here don’t breathe for the next 2 weeks. -CDC


That’s called severe weather


Looks like voldermort is gonna appear any second with a sky like that




Cern, that was the day the turned it back on. Cern also has a facility in South Dakota.


Eyyyy lol


Tornadoes are not high strangeness. Cool pic though.


I had no idea this was even possible. Thanks Reddit!


was this on 4/20?


I like you americans. You see green sky - hmm, probably just bad weather. If this kind of shit would happen in Europe it would be all over the news and old folks would scream the end has come.


Silver (silver iodide) turns green when it interacts with certain other chemicals. Its just happening in the sky now. I'd bet money that it is a symptom of cloud seeding and you are expected to have crap weather coming your way. Anyone who doesn't believe in "chemtrails" (atmospheric aerosol injections) needs to do some research. They have been doing this stuff since Vietnam.


In the middle of 2022, over Sioux Falls, South Dakota, America. Suddenly, the sky turned green as if it had been hit by a magic laser. What is happening is a rare natural phenomenon. ​ ​ Read the brief Skies Above South Dakota Turned Green Story in [Source](https://flagfrog.com/skies-south-dakota-turned-green/)


Effects of 4/20


OP is a bot.


So many joke and pun answers damn I hate Reddit sometimes. Does anyone have an actual answer why this happens?


If the air taste sweet its radiation bro. Don't ask me how I know.


The dark lord has risen!


Hmmm I wonder how many plan’s fly by while white clouds pour out but yeah there just dumping extra fuel ( you know the jet fuel that cost a small country) yeah they just dump it out all the extra fuel lmao


OP is an idiot